675 research outputs found

    ESTRO: a regional oncology society on the move

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    ESTRO, founded in 1982, has stimulated and coached the emergence of radiation oncology as a separate in Europe. Its growth was organical and driven by the pioneer sprint, vision and energy of its “founding fathers”. In 1997, 15 years later, the Society counts more than 4 000 members and represents the vast majority of European proffesionals active in the field of radiation oncology. At this historical moment ESTRO is doing some deep soul searching to find out whether its present structure, goals and activities are still adequate to face up to the challenges of the 21 st century, to streamline an interactive communications with its members and provide the guidance and services rightfully expected from it in a region rapidly converging towards a new European space.In a “conclave” – type meeting in a former monastery in Italy a group of yong members were brought together to put under scrutiny 8 areas considered to be of major importance to the Society, to assess the present status and explore new paths, horizonts and boundaries. The Board joined them later to listen to their criticism and capture their audacious dream and projects. Will the Society be able to produce the power of imagination required to set free, harness and tap this powerful stream of new energy? Will it be able to generate the resources to deliver on the vast range of expectations of a new generation of members who, it is hoped, have served as an unprejudiced and candid mouthpeace of its membership at large

    Label-Free 3D Imaging of Development of Cell Patterns in Drosophila melanogaster Wing Imaginal Disc

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    Extended abstract of a paper presented at Microscopy and Microanalysis 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, August 7-August 11, 201

    Economic analysis of deficit irrigation in sugarcane farming: Nchalo Estate, Chikwawa District, Malawi

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    Sustenance of the growing world population calls for increased agricultural production. However, this will have to be done while forecasts of water withdrawals on a global scale predict sharp increases in future demand to meet human needs. The inadequacy of irrigation water supplies has led to the need to consider deficit irrigation (DI) as a water saving strategy. DI is a deliberate under-application of water to growing crops. In this study we carried out an economic analysis of DI in sugarcane farming with an aim of developing an understanding of the economic impact of various irrigation water management strategies. The study was undertaken at a 36.6-ha field in Nchalo sugar estate in Malawi. The AquaCrop model was used to simulate yield response of sugarcane to different water application levels. The model was calibrated and validated based on field data. The output from the simulations were used to generate a yield–water production function which was used in the economic analysis. The study showed that DI is a viable strategy that can be used at the estate when water is limited. The optimum water-limiting irrigation depth (Ww) was 120 mm and the optimum land-limiting depth (Wl) was 1,400 mm. When available water is less than Ww, it is recommended to apply an irrigation depth of Ww on a portion of the field and leave the rest of the field in rainfed conditions, which resulted in a small increase (up to 5,490)inthetotalnetreturnsforthefield.WhentheavailablewaterdepthisgreaterthanWwbutlessthanWl,itisrecommendedtoapplytheavailablewaterdepthacrossthewholefield;thisresultedinalargeincrease(upto5,490) in the total net returns for the field. When the available water depth is greater than Ww but less than Wl, it is recommended to apply the available water depth across the whole field; this resulted in a large increase (up to 208,000.) in total net returns for the field compared to applying Wl on a reduced field area

    Alcohol Policies and Alcoholic Cirrhosis Mortality in the United States

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    Introduction Stronger alcohol policies predict decreased alcohol consumption and binge drinking in the United States. We examined the relation- ship between the strength of states’ alcohol policies and alcoholic cirrhosis mortality rates. Methods We used the Alcohol Policy Scale (APS), a validated assessment of policies of the 50 US states and Washington DC, to quantify the efficacy and implementation of 29 policies. State APS scores (the- oretical range, 0–100) for each year from 1999 through 2008 were compared with age-adjusted alcoholic cirrhosis death rates that oc- curred 3 years later. We used Poisson regression accounting for state-level clustering and adjusting for race/ethnicity, college edu- cation, insurance status, household income, religiosity, policing rates, and urbanization. Results Age-adjusted alcoholic cirrhosis mortality rates varied signific- antly across states; they were highest among males, among resid- ents in states in the West census region, and in states with a high proportion of American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs). Higher APS scores were associated with lower mortality rates among fe- males (adjusted incidence rate ratio [IRR], 0.91 per 10-point in- crease in APS score; 95% confidence interval [95% CI], 0.84–0.99) but not among males (adjusted IRR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.90–1.04). Among non-AI/AN decedents, higher APS scores were also associated with lower alcoholic cirrhosis mortality rates among both sexes combined (adjusted IRR, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.82–0.97). Policies were more strongly associated with lower mortality rates among those living in the Northeast and West census regions than in other regions. Conclusions Stronger alcohol policy environments are associated with lower al- coholic cirrhosis mortality rates. Future studies should identify un- derlying reasons for racial/ethnic and regional differences in this relationship

    20. Setting the pace for strengthening radiotherapy in Europe: the estro esquire project

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    In most medical specialties the success rate and outcome of treatment coincide and can be measured immediately. This is not the case for radiotherapy where debilitating of even lethal side effects may show up as late as 18 years after treatment. To determine the outcome or therapeutic ratio of radiotherapy, it is therefore necessary to link tumour control closely to the actuarial long-term disease free survival of the patient.The therapeutic window for radiotherapy is narrow. In walking the tightrope between cure and complications, radiotherapy can put the odds at its side. As a precautionary measure, strict quality assurance measures including the monitoring of side effects need to be put in place. Recent studies have demonstrated that every gain in the accuracy of the beam output and treatment delivery is translated into important gains in the uncomplicated cure probability, thus sparing the lives of thousands of patients every year. QA will become all the more mandatory now that new technological developments allow much more precision in the delivery of the intended dose to the intended target volume, thus making an escalation of the dose and hence the improvement of the cancer cure rata possible.Europe has only half the number of treatment units of America and Japan. However, it has also its own strengths. These are exactly in the field of quality assurance and education. ESTRO has become a world leader in the provision of teaching in the field of radiotherapy. The ESTRO teaching programme commands the admiration and even the envy of the International radiation oncology community. We need to capitalise on this achievement and keep it at the cutting edge of scientific and technological progress to offset, through the development of the human potential and optima) use of capital-intensive infrastructural resources, at least partially the shortage in capital investment and the past shortfall in spending for research.For this reason ESTRO is embarking on an ambitious new project called ESQUIRE (Education, Science and Quality Assurance In Radiotherapy in Europe) which it hopes to realise with the support of EU funding. The aim of this project is to increase the confidence level of clinicians for embracing optimised RT treatment regimes by making sure they can be introduced without an increase in severe side effects. Actions proposed for this purpose: monitoring the accuracy of the dose (Talk 1:E∼UAL) and the side effects (Task 2: REACT), by stepping up education for the implementation of new technology (Task 3: EDRO,) by developing quality assurance procedures for optimised RT (Task 5: QUASIMODO) and brachytherapy (Task 6: BRAPHY∼S), and establishing a procedure-based surveillance of quality in treatment and research (Task 4:EPOQART)

    Разработка и применение современных лабораторных методов в эпидемиологическом мониторинге, диагностики и лечении энтеровирусных инфекций

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    У роботі проведена порівняльна оцінка специфічності й чутливості тест-системи ПЛР, зі специфічним праймером до ДНК 207 п.н. 5'-нетрансльованої області генома энтеровируса для всіх типів ентеровірусів (крім вірусу поліомієліту) у порівнянні із класичним культуральним методом. А також методологічний підхід спільного використання вищеописаної реакції ПЦР із визначенням антитіл класу Іg до вірусів Коксаки й ЕСНО у системі ІФА діагностики, розробленої авторами, і спектр застосування розробленого комплекс.In work the estimation of specificity and sensitivity of test system PTSR, with specific primers to DNA 207 n.n is spent comparative. 5 '-not broadcast areas генома an enterovirus for all types of enteroviruses (except a poliomyelitis virus) in comparison with classical the virology a method. And also the methodological approach of sharing of above described reaction PCR with definition of antibodies of a class ІgG to viruses Cocsaki and ЕСНО in system IFA of diagnostics developed by authors, and a spectrum of application of the developed complex

    Feed for Milk-Eggs Pork

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    The biggest service that farmers can give to the nation in war is greater production of meat, milk and eggs. Uncle Sam is calling upon South Dakota farmers for greater production of these products throughout this winter and for next year. In many years of the past, it would not be possible for our state to provide this greater production but now it is different – we now have the greatest feed supply in our history, thanks to the bountifulness of nature last year. To use our vast feed supplies most efficiently- to get the maximum amount of human feed from them-stricter attention to proper winter feeding methods must be given. It will require the utmost cooperation and teamwork between farmers, U. S. Department of Agriculture Neighborhood Leaders, county extension agents and experiment stations to see that not a bit of feed is wasted; that it all goes to make every bit of human food possible

    Feeding in Winter

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    In this circular, created by the Agriculture Extension Service at South Dakota State College, the information provided includes feeding techniques during the winter months. This information is provided through the guidance of the Agriculture Department during the year 1943

    Material efficiency strategies to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, vehicles, and electronics - A review

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    As one quarter of global energy use serves the production of materials, the more efficient use of these materials presents a significant opportunity for the mitigation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. With the renewed interest of policy makers in the circular economy, material efficiency (ME) strategies such as light-weighting and downsizing of and lifetime extension for products, reuse and recycling of materials, and appropriate material choice are being promoted. Yet, the emissions savings from ME remain poorly understood, owing in part to the multitude of material uses and diversity of circumstances and in part to a lack of analytical effort. We have reviewed emissions reductions from ME strategies applied to buildings, cars, and electronics. We find that there can be a systematic trade-off between material use in the production of buildings, vehicles, and appliances and energy use in their operation, requiring a careful life cycle assessment of ME strategies. We find that the largest potential emission reductions quantified in the literature result from more intensive use of and lifetime extension for buildings and the light-weighting and reduced size of vehicles. Replacing metals and concrete with timber in construction can result in significant GHG benefits, but trade-offs and limitations to the potential supply of timber need to be recognized. Repair and remanufacturing of products can also result in emission reductions, which have been quantified only on a case-by-case basis and are difficult to generalize. The recovery of steel, aluminum, and copper from building demolition waste and the end-of-life vehicles and appliances already results in the recycling of base metals, which achieves significant emission reductions. Higher collection rates, sorting efficiencies, and the alloy-specific sorting of metals to preserve the function of alloying elements while avoiding the contamination of base metals are important steps to further reduce emissions

    The pro-neurotrophin receptor sortilin is a major neuronal apolipoprotein E receptor for catabolism of amyloid-β peptide in the brain

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    Apolipoprotein E (APOE) is the major risk factor for sporadic Alzheimer's disease. Among other functions, APOE is proposed to sequester neurotoxic amyloid-{beta} (A{beta}) peptides in the brain, delivering them to cellular catabolism via neuronal APOE receptors. Still, the receptors involved in this process remain controversial. Here, we identified the pro-neurotrophin receptor sortilin as major endocytic pathway for clearance of APOE/A{beata} complexes in neurons. Sortilin binds APOE with high affinity. Lack of receptor expression in mice results in accumulation of APOE and of A{beta} in the brain and in aggravated plaque burden. Also, primary neurons lacking sortilin exhibit significantly impaired uptake of APOE/A{beta} complexes despite proper expression of other APOE receptors. Despite higher than normal brain APOE levels, sortilin-deficient animals display anomalies in brain lipid metabolism (e.g., accumulation of sulfatides) seen in APOE-deficient mice, indicating functional deficiency in cellular APOE uptake pathways. Together, our findings identified sortilin as an essential neuronal pathway for APOE-containing lipoproteins in vivo and suggest an intriguing link between A{beta} catabolism and pro-neurotrophin signaling converging on this receptor