64 research outputs found
Structure of needs among persons with schizophrenia
Background: The importance of needs assessment for service development has been widely recognised. Several studies have focused on the associations between ratings of needs by patients and staff and have found clear differences, especially concerning the unmet needs.Methods: The present study is part of a Nordic Multicentre study that investigates the life and care of outpatients with a schizophrenia group illness in all the Nordic countries. The aim of this paper is to study the patterns of needs as identified by patients and staff according to the Camberwell Assessment of Needs (CAN). Quality of life, level of functioning, and psychiatric symptoms were assessed.Results: The sample includes 300 patients, 194 (65%) men and 106 (35%) women. The factor analysis identified five factors for patients and four factors for staff in the questionnaire on ratings of needs. In four of the five patient-related factors a meaningful interpretation was possible, and the factors were named skills, illness, coping, and substance abuse. The staff-related factors were named skills, impairment, symptom, and substance abuse. There were significant associations between the sum scores constructed from the factors and measures of functioning level and symptoms.Conclusions: It seems that the sum factor reflecting secondary needs was the most important of the identified factors among both patient and staff ratings. The item-by-item comparisons in previous studies have emphasised differences between patient and staff ratings, but our analysis of the structure of needs also found similarities in the structures and in the associations between the identified sum scores and measures of symptoms, functioning level, and quality of life.</p
Estimation of breast height diameter and trunk curvature with linear and single-photon LiDARs
International audienceContext: Precision forestry together with new sensor technologies implies Digital Forest Inventories for estimation of volume and quality of trees in a stand.Aims: This study compared commercial LiDAR, new prototype SPAD LiDAR, and manual methods for measuring tree quality attributes, i.e., diameter at breast height (DBH) and trunk curvature in the forest stand.Methods: We measured 7 Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) with commercial LiDAR (Zeb Horizon by GeoSLAM), prototype SPAD LiDAR, and manual devices. We compared manual measurements to the DBH and curvature values estimated based on LiDAR data. We also scanned a densely branched Picea abies to compare penetrability of the LiDARs and detectability of the obstructed trunk.Results: The DBH values deviated 1–3 cm correlating to the specified accuracies of the employed devices, showing close to acceptable results. The curvature values deviated 1–6 cm implying distorted range measurements from the top part of the trunks and inaccurate manual measurement method, leaving space for improvement. The most important finding was that the SPAD LiDAR outperformed conventional LiDAR in detecting tree stem of the densely branched spruce.Conclusion: These results represent preliminary but clear evidence that LiDAR technologies are already close to acceptable level in DBH measurements, but not yet satisfactory for curvature measurements. In addition, terrestrial SPAD LiDAR has a great potential to outperform conventional LiDARs in forest measurements of densely branched trees
Studies on solid state reactions of atomic layer deposited thin films of lithium carbonate with hafnia and zirconia
In this paper, results on the solid state reactions of atomic layer deposited Li2CO3 with HfO2 and ZrO2 are reported. An Li2CO3 film was deposited on top of hafnia and zirconia, and the stacks were annealed at various temperatures in air to remove the carbonate and facilitate lithium diffusion into the oxides. It was found that Li+ ions are mobile in hafnia and zirconia at high temperatures, diffusing to the film-substrate interface and forming silicates with the Si substrate during heating. Based on grazing incidence x-ray diffraction experiments, no changes in the oxide phases take place during this process. Field emission scanning electron microscopy images reveal that some surface defects are formed on the transition metal oxide surfaces during lithium diffusion. The authors also show that lithium can diffuse through hafnia and react with a potential lithiumion battery electrode material TiO2 residing below the HfO2 layer, forming Li2TiO3. Published by the AVS.Peer reviewe
Ulkomaiset investoinnit ja kriittinen aineeton omaisuus
Tutkimuksessa muodostetaan ajankohtainen tilannekuva kriittisestä aineettomasta omaisuudesta, sen omistuksesta sekä ulkomaisten yritysten toiminnasta Suomessa. Kriittiselle aineettomalle omaisuudelle ei ole yksiselitteistä määritelmää; siihen viitataan yleisimmin ns. kriittisten, nousevien tai perustavanlaatuisten teknologioiden kohdalla. Hyödynsimme tarkastelussa Euroopan komission patenttiluokkiin perustuvaa määritelmää kehittyneistä teknologioista, jota täydensimme puolustus- ja kaksikäyttöteknologiaa koskevilla patenttiluokilla. Käyttämämme määritelmän perusteella Suomessa toimii vajaa 1 500 kriittistä teknologiaa omaavaa yritystä, joista suurin osa on kotimaisessa omistuksessa. Kvantitatiivinen analyysi osoittaa, että ulkomaisten yritysten ostamat suomalaisyritykset patentoivat enemmän kriittistä teknologiaa. Kriittisen teknologian omistus ei kuitenkaan lisää ulkomaisen yrityskaupan todennäköisyyttä, kun yritysten taustaominaisuudet on huomioitu. Korkean teknologian yritysostot eivät myöskään korostu viranomaisvalvonnan soveltamiskäytännössä. Kriittistä teknologiaa omaavien yritysten taloudellinen kehitys on yrityskaupan jälkeen keskimäärin samankaltaista kuin verrokkiyritysten, jotka eivät olleet yrityskaupan kohteena, joskin vähäinen havaintomäärä hankaloittaa tilastollista analyysia.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa.(tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä
interRAI Subjective Quality of Life Scale for Mental Health and Addiction Settings: A Self-Reported Measure Developed From a Multi-National Study
Background: Measuring Quality of Life (QoL) in mental health using self-reported items is important for evaluating the quality of service and understanding the person's experience of the care received. Objective: The aim of this research was to develop and validate a self-reported QoL instrument for inpatient and community mental health settings. Methods: Data were collected from diverse research sites in Canada, Belgium, Russia, Finland, Brazil, and Hong Kong, using the 37-item interRAI Quality of Life Survey for Mental Health and Addictions. The survey was administrated to 2,218 participants from inpatient and community mental health settings, assisted living, and the general community. We randomly divided the sample into a training and a test sample (70 and 30%, respectively). We conducted principal component analysis (PCA) and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using the training sample to identify potential factor structure. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models were then fitted to finalize and externally validate the measurement model using training and test data, respectively. Results: PCA, EFA, and CFA of the training sample collectively suggested a 23-item scale measuring four latent constructs: well-being and hope (8 items), relationship (7 items), support (5 items), and activity (3 items). This model was supported by the CFA of the test sample. The goodness-of-fit statistics root mean square error, comparative fit index and Tucker-Lewis index were 0.03, 1.00, and 0.99, respectively. Estimated Cronbach's alpha based on the test data was 0.92. Raw Cronbach's alpha values for the subscales were 0.86 for well-being and hope, 0.86 for relationship, 0.69 for support, and 0.72 for activity. Conclusions: The interRAI SQoL-MHA scale is a valid instrument to measure QoL in mental health settings. The instrument will support the evaluation of the quality of care and can also be used for future research to produce SQoL-MHA values on a quality adjusted-life-year scale, facilitating the evaluation of various mental health interventions
The interRAI suite of mental health assessment instruments: an integrated system for the continuum of care
The lives of persons living with mental illness are affected by psychological, biological, social, economic, and environmental factors over the life course. It is therefore unlikely that simple preventive strategies, clinical treatments, therapeutic interventions, or policy options will succeed as singular solutions for the challenges of mental illness. Persons living with mental illness receive services and supports in multiple settings across the health care continuum that are often fragmented, uncoordinated, and inadequately responsive. Appropriate assessment is an important tool that health systems must deploy to respond to the strengths, preferences, and needs of persons with mental illness. However, standard approaches are often focused on measurement of psychiatric symptoms without taking a broader perspective to address issues like growth, development, and aging; physical health and disability; social relationships; economic resources; housing; substance use; involvement with criminal justice; stigma; and recovery. Using conglomerations of instruments to cover more domains is impractical, inconsistent, and incomplete while posing considerable assessment burden. interRAI mental health instruments were developed by a network of over 100 researchers, clinicians, and policy experts from over 35 nations. This includes assessment systems for adults in inpatient psychiatry, community mental health, emergency departments, mobile crisis teams, and long-term care settings, as well as a screening system for police officers. A similar set of instruments is available for child/youth mental health. The instruments form an integrated mental health information system because they share a common assessment language, conceptual basis, clinical emphasis, data collection approach, data elements, and care planning protocols. The key applications of these instruments include care planning, outcome measurement, quality improvement, and resource allocation. The composition of these instruments and psychometric properties are reviewed, and examples related to homeless are used to illustrate the various applications of these assessment systems
An International Pilot Study of Self-Reported Quality of Life in Outpatient and Inpatient Mental Health Settings
troduction: Measuring quality of life (QoL) is essential to understand how clients perceive their care. In practice, many instruments are in place to identify mental health diagnoses and measure treatment outcomes, but there are fewer standardized instruments to routinely collect information about self-reported QoL, especially across different mental health settings. Moreover, existing tools have been criticized for being built from the perspective of care professionals rather than the users' perspective. The 23-item Self-Reported interRAI-QoL Survey for Mental Health and Addictions (interRAI SQoL-MHA) tackles these issues, as it is based on self-reported measures and has proven validity across settings and countries.Objective: The aim of this study is to assess and compare QoL across settings and explore associations between dimensions of self-reported QoL and some items from the interRAI SQoL-MHA in a multinational sample.Settings: Inpatient and community mental health services.Methods: Data were collected from organizations in Belgium, Finland, Russia, Brazil, Rwanda, Canada and Hong Kong. Logistic regression models were constructed using each domain scale of the interRAI SQoL-MHA (relationship, support, hope, activities and relationship with staff) as dependent variables.Results: A total of 2,474 people (51.2% female, 56.7% of age 45 or older) were included in the study. A benchmark analysis showed the samples that performed above the benchmark line or below. The models yielded significant odds ratios among the domain scales, as well as for the items of the interRAI SQoL-MHA, with positive associations for the items “work and education opportunities” and “satisfied with services”, and inverse associations for the items “financial difficulties” and for the inpatient setting.Conclusion: The analysis of associations between the determinants offers relevant information to improve mental health care and clients' perceived quality of life. Information about the determinants can help policymakers to design interventions to improve care outcomes, as well as provide more possibilities for integration into the community. The interRAI SQoL-MHA is innovative, as it can be linked to the third generation interRAI MH and Community MH-instruments, to be used in different mental health care settings, combining the objective and subjective QoL domains.</p
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