444 research outputs found

    O.S.S. Operation RYPE: Cutting the Nordland Rail Line in Occupied Norway at Two Points in the North Töndelag Area, April, 1945

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    This thesis investigates the conduct of unconventional warfare as performed by one of the many teams of allied sabateurs parachuted deep behind enemy lines in German-occupied countries during World War II. The team studied as an example of this type of warfare was the Office of Strategic Services Norwegian Special Operations Group (O. S. S. NORSO Group) in Operation RYPE. Its mission was to disrupt German troop movements in Norway. Its effectivemess will be judged tactically and also in the strategic environment of the Allied war effort, of which it was a part

    Thunder Below: The USS Barb Revolutionizes Submarine Warfare in World War II

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    Why are property crimes reported to the police? An empirical assessment for Peru

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    Peru has not only one of the highest victimization rates in Latin America (24%), but also the lowest rate of reported crimes (15%) (Latinobarómetro, 2016) The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics of the crimes and the characteristics of the individuals that predict the decision of reporting four different property crimes (burglary, auto theft, auto parts theft, and motorcycle theft). To this end, a seven-year survey of households at the national level in Peru was used (2010-2016). The estimations were made using multilevel mixed effects logistics regression, in order to control for characteristics of the environment that also influence the decision to report. Use of a weapon by the criminal is the factor that most increases the probability of reporting any of the four assessed crimes. Repeated victimization is also an important predictor, although for a lower number of crimes. Trust in the police is not associated to the decision to report. This is the first study to quantitatively analyze the factors that affect the decision to report in Peru. Its results are useful for a better understanding of the low reporting rates in the country

    Does context matter? Examining robbery reporting in a high crime country

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    Most empirical studies that examine why individuals report property crimes to the police have focused on Global North countries where crime rates are low. This study is situated in the most violent area of the world, Latin America, and examines Peru, which has the highest robbery victimization rate in the Americas. This article examines the applicability of theories of crime reporting in this Global South context using a large sample and multilevel modeling. We find that trust in the police has no impact on the reporting of the robbery of one’s cellphone, purse or wallet. The theories of rational choice and Black’s stratification of law provide strong explanations for the reporting of robbery of these personal items. Individuals of higher social status and those who reside in districts with low levels of social disadvantage are more likely to report, as well as those who have experienced violent victimization

    Elecciones en Estados Unidos: el reflejo de una sociedad dividida

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    Las elecciones presidenciales del país norteamericano se llevarán a cabo el próximo martes 3 de noviembre. En estas se enfrentarán Joe Biden del partido demócrata yDonald Trump del partido republicano

    Likestrømsfordeling på krigsskip – muligheter og utfordringer. Er DC-ZEDS fremtidens løsning?

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    Denne oppgaven har gjort en studie av elektrisk distribusjon på krigsskip. Hensikten var å undersøke om DC-ZEDS er et design som kan forbedre elektrisk distribusjon på fremtidige fartøy i KNM, av fregatt-størrelse. Dette ble gjort ved å sammenligne AC-ringnettet på Nansen-klassen med et DC-ZEDS-design, dimensjonert for samme fartøysklassen. Fokuset var på et installert anlegg fremfor anskaffelse og integrering. Gjennom en kombinasjon av dokumentstudier, intervjuer, beregninger og skisseringer er det forsøkt å danne et bilde av dagens system og et DC-ZEDS for å kunne besvare oppgavens problemstilling. Punktene hvor de to designene har blitt vurdert er generell robusthet og driftssikkerhet, ytelse i skadesituasjoner, driftsøkonomi og vedlikeholdsøkonomi. For driftssikkerhet ble AC-ringnett vurdert noe gunstigere enn DC-ZEDS, grunnet mindre avhengighet av kraftelektronikk. DC-ZEDS har likevel aspekter innenfor driftssikkerhet som vurderes gunstigere. Disse er mindre harmoniske forstyrrelser, bedre spenningskvalitet, mindre reaktiv effekt, lettere innfasing av generatorer, samt enklere deteksjon av jordfeil. I skadesituasjoner vurderes DC-ZEDS som et potensielt sterkere design grunnet økt redundans. Dette fordrer dog sofistikert og robust styring og overvåking som utvikles for systemet. Det kan også være hensiktsmessig å fjerne batteribankene fra DC-ZEDS, grunnet brannfaren dette medfører i skadesituasjoner, og manglende behov for peakshaving på fregatt. For driftsøkonomi og vedlikeholdsøkonomi ble det identifisert indikatorer på at DC-ZEDS kan være en billigere løsning enn AC-ringnett. Drivstofføkonomien til generatorene vil bli forbedret, men grunnet usikkerhet om tap i dagens AC-ringnett og usikkerhet rundt hva spesifikt vedlikehold koster, var det ikke mulig å konstatere med sikkerhet at vedlikeholdsøkonomi og tap vil forbedres. Oppgaven konkluderer med at DC-ZEDS kan forbedre den elektriske distribusjonen på fremtidige fartøy i KNM, men at løsningen har utfordringer som må adresseres videre før implementering. Noen modifikasjoner bør også vurderes i foreslått design

    Praktisk tilnærming i fremmedspråkundervisningen : rapport fra en intervjuundersøkelse

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    Forfatteren presenterer her en analyse av et begrep som står sentralt i Kunnskapsløftet: praktisk tilnærming i fremmedspråkundervisningen. Vi får vite hvordan seks fransklærere i ungdomsskolen tolker begrepet og omsetter det i praksis. Heimark analyserer også hvordan begrepet er forklart i faglitteraturen og i læreplanen. Hun kommer avslutningsvis med forslag til tiltak som kan bidra til en mer enhetlig forståelse av praktisk tilnærming, og dermed til en styrking av fremmedspråkundervisninge

    Venezuelan Forced Migration to Peru During Sociopolitical Crisis: an Analysis of Perceived Social Support and Emotion Regulation Strategies

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    While many studies have examined the impact of forced migration on Venezuelan migrants in Latin America, to date scholars have not examined the effect of certain coping mechanisms, namely social support and emotion regulation. Using data from 386 Venezuelan migrants living in Peru (M = 20.22 years, SD = 1.33, 46.4% women), we investigated whether perceived social support from three different sources (family, friends, and significant other) correlated with emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal and suppression) while controlling for the type of cohabitation and time of residence. The results (1) confirmed the originally proposed internal structure of the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, showing reliability and validity even in a sample of migrants. Findings demonstrated that (2) perceived social support from family positively predicted cognitive reappraisal strategy when including friends and significant other as covariates; (3) Venezuelans who have resided longer in Peru compared to more recent migrants used cognitive reappraisal strategy at a higher rate despite perceiving low family social support; (4) Venezuelans who resided in Peru for a longer period of time reported higher suppression strategy use when having low significant other support; and (5) there were gender differences regarding cognitive reappraisal as a dependent variable. More specifically, in men, family was a better predictor than friend or significant other support, while among women, family and significant other had the biggest impact. These results demonstrate the importance of social support elements and time of residence on the healthy management of emotions under difficult circumstances, such as forced migration

    Venezuelan Forced Migration to Peru During Sociopolitical Crisis: an Analysis of Perceived Social Support and Emotion Regulation Strategies

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    Indexado en ScopusWhile many studies have examined the impact of forced migration on Venezuelan migrants in Latin America, to date scholars have not examined the efect of certain coping mechanisms, namely social support and emotion regulation. Using data from 386 Venezuelan migrants living in Peru (M=20.22 years, SD=1.33, 46.4% women), we investigated whether perceived social support from three diferent sources (family, friends, and signifcant other) correlated with emotion regulation strategies (cognitive reappraisal and suppression) while controlling for the type of cohabitation and time of residence. The results (1) confrmed the originally proposed internal structure of the Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale and Emotion Regulation Questionnaire, showing reliability and validity even in a sample of migrants. Findings demonstrated that (2) perceived social support from family positively predicted cognitive reappraisal strategy when including friends and signifcant other as covariates; (3) Venezuelans who have resided longer in Peru compared to more recent migrants used cognitive reappraisal strategy at a higher rate despite perceiving low family social support; (4) Venezuelans who resided in Peru for a longer period of time reported higher suppression strategy use when having low signifcant other support; and (5) there were gender diferences regarding cognitive reappraisal as a dependent variable. More specifcally, in men, family was a better predictor than friend or signifcant other support, while among women, family and signifcant other had the biggest impact. These results demonstrate the importance of social support elements and time of residence on the healthy management of emotions under difcult circumstances, such as forced migration.Revisión por pare