73 research outputs found

    Experimental microbiology

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    Temporal dynamics of microbial community in soil during phytoremediation field experiment

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    Oil‐shale chemical industry creates approximately 600 000 tons of thermally processed oil shale solid wastes (semi‐coke) every year in Estonia. A field phytoremediation and bioaugmentation experiment has been monitored for three years in the solid waste depository area of oil‐shale chemical industry. We found enhanced degradation rates of pollutants in plots with vegetation and added bacterial biomass. The concentration of volatile phenols had decreased almost by 100 %, and the concentration of oil products had decreased approximately 3 times in planted plots compared to the control plots. The degradation rates were the highest in the upper soil layer which has the highest root density. Vegetation also changed the microbial community structure in comparison with the control plots. In addition to the vegetation, properties of the substrate had an essential effect on the microbial community. Mikroorganizmų dirvožemyje kaita vykdant fitoatkūrimo lauko eksperimentą Santrauka Kasmet Estijoje naftos skalūnų chemijos pramonėje susidaro apytiksliai 600 000 t termiškai apdorotų naftos skalūnų kietųjų atliekų (pusiau kokso). Fitoatkūrimo ir biopapildymo lauko eksperimentas buvo vykdomas trejus metus naftos skalūnų chemijos pramonės kietųjų atliekų saugojimo zonoje. Pastebėta, kad padidėjo teršalų degradacijos greitis plotuose, kur yra augalijos, ir pridėta bakterinės biomasės. Lakiųjų fenolių koncentracija sumažėjo beveik 100 %, o naftos produktų koncentracija sumažėjo apytiksliai 3 kartus apsodintuose plotuose, palygti su kontroliniais plotais. Degradacijos greitis buvo didžiausias viršutinimame dirvožemio sluoksnyje, kuriame yra didžiausias šaknų tankis. Augalija taip pat pakeitė mikrobiologinės bendrijos struktūrą, palyginti su kontroliniais plotais. Be augalijos, dar ir substrato savybės turėjo didelės įtakos mikrobiologinei bendrijai. Reikšminiai žodžiai: naftos skalūnai, chemijos pramonės kietosios atliekos, biopapildymas, fitoatkūrimas, mikrobiologinė bendrija. Смена микроорганизмов в почве во время полевого эксперимента с применением фиторемедиации Резюме В химической промышленности по обработке нефтяных сланцев Эстонии ежегодно примерно 600 000 т составляют термически обработанные твердые отходы нефтяных сланцев. Эксперимент по полевой фиторемедиации и биодополнению проводился в течение трех лет на территории хранения твердых отходов химической промышленности по обработке нефтяных сланцев. Установлено, что скорость деградации загрязнителей увеличивается на площадях, где имеется растительность и добавлена бактерицидная биомасса. На засаженных площадях концентрация летучих фенолей уменьшилась почти в два раза, а нефтяных продуктов – приблизительно в 3 раза по сравнению с контрольными площадями. Скорость деградации была наибольшей в верхнем слое почвы, в котором больше всего корней. Растительность также изменила структуру микробиологического сообщества по сравнению с контрольными площадями. Кроме растительности, существенное воздействие на микробиологическое сообщество оказали также свойства субстрата. Ключевые слова: нефтяной сланец, твердые отходы химической промышленности, биодополнение, фиторемедиация, микробиологическое сообщество. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Cost Analysis for Years 2012-2014 of Elementary Schools Located in Rural Areas for Children with Special Educational Needs

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    Uurimustöö eesmärgiks on hinnata ja selgitada, kuidas ja millises osas on riik katnud aastatel 2012-2014 hariduslike erivajadustega õpilastele suunatud põhihariduse kulusid maapiirkondades asuvates riigikoolides. Selleks on analüüsitud vastavate koolide kulusid ja eelarveid. Töö põhineb teisestel andmetel ning kasutatud on kvantitatiivset uurimismeetodit. Erivajadustega õpilaste haridus baseerub õpilaste võrdsetel õigustel haridusele, olenemata erivajaduse põhjusest. Selleks, et tagada õpilaste võimekusele vastav haridus, on vastu võetud erinevad antud valdkonda reguleerivad seadused ja määrused. Riigikoolideks nimetatakse koole, mida haldab Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium ja nende kulud kaetakse riigieelarvest kooli toimimiseks vajalikus mahus. Lisaks riigieelarvest tulenevale rahastusele kasutavad koolid kulude katmiseks toetusi ning õppekavavälise majandustegevusega teenitud tulu. Töös vaadeldaval perioodil on oluliselt suurenenud koolide kinnistute majandamiskulud. Vastavad kulud on suurenenud peale seda, kui koolide kinnistute haldamisega hakkas tegelema Riigi Kinnisvara AS. Taotletud toetustest on vaadeldaval perioodil renoveeritud kolme kooli hooned. Lisaks on toetusi ja õppekavavälise majandustegevusega teenitud tulu kasutatud peamiselt õpilaste õppetöö ja vabaaja sisustamise mitmekesistamiseks ning kaasajastamiseks ning töötajate arendamiseks läbi koolituste ja lähetuste. Tuleks üle vaadata koolide kinnistute haldamise süsteem, kuna praeguse süsteemi rakendumise tagajärjel on oluliselt tõusnud kinnistute majandamiskulud. Samuti tuleks üle vaadata, kas oleks võimalik suurendada riigipoolset rahastust koolidele selliselt, et väheneks vajadus taotleda erinevaid toetusi kulude katmiseks. Koolidel peaks jätkuvalt säilima võimalus teenida õppekavavälisest tegevusest omatulu, et vastavaid vahendeid saaks kasutada vajalike kulude katteks.Special needs education is based on the students' equal rights to education, regardless of the reason for special needs. In order to ensure the education that takes into consideration students' development and capability, different laws and regulations have been adopted. One possible way of ensuring the necessary learning environment for students with special needs is to teach them in special schools. State schools are administered by the Ministry of Education and Science and the costs are covered by the state budget to the extent necessary for the school to function. In addition to the state budget, schools have used different grants and earnings from extracurricular activity to cover the schools operating costs. The aim of this study is to assess and explain how and to what extent the state has covered the costs of basic education in the state schools for the students with special educational needs over the years 2012-2014. The cost analysis revealed that property management costs have increased significantly during the period under study. These costs have risen after Riigi Kinnisvara AS started to manage the schools real estate. Schools, where students with severe disabilities learn, covered the cost with grants the most. Schools, where students with behavioral problems study, used grants the least from the schools studied in this research. Therefore, we can conclude that schools, where students with serious and profound disabilities study, need more funding addition to state fundings. Grants have been use to renovate three schoolhouses. An important part of the costs is covered by grants for types of costs, such as personnel training and assignments abroad and student training, culture and entertainment. Schools have also used earnings from extracurricular activity to cover the schools operating costs. The schools have used the self-generated income to motivate staff, covering the bonuses, fringe benefits and related tax expenses and personnel training costs and costs of assignments abroad with it. It is also used substantially for teaching equipment and student training, culture and entertainment expenses. This means that grants and self-generated incomes are essential for students and personnel satisfaction and development. The management of the school properties should be reviewed as the costs of property management have grown significantly after Riigi Kinnisvara AS started to manage the schools real estate. It should also be review whether it would be possible to increase state funding for schools to reduce the need to apply for various grants to cover the cost. Schools should continue to have the possibility to earn from extracurricular activities so that they can use the earnings to cover the necessary expenses

    Geneetika ülesanded

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    Mulgi Lõõrike 2022

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    Kolitsiinidest ja R-faktoritest enterobakteritel

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    Kohaliku omavalitsuse korralduse seaduse (KOKS) § 22 lõike 2 realiseerimise õiguslikke probleeme

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    Occurrence of Plasmids in the Aromatic Degrading Bacterioplankton of the Baltic Sea

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    Plasmids are mobile genetic elements that provide their hosts with many beneficial traits including in some cases the ability to degrade different aromatic compounds. To fulfill the knowledge gap regarding catabolic plasmids of the Baltic Sea water, a total of 209 biodegrading bacterial strains were isolated and screened for the presence of these mobile genetic elements. We found that both large and small plasmids are common in the cultivable Baltic Sea bacterioplankton and are particularly prevalent among bacterial genera Pseudomonas and Acinetobacter. Out of 61 plasmid-containing strains (29% of all isolates), 34 strains were found to carry large plasmids, which could be associated with the biodegradative capabilities of the host bacterial strains. Focusing on the diversity of IncP-9 plasmids, self-transmissible m-toluate (TOL) and salicylate (SAL) plasmids were detected. Sequencing the repA gene of IncP-9 carrying isolates revealed a high diversity within IncP-9 plasmid family, as well as extended the assumed bacterial host species range of the IncP-9 representatives. This study is the first insight into the genetic pool of the IncP-9 catabolic plasmids in the Baltic Sea bacterioplankton