802 research outputs found

    At the banks of the river: the work of Eurodiaconia[Nas margens do rio: o trabalho da Eurodiaconia]

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    In this article the European network Eurodiaconia is presented. The development of social services in Europe takes place against a backdrop of social and economic change as well as changing relationships between churches, Diaconia and citizens. Diaconal work continues to be shaped in the provision of services but there is also increasing emphasis on advocacy and being prophetic. However, one of the biggest challenges and opportunities for Diaconia in Europe is how to preserve, promote and defi ne our diaconal identity in an increasingly multicultural and multi-religious as well as secular, context. Learning from diaconal work in other parts of the world may contribute to the different possible approaches to these challenges and opportunities and in 2015 Eurodiaconia will start to do this with partners in Brazil.A rede europeia Eurodiaconia é apresentada neste artigo. O desenvolvimento de serviços sociais na Europa acontece diante de um pano de fundo de mudança social e econômica além de mudanças nas relações entre igrejas, diaconia e cidadãos/ãs. O trabalho diaconal continua sendo moldado pela oferta de serviços, mas há uma ênfase crescente na advocacia e em ser profético. Porém o maior desafio e a maior oportunidade da diaconia na Europa é saber como preservar, promover e definir nossa identidade diaconal num contexto crescentemente multicultural e multirreligioso, além de ser secular. Aprender do trabalho diaconal em outras partes do mundo pode contribuir para as diferentes abordagens possíveis a esses desafios e essas oportunidades, e em 2015 a Eurodiaconia irá começar a fazer isso com parceiros no Brasil

    The male perspective: The psychological experience of a male whose wife is diagnosed with breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the leading cancer among women in the United States. Breast cancer does not only affect the individual diagnosed, but also her family. Research has shown that spouses are the most commonly reported support people for married women with the diagnosis. The impact of the diagnosis of breast cancer and treatment for women is well studied and documented, but the psychological effects on spouses have received less attention. This phenomenological study was designed to enhance understanding of the psychological experiences of a male whose wife is diagnosed with breast cancer Participants in this study were six Caucasian males who are all married to women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, have received treatment, and are currently now in remission. Semi-structured interviews served as a means of data collection. Common themes of sacrifice, vulnerability, combat, hope, and hero emerged in the data analysis. The experiences of the men in this study were ultimately likened to the experiences of the ancient Olympic Festival. The findings in this study have clearly contributed to the breast cancer literature and to healthcare professionals regarding holistic care of families who encounter a breast cancer diagnosis

    Low-profile and wearable energy harvester based on plucked piezoelectric cantilevers

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    The Pizzicato Energy Harvester (EH) introduced the technique of frequency up-conversion to piezoelectric EHs wearable on the lateral side of the knee-joint. The operation principle is to pluck the piezoelectric bimorphs with plectra so that they produce electrical energy during the ensuing mechanical vibrations. The device presented in this work is, in some ways, an evolution of the earlier Pizzicato: it is a significantly more compact and lighter device; the central hub holds 16 piezoelectric bimorphs shaped as trapezoids, which permits a sleek design and potentially increased energy output for the same bimorph area. Plectra were formed by Photochemical Machining of a 100-μm-thick steel sheet. To avoid the risk of short-circuiting, the plectra were electrically passivated by sputtering a 100 nm layer of ZrO2. Bench tests with the steel plectra showed a very large energy generation. Polyimide plectra were also manufactured with a cutting plotter from a 125μm-thick film. Besides bench tests, a volunteer wore the device while walking on flat ground or climbing stairs, with a measured energy output of approximately 0.8 mJ per step. Whereas most of the tests were performed by the traditional method of discharging the rectified output from the EH onto a resistive load, tests were performed also with a circuit offering a stabilised 3.3 V supply. The circuit produced a stable 0.1 mA supply during running gait with kapton plectra

    Assessing How Fish Predation and Interspecific Prey Competition Influence a Crayfish Assemblage

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    In northern Wisconsin lakes. the introduced crayfish 0rconectes rusticus is replacing 0. propinquus, a previous invader, and 0. virilis,a native crayfish. Herein, we explore how fish predation and competition interact to drive this change in crayfish species composition. In outside pools, we conducted selective predation experiments exposing crayfish to largemouth bass. Micropterus salmoides, to quantify patterns of crayfish vulnerability. To determine how interactions among crayfish influence susceptibility. we quantified shelter use and behavioral interactions among crayfish in aquaria and outside pools. At equal size, 0. virilis was more susceptible to fish predation than either of the invaders. 0. rusticus and 0. propinquus; the two invaders were equally susceptible to predation. However, sizes of these crayfish in the field are 0. virilis > 0. rusticus > 0. propinquus. Because fish predators prefer small crayfish. at unequal size, small 0. propinquus were more vulnerable to predation than large 0. rusticus. Thus, 0. rusticus can replace 0. propinquus due to natural size differences. Although 0. virilis grows larger than the invaders, it was more susceptible even when 3 mm larger. We hypothesized that 0. virilis, although large, participated in behaviors that increased its risk to predation. When provided with unlimited shelters, all three species increased refuge use under predatory risk. When shelters were limiting and fish present. 0. virilis was excluded from shelters by invaders. 0. virilis also participated in risky behaviors, such as increased activity and swimming. Both agonistic interactions with congeners and approaches by largemouth bass increased risky behaviors in 0. virilis. In addition, 0. virilis was innately less aggressive than invaders. Given these behaviors, 0. virilis was consumed at high rates and would be eventually replaced in lakes. In northern Wisconsin lakes, fish predation and crayfish-crayfish competition interact to influence crayfish replacements. Based on our results, largemouth bass predation modifies the outcome of interference competition among the three crayfishes and, in turn, competitive interactions among the crayfishes influence susceptibility to fish predation. We predict that 0. virilis should suffer high mortality to fish predation in the presence, rather than in the absence, of the two invading species. Our results support the hypothesis that, in areas of sympatry where predators are selective and prey species compete, predation and competition interact to determine community structure.This project was supported through NSF grant BSR 8907691 to R. A. Stein in collaboration with David Lodge and Ken Brown

    Effect of production factors on muscle fiber type and dimensions in the m. semimembranosus of crossbred steer carcasses

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    The muscle fibers that have been examined in the study were affected by three different controlled factors: steroids, ractopamine and residual feed intake (RFI). By examining the effects of the controlled factors on cattle’s muscle fibers, it can be determined if they affect different meat properties, such as meat toughness, collagen solubility and muscle fiber quality. The research had been done specifically with m. semimembranosus (SM) of crossbred steers. Although some may be concerned with the health effects of steroids and other materials, no negative effects to the health of the cattle were observed after the use of steroids. This is because the hormones being introduced into the cattle’s body already exist in the animal. In addition, the same concept applies to humans who consume the meat, preventing harm the people who consume it. For this study, 48 crossbred angus steers were used, 12 for each of the different treatment groups. The control group consisted of no steroids and no ractopamine. The second group was not treated with steroid but with ractopamine. The third group was treated with steroids but no ractopamine. Finally, the fourth group was treated with both, the steroids and the ractopamine. For each SM muscle, 1-inch thick steaks were cut and from those steaks, 1cm3 cubes were cut. These cubes were frozen in dry ice acetone until they are ready to be sectioned. Cubes are placed in the cryostat and sliced into serial sections of 10µm. These serial sections are then mounted onto dry slide glass and stored in a freezer at -80ºC until they are to be stained. The staining process helps to identify the different types of muscle fibers in the samples. From the muscle fiber types, the average sizes of each muscle fiber is calculated to identify inconsistencies among the different treatment groups. Conclusions will be drawn based on the inconsistencies found (if any)

    The Center for History and New Media: An Overview

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    This presentation was given at The Library in Bits and Bytes: Digital Library Symposium, held at the University of Maryland on 29 September 2005
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