1,874 research outputs found

    Chronic homocysteine exposure causes changes in the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of cultured hippocampal neurons

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    Homocystinuria is an inborn error of metabolism characterized by plasma homocysteine levels up to 500μM, premature vascular events and mental retardation. Mild elevations of homocysteine plasma levels up to 25μM, which are common in the general population, are associated with vascular disease, cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration. Several mechanisms of homocysteine neurotoxicity have been investigated. However, information on putative effects of hyperhomocysteinemia on the electrophysiology of neurons is limited. To screen for such effects, we examined primary cultures of mouse hippocampal neurons with the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Homocysteine was applied intracellularly (100μM), or cell cultures were incubated with 100μM homocysteine for 24h. Membrane voltage was measured in current-clamp mode, and action potential firing was induced with short and prolonged current injections. Single action potentials induced by short current injections (5ms) were not altered by acute application or incubation of homocysteine. When we elicited trains of action potentials with prolonged current injections (200ms), a broadening of action potentials during repetitive firing was observed in control neurons. This spike broadening was unaltered by acute application of homocysteine. However, it was significantly diminished when incubation with homocysteine was extended to 24h prior to recording. Furthermore, the number of action potentials elicited by low current injections was reduced after long-term incubation with homocysteine, but not by the acute application. After 24h of homocysteine incubation, the input resistance was reduced which might have contributed to the observed alterations in membrane excitability. We conclude that homocysteine exposure causes changes in the intrinsic electrophysiological properties of cultured hippocampal neurons as a mechanism of neurological symptoms of hyperhomocysteinemi

    Stichorchis subtriquetrus in European beaver from Croatia: first report

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    Since 1996, European beavers (Castor fiber) have been reintroduced from Germany to Croatia. However, little is known about the health status of the established population. Necropsy of a 2-year-old female European beaver, which died from a car accident, revealed 28 adult trematodes in the preserved fragments of the colon and in the peritoneal cavity. All of them were identified as Stichorchis subtriquetrus. The typical location of these parasites is the large intestine, and the finding of several specimens in the peritoneal cavity can be explained by the severe trauma. We assume that the trematode was introduced to Croatia along with the beavers. Furthermore, it is very probable that the life cycle can be completed as the intermediate hosts are part of the local fauna. This is the first record of S. subtriquetrus in Croati

    The effects of life stress and neural learning signals on fluid intelligence.

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    Fluid intelligence (fluid IQ), defined as the capacity for rapid problem solving and behavioral adaptation, is known to be modulated by learning and experience. Both stressful life events (SLES) and neural correlates of learning [specifically, a key mediator of adaptive learning in the brain, namely the ventral striatal representation of prediction errors (PE)] have been shown to be associated with individual differences in fluid IQ. Here, we examine the interaction between adaptive learning signals (using a well-characterized probabilistic reversal learning task in combination with fMRI) and SLES on fluid IQ measures. We find that the correlation between ventral striatal BOLD PE and fluid IQ, which we have previously reported, is quantitatively modulated by the amount of reported SLES. Thus, after experiencing adversity, basic neuronal learning signatures appear to align more closely with a general measure of flexible learning (fluid IQ), a finding complementing studies on the effects of acute stress on learning. The results suggest that an understanding of the neurobiological correlates of trait variables like fluid IQ needs to take socioemotional influences such as chronic stress into account

    Polymeric photonic molecule super-mode lasers on silicon

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    Regulated expression of HCN channels and cAMP levels shape the properties of the h current in developing rat hippocampus.

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    The hyperpolarization-activated current (I(h)) contributes to intrinsic properties and network responses of neurons. Its biophysical properties depend on the expression profiles of the underlying hyperpolarization-activated, cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels and the presence of cyclic AMP (cAMP) that potently and differentially modulates I(h) conducted by HCN1, HCN2 and/or HCN4. Here, we studied the properties of I(h) in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells, the developmental evolution of the HCN-subunit isoforms that contribute to this current, and their interplay with age-dependent free cAMP concentrations, using electrophysiological, molecular and biochemical methods. I(h) amplitude increased progressively during the first four postnatal weeks, consistent with the observed overall increased expression of HCN channels. Activation kinetics of the current accelerated during this period, consonant with the quantitative reduction of mRNA and protein expression of the slow-kinetics HCN4 isoform and increased levels of HCN1. The sensitivity of I(h) to cAMP, and the contribution of the slow component to the overall I(h), decreased with age. These are likely a result of the developmentally regulated transition of the complement of HCN channel isoforms from cAMP sensitive to relatively cAMP insensitive. Thus, although hippocampal cAMP concentrations increased over twofold during the developmental period studied, the coordinated changes in expression of three HCN channel isoforms resulted in reduced effects of this signalling molecule on neuronal h currents

    Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributes to the impaired behavioral adaptation in alcohol dependence

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    Substance-dependent individuals often lack the ability to adjust decisions flexibly in response to the changes in reward contingencies. Prediction errors (PEs) are thought to mediate flexible decision-making by updating the reward values associated with available actions. In this study, we explored whether the neurobiological correlates of PEs are altered in alcohol dependence. Behavioral, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data were simultaneously acquired from 34 abstinent alcohol-dependent patients (ADP) and 26 healthy controls (HC) during a probabilistic reward-guided decision-making task with dynamically changing reinforcement contingencies. A hierarchical Bayesian inference method was used to fit and compare learning models with different assumptions about the amount of task-related information subjects may have inferred during the experiment. Here, we observed that the best-fitting model was a modified Rescorla-Wagner type model, the “double-update” model, which assumes that subjects infer the knowledge that reward contingencies are anti-correlated, and integrate both actual and hypothetical outcomes into their decisions. Moreover, comparison of the best-fitting model's parameters showed that ADP were less sensitive to punishments compared to HC. Hence, decisions of ADP after punishments were loosely coupled with the expected reward values assigned to them. A correlation analysis between the model-generated PEs and the fMRI data revealed a reduced association between these PEs and the BOLD activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) of ADP. A hemispheric asymmetry was observed in the DLPFC when positive and negative PE signals were analyzed separately. The right DLPFC activity in ADP showed a reduced correlation with positive PEs. On the other hand, ADP, particularly the patients with high dependence severity, recruited the left DLPFC to a lesser extent than HC for processing negative PE signals. These results suggest that the DLPFC, which has been linked to adaptive control of action selection, may play an important role in cognitive inflexibility observed in alcohol dependence when reinforcement contingencies change. Particularly, the left DLPFC may contribute to this impaired behavioral adaptation, possibly by impeding the extinction of the actions that no longer lead to a reward

    Impaired D-Serine-Mediated cotransmission mediates cognitive dysfunction in epilepsy

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    The modulation of synaptic plasticity by NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated processes is essential for many forms of learning and memory. Activation of NMDARs by glutamate requires the binding of a coagonist to a regulatory site of the receptor. In many forebrain regions, this coagonist is D-serine. Here, we show that experimental epilepsy in rats is associated with a reduction in the CNS levels of D-serine, which leads to a desaturation of the coagonist binding site of synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs. In addition, the subunit composition of synaptic NMDARs changes in chronic epilepsy. The desaturation of NMDARs causes a deficit in hippocampal long-term potentiation, which can be rescued with exogenously supplied D-serine. Importantly, exogenous D-serine improves spatial learning in epileptic animals. These results strongly suggest that D-serine deficiency is important in the amnestic symptoms of temporal lobe epilepsy. Our results point to a possible clinical utility of D-serine to alleviate these disease manifestations