17 research outputs found

    As Etimologias de Giovanni Boccaccio

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    Seguindo o preceito amplamente difuso na Idade MĂ©dia de que “nomina sunt consequentia rerum”, Boccaccio nomeou suas obras de acordo com significados etimolĂłgicos, sobretudo de origem grega, Ă s vezes com acepçÔes criadas pelo prĂłprio autor. AlĂ©m dos tĂ­tulos, os nomes dos personagens principais de quase toda sua produção literĂĄria tambĂ©m foram forjados segundo certas etimologias. Dentre os inĂșmeros casos apresentados pelo autor do Decameron, um se destaca: trata-se da origem do vocĂĄbulo “poeta”, demonstrada por Boccaccio em algumas de suas obras pĂłs-decameronianas, a saber, a Genealogia deorum gentilium, o Trattatello in laude di Dante e as Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante. Como se verĂĄ neste artigo, Boccaccio propĂŽs mais de uma etimologia para “poeta”, provavelmente devido Ă  polĂȘmica cristĂŁ que julgava a poesia contrĂĄria Ă  verdade, de modo que o poeta, que era um “fazedor de fĂĄbulas”, era considerado um mentiroso. Boccaccio, ao rebater essa afirmação, defende o lugar do poeta na sociedade de seu tempo, demonstrando a necessidade da poesia para o homemFollowing the precept of the Middle Age about “nomina sunt consequentia rerum”, Boccaccio named his works with etymological meanings, especially from Greek, sometimes created by himself. The name of some characters also had certain etymologies. Among the numerous cases presented by the author of the Decameron there is one to our interest: the origin of the word “poet”, demonstrated by Boccaccio in some of his post decameronian works: Genealogia deorum gentilium, Trattatello in laude di Dante and Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante. As it is possible to see in this article, Boccaccio proposed more than one etymology to “poet”, probably because of the Christian polemic who judge poetry contrary to the truth, so that poet, who was a “maker of fables”, was considered a liar. Boccaccio, contesting this statement, defends the place of the poet in the society of his time, showing the necessity of poetry to humanitySeguendo il precetto molto diffuso nel Medioevo che dice “nomina sunt consequentia rerum”, Boccaccio intitolĂČ le sue opere in conformitĂ  a significati etimologici, soprattutto di origine greca, a volte con accezioni create dall’autore. Oltre ai titoli, anche i nomi dei personaggi principali di quasi tutta la sua produzione letteraria sono stati forgiati secondo certe etimologie. Fra i numerosi casi presentati dall’autore del Decameron, ne risalta uno: si tratta dell’origine del vocabolo “poeta”, dimostrata da Boccaccio in alcune delle sue opere posteriori al Decameron, la Genealogia deorum gentilium, il Trattatello in laude di Dante e le Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante. Come si vedrĂ  in questo articolo, Boccaccio propose piĂč di una etimologia per “poeta”, probabilmente a causa della polemica cristiana che considerava la poesia contraria alla veritĂ , e per questo il poeta era ritenuto “artefice di favole”, ossia un bugiardo. Boccaccio si contrappone a questa affermazione e difende il ruolo del poeta nella societĂ  del suo tempo, dimonstrando la necessitĂ  della poesia per l’uom

    Le “Fabulae” di Boccaccio

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    The proem to The Decameron, Boccaccio claims that he will tell “cento novella o favole o parabole o istorie che dire le vogliamo”, synonymous terms which strengthen the innovation of the “novella” genre. However, in the Genealogia Deorum Gentilium, the poet uses the Latin term “fabula”, to state four different meanings, each one with the intention of defining his own work the best way possible, that is to say his “fabulae”. This paper presents a discussion about the four meanings of the term, and some possible parallels with his Italian worksNo ProĂȘmio do Decameron, Boccaccio aponta que contarĂĄ “cem novelas, ou fĂĄbulas, ou parĂĄbolas, ou histĂłrias que queiramos dizer”, termos sinonĂ­micos que reforçam a novidade do gĂȘnero “novela”. Na Genealogia deorum gentilium, porĂ©m, o poeta retoma o termo latino “fabula”, que Ă© mais ainda especificado em quatro sentidos diferentes, cada um dos quais com a intenção de definir da melhor maneira possĂ­vel o prĂłprio trabalho de Boccaccio, isto Ă©, as suas “fabulae”. Neste artigo o leitor encontrarĂĄ uma discussĂŁo acerca dos quatro sentidos do termo, assim como algumas relaçÔes possĂ­veis com a obra italiana do certaldenseNel Proemio del Decameron, Boccaccio annuncia che racconterĂ  “cento novelle o favole o parabole o istorie che dire le vogliamo”, termini sinonimici che rafforzano la novitĂ  del genere “novella”. Nella Genealogia deorum gentilium, perĂČ, il poeta rievoca il termine latino “fabula”, il quale viene ulteriormente specificato in quattro sensi diversi, ognuno dei quali intento a definire nel miglior modo possibile il lavoro stesso di Boccaccio, ossia, le sua “fabulae”. In questo articolo il lettore troverĂ  una discussione sui quattro sensi del termine, nonchĂ© alcuni rapporti possibili con l’opera italiana del certaldes

    The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early Universe, the dynamics of the supernova bursts that produced the heavy elements necessary for life and whether protons eventually decay --- these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our Universe, its current state and its eventual fate. The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) represents an extensively developed plan for a world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions. LBNE is conceived around three central components: (1) a new, high-intensity neutrino source generated from a megawatt-class proton accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (2) a near neutrino detector just downstream of the source, and (3) a massive liquid argon time-projection chamber deployed as a far detector deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. This facility, located at the site of the former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is approximately 1,300 km from the neutrino source at Fermilab -- a distance (baseline) that delivers optimal sensitivity to neutrino charge-parity symmetry violation and mass ordering effects. This ambitious yet cost-effective design incorporates scalability and flexibility and can accommodate a variety of upgrades and contributions. With its exceptional combination of experimental configuration, technical capabilities, and potential for transformative discoveries, LBNE promises to be a vital facility for the field of particle physics worldwide, providing physicists from around the globe with opportunities to collaborate in a twenty to thirty year program of exciting science. In this document we provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess.Comment: Major update of previous version. This is the reference document for LBNE science program and current status. Chapters 1, 3, and 9 provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess. 288 pages, 116 figure

    Prognostic factors associated with mortality risk and disease progression in 639 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Europe: Initial report of the international RISC-19-ICU prospective observational cohort

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    Abstracts from the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2016

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    Le “Fabulae” di Boccaccio

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    Nel Proemio del Decameron, Boccaccio annuncia che racconterĂ  “cento novelle o favole o parabole o istorie che dire le vogliamo”, termini sinonimici che rafforzano la novitĂ  del genere “novella”. Nella Genealogia deorum gentilium, perĂČ, il poeta rievoca il termine latino “fabula”, il quale viene ulteriormente specificato in quattro sensi diversi, ognuno dei quali intento a definire nel miglior modo possibile il lavoro stesso di Boccaccio, ossia, le sua “fabulae”. In questo articolo il lettore troverĂ  una discussione sui quattro sensi del termine, nonchĂ© alcuni rapporti possibili con l’opera italiana del certaldes

    As Etimologias de Giovanni Boccaccio

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    Seguindo o preceito amplamente difuso na Idade MĂ©dia de que “nomina sunt consequentia rerum”, Boccaccio nomeou suas obras de acordo com significados etimolĂłgicos, sobretudo de origem grega, Ă s vezes com acepçÔes criadas pelo prĂłprio autor. AlĂ©m dos tĂ­tulos, os nomes dos personagens principais de quase toda sua produção literĂĄria tambĂ©m foram forjados segundo certas etimologias. Dentre os inĂșmeros casos apresentados pelo autor do Decameron, um se destaca: trata-se da origem do vocĂĄbulo “poeta”, demonstrada por Boccaccio em algumas de suas obras pĂłs-decameronianas, a saber, a Genealogia deorum gentilium, o Trattatello in laude di Dante e as Esposizioni sopra la Comedia di Dante. Como se verĂĄ neste artigo, Boccaccio propĂŽs mais de uma etimologia para “poeta”, provavelmente devido Ă  polĂȘmica cristĂŁ que julgava a poesia contrĂĄria Ă  verdade, de modo que o poeta, que era um “fazedor de fĂĄbulas”, era considerado um mentiroso. Boccaccio, ao rebater essa afirmação, defende o lugar do poeta na sociedade de seu tempo, demonstrando a necessidade da poesia para o home

    Machine learning using the extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) algorithm predicts 5-day delta of SOFA score at ICU admission in COVID-19 patients

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    Background: Accurate risk stratification of critically ill patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is essential for optimizing resource allocation, delivering targeted interventions, and maximizing patient survival probability. Machine learning (ML) techniques are attracting increased interest for the development of prediction models as they excel in the analysis of complex signals in data-rich environments such as critical care. Methods: We retrieved data on patients with COVID-19 admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) between March and October 2020 from the RIsk Stratification in COVID-19 patients in the Intensive Care Unit (RISC-19-ICU) registry. We applied the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) algorithm to the data to predict as a binary out- come the increase or decrease in patients’ Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score on day 5 after ICU admission. The model was iteratively cross-validated in different subsets of the study cohort. Results: The final study population consisted of 675 patients. The XGBoost model correctly predicted a decrease in SOFA score in 320/385 (83%) critically ill COVID-19 patients, and an increase in the score in 210/290 (72%) patients. The area under the mean receiver operating characteristic curve for XGBoost was significantly higher than that for the logistic regression model (0.86 vs . 0.69, P < 0.01 [paired t -test with 95% confidence interval]). Conclusions: The XGBoost model predicted the change in SOFA score in critically ill COVID-19 patients admitted to the ICU and can guide clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) aimed at optimizing available resources

    An identification key for the five most common species of Metastrongylus

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    Species of the Metastrongylus genus, the lung nematodes of pigs that require an intermediate host (earthworm) to complete their cycle, pose a potential risk to both livestock and humans. This parasite which can result in lung pathology and mixed infections with other pathogens (e.g. viruses) can be fatal to pigs. Although this genus is distributed worldwide, there are no classification keys for identifying this common parasite species. In this work, we take advantage of parasitological surveys of wild boar (Sus scrofa) in northern and central Spain and southern Poland to develop a morphological identification key for the five most common Metastrongylus species (Metastrongylus apri, Metastrongylus pudendotectus, Metastrongylus salmi, Metastrongylus confusus and Metastrongylus asymetricus). In addition, we provide the first record of M. confusus in Spain, probably unidentified until now due to the lack of appropriate identification keys. We hope that this user-friendly identification key will enable parasitologists and veterinary practitioners to avoid further misclassifications of Metastrongylus species