23 research outputs found

    B cells orchestrate tolerance to the neuromyelitis optica autoantigen AQP4

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    Neuromyelitis optica is a paradigmatic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system, in which the water-channel protein AQP4 is the target antigen1. The immunopathology in neuromyelitis optica is largely driven by autoantibodies to AQP42. However, the T cell response that is required for the generation of these anti-AQP4 antibodies is not well understood. Here we show that B cells endogenously express AQP4 in response to activation with anti-CD40 and IL-21 and are able to present their endogenous AQP4 to T cells with an AQP4-specific T cell receptor (TCR). A population of thymic B cells emulates a CD40-stimulated B cell transcriptome, including AQP4 (in mice and humans), and efficiently purges the thymic TCR repertoire of AQP4-reactive clones. Genetic ablation of Aqp4 in B cells rescues AQP4-specific TCRs despite sufficient expression of AQP4 in medullary thymic epithelial cells, and B-cell-conditional AQP4-deficient mice are fully competent to raise AQP4-specific antibodies in productive germinal-centre responses. Thus, the negative selection of AQP4-specific thymocytes is dependent on the expression and presentation of AQP4 by thymic B cells. As AQP4 is expressed in B cells in a CD40-dependent (but not AIRE-dependent) manner, we propose that thymic B cells might tolerize against a group of germinal-centre-associated antigens, including disease-relevant autoantigens such as AQP4. The immune system is tolerized against the neuromyelitis optica autoantigen AQP4 by thymic B cells, which present their endogenous AQP4 to AQP4-reactive thymocytes

    Die proteasomale Homöostase

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    Das Proteasom spielt eine zentrale Rolle beim Proteinabbau und der Antigen-Generierung fĂŒr die adaptive Immunantwort. Vertebraten exprimieren zwei Typen des proteolytischen 20S-Kernkomplexes: das konstitutive c20S (mit den aktiven Untereinheiten beta 1, 2, 5) und das Immunoproteasom i20S (mit den Immunountereinheiten LMP2, MECL-1, LMP7). Die i20S-Expression wird durch Interferon_gamma (IFNg) induziert, was die Antigen-PrĂ€sentation auf MHC Klasse I und die Immunantwort gegen infizierte bzw. maligne entartete Zellen durch cytotoxische T-Zellen steigert. Proteasomen werden ĂŒber komplexe, bisher unvollstĂ€ndig verstandene Biogenese-Prozesse formiert. Die initialen Schritte der humanen 20S-Formation wurden in dieser Arbeit untersucht und eine Methode zur Isolation frĂŒher Assemblierungsintermediate (EPIs) etabliert. Die 20S-Biogenese bedarf der Assistenz von Hilfsfaktoren wie dem Proteasom-Maturierungsprotein POMP. Diese Komponente von Precursorkomplexen stellt das erste Substrat gereifter c20S dar. In dieser Arbeit konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, dass POMP ebenfalls die i20S-Formation vermittelt und sich die Biogenese von c20S und i20S hinsichtlich der Maturierungskinetik unterscheidet. POMP wird durch IFNg induziert und interagiert mit der Immunountereinheit LMP7. Dieses molekulare Zusammenspiel bewirkt eine schnellere Maturierung von i20S- im Vergleich zu c20S- Precursorkomplexen, wodurch POMP einem schnelleren Abbau unterliegt. Die forcierte i20S-Biogenese ist eine intrinsische Eigenschaft und unabhĂ€ngig von weiteren, IFNg-induzierten Faktoren. Nur die LMP7_E2-Variante vermittelt die schnelle Degradation von POMP, wĂ€hrend das nicht funktionelle LMP7_E1 mit einer anderen Prosequenz nicht in i20S-VorlĂ€ufer inkorporiert wird. Somit fĂŒhrt die alleinige LMP7_E1-Expression in IFNg-stimulierten Carcinom-Zellen zu einer i20S-Defizienz, was eine mögliche Immunevasions-Strategie darstellt. Weiterhin besitzen beide 20S-Typen unterschiedliche Halbwertszeiten: i20S sind, unabhĂ€ngig von weiteren IFNg-induzierten Proteinen, signifikant instabiler als c20S. Somit werden i20S sowohl schneller formiert als auch zĂŒgiger wieder abgebaut als c20S, womit sie typische Eigenschaften cytokin-regulierter Proteine aufweisen. Die i20S-Formation ist also eine transiente Antwort und stellt ein effizientes Instrument zur schnellen Reaktion auf immunologische Herausforderungen wie z.B. eine Infektion dar. Nach einer wirksamen Immunantwort erlaubt die geringere i20S-StabilitĂ€t eine schnelle RĂŒckkehr zur standardmĂ€ĂŸigen c20S-Expression.The proteasome plays a crucial role in protein degradation and antigen generation for the adaptive immune response. Vertebrates express two types of the proteolytic 20S core complex: the constitutive proteasome c20S (with the active subunits beta 1, 2 and 5) and the immunoproteasome i20S (with the immunosubunits LMP2, MECL-1 and LMP7). Interferon_gamma (IFNg) induces the i20S expression, that supports a more efficient MHC class I antigen presentation and an effective immune response against infected or malignant cells by cytotoxic T-cells. Proteasomes are formed by a complex and not well understood biogenesis program. The initial steps in the human 20S formation have been analyzed in this thesis and a method for the isolation of ÂŽearly proteasome assembly intermediatesÂŽ (EPIs) has been established. The 20S biogenesis requires the assistance of accessory factors like the proteasome maturation protein POMP. This component of precursor complexes becomes the first substrate of the matured c20S. The described experiments demonstrate for the first time that POMP mediates the i20S formation and that biogenesis of c20S and i20S differ in their maturation kinetics. POMP is induced by IFNg and interacts with the immunosubunit LMP7. This molecular interplay provokes a faster maturation of i20S compared to c20S precursor complexes, whereby POMP becomes subject to a faster degradation. The accelerated i20S biogenesis is an intrinsic characteristic and independent of additional IFNg-induced factors. Exclusively the LMP7_E2 variant causes the rapid degradation of POMP, whereas the non-functional LMP7_E1 bearing another prosequence is not incorporated into i20S precursor complexes. Thus, LMP7_E1 expression in IFNg-stimulated carcinoma cells leads to a i20S deficiency pointing out a possible immune evasion strategy. In addition, both 20S types display different half-life values: i20S are, independent of other IFNg-induced proteins, significantly less stable than c20S. Thus, i20S are not only faster assembled, but also more quickly decomposed compared to c20S, showing typical attributes of proteins regulated by cytokines. Consequently, i20S formation is a transient response and represents an efficient instrument for a rapid adjustment to varying immunological challenges like an infection. Once the immune response has been effective, the lower stability of i20S permits an expeditious return to the standard c20S expression

    The proteasome maturation protein POMP facilitates major steps of 20S proteasome formation at the endoplasmic reticulum

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    The quality control of proteins mediated by the plasticity of the proteasome system is regulated by the timely and flexible formation of this multisubunit proteolytic enzyme complex. Adaptable biogenesis of the 20S proteasome core complex is therefore of vital importance for adjusting to changing proteolytic requirements. However, the molecular mechanism and the cellular sites of mammalian proteasome formation are still unresolved. By using precursor complex-specific antibodies, we now show that the main steps in 20S core complex formation take place at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Thereby, the proteasome maturation protein (POMP)—an essential factor of mammalian proteasome biogenesis—interacts with ER membranes, binds to α1–7 rings, recruits ÎČ-subunits stepwise and mediates the association of mammalian precursor complexes with the ER. Thus, POMP facilitates the main steps in 20S core complex formation at the ER to coordinate the assembly process and to provide cells with freshly formed proteasomes at their site of function

    PI3KÎł deficiency delays the onset of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and ameliorates its clinical outcome.

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    PI3Ks control signal transduction triggered by growth factors and G-protein-coupled receptors and regulate an array of biological processes, including cellular proliferation, differentiation, survival and migration. Herein, we investigated the role of PI3KÎł in the pathogenesis of EAE. We show that, in the absence of PI3KÎł expression, clinical signs of EAE were delayed and mitigated. PI3KÎł-deficient myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)(35-55) -specific CD4(+) T cells appeared later in the secondary lymphoid organs and in the CNS than their WT counterparts. Transfer of WT CD4(+) cells into PI3KÎł(-/-) mice prior to MOG(35-55) immunisation restored EAE severity to WT levels, supporting the relevance of PI3KÎł expression in Th cells for the pathogenesis of EAE; however, PI3KÎł was dispensable for Th1 and Th17 differentiation, thus excluding an altered expression of these pathogenetically relevant cytokines as the cause for ameliorated EAE in PI3KÎł(-/-) mice. These findings demonstrate that PI3KÎł contributes to the development of autoimmune CNS inflammation

    Analysis of HEL-IgM retrogenic mice showed only weak expression of the retrogene.

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    <p>Retrogenic mice were generated as described in the <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0109199#s2" target="_blank">Materials and Methods</a> section. Analysis was performed 6- to 8-weeks post-reconstitution. Single cell suspensions of spleen and lymph nodes were stained with fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies and analysed by flow cytometry. Transgenic HEL-IgM-BCR as well as wildtype C57BL/6 mice served as controls. Results for splenocytes are displayed. (A) Representative surface staining for CD19 and IgÎŒ<sup>b</sup>. Transduced cells are GFP<sup>+</sup>. Numbers in quadrants indicate the percentage of cells expressing the respective marker. Dead cells were excluded from the analysis. (B) Intracellular staining for the same parameters as in (A). Cells are gated on CD19<sup>+</sup> cells. (C) Surface staining for surface markers other than B cells (CD3, CD4, CD8, CD11c, Gr-1). (D) <i>Rag</i>2<sup>-/-</sup> mice served as donors and recipients instead of C57BL/6 wt mice. Flow cytometric analysis for same parameters as in (A) as well as for IgÎČ. Results shown are representative of two independent experiments.</p

    Full-length recombinant HEL-IgM-BCR expression cassette.

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    <p>(A) The HEL-specific Ig chains are linked by the Furin–FMDV-2A self-cleaving sequences. Both Ig chains have a signal peptide sequence, but only the downstream IgÎș chain possesses a stop codon. (B) During translation, the first cleavage event occurs at the FMDV-2A peptide sequence; the 2A peptide remains attached as remnant to the C-terminus of the upstream IgÎŒ chain. (C) A second cleavage event, initiated at the Furin site, finally yields both Ig chains without further attachments that can be assembled to build the HEL-IgM-BCR.</p