727 research outputs found

    Political Space, Guaranteed: Utilizing New Zealand\u27s \u27Reserved Seats\u27 System to Help Aboriginal Canadians Realize Their Guaranteed Democratic Rights

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    Despite having formally recognized the distinctiveness and importance of Aboriginal Rights with the enactment of section 35 of the 1982 Constitution, Aboriginal persons continue to be under-represented in Canadian political institutions. This article will argue that the solution to this problem does not lie in section 35. Instead, this article will demonstrate this historic lack of political space constitutes an infringement of rights guaranteed to Aboriginal Canadians under section 3 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom. The most effective method to remedy this breach is through the implementation of a ‘reserved-seat’ system similar to that in New Zealand. This article begins with a brief historical summary of the relationship held between Canada and its Aboriginal people, moving to compare this with the association linking the New Zealand crown and the indigenous people of New Zealand – the Maori. New Zealand did not initially incorporate rights for the Maori in constitutional documents, but instead chose to allocate reserved parliamentary seats to the Maori people – a method that has proven quite successful. The article then moves to analyze the Canadian jurisprudence under section 3 of the Charter, demonstrating that our current electoral system and under- representation of Aboriginal persons constitutes a breach of this right. Due to the inherent inequalities existent in the political sphere, only a method as assertive and direct as reserving seats will begin to remedy this breach. This argument can withstand justification – under both the Canadian liberalized view of rights and section 1 of the Charter

    Political Space, Guaranteed: Utilizing New Zealand\u27s \u27Reserved Seats\u27 System to Help Aboriginal Canadians Realize Their Guaranteed Democratic Rights

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    Despite having formally recognized the distinctiveness and importance of Aboriginal Rights with the enactment of section 35 of the 1982 Constitution, Aboriginal persons continue to be under-represented in Canadian political institutions. This article will argue that the solution to this problem does not lie in section 35. Instead, this article will demonstrate this historic lack of political space constitutes an infringement of rights guaranteed to Aboriginal Canadians under section 3 of the Charter of Rights and Freedom. The most effective method to remedy this breach is through the implementation of a ‘reserved-seat’ system similar to that in New Zealand. This article begins with a brief historical summary of the relationship held between Canada and its Aboriginal people, moving to compare this with the association linking the New Zealand crown and the indigenous people of New Zealand – the Maori. New Zealand did not initially incorporate rights for the Maori in constitutional documents, but instead chose to allocate reserved parliamentary seats to the Maori people – a method that has proven quite successful. The article then moves to analyze the Canadian jurisprudence under section 3 of the Charter, demonstrating that our current electoral system and under- representation of Aboriginal persons constitutes a breach of this right. Due to the inherent inequalities existent in the political sphere, only a method as assertive and direct as reserving seats will begin to remedy this breach. This argument can withstand justification – under both the Canadian liberalized view of rights and section 1 of the Charter

    Motivated grouping in grades four, five and six

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 1946. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    This side and beyond the second chance education. On the development of formal adult education in Austria

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    Formale, zu einem anerkannten Abschluss fĂŒhrende Weiterbildung von Erwachsenen ist ein in seiner quantitativen wie qualitativen Bedeutung unterschĂ€tztes PhĂ€nomen. In Österreich stehen nationale Auffassungsweisen den international eingefĂŒhrten Definitionen formaler Erwachsenenbildung gegenĂŒber. Die Autoren plĂ€dieren im vorliegenden Beitrag dafĂŒr, formale Weiterbildung in Österreich in einen breiteren, international vergleichenden Kontext zu stellen. Der Beitrag schließt hierfĂŒr an eine von den Autoren entwickelte Typologie formaler Erwachsenenbildung an, welche sieben organisationale Felder unterscheidet. Drei ausgewĂ€hlte Felder, nĂ€mlich (formale) Basisbildung, Zweiter Bildungsweg und berufsbegleitende Hochschulbildung bzw. Hochschulbildung fĂŒr nicht-traditionelle Studierende, und deren rezenten Entwicklungen (ca. 1996 bis 2010) werden fĂŒr Österreich diskutiert. In dieser Diskussion zeigt sich, dass alle drei untersuchten Felder formaler Erwachsenenbildung starken VerĂ€nderungen unterliegen, die aber eines gemeinsam haben: Expansion, sprich neue Angebote, steigende TeilnehmerInnenzahlen und die Transformation bestehender Angebote. (DIPF/Orig.)Formal continuing education for adults leading to a recognized qualification is a phenomenon whose quantitative and qualitative significance is underestimated. In Austria, national perceptions confront internationally established definitions of formal adult education. In this article, the authors argue that formal continuing education in Austria should be placed in a broader international context. To do this, the paper follows a typology of formal adult education developed by the authors which distinguishes between seven organizational fields. It discusses three specific fields - (formal) basic education, the second chance education and part-time university education for working students and university education for non-traditional students - and their recent developments (from roughly 1996 to 2010) in Austria. It is apparent from this discussion that all three of the fields of formal adult education under investigation are subject to great changes that have several things in common: expansion, i.e. new provisions, an increasing number of participants and the transformation of existing provisions. (DIPF/Orig.

    False Friends between English and Italian

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    False friends, false pairs or faux amis are a linguistic phenomenon presenting a great deal of trouble to translators. False friends are two words from different languages that may look and sound similar, but their meaning is either partially or entirely different. This paper is focusing on false friends between just two languages, English and Italian. English, being a global language is one of the most translated ones. When it comes to translating from English to Italian, false friends may cause a lot of problems for translators. English and Italian have a lot of false friends because of the influence French, which is a Romance language just like Italian, had on English

    Case report: Type IV paraesophageal hernia

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    This case report is about a 43 year old man, who presented with a large paraesophageal hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernias are common and often asymptomatic. However, this patient’s hernia was caused by a large defect in his diaphragm, into which his stomach, multiple loops of small bowel and even part of his colon had herniated, causing recurrent gastric obstruction. While this is a condition that develops slowly, over time in most patients, this case of hiatal hernia likely results from a congenital defect, given his relatively young age, the size of the defect and his associated anatomical abnormalities. This report details his presentation and surgical repair, complemented with corresponding images

    False Friends between English and Italian

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    False friends, false pairs or faux amis are a linguistic phenomenon presenting a great deal of trouble to translators. False friends are two words from different languages that may look and sound similar, but their meaning is either partially or entirely different. This paper is focusing on false friends between just two languages, English and Italian. English, being a global language is one of the most translated ones. When it comes to translating from English to Italian, false friends may cause a lot of problems for translators. English and Italian have a lot of false friends because of the influence French, which is a Romance language just like Italian, had on English

    Die Histologie des Genitaltrakts der Tritonymphe von Sancassania berlesei (Michael, 1903) (Acari: Acaridida)

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    Der Genitaltrakt von Sancassania berlesei (Michael, 1903) wurde bereits in mehreren Arbeiten beschrieben. Um seinen Aufbau und seine Funktionsweise besser verstehen zu können, wurden aktive und pharate Tritonymphen histologisch untersucht. Dazu wurden gefĂ€rbte Schnittserien (1ÎŒm) hergestellt, um die Anlagen der Genitaltrakte darstellen und ihre Differenzierung nachvollziehen zu können. Hoden, Vasa deferentia, akzessorische DrĂŒse und Ductus ejaculatorius sind bei der mĂ€nnlichen aktiven Tritonymphe angelegt. Die Differenzierung der akzessorischen DrĂŒse erfolgt wĂ€hrend der pharaten Phase, die Verbindung zum Ductus ejaculatorius entsteht erst kurz vor der AdulthĂ€utung. Reifende Spermatocyten wurden in den Hoden aktiver, Reifeteilungen und Spermatozoen in jenen pharater Tritonymphen gefunden. Reifende Keimzellen waren stets von einer oder zwei somatischen HĂŒllzellen umgeben, die in Untersuchungen der Adulti bis dato keine ErwĂ€hnung fanden. Ovarien, Ovidukte, die prĂ€oviporale Kammer sowie der Ovipositor sind bei der weiblichen aktiven Tritonymphe angelegt. In den Ovarien liegt eine Mantelzelle vor, welche die zentrale NĂ€hrzelle, Oogonien und prĂ€vitellogenetische Oocyten umgibt und sie vom Ovarialepithel trennt. Eine wĂ€hrend der aktiven Phase vorhandene postanale epidermale Invagination differenziert sich in der pharaten Phase zu Bursa copulatrix, Canalis copulator und dem Receptaculum seminis. Drei wĂ€hrend der pharaten Phase vorliegende, miteinander verbundenen Zelllagen sowie die von ihnen gebildeten cuticulĂ€ren Schichten innerhalb des Receptaculum seminis geben Hinweise auf eine mögliche Funktionsweise dieses Organs bei adulten Tieren. Eine Voruntersuchung, die durchgefĂŒhrt wurde, um herauszufinden, ob zwi-schen mĂ€nnlichen und weiblichen Tritonymphen ein GrĂ¶ĂŸenunterschied wie bei den Adulti festzustellen sei, zeigte, dass ein solcher nicht vorliegt

    Effect of Naphthalene on Sodium Transport in the Frog Skin

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    Zoology (Physiology
