1,415 research outputs found

    Needle damage development in Norway spruce seedlings as affected by humidity, temperature, and gray mold: a preliminary study

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    Botrytis cinerea inoculation on 3- and 6-month-old Norway spruce seedlings was tested in combinations of temperature (15 and 25°C) and relative humidity (50 and 80%) in a growth chamber. Occurrence of needle damage was examined 11 days after the inoculation. Damage occurred more on inoculated than on control seedlings. Needle damage tended to occur proportionally more on the older seedlings and concentrating more on the tops of the shoot in the younger seedlings. The higher temperature suggested slightly more damage occurrence than the lower temperature did. The relative humidity did not appear to correlate with the damage outbreak. Surface wetness tended to increase the damage occurrence but so did also the vapour pressure deficit. At the lower relative humidity, the seedlings had to be irrigated more frequently, which increased the surface wetness. Thus, the results suggest that any irrigation method or other condition control that can provide low surface wetness on seedlings decreases needle damage by B. cinerea in forest nurseries.</jats:p

    Managing urban socio-technical change? Comparing energy technology controversies in three European contexts

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    A {\em local graph partitioning algorithm} finds a set of vertices with small conductance (i.e. a sparse cut) by adaptively exploring part of a large graph GG, starting from a specified vertex. For the algorithm to be local, its complexity must be bounded in terms of the size of the set that it outputs, with at most a weak dependence on the number nn of vertices in GG. Previous local partitioning algorithms find sparse cuts using random walks and personalized PageRank. In this paper, we introduce a randomized local partitioning algorithm that finds a sparse cut by simulating the {\em volume-biased evolving set process}, which is a Markov chain on sets of vertices. We prove that for any set of vertices AA that has conductance at most ϕ\phi, for at least half of the starting vertices in AA our algorithm will output (with probability at least half), a set of conductance O(ϕ1/2log⁥1/2n)O(\phi^{1/2} \log^{1/2} n). We prove that for a given run of the algorithm, the expected ratio between its computational complexity and the volume of the set that it outputs is O(ϕ−1/2polylog(n))O(\phi^{-1/2} polylog(n)). In comparison, the best previous local partitioning algorithm, due to Andersen, Chung, and Lang, has the same approximation guarantee, but a larger ratio of O(ϕ−1polylog(n))O(\phi^{-1} polylog(n)) between the complexity and output volume. Using our local partitioning algorithm as a subroutine, we construct a fast algorithm for finding balanced cuts. Given a fixed value of ϕ\phi, the resulting algorithm has complexity O((m+nϕ−1/2)polylog(n))O((m+n\phi^{-1/2}) polylog(n)) and returns a cut with conductance O(ϕ1/2log⁥1/2n)O(\phi^{1/2} \log^{1/2} n) and volume at least vϕ/2v_{\phi}/2, where vϕv_{\phi} is the largest volume of any set with conductance at most ϕ\phi.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Fungi causing powdery mildew on plants of a Botanical Garden in Southern Finland

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 Finnish Mycological Society. All rights reserved.Fungi that cause powdery mildew on plants are plant pathogenic parasites (Erysiphales) and can significantly reduce the ornamental value of plants and cause significant yield losses among cultivated plants. In this study, 94 plant accessions infected with powdery mildew were observed in Kumpula Botanic Garden, Helsinki, Finland, in 2015. The taxonomic affiliation and species richness of powdery mildew fungi were investigated. Morphological studies by microscope distinguished only 14 fungal species, whereas further comparisons of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences enabled the identification of 28 species. Hence, ITS sequencing improved the reliability of species determination, as compared with the use of morphological characteristics only. The vegetation in an area of six hectares supported a wide range of fungi that cause powdery mildew as well as hyperparasitic microbes, which may balance the impact of pathogens in host plants. The findings of this study emphasize the role of botanical gardens in protecting biological diversity in urban areas.Peer reviewe

    Electronic shell and supershell structure in graphene flakes

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    We use a simple tight-binding (TB) model to study electronic properties of free graphene flakes. Valence electrons of triangular graphene flakes show a shell and supershell structure which follows an analytical expression derived from the solution of the wave equation for triangular cavity. However, the solution has different selection rules for triangles with armchair and zigzag edges, and roughly 40000 atoms are needed to see clearly the first supershell oscillation. In the case of spherical flakes, the edge states of the zigzag regions dominate the shell structure which is thus sensitive to the flake diameter and center. A potential well that is made with external gates cannot have true bound states in graphene due to the zero energy band gap. However, it can cause strong resonances in the conduction band.Comment: Presented in the ISSPIC-14 conference, Valladolid, September 200

    Developing LCA-based benchmarks for sustainable consumption - for and with users

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    This article presents the development process of a consumer-oriented, illustrative benchmarking tool enabling consumers to use the results of environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) to make informed decisions. Active and environmentally conscious consumers and environmental communicators were identified as key target groups for this type of information. A brochure presenting the benchmarking tool was developed as an participatory, iterative process involving consumer focus groups, stakeholder workshops and questionnaire-based feedback. In addition to learning what works and what does not, detailed suggestions on improved wording and figures were obtained, as well as a wealth of ideas for future applications

    Multigrid method for electronic structure calculations

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    A general real-space multigrid algorithm for the self-consistent solution of the Kohn-Sham equations appearing in the state-of-the-art electronic-structure calculations is described. The most important part of the method is the multigrid solver for the Schrödinger equation. Our choice is the Rayleigh quotient multigrid method (RQMG), which applies directly to the minimization of the Rayleigh quotient on the finest level. Very coarse correction grids can be used, because there is, in principle, no need to represent the states on the coarse levels. The RQMG method is generalized for the simultaneous solution of all the states of the system using a penalty functional to keep the states orthogonal. The performance of the scheme is demonstrated by applying it in a few molecular and solid-state systems described by nonlocal norm-conserving pseudopotentials.Peer reviewe

    Impact of land cover change on aboveground carbon stocks in Afromontane landscape in Kenya

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    Land cover change takes place in sub-Saharan Africa as forests and shrublands are converted to agricultural lands in order to meet the needs of growing population. Changes in land cover also impact carbon sequestration in vegetation cover with an influence on climate on continental scale. The impact of land cover change on tree aboveground carbon stocks was studied in Taita Hills, Kenya. The land cover change between 1987 and 2011 for four points of time was assessed using SPOT satellite imagery, while the carbon density in various land cover types was assessed with field measurements, allometric biomass functions and airborne laser scanning data. Finally, the mean carbon densities of land cover types were combined with land cover maps resulting in carbon stock values for given land cover types for each point of time studied. Expansion of croplands has been taking place since 1987 and before on the cost of thickets and shrublands, especially on the foothills and lowlands. Due to the land cover changes, the carbon stock of trees was decreasing until 2003, after which there has been an increase. The findings of the research is supported by forest transition model, which emphasizes increase of awareness of forests' role in providing ecosystem services, such as habitats for pollinators, water harvesting and storage at the same time when economic reasons in making land-use choices between cropland and woodland, and governmental legislation supports trees on farms.Land cover change takes place in sub-Saharan Africa as forests and shrublands are converted to agricultural lands in order to meet the needs of growing population. Changes in land cover also impact carbon sequestration in vegetation cover with an influence on climate on continental scale. The impact of land cover change on tree aboveground carbon stocks was studied in Taita Hills, Kenya. The land cover change between 1987 and 2011 for four points of time was assessed using SPOT satellite imagery, while the carbon density in various land cover types was assessed with field measurements, allometric biomass functions and airborne laser scanning data. Finally, the mean carbon densities of land cover types were combined with land cover maps resulting in carbon stock values for given land cover types for each point of time studied. Expansion of croplands has been taking place since 1987 and before on the cost of thickets and shrublands, especially on the foothills and lowlands. Due to the land cover changes, the carbon stock of trees was decreasing until 2003, after which there has been an increase. The findings of the research is supported by forest transition model, which emphasizes increase of awareness of forests' role in providing ecosystem services, such as habitats for pollinators, water harvesting and storage at the same time when economic reasons in making land-use choices between cropland and woodland, and governmental legislation supports trees on farms.Peer reviewe
