240 research outputs found

    Age-related DNA methylation changes are tissue-specific with ELOVL2 promoter methylation as exception

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    Abstract Background The well-established association of chronological age with changes in DNA methylation is primarily founded on the analysis of large sets of blood samples, while conclusions regarding tissue-specificity are typically based on small number of samples, tissues and CpGs. Here, we systematically investigate the tissue-specific character of age-related DNA methylation changes at the level of the CpG, functional genomic region and nearest gene in a large dataset. Results We assembled a compendium of public data, encompassing genome-wide DNA methylation data (Illumina 450k array) on 8092 samples from 16 different tissues, including 7 tissues with moderate to high sample numbers (Dataset size range 96–1202, N total = 2858). In the 7 tissues (brain, buccal, liver, kidney, subcutaneous fat, monocytes and T-helper cells), we identified 7850 differentially methylated positions that gained (gain-aDMPs; cut-offs: P bonf ≀ 0.05, effect size ≄ 2%/10 years) and 4,287 that lost DNA methylation with age (loss-aDMPs), 92% of which had not previously been reported for whole blood. The majority of all aDMPs identified occurred in one tissue only (gain-aDMPs: 85.2%; loss-aDMPs: 97.4%), an effect independent of statistical power. This striking tissue-specificity extended to both the functional genomic regions (defined by chromatin state segmentation) and the nearest gene. However, aDMPs did accumulate in regions with the same functional annotation across tissues, namely polycomb-repressed CpG islands for gain-aDMPs and regions marked by active histone modifications for loss-aDMPs. Conclusion Our analysis shows that age-related DNA methylation changes are highly tissue-specific. These results may guide the development of improved tissue-specific markers of chronological and, perhaps, biological age

    Visit-to-visit lipid variability: clinical significance, effects of lipid-lowering treatment, and (pharmaco)genetics

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    In recent years, visit-to-visit variability of serum lipids has been linked to both clinical outcomes and surrogate markers for vascular disease. In this article, we present an overview of the current evidence connecting this intraindividual variability to these outcome measures, discuss its interplay with lipid-lowering treatment, and describe the literature regarding genetic factors of possible interest. In addition, we undertook an explorative genome-wide association analysis on visit-to-visit variability of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, examining additive effects in 2530 participants from the placebo arm of the PROspective Study of Pravastatin in the Elderly at Risk trial. While we identified suggestive associations (P < 1 × 10−6) at 3 different loci (KIAA0391, amiloride-sensitive cation channel 1 neuronal [ACCN1], and Dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 3 [DKK3]), previously published data from the genome-wide association study literature did not suggest plausible mechanistic pathways. Given the large degree of both clinical and methodological heterogeneity in the literature, additional research is needed to harmonize visit-to-visit variability parameters across studies and to definitively assess the possible role of (pharmaco)genetic factors

    Heritable rather than age-related environmental and stochastic factors dominate variation in DNA methylation of the human IGF2/H19 locus.

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    Epigenetic variation may significantly contribute to the risk of common disease. Currently, little is known about the extent and causes of epigenetic variation. Here, we investigated the contribution of heritable influences and the combined effect of environmental and stochastic factors to variation in DNA methylation of the IGF2/H19 locus. Moreover, we tested whether this locus was subject to age-related degeneration of epigenetic patterns as was previously suggested for global methylation. We measured methylation of the H19 and IGF2 differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in 196 adolescent and 176 middle-aged twins using a recently developed mass spectrometry-based method. We observed substantial variation in DNA methylation across individuals, underscoring that DNA methylation is a quantitative trait. Analysis of data in monozygotic and dizygotic twins revealed that a significant part of this variation could be attributed to heritable factors. The heritability of methylation of individual CpG sites varied between 20 and 74% for the H19 DMR and was even higher, between 57 and 97%, for the IGF2 DMR. Remarkably, the combined influence of environmental and stochastic factors on DNA methylation was not greater in middle-age than in adolescence, suggesting a limited role for age-related degeneration of methylation patterns at this locus. Single nucleotide polymorphisms in the IGF2/H19 locus were significantly associated with DNA methylation of the IGF2 DMR (P = 0.004). A preliminary analysis suggested an association between H19 DMR methylation and body size (P < 0.05). Our study shows that variation in DNA methylation of the IGF2/H19 locus is mainly determined by heritable factors and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in cis, rather than the cumulative effect of environmental and stochastic factors occurring with age. © 2007 Oxford University Press

    Lipoprotein Particle Profiles Mark Familial and Sporadic Human Longevity

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic and biochemical studies have indicated an important role for lipid metabolism in human longevity. Ashkenazi Jewish centenarians and their offspring have large low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) particles as compared with control individuals. This profile also coincided with a lower prevalence of disease. Here, we investigate whether this observation can be confirmed for familial longevity in an outbred European population and whether it can be extended to sporadic longevity in the general population. METHODS AND FINDINGS: NMR-measured lipoprotein profiles were analyzed in 165 families from the Leiden Longevity Study, consisting of 340 long-lived siblings (females >91 y, males >89 y), 511 of their offspring, and 243 partners of the offspring. Offspring had larger (21.3 versus 21.1 nm; p = 0.020) and fewer (1,470 versus 1,561 nmol/l; p = 0.011) LDL particles than their same-aged partners. This effect was even more prominent in the long-lived siblings (p < 10(−3)) and could be pinpointed to a reduction specifically in the concentration of small LDL particles. No differences were observed for HDL particle phenotypes. The mean LDL particle sizes in 259 90-y-old singletons from a population-based study were similar to those in the long-lived siblings and thus significantly larger than in partners of the offspring, suggesting that the relevance of this phenotype extends beyond familial longevity. A low concentration of small LDL particles was associated with better overall health among both long-lived siblings (p = 0.003) and 90-y-old singletons (p = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that LDL particle profiles mark both familial and sporadic human longevity already in middle age

    DNA methylation profiles at birth and child ADHD symptoms

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    Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common and highly heritable psychiatric disorder. In addition, early life environmental factors contribute to the occurrence of ADHD. Recently, DNA methylation has emerged as a mechanism potentially mediating genetic and environmental effects.Here, we investigated whether newborn DNA methylation patterns of selected candidate genes involved in psychiatric disorders or fetal growth are associated with ADHD symptoms in childhood. Participants were 426 children from a large population based cohort of Dutch national origin. Behavio

    Periconceptional Maternal Folic Acid Use of 400 ”g per Day Is Related to Increased Methylation of the IGF2 Gene in the Very Young Child

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    Background: Countries worldwide recommend women planning pregnancy to use daily 400 mg of synthetic folic acid in the periconceptional period to prevent birth defects in children. The underlying mechanisms of this preventive effect are not clear, however, epigenetic modulation of growth processes by folic acid is hypothesized. Here, we investigated whether periconceptional maternal folic acid use and markers of global DNA methylation potential (S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine blood levels) in mothers and children affect methylation of the insulin-like growth factor 2 gene differentially methylation region (IGF2 DMR) in the child. Moreover, we tested whether the methylation of the IGF2 DMR was independently associated with birth weight. Methodology/Principal Findings: IGF2 DMR methylation in 120 children aged 17 months (SD 0.3) of whom 86 mothers had used and 34 had not used folic acid periconceptionally were studied. Methylation was measured of 5 CpG dinucleotides covering the DMR using a mass spectrometry-based method. Children of mother who used folic acid had a 4.5% higher methylation of the IGF2 DMR than children who were not exposed to folic acid (49.5% vs. 47.4%; p = 0.014). IGF2 DMR methylation of the children also was associated with the S-adenosylmethionine blood level of the mother but not of the child (+1.7% methylation per SD S-adenosylmethionine; p = 0.037). Finally, we observed an inverse independent association between IGF2 DMR methylation and birth weight (-1.7% methylation per SD birthweight; p = 0.034). Conclusions: Periconceptional folic acid use is associated with epigenetic changes in IGF2 in the child that may affect intrauterine programming of growth and development with consequences for health and disease throughout life. These results indicate plasticity of IGF2 methylation by periconceptional folic acid use

    Epifania, recriação e ressentimento: fragmentos narrativos sobre a experiĂȘncia da viagem na imigração italiana no Brasil

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    L'expĂ©rience du voyage dans le processus de l'immigration marque le premier contact avec l'inconnu. L'aventure de la traversĂ©e de l'ocĂ©an signifie par consĂ©quent l'abandon du seul monde tangible. Le nouveau monde va se dĂ©voiler Ă  l'Ă©migrant au fur et Ă  mesure que le navire avance en mer, en un mĂ©lange de reprĂ©sentations produites avant le dĂ©part et de nouvelles “idĂ©es-images” que l'expĂ©rience elle-mĂȘme du voyage contribue Ă  Ă©laborer en continu. Au cours de ce processus, la lecture de "Sull'Oceano" d’Edmondo De Amicis permet une immersion dans ce monde fragmentaire d'images et des rĂ©cits que l'Ă©migrant va produire. Il tente par ce biais de comprendre sa propre expĂ©rience et son existence, en un monde entrecroisĂ© de diffĂ©rentes expressions de la sensibilitĂ©. LĂȘ nouveau monde se rĂ©vĂšle, souvenir tout Ă  la fois d’une terre que l’on a abandonnĂ©e et recrĂ©ation d'une reprĂ©sentation pacificatrice
