9 research outputs found


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    Primárnym predmetom záujmu školských psychológov je predovšetkým dieťa / žiak v edukačnom prostredíškoly. V našom príspevku prinášame ukážku možnosti poznávať školské prostredie ako pracovné prostredie učiteľov –dotazník mapujúci kultúru pracoviska OCAI. Ide o dotazník, ktorý bol vyvinutý pre potreby mapovania kultúryorganizácie / pracoviska všeobecne, pričom našim výskumom sme sa pokúsili zistiť, či OCAI dokáže zistiť / zmapovaťodlišnosti kultúry pracovného prostredia školy v závislosti od typu a študijného zamerania školy. Na základe našichzistení môžeme potvrdiť, že podľa našich zistení, existujú náznaky, že OCAI by mohol byť citlivým nástrojom namapovanie špecifík pracovného prostredia učiteľov

    The Impact of Service-Learning on Students’ Key Competences

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    Service-learning as a teaching and learning strategy, which combines meaningful service in the community with education, has spread not only in the United States but also in South America, Asia, and Europe in recent years, with the pedagogy being applied at all levels of formal and informal education. In 2005, Matej Bel University, located in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, developed a service-learning strategy, and by 2013 its usage had become widespread. This article presents the findings of a study that investigated the development of key competences of two student groups enrolled in courses that incorporated service-learning strategies during academic years 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 at Matej Bel University. The findings of the study suggest that service-learning strategies have positive impacts on the development of students’ key competences. The limitations of our study were conducted with a small research (experimental) group of students who passed service-learning course. Based on our research findings we can recommend service-learning as a suitable strategy for students’ key competencies development

    Desarrollo de competencias claves a través del aprendizaje-servicio

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    The contribution answers the question as to what the benefits of service-learning in the development of key competences of Slovak university students of caring professions are. We used a combination of research methods to answer the research question. The survey sample was made up of students of social work, social pedagogy and teaching who graduated in the subjects with service-learning strategy in the academic years 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. The results of the research showed the benefits of service-learning in the development of selected key competences of students of caring professions.La contribución responde a la pregunta de cuáles son los beneficios del aprendizaje-servicio en el desarrollo de las competencias clave de los estudiantes de profesiones solidarias. Utilizamos una combinación de métodos de investigación para responder a la pregunta de investigación. La muestra de la encuesta estuvo formada por estudiantes de trabajo social, pedagogía social y educación que se graduaron en las materias con estrategia de servicio-aprendizaje en los años académicos 2014/2015 a 2017/2018. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron los beneficios del aprendizaje a través del servicio en el desarrollo de competencias clave seleccionadas de estudiantes de profesiones solidarias

    New calculation technique for assessment of smoke layer interface in large buildings in connection with the design of buildings in the Czech Republic

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    The sustainability of the indoor environment of buildings is also related to the conditions that arise in the case of fires. Fires in buildings are characterized by the formation of combustion products, which can significantly endanger the life and health of people. One of the major sources of danger is smoke. If there is no smoke exhaust into the outside environment during the development of the fire, the building is gradually filled with smoke. The important characteristic of the smoke layer is the level of the smoke layer, which changes over time. Several methods have been derived for determining the descent of the smoke layer in an enclosed area of space, which mainly differ in terms of the application area and limits of use. The methods used in the Czech Republic for the assessment of smoke layer descent in the case of fires do not have a clear rationale and in many cases lead to completely misleading results. For this reason, in connection with the standards for the assessment of the buildings in the Czech Republic, a new calculation technique (CSN) has been derived, which has been compared with the selected simple calculation techniques in large buildings. The deviations between the results have been evaluated by the percentage bias method (PBIAS), while the largest deviation, compared to the ISO standard technique, did not exceed 20%. The CSN calculation technique shows a favourable compliance with the technique presented by the ISO standard, where the deviation did not exceed 1.6%. In response to the proposed standards in the Czech Republic, the CSN calculation technique enables the assessment of safe evacuation in relation to the smoke layer interface and can be a considered perspective.Web of Science1411art. no. 644

    Impact of innovation of selected medical devices to productivity growth in health service and to healthcare efficiency

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    Tato práce se zabývá metodikami hodnocení úcinnosti, efektivnosti a produktivity zdravotnických prístroju. Tyto metodiky jsou rešeny jako soucást v dnešní dobe se rozvíjejícího procesu HTA (Hodnocení zdravotnických technologií), který již ve svete existuje jako metoda hodnocení a rozhodování o zdravotnických technologiích. Na trhu se stále objevují zdravotnické prístroje, které usilují o nahrazení stávajících prístroju nebo práce zdravotnického personálu. Tento príklad je možné nalézt v prípade automatických masážních lužek, které by meli nahradit práci odborne vzdelaných fyzioterapeutu v oblasti masážních technik. V této práci je demonstrována aplikace hodnocení úcinnosti respektive efektu masážních technik na zdravotní stav pacientu s vertebrogenním onemocnením. Srovnává se zde automatické masážní lužko a manuální masáže provádené patricne odborne vzdelaným zdravotnickým personálem. Hodnocena je i kvalita péce obou zpusobu masáží z hlediska klientu, kterí bežne navštevují dané masážní techniky. Soucástí hodnocení v této práci je také srovnání casových a financních úspor masážních technik.This work deals with methods of evaluating the effectivity and productivity of medical equipment. It solves these methods as a part of these days developing HTA process (Health Technology Assessment), which already exists as a method of evaluating and deciding about medical technologies. On market new medical equipments appear, which are ment to replace present devices or work of health staff. This example could be found in case of automatic massage beds which should replace work of professionally educted physioterapeuts in a field of massage technics. In this work there is demonstrated application of evaluating effectivity respectively effects of massage technics on health status of patients with vertebrogennal illness. There is compared automatic massage bed with manual massages performed by professionaly educated health staff. A quality of care of both these ways of massaging is evaluated even in light of clients that commonly attend given massage technics. One part of the evaluation in this work is a comparison of time and economic savings of massage technics

    Endoparazité daňčí zvěře na Úsovsku

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    The aim of my bachelor thesis was to record the occurrence of endoparasites in European fallow deer in females, males and young. In 2018, a regulation was issued by the State Veterinary Administration banning the use of antiparasitic drugs for cloven-hoofed game. The measure was intended to prevent the spread of a dangerous disease, namely African swine fever. Previously, antiparasitic drugs against parasitic diseases were commonly treated in my chosen area. Part of my bachelor's thesis was to compare the results before and after the imposed ban. Treatment with antiparasitic drugs is now possible with an exemption, once parasites have been demonstrated in ungulates and under certain conditions

    Replication Study of the Slovak MESI Scale and its Construct Validity in Two Research Samples

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    The replication study offers research findings from verification of the construct validity of social intelligence by the Slovak MESI scale (Manipulation, Empathy, Social Irritability - MESI, Frankovský, Birknerová, 2014) by means of confirmatory factor analysis, and by convergent/discriminant validity by the trait emotional intelligence questionnaire (Petrides, 2009) in two samples (secondary school students: N = 134, Mage = 17.7 years old /SD = 0.47/, 66% women; university students: N = 138, Mage = 21.52 years old /SD = 1.81/, 77% women). Results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirm the three-factor solution of the MESI scale (extracted factors of Manipulation, Empathy, Social Irritability) in accordance with the authors’ original solution in both samples. Trait emotional intelligence (EI) and its four factors enter into significant positive relationships with Empathy (convergent validity) and negative relationships with Social Irritability (discriminant validity). The global level of trait EI can be predicted by the factor of Empathy and Social Irritability in both research samples. Our findings confirm substantiation of the MESI scale for assessment of social intelligence, and its possible application in targeted educational interventions in a school environment

    Development of key competences through service-learning

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    La contribución responde a la pregunta de cuáles son los beneficios del aprendizaje-servicio en el desarrollo de las competencias clave de los estudiantes de profesiones solidarias. Utilizamos una combinación de métodos de investigación para responder a la pregunta de investigación. La muestra de la encuesta estuvo formada por estudiantes de trabajo social, pedagogía social y educación que se graduaron en las materias con estrategia de servicio-aprendizaje en los años académicos 2014/2015 a 2017/2018. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron los beneficios del aprendizaje a través del servicio en el desarrollo de competencias clave seleccionadas de estudiantes de profesiones solidarias.The contribution answers the question as to what the benefits of service-learning in the development of key competences of Slovak university students of caring professions are. We used a combination of research methods to answer the research question. The survey sample was made up of students of social work, social pedagogy and teaching who graduated in the subjects with service-learning strategy in the academic years 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. The results of the research showed the benefits of service-learning in the development of selected key competences of students of caring professions

    Development of key competences through service-learning

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    La contribución responde a la pregunta de cuáles son los beneficios del aprendizaje-servicio en el desarrollo de las competencias clave de los estudiantes de profesiones solidarias. Utilizamos una combinación de métodos de investigación para responder a la pregunta de investigación. La muestra de la encuesta estuvo formada por estudiantes de trabajo social, pedagogía social y educación que se graduaron en las materias con estrategia de servicio-aprendizaje en los años académicos 2014/2015 a 2017/2018. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron los beneficios del aprendizaje a través del servicio en el desarrollo de competencias clave seleccionadas de estudiantes de profesiones solidarias.The contribution answers the question as to what the benefits of service-learning in the development of key competences of Slovak university students of caring professions are. We used a combination of research methods to answer the research question. The survey sample was made up of students of social work, social pedagogy and teaching who graduated in the subjects with service-learning strategy in the academic years 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. The results of the research showed the benefits of service-learning in the development of selected key competences of students of caring professions