15 research outputs found

    Adjustment of Mechanical Construction of the Frame of Robot Kraken 2

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    Import 02/11/2016Bakalářská práce se zabývá úpravou rámu robotu Kraken 2, který je určen pro video detekci automobilových podvozků. V úvodu je proveden průzkum robotů určených pro monitoring. Následně byl vytvořen požadavkový list a navrženy varianty k řešení. Kriteriální analýzou byla vybrána optimální varianta a podrobně zpracována.The bachelor thesis deals with modifying the frame of robot Kraken 2, which is designed for video detection of car chassis. At the first theoretical part there are described robots designed for monitoring. In the next section a request list was compiled and three variants of solution were designed. By using value analysis was chosen the best variant that was elaborated in detail.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Increasing the accuracy of position and orientation of the objects placed by the manipulator

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    Předkládaná disertační práce se zabývá zvyšováním přesnosti polohy objektů při jejich umisťování či montáži robotem. Průmyslové roboty se běžně používají v montážních linkách, kde se stále častěji využívá tzv. bin-bickin, což je vytahování neuspořádaných předmětů z palety či krabice. Tato pick-and-place aplikace se řeší pomocí vision systému a robotu, který uchopené objekty ukládá na dopravník, který posouvá objekty na technologické lince pro další zpracování. V práci je představená možnost vynechat dopravník a uchopený objekt robotem použít pro danou montáž či manipulaci bezprostředně po uchopení objektu bin-picking systémem. Práce se věnuje zpřesnění odhadu polohy objektu v chapadle robotu (v 3D prostoru) Iterative Closest Point algoritmem. K zpřesnění odhadu polohy jsou klíčová správná vstupní data do ICP algoritmu, čehož se dosáhne skenováním relevantních prvků, geometrických primitiv daného objektu. Úvodní část této disertační práce se věnuje komerčně dostupným bin-picking systémům a přehledu aktuálního stavu řešené problematiky s možnostmi zpřesnění montáže či manipulace s objektem manipulace. Následně jsou stanoveny cíle práce, které vycházejí z průzkumu současného stavu a v souvislosti s projekty realizovanými katedrou robotiky. Vlastní část práce je rozdělena do dílčích kapitol, podle jednotlivých cílů práce. V práci je popsána metodika pro umístění senzorů vůči skenovanému objektu z různých materiálů pro zabezpečení sběru dat. Na základě získaných charakteristik je vytvořen simulační model pro účely virtuálního skenování a simulací. Následně je vytvořena metodika rozmístění senzorů pro zpřesnění odhadu polohy – hledání optimální polohy senzorů vůči skenovanému objektu s ohledem na získaná data pro vstup do ICP algoritmu. Simulační model, virtuální skenování a odhad polohy je ověřen na reálném systému.The presented dissertation deals with increasing the position accuracy of objects during their placement or assembly by a robot. Industrial robots are commonly used in assembly lines, where bin-picking, which is the removal of disordered objects from a pallet or box, is becoming increasingly used. This pick-and-place application is solved by a vision system and a robot that places the grasped objects on a conveyor that moves the objects on the technology line for further processing. This work presents the possibility to eliminate the conveyor which can be achieved by performing the assembly process directly after grasping the object via bin-picking system. The thesis focuses on refining the object pose estimation in a gripper of the robot (in 3D space) by Iterative Closest Point algorithm. To refine the pose estimation, the correct input data to the ICP algorithm are crucial, which is achieved by scanning the relevant features, the geometric primitives of the object. The introductory part of this dissertation is devoted to commercially available bin-picking systems and an overview of the current state of the art with possibilities for refining the assembly or manipulation process. Then, the objectives of the thesis are stated based on a survey of the current state of the art and in the context of projects carried out by the Department of Robotics. The actual part of the thesis is divided into subchapters according to the different objectives of the thesis. This article describes a methodology for positioning sensors relative to the scanned object (and various materials) to increase the reliability of data collection. Based on the obtained characteristics, a simulation model is developed for virtual scanning and simulation purposes. Subsequently, a sensor placement methodology is developed to refine the pose estimation – finding the optimal pose of the sensors relative to the scanned object with respect to the collected data for input to the ICP algorithm. The simulation model and pose estimation are verified on a real system.354 - Katedra robotikyvyhově

    Design of automated terrarium

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem terária pro chov užovky červené. Toto terárium bude automatizováno pomocí programovatelného automatu Siemens LOGO!. Hlavní náplní práce je návrh terária samotného včetně popisu koncepce, volby komponent a rozboru řídicího programu. K tomu bylo použito základů teorie logického řízení a programování v jazyku funkčních bloků. Následně byl systém automatizace terária sestaven a testován v reálných podmínkách.The thesis deals with the design of automated terrarium for breeding corn snake. The terrarium will be automated using programmable logic controller Siemens LOGO!. The design of the terrarium, including a description of the concept, selection of components and description of the control program is the main goal of the presented work. The basic theory of logical control and FBD programming were used for our purpose. The automation system was constructed and tested in real conditions finally.

    The Mechanical Design of a Low-cost Mobile Robot Manipulator

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá konstrukčním návrhem manipulátoru pro mobilní robot, který jen určen pro studentskou soutěž European Rover Challenge. V úvodní části práce je proveden rozbor pravidel této soutěže a průzkum obdobných systémů pro mobilní platformy. Následně byl vytvořen požadavkový list a tři kinematické struktury manipulátoru. Optimální varianta byla podrobněji zpracována, doplněna 3D modelem, kontrolními výpočty a požadovanou výkresovou dokumentací.This thesis deals with construction design of a mobile robot manipulator, which is designed for student competition European Rover Challenge. In the introductory part of the thesis an analysis of the rules of this event is made and research of similar systems for mobile platforms as well. In the next section a request list was compiled and three variants of kinematic structures were designed. Subsequently, the resulting variant was further elaborated in detail and supplemented with a 3D model, control calculations and the required drawings documentation.354 - Katedra robotikyvýborn

    Using virtual scanning to find optimal configuration of a 3D scanner turntable for scanning of mechanical parts

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    The article describes a method of simulated 3D scanning of triangle meshes based on ray casting which is used to find the optimal configuration of a real 3D scanner turntable. The configuration include the number of scanners, their elevation above the rotary table and the number of required rotation steps. The evaluation is based on the percentage of the part surface covered by the resulting point cloud, which determines the ability to capture all details of the shape. Principal component analysis is used as a secondary criterion to also evaluate the ability to capture the overall general proportions of the model.Web of Science2116art. no. 534

    Initial estimation of kinematic structure of a robotic manipulator as an input for its synthesis

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    Researchers often deal with the synthesis of the kinematic structure of a robotic manipulator to determine the optimal manipulator for a given task. This approach can lower the cost of the manipulator and allow it to achieve poses that might be unreachable by universal manipulators in an existing constrained environment. Numerical methods are broadly used to find the optimum design but they often require an estimated initial kinematic structure as input, especially if local-optimum-search algorithms are used. This paper presents four different algorithms for such an estimation using the standard Denavit-Hartenberg convention. Two of the algorithms are able to reach a given position and the other two can reach both position and orientation using Bezier splines approximation and vector algebra. The results are demonstrated with three chosen example poses and are evaluated by measuring manipulability and the total link length of the final kinematic structures.Web of Science118art. no. 354

    Increasing the reliability of data collection of laser line triangulation sensor by proper placement of the sensor

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    In this paper, we investigated the effect of the incidence angle of a laser ray on the reflected laser intensity. A dataset on this dependence is presented for materials usually used in the industry, such as transparent and non-transparent plastics and aluminum alloys with different surface roughness. The measurements have been performed with a laser line triangulation sensor and a UR10e robot. The presented results are proposing where to place the sensor relative to the scanned object, thus increasing the reliability of the sensor data collection.Web of Science218art. no. 289

    Distributed camera subsystem for obstacle detection

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    This work focuses on improving a camera system for sensing a workspace in which dynamic obstacles need to be detected. The currently available state-of-the-art solution (MoveIt!) processes data in a centralized manner from cameras that have to be registered before the system starts. Our solution enables distributed data processing and dynamic change in the number of sensors at runtime. The distributed camera data processing is implemented using a dedicated control unit on which the filtering is performed by comparing the real and expected depth images. Measurements of the processing speed of all sensor data into a global voxel map were compared between the centralized system (MoveIt!) and the new distributed system as part of a performance benchmark. The distributed system is more flexible in terms of sensitivity to a number of cameras, better framerate stability and the possibility of changing the camera number on the go. The effects of voxel grid size and camera resolution were also compared during the benchmark, where the distributed system showed better results. Finally, the overhead of data transmission in the network was discussed where the distributed system is considerably more efficient. The decentralized system proves to be faster by 38.7% with one camera and 71.5% with four cameras.Web of Science2212art. no. 458

    Family house automation system

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    The thesis deals with the automation of a family house. After an introduction to different automation options, a system based on an open-source project Home Assistant is proposed. Commercially available devices are connected to this system to provide control of appropriate functions. For each device, the configuration procedure is described. Furthermore, a prototype of a smart lighting controller and a smart thermometer is designed and built