662 research outputs found

    Effect of marine peptide hydrolysate supplementation on ghrelin and insulin-like peptide 5 secretion on appetite related conditions – As tested in recovery following endurance cycling

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    Background: Energy homeostasis is sustained by multiple complex pathways, and appetite regulation is one of them. Malnutrition such as obesity or undernutrition, which is known to impair individual health and lower quality of life. The association between appetite regulation and gastrointestinal (GI) hormones is an attractive target for therapeutic and dietary interventions, as well as through physical activity and exercise. Ghrelin is known to increase hunger, and insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5) is a novel hormone in appetite regulation that is suggested to also increase hunger. Aim: This study set out to investigate if 20 mg marine peptide hydrolysate (MPH) per kg body weight would affect the secretion pattern of ghrelin and INSL5 after endurance cycling, as well as to explore the effect of the appetite regulating hormones following the endurance cycling. Participants and method: The study population (n=14) was composed of a moderately homogenous sample population of middle-aged, well-trained, healthy males recruited in July of 2017. Anthropometric measurements, circulating GI hormones, self-reported feeling of satiety and a 4-day food intake record was measured in this study. Results: There is significant difference in circulating ghrelin (p = 0.014) in treatment, compared to placebo. Additionally, there was a negative effect when adjusted for body mas index (p = 0.03). A positive trend in circulating INSL5 was observed, however not significant (p = 0.12). Correlations between ghrelin, INSL5, glucose, insulin and satiety was statistically significant (p < 0.05). There is a negative relationship between INSL5 and ghrelin (p < 0.01), and a very strong, almost linear correlation between INSL5 and insulin (r = 0.93, p < 0.01). The correlations also revealed that an increase in ghrelin secretion reduced satiation, while an increase in INSL5 increased satiation. The self-reported food intake revealed that 85 % of the participants did not meet the daily recommended intake (DRI) of energy and 62 % did not meet the DRI of protein as recommended by the Nordic Nutrition Recommendation. Conclusion: This study discovered that a small amount of MPH had an effect on ghrelin secretion, and the absence of results for the other variables may be due to a low dosage. Interestingly, the novel INSL5 promotes satiation and are in undiscovered way involved in insulin secretion.Masteroppgave for klinisk ernĂŠringNUCLI395MAMD-NUCL

    Identification and Description of the Key Molecular Components of the Egg Strings of the Salmon Louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)

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    The salmon louse Lepeophtheirus salmonis is a parasite of Atlantic salmon and other salmonids. Every year, it causes high costs for the Norwegian aquaculture industry. While the morphology of the female genital tract has been described, knowledge of the molecular basis of reproduction is very limited. We identified nine genes which are expressed exclusively in the female cement gland, the organ responsible for cement production, which is used to hold the eggs together and keep them attached to their mother in egg strings. Six of these genes encode proteins with signal peptides and probably form the main component of the cement. Two other genes are peroxidases, which are probably important in the cement formation. The last gene is not similar to any known protein, but contains a transmembrane domain. A knockdown of all these genes leads to missing or deformed egg strings, preventing reproduction of the lice. The correct assemblage of the cement in the cement gland is essential for successful reproduction of salmon lice. Similar proteins seem to be present in other copepod species, as well.publishedVersio

    Financing Sustainable Value Creation

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    Addressing the contribution of EU financial markets to unsustainable business practices is vital to realising the EU’s commitments on sustainability. In this chapter, we assess recent EU legislative progress in this field. We argue that legislative and regulatory mechanisms in the field of financial regulation are progressing too slowly to meet the EU’s self-imposed targets for sustainability. We argue that, on current trajectories, a fundamental recalibration of reform efforts is required in relation to financial system participants if a reduction in the funding of activities that cause damage to the environment and to the social foundation of humanity is to be achieved. To this end, we provide a menu of rapid and meaningful policy interventions.Peer reviewe

    Evolution and differential expression of a vertebrate vitellogenin gene cluster

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The multiplicity or loss of the vitellogenin (<it>vtg</it>) gene family in vertebrates has been argued to have broad implications for the mode of reproduction (placental or non-placental), cleavage pattern (meroblastic or holoblastic) and character of the egg (pelagic or benthic). Earlier proposals for the existence of three forms of vertebrate <it>vtgs </it>present conflicting models for their origin and subsequent duplication.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>By integrating phylogenetics of novel <it>vtg </it>transcripts from old and modern teleosts with syntenic analyses of all available genomic variants of non-metatherian vertebrates we identify the gene orthologies between the Sarcopterygii (tetrapod branch) and Actinopterygii (fish branch). We argue that the vertebrate <it>vtg </it>gene cluster originated in proto-chromosome m, but that <it>vtg </it>genes have subsequently duplicated and rearranged following whole genome duplications. Sequencing of a novel fourth <it>vtg </it>transcript in labrid species, and the presence of duplicated paralogs in certain model organisms supports the notion that lineage-specific gene duplications frequently occur in teleosts. The data show that the <it>vtg </it>gene cluster is more conserved between acanthomorph teleosts and tetrapods, than in ostariophysan teleosts such as the zebrafish. The differential expression of the labrid <it>vtg </it>genes are further consistent with the notion that neofunctionalized Aa-type <it>vtgs </it>are important determinants of the pelagic or benthic character of the eggs in acanthomorph teleosts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The vertebrate <it>vtg </it>gene cluster existed prior to the separation of Sarcopterygii from Actinopterygii >450 million years ago, a period associated with the second round of whole genome duplication. The presence of higher copy numbers in a more highly expressed subcluster is particularly prevalent in teleosts. The differential expression and latent neofunctionalization of <it>vtg </it>genes in acanthomorph teleosts is an adaptive feature associated with oocyte hydration and spawning in the marine environment.</p

    The Role of Long-Chained Marine N-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Cardiovascular Disease

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    This paper reviews the current evidence regarding long-chained marine omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and cardiovascular disease (CVD), their possible mechanisms of action, and results of clinical trials. Also, primary and secondary prevention trials as studies on antiarrhythmic effects and meta-analyses are summarized. However, the individual bioavailability of n-3 PUFAs along with the highly different study designs and estimations of FAs intake or supplementation dosages in patient populations with different background intake of n-3 PUFAs might be some of the reasons for the inconsistent findings of the studies evaluating the impact of n-3 PUFAs on CVD. The question of an optimum dose of n-3 PUFAs or whether there exists adose-response relation for n-3 PUFA supplementation is widely discussed.Moreover, the difficulties in interpreting meta-analyses are clearly demonstrated by two recently published meta-analyses (Rizos et al. and Delgado Lista et al.), evaluating the efficacy of n-3 PUFAs on CVD, including 12 common studies, but drawing opposite conclusions. We definitely need more large-scale, randomized clinical trials of long duration, also reporting harmful effects of n-3 PUFAs.publishedVersio

    Lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) used as cleaner fish: Characterization and suitability for human consumption

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    Farmed lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) is frequently used as cleaner fish in Norwegian salmon aquaculture. During the period in the net cage, the lumpfish feed on salmon lice. After a time, the fish stop eating the lice and are then withdrawn from the net cage without further exploitation. In this study, the nutritional value of lumpfish was characterized to assess its suitability as a human food. The lumpfish were collected from two separate salmon aquaculture facilities and analyzed for proximate composition, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, environmental pollutants, and heavy metals. The water and protein content were approximately 90 and 6%, respectively. The protein contained all essential amino acids. The fat content ranged from 0.9 to 3.7% with a high level of the long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid; 20:5n-3) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid; 22:6n-3). Lumpfish may be a good source of B12 and D3 vitamins, however, the content of several minerals was low. The environmental pollutants and heavy metals were below the EU maximum levels, making the lumpfish safe for human consumption. Overall, our results indicate a potential to exploit the lumpfish, even after its time as a cleaner fish.publishedVersio

    Genuine artister knytter genuine relasjoner: En multimetodisk kvantitativ studie om oppfattet ydmykhet og autentisitets effekt pÄ sosial tiltrekning og parasosiale interaksjoner til musikkartister pÄ sosiale medier.

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    En utfordring for musikkartister i dagens musikkbransje er Ä skape en engasjert og lojal fÞlgerbase pÄ sosiale medier i et hÞyt saturert og kompetitivt marked. Det kreves derfor en Þkt forstÄelse for hvordan musikkartister kan danne meningsfulle bÄnd med sin fÞlgerbase for Ä engasjere ens fÞlgere pÄ sosiale medier. Tidligere forskning viser at fÞlgere av mediepersonligheter danner parasosiale forhold til slike mediekarakterer over tid gjennom en sosial tiltrekning til mediekarakteren. Lite forskning har derimot sett pÄ forutgÄende dimensjoner til hvordan sosial tiltrekning dannes, spesielt i en mediert kontekst der forbrukeres oppmerksomhet blir kjempet over pÄ sosiale plattformer fylt av markedsfÞring og selvpromotering. I denne masteroppgaven valgte vi derfor Ä studere hvorvidt en grad av oppfattet ydmykhet og autentisitet hos musikkartister vil pÄvirke fÞlgeres sosiale tiltrekning og parasosiale interaksjoner med artisten pÄ sosiale medier. For Ä teste vÄr teoretiske modell ble det utfÞrt to kvantitative tverrsnittsundersÞkelser. Det ble fÞrst gjennomfÞrt en digital survey i Studie 1 (N = 74; gj. snitts alder = 26 Är; 62% kvinner, 37% menn, 1% annet), der respondentene ble bedt om Ä oppgi en musikkartist eller et bandmedlem de fÞlger pÄ Instagram. Resultatene viste at en hÞyere grad av oppfattet ydmykhet og autentisitet hos den fulgte musikkartisten vil Þke fÞlgeres sosiale tiltrekning til artisten, der fÞlgerens parasosiale interaksjoner med artisten vil Þke som et resultat av dette. Denne statistiske sammenhengen ble videre testet eksperimentelt i Studie 2, der ulike nivÄer av oppfattet ydmykhet (N = 70; gj. snitts alder = 23 Är; 83% kvinner; 16% menn), og autentisitet (N = 96; gj. snitts alder = 23 Är; 75% kvinner, 25% menn) hos fire reelle musikkartister ble testet i to ulike digitale eksperiment. Resultatene fra Studie 2 viste til at kun autentisitet hadde en effekt pÄ sosial tiltrekning og parasosiale interaksjoner, der musikkartisten med en hÞy autentisitet oppnÄdde en hÞyere grad av sosial attraksjon og parasosiale interaksjoner enn artisten med lav autentisitet. Teoretiske og praktiske implikasjoner av vÄre funn blir diskutert med forslag til videre forskning. NÞkkelord: Parasosiale interaksjoner, sosial tiltrekning, autentisitet, ydmykhet, musikkartister, sosiale medier

    Internet-based interventions for parents with children 0–5 years: A scoping review

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    This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.Aim: This study aims to review the existing literature on Internet-based health interventions directed to support parents of children aged 0–5 years. Methods: We systematically searched electronic databases between January 2000 and 2018. The search consisted of terms describing eHealth, intervention and families and/or children. Results: Internet-based parent support interventions were most often directed at rehabilitation and selective prevention, and we identified more studies on mental health (57%) than somatic health (41%). Developmental disorders were the most frequently studied mental health condition (n = 33), while interventions for obesity (15%) were the most studied somatic health condition. Forty-four percent of mental health studies were RCTs and 65% of interventions were theory driven. Interventions most often used a behavioural approach, included guidance and delivered content via text-based information. Conclusion: Several significant gaps were identified such as the need for more research outside of English-speaking countries, more systematic reviews and effect studies. This review also elucidates the need for researchers to improve reporting on the theoretical approaches employed in interventions, and to focus on determining the importance of guidance. Finally, program developers should consider using more audio-visual technology to avoid reinforcing social inequalities in access to healthcare.publishedVersio
