73 research outputs found

    Hyvän oppilashuollon edellytykset koulun sosiaalityön näkökulmasta

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    Opinnäytetyössä tarkasteltiin kuraattorin työn piirteitä, edellytyksiä ja kehityskohteita kvalitatiivisin eli laadullisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu koulun sosiaalityötä ja oppilashuoltoa käsittelevään aiempaan tutkimukseen. Kuraattorin työtä on aiemmin tutkittu melko vähän, mutta oppilashuoltolain uudistuessa aivan viime vuosina lisääntyvissä määrin. Siten oli saatavissa tutkimuksia nimenomaan työtä tekevien kuraattorien näkökulmasta. Aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella kuraattorin työ vaihtelee tekijänsä mukaan ja on hyvin tekijänsä näköistä. Siten heräsi mielenkiinto, olisiko viimeaikaisesta tutkimuksesta löydettävissä kuraattorin työn piirteitä sekä mahdollisesti kriteereitä tuloksellisuuteen, laatuun ja vaikuttavuuteen. Kvalitatiivisin, laadullisin menetelmin toteutetun opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu kahteen aiempaan ennaltaehkäisevää lastensuojelua, kuraattorin työtä ja oppilashuoltoa tarkastelevaan tutkimukseen. Aineistoa analysoitiin aineistolähtöisin menetelmin. Aineistonhakuvaiheessa kartoitettiin, miten kuraattorin työ näyttäytyy aiemmassa tutkimuksessa, kuraattorien kokemat työn myönteisiä ja kielteisiä tekijöitä sekä kehittämistä vaativia osa-alueita. Tuloksissa kehittämiskohteina näyttäytyivät linjausten ja suuntaviivojen veto, työmuodot, palvelujen ja tulosten saavutettavuus, palveluverkko, työn kehittämisen esteet sekä ammatillinen ja kollegiaalinen tuki. Suunnannäyttämistä ja linjausten tekemistä voitaneen pitkälti nähdä ratkaisuina tässä aineistolähtöisessä analyysissa luokitteluluokkien ilmentämiin ongelmiin. Kaikki edellä mainitut yhdessä muodostivat kuraattorin työn onnistumisen mahdollistajat ja onnistumisen edellytykset.The thesis examines characteristics, conditions and areas for development of the school social worker’s job through qualitative research methods. The theoretical framework is based on the previous research of the school's social work and student welfare. The school welfare officer's work has not previously been studied much but since the student welfare law was renewed in recent years, these studies have become more common. As a result of this, there were studies available from the perspective of a school social worker. Previous research done on the work of a school social worker shows that the work results vary a lot. The author had the interest to study if any specific characteristics of the social worker’s job could be found and if there were any factors that impact the productivity and of the work effectiveness whether the features of a school social worker’s job can be found on recent research. Also, could there exist factors that impact the productivity and effectiveness of the work? The material application stage identifies how school social worker’s work appeared in previous studies, and the positive and negative factors of the work experienced by the worker

    Gender, economy and development in the North

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    Crossings of Indigenousness, Feminism, and Gender

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    European Listed Real Estate: The Capital Structure Perspective

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    This paper studies the capital structure decisions of European listed real estate companies, tax-neutral REITs (Real estate investment trusts), and tax-paying entities, REOCs (Real estate operating companies). The practical implications of REITs’ tax neutral status for their capital structure are of utmost interest not only for real estate practitioners, but also for financiers, such as equity holders, banks, and other potential sources of capital. The study concludes that the tax-neutral REITs are significantly less levered than their taxed counterparts, REOCs: Along with tax neutrality, a further potential reason for the structurally less monitored REOCs’ higher leverage could be an attempt to mitigate the potential agency costs with additional debt. The observed pattern in REIT/ REOC leverage is consistent throughout the studied sample

    Politics of Hope

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    Development and performance of the public real estate investment sector in Finland

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    The article studies the development of the public real estate equity sector. The paper describes and analyses the legislative development regarding the sector and the vehicles provided. It discusses the past development of public commercial real estate equity investments in Finland and their role as a market participant. In addition, the paper analyses the historical performance of the sector.Peer reviewe

    Liquidity of European real estate equities: REITs and REOCs

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    Listed real estate companies can be divided into two categories: real estate operating companies (REOCs) and real estate investment trusts (REITs). REOCs have been around for quite a while, whereas REITs are a somewhat new phenomenon in Europe, the main differences pertaining to permissible activities and taxation. This paper studies the relative differences of REOCs and REITs in terms of liquidity: Also asset returns, volatility and correlation to other equities are assessed. The liquidity tests performed reveal REITs to be significantly more liquid than REOCs, potentially due to restrictions regarding REIT ownership structure. Ceteris paribus, superior REIT liquidity implies REITs constitute a preferred investment vehicle

    Sinnikäs kolonialismi: alkuperäiskansaisuus ja kehityksen politiikka

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    Resilient colonialism: Indigeneity and the politics of development Rapid and unpredictable global changes have given birth to a political ethos of resilience. In themidst of calls for preparedness, international politics has re-discovered the (allegedly) innate qualitiesof indigenous peoples that enable them to adapt to and accommodate change. The peoples’exemplary resilience has been deemed empowering, not only for themselves, but for the planet asa whole. However, as we argue, the seemingly well-meaning and benign political celebration ofresilient indigeneity continues marginalization and othering, practices that are often considered tobelong to the colonial past. The article engages in a critical discussion on indigeneity, colonialismand resilience – topics that have yet to be brought into a dialogue with one another. With referenceto contemporary political initiatives of the United Nations and the Arctic Council, we illustrate theways in which the political focus on and desire for indigenous resilience continue the age-old expectationthat indigenous peoples will adapt, endure and persevere. Resilience enables colonialpractices to persist; it is yet another façade allowing those in power to continue to order time andto ignore the relevance of the past and current injuries indigenous peoples have endured. The violenceof resilience lies in its insistence that those whose only option so far has been to adapt continueto do so without any guarantees of better circumstances