63 research outputs found

    Ethical codes in local government : the problem of gifting. The views of Finnish concillors

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    This article explores the purpose of ethical codes in Finnish local government and discusses topics such as the identification of codes and dilemmas, ethical awareness of gifting, the role of codes, and the need for codes. The data is based on the Councillor Survey. The respondents of the survey are members of Finnish municipal councils. The survey is targeted at the 200 biggest municipalities and was distributed to the councillors in November 2012. More than 5,000 individuals received the questionnaire, and almost 1,300 returned it. According to the results of the survey, recognition of ethical codes is low among Finnish councillors. The proportion of councillors who operate without the guidance of codes is remarkable. The councillors are aware what is and what is not acceptable in relation to gifting, and are convinced that they are capable of self-control when it comes to potential violations of integrity. Attitudes towards the role of codes are contradictory. The councillors want more detailed guidance. They nevertheless emphasise that codes should leave room for their own discretion. The need for more regulation by codes is stressed by the councillors. The codes should be targeted for specific issues and elected members should have their own ethical codes.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Software Contracting: A Process Model Approach

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    Experiences of making software development and purchase contracts between a user organization and several softwarevendorsareanalyzedoveradecade-longperiod. Threeinformationsystemshistoriesarepresented as case examples. The analysis is based on observations of the contract negotiations. Transaction cost frameworkisusedtoexplaintheformsofthejointorganizationalrelationsbetweentheparties. Theanalysis yields a descriptive model that depicts in a concise way how the relationships have evolved. The model identifies encounters between the vendors and the client which may change the contractual state between the parties. The passages between consecutive encounters are called episodes. By perceiving contractual systems development as a series of encounters and episodes, it is possible to identify the critical turning points of development work and to display the dynamics of contracting. The paper ends with a discussion of the findings and some implications for researchers and practitioners

    Understanding Governance issues in an Inter-Organizational IS project

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    This interpretative grounded theory (GT) study describes and analyzes governance issues in a Nordic inter- organizational information system (IOIS) project which spanned four user organizations, two suppliers, one national organization, a research organization and a Ministry. This study shows how GT can be used to gain significant insights to case study, and generate new concepts. We identified Organizing the project personnel, Leadership styles and Organizational learning and knowledge work as important selective codes that make up the Governance category. The paper concludes by discussing how organizing the project personnel, leadership styles and organizational learning issues could be attributed to governance and considers some theoretical and practical implications

    Pohjois-Karjalan alueellinen vesihuollon kehittÀmissuunnitelma vuoteen 2020

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    Pohjois-Karjalan vesihuollon yleissuunnitelma on laadittu edellisen kerran kymmenen vuotta sitten. Suunnitelman pÀivittÀminen on ollut tarpeen mm. muuttuneen lainsÀÀdÀnnön (vesihuoltolaki, ympÀristönsuojelulaki) takia. Julkaisussa on koottu yhteen kuntien vesihuollon kehittÀmissuunnitelmien keskeiset asiat, sekÀ otettu huomioon myös uudet em. suunnitelmien jÀlkeen esille nousseet vesihuollon kehittÀmishankkeet. Maakunnan vesihuoltohankkeet on ryhmitelty eri toteutusaikatauluihin sekÀ kiireellisyysluokkiin vuoteen 2020 asti kestÀvÀllÀ suunnittelukaudella. Valmistunut suunnitelma toimii työkaluna mm. vesihuoltohankkeiden valtion rahoitustuen kohdentamisen suunnittelussa

    OhjauskeinoyhdistelmĂ€t asumisen, henkilöliikenteen ja ruoan ilmastovaikutusten hillintÀÀn – KUILU-hankkeen loppuraportti

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    Asumisen ja henkilöliikenteen ilmastovaikutusten ohjaukseen on jo kÀytössÀ lukuisia ohjauskeinoja ja toimenpiteitÀ. Ruokavalintojen ilmastovaikutusten vÀhentÀmiseen on vain yksi ohjauskeino, eli valtioneuvoston periaatepÀÀtös kestÀvistÀ julkisista hankinnoista, mutta se sisÀltÀÀ useita toimia, joilla on myönteisiÀ vaikutuksia. KUILU-hankkeessa oli useita osavaiheita, joissa mm. arvioitiin olemassa olevia ohjauskeinoja, jonka jÀlkeen kehitettiin ohjauskeinoyhdistelmiÀ asumisen, liikenteen ja ruoan ilmastovaikutusten hillintÀÀn. Hankkeen aikana jÀrjestettiin kaksi asiantuntijatyöpajaa. TÀssÀ hankkeen loppuraportissa esitetÀÀn suosituksia ja ehdotukset ohjauskeinoyhdistelmistÀ asumisen, liikenteen ja ruoan ilmastovaikutusten hillintÀÀn. TyössÀ on arvioitu myös ohjauskeinoyhdistelmien vaikutuksia kasvihuonekaasupÀÀstöihin. Asumisen ja liikenteen pÀÀstöissÀ arvioitiin vuoteen 2020 mennessÀ voitavan saavuttaa yhteensÀ yli 4 miljoonan tonnin (Mt) pÀÀstövÀhennys, millÀ on merkitystÀ Suomen pÀÀstövÀhennystavoitteiden kannalta. Ruokaan liittyvillÀ ohjauskeinoilla arvioitiin voitavan saavuttaa 0,3 - 0,5 Mt pÀÀstövÀhennykset. Toisaalta on syytÀ todeta, ettÀ kulutuksen pÀÀstöt ja pÀÀstövÀhennykset voidaan laskea monella tavoilla, ja kÀsitteet ja laskentaperusteet olisi syytÀ mÀÀritellÀ vielÀ tÀsmÀllisemmin myöhemmissÀ tutkimuksissa. Arvioiden taustalla olevia oletuksia on myös syytÀ tarkastella kriittisesti. OhjauskeinoyhdistelmÀt osoittavat, ettÀ ohjauksen vaikuttavuutta voidaan edelleen lisÀtÀ. Kun ohjauskeinoja tarkastellaan kokonaisuuksina, niin ohjauskeinojen vÀlisiÀ synergiaetuja saadaan esiin ja ohjauksen tehokkuutta voidaan parantaa. TÀmÀ edellyttÀisi valtionhallinnon sisÀisen yhteistyön vahvistamista esimerkiksi politiikkaohjelmien ja ministeriöiden yhteisten, kulutussektorikohtaisten tulostavoitteiden avulla. Ohjauskeinojen hyvÀksyttÀvyys todettiin tÀrkeÀksi asiaksi, johon voidaan myötÀvaikuttaa hyvÀllÀ toimeenpanolla. Ohjauksen pitkÀjÀnteisyys ja vaikuttavuus ovat olennaisia sekÀ ilmastopolitiikan onnistumisen ettÀ hyvÀksyttÀvyyden kannalta

    N-glycomic profiling of colorectal cancer according to tumor stage and location

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    Alterations in glycosylation are seen in many types of cancer, including colorectal cancer (CRC). Glycans, the sugar moieties of glycoconjugates, are involved in many important functions relevant to cancer and can be of value as biomarkers. In this study, we have used mass spectrometry to analyze the N-glycan profiles of 35 CRC tissue samples and 10 healthy tissue samples from non-CRC patients who underwent operations for other reasons. The tumor samples were divided into groups depending on tumor location (right or left colon) and stage (II or III), while the healthy samples were divided into right or left colon. The levels of neutral and acidic N-glycan compositions and glycan classes were analyzed in a total of ten different groups. Surprisingly, there were no significant differences in glycan levels when all right- and left-sided CRC samples were compared, and few differences (such as in the abundance of the neutral N-glycan H3N5) were seen when the samples were divided according to both location and stage. Multiple significant differences were found in the levels of glycans and glycan classes when stage II and III samples were compared, and these glycans could be of value as candidates for new markers of cancer progression. In order to validate our findings, we analyzed healthy tissue samples from the right and left colon and found no significant differences in the levels of any of the glycans analyzed, confirming that our findings when comparing CRC samples from the right and left colon are not due to normal variations in the levels of glycans between the healthy right and left colon. Additionally, the levels of the acidic glycans H4N3F1P1, H5N4F1P1, and S1H5N4F1 were found to change in a cancer-specific but colon location-nonspecific manner, indicating that CRC affects glycan levels in similar ways regardless of tumor location.Peer reviewe
