714 research outputs found

    Sozio-emotionale Entwicklung hochbegabter Grundschulkinder im Kontext außerschulischer Fördermaßnahmen

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    "Der Beitrag berichtet Befunde einer Begleituntersuchung bei hochbegabten Grundschulkindern, die eine außerschulische Fördermaßnahme besuchen. Ziel der Studie ist es, mögliche positive Wirkungen der Fördermaßnahme auf die sozio-emotionale und motivational-selbstregulatorische Entwicklung der Kinder zu identifizieren. Theoretisch orientiert sich die Untersuchung am Begabungsmodell von Gagné (2005) unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Person-Umwelt-Passungen sensu Eccles. Die Längsschnittstudie im Abstand von sechs Monaten wurde bei 45 Kindern mit einem Intelligenzquotienten > 130 durchgeführt und die Ergebnisse zeigen keine Einflüsse auf deren sozio-emotionalen, wohl aber deren selbstregulatorischen Kompetenzen." (Autorenreferat)"This paper sheds light on possible positive outcomes of extracurricular support programs on the development of gifted children. Based on the concepts of giftedness of Gagné and the Stage-Environment-Fit theory of Eccles, it is assumed that special learning opportunities for gifted children outside school might compensate for the gap between talent and possible performance which gifted children often experience at school. The results of the study comprising 45 primary school students with an IQ > 130 show that well-being in extracurricular activities enhances self-regulated learning strategies." (author's abstract

    Nipah Virus Efficiently Replicates in Human Smooth Muscle Cells without Cytopathic Effect

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    Nipah virus (NiV) is a highly pathogenic zoonotic virus with a broad species tropism, originating in pteropid bats. Human outbreaks of NiV disease occur almost annually, often with high case-fatality rates. The specific events that lead to pathogenesis are not well defined, but the disease has both respiratory and encephalitic components, with relapsing encephalitis occurring in some cases more than a year after initial infection. Several cell types are targets of NiV, dictated by the expression of the ephrin-B2/3 ligand on the cell’s outer membrane, which interact with the NiV surface proteins. Vascular endothelial cells (ECs) are major targets of infection. Cytopathic effects (CPE), characterized by syncytia formation and cell death, and an ensuing vasculitis, are a major feature of the disease. Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) of the tunica media that line small blood vessels are infected in humans and animal models of NiV disease, although pathology or histologic changes associated with antigen-positive SMCs have not been reported. To gain an understanding of the possible contributions that SMCs might have in the development of NiV disease, we investigated the susceptibility and potential cytopathogenic changes of human SMCs to NiV infection in vitro. SMCs were permissive for NiV infection and resulted in high titers and prolonged NiV production, despite a lack of cytopathogenicity, and in the absence of detectable ephrin-B2/3. These results indicate that SMC might be important contributors to disease by producing progeny NiV during an infection, without suffering cytopathogenic consequences.Peer Reviewe

    A pattern of unspecific somatic symptoms as long-term premonitory signs of type 2 diabetes: findings from the population-based MONICA/KORA cohort study, 1984-2009

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    BACKGROUND: Unspecific symptoms often proceed a serious chronic disease condition long before the onset of the disease. The role of an unspecific premonitory symptom (UPMS) pattern as premonitory signs of subsequent type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) diagnosis independent of established cardio-metabolic risk factors is unclear and therefore was examined in the present study. METHODS: The study population consisted of 10,566 participants aged 25-74 years at baseline drawn from the population-based MONICA/KORA Cohort Study conducted in 1984-2009 in the Augsburg region (Germany). Unspecific premonitory symptoms were assessed following the Somatic Symptom Scale-8 (SSS-8). The impact of the score on T2DM risk within a mean follow-up time of 16 years was estimated by Cox regression. RESULTS: Within follow-up, 974 newly diagnosed T2DM cases were observed. The risk for T2DM increased by a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.03 (95% CI 1.01-1.04, p value < 0.001) for a one unit increase of the UPMS score in a Cox model adjusted for age, sex and survey. Additional adjustment for cardio-metabolic risk factors attenuated this effect (HR = 1.02) but significance remained (p value = 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Suffering from an elevated burden of unspecific somatic symptoms is associated with T2DM long before the onset and independent of established cardio-metabolic risk factors. Further research is needed to obtain insight in potential underlying pathophysiological mechanisms

    Do alpine skiers and snowboarders wear protective equipment more often after an accident?

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    Questions under study/principles: Analysis of changes in the behaviour of wearing protective equipment by alpine skiers and snowboarders after injury, performed at a level I trauma centre in Switzerland. Methods: We present a study, using a standardised questionnaire, assessing behaviour on ski slopes by adult patients admitted between Oct 2007 and April 2008. Patients were re-interviewed after the 2008/2009 season. McNemar tests were used to analyse differences in protective clothing wearing rates between the two seasons. Multiple logistic regression with age, gender and injury severity score (ISS) as predictors, was used to compare findings in those who started wearing protective equipment and those who did not. Results: A total of 104/132 patients from the 2007/2008 season were questioned about wearing protective equipment in 2008/2009. 20 patients could not be reassessed (7 declined, 13 had abandoned winter sports). A total of 84 patients were reassessed (61 alpine skiers and 23 snowboarders). The median age of participants was 39 years and 70.2% were male. Helmet and back protector wearing rates increased from 40.5% to 78.6% (p <0.001) and from 14.3% to 23.8% (p = 0.021), respectively. Snowboarders more than doubled their helmet wearing rate (39.1% to 82.6%, p = 0.002). Skiers showed a trend towards doubling their back protector wearing rate (6.6% to 14.8%, p = 0.063). Younger skiers started wearing back protectors more often than older skiers. Conclusions: Sustained injury might provide skiers and snowboards with a potent trigger to change their attitude towards the use of protective equipment. The psychological processes influencing the use of protective equipment require further investigation

    Microglia as target for anti-inflammatory approaches to prevent secondary brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)

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    Background: Microglia-driven cerebral spreading inflammation is a key contributor to secondary brain injury after SAH. Genetic depletion or deactivation of microglia has been shown to ameliorate neuronal cell death. Therefore, clinically feasible anti-inflammatory approaches counteracting microglia accumulation or activation are interesting targets for SAH treatment. Here, we tested two different methods of interference with microglia-driven cerebral inflammation in a murine SAH model: (i) inflammatory preconditioning and (ii) pharmacological deactivation. Methods: 7T-MRI-controlled SAH was induced by endovascular perforation in four groups of C57Bl/6 mice: (i) Sham-operation, (ii) SAH naive, (iii) SAH followed by inflammatory preconditioning (LPS intraperitoneally), and (iv) SAH followed by pharmacological microglia deactivation (colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor-antagonist PLX3397 intraperitoneally). Microglia accumulation and neuronal cell death (immuno-fluorescence), as well as activation status (RT-PCR for inflammation-associated molecules from isolated microglia) were recorded at day 4 and 14. Toll-like receptor4 (TLR4) status was analyzed using FACS. Results: Following SAH, significant cerebral spreading inflammation occurred. Microglia accumulation and pro-inflammatory gene expression were accompanied by neuronal cell death with a maximum on day 14 after SAH. Inflammatory preconditioning as well as PLX3397-treatment resulted in significantly reduced microglia accumulation and activation as well as neuronal cell death. TLR4 surface expression in preconditioned animals was diminished as a sign for receptor activation and internalization. Conclusions: Microglia-driven cerebral spreading inflammation following SAH contributes to secondary brain injury. Two microglia-focused treatment strategies, (i) inflammatory preconditioning with LPS and (ii) pharmacological deactivation with PLX3397, led to significant reduction of neuronal cell death. Increased internalization of inflammation-driving TLR4 after preconditioning leaves less receptor molecules on the cell surface, providing a probable explanation for significantly reduced microglia activation. Our findings support microglia-focused treatment strategies to overcome secondary brain injury after SAH. Delayed inflammation onset provides a valuable clinical window of opportunity

    Comparative embryotoxicity of a pentabrominated diphenyl ether mixture to common terns (\u3ci\u3eSterna hirundo\u3c/i\u3e) and American kestrels (\u3ci\u3eFalco sparverius\u3c/i\u3e)

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    Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in Forster’s tern (Sterna forsteri) eggs from San Francisco Bay have been reported to range up to 63 µg g-1 lipid weight. This value exceeds the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (1.8 µg g-1 egg wet weight; ~32 µg g-1 lipid weight) reported in an embryotoxicity study with American kestrels (Falco sparverius). As a surrogate for Forster’s terns, common tern (Sterna hirundo) eggs were treated by air cell injection with corn oil vehicle (control) or a commercial penta-BDE formulation (DE-71) at nominal concentrations of 0.2, 2, and 20 µg g-1 egg. As a positive control, kestrel eggs received vehicle or 20 µg DE-71 g-1 egg. In terns, there were no effects of DE-71 on embryonic survival, and pipping or hatching success; however, treated eggs hatched later (0.44 d) than controls. Organ weights, organ-to-body weight ratios, and bone lengths did not differ, and histopathological observations were unremarkable. Several measures of hepatic oxidative stress in hatchling terns were not affected by DE-71, although there was some evidence of oxidative DNA damage (8-hydroxy-deoxyguanosine; 8-OH-dG). Although DE-71 did not impair pipping and hatching of kestrels, it did result in a delay in hatch, shorter humerus length, and reduced total thyroid weight. Concentrations of oxidized glutathione, reduced glutathione, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and 8-OH-dG in liver were greater in DE-71-treated kestrels compared to controls. Our findings suggest common tern embryos, and perhaps other tern species, are less sensitive to PBDEs than kestrel embryos

    Co-occurrence of severe PTSD, Somatic Symptoms and Dissociation in a large sample of childhood trauma inpatients: A Network Analysis

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    Co-occurrence of mental disorders including severe PTSD, somatic symptoms, and dissociation in the aftermath of trauma is common and sometimes associated with poor treatment outcomes. However, the interrelationships between these conditions at symptom-level are not well understood. In the present study, we aimed to explore direct connections between PTSD, somatic symptoms, and dissociation to gain a deeper insight into the pathological processes underlying their comorbidity that can inform future treatment plans. In a sample of 655 adult inpatients with a diagnosis of severe PTSD following childhood abuse (85.6% female; mean age = 47.57), we assessed symptoms of PTSD, somatization, and dissociation. We analyzed the comorbidity structure using a partial correlation network with regularization. Mostly positive associations between symptoms characterized the network structure. Muscle or joint pain was among the most central symptoms. Physiological reactivation was central in the full network and together with concentrations problems acted as bridge between symptoms of PTSD and somatic symptoms. Headaches connected somatic symptoms with others and derealization connected dissociative symptoms with others in the network. Exposure to traumatic events has a severe and detrimental effect on mental and physical health and these consequences worsen each other trans-diagnostically on a symptom-level. Strong connections between physiological reactivation and pain with other symptoms could inform treatment target prioritization. We recommend a dynamic, modular approach to treatment that should combine evidence-based interventions for PTSD and comorbid conditions which is informed by symptom prominence, readiness to address these symptoms and preference

    ojoplano-mediated basal constriction is essential for optic cup morphogenesis

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    11 páginas, 7 figuras. To the memory of Dr José-Santiago Martínez-Vinjoy. Supplementary material for this article is available at http://dev.biologists.org/cgi/content/full/136/13/2165/DC1Although the vertebrate retina is a well-studied paradigm for organogenesis, the morphogenetic mechanisms that carve the architecture of the vertebrate optic cup remain largely unknown. Understanding how the hemispheric shape of an eye is formed requires addressing the fundamental problem of how individual cell behaviour is coordinated to direct epithelial morphogenesis. Here, we analyze the role of ojoplano (opo), an uncharacterized gene whose human ortholog is associated with orofacial clefting syndrome, in the morphogenesis of epithelial tissues. Most notably, when opo is mutated in medaka fish, optic cup folding is impaired. We characterize optic cup morphogenesis in vivo and determine at the cellular level how opo affects this process. opo encodes a developmentally regulated transmembrane protein that localizes to compartments of the secretory pathway and to basal end-feet of the neuroepithelial precursors. We show that Opo regulates the polarized localization of focal adhesion components to the basal cell surface. Furthermore, tissue-specific interference with integrin-adhesive function impairs optic cup folding, resembling the ocular phenotype observed in opo mutants. We propose a model of retinal morphogenesis whereby opo-mediated formation of focal contacts is required to transmit the mechanical tensions that drive the macroscopic folding of the vertebrate optic cup.This work was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Collaborative Research Centre 488, the EU and HFSPO to J.W.; and MEC:BFU2008-04362/BMC to J.R.M.-M.Peer reviewe