5 research outputs found
Water and sediment quality, nutrient biochemistry and pollution loads in an urban freshwater lake: balancing human and ecological services
- Author
- Able
- American Public Health Association
- Australian Wetlands Consulting
- Barbosa
- Birch
- Brisbane City Council
- Bulleri
- Correll
- Doup'e
- Dunn
- Dunn
- Dunn
- Ebina
- Eyre
- Eyre
- Eyre
- Ferguson
- Fletcher
- Harris
- Healthy Waterways Partnership
- Jeppesen
- Johnson
- Johnson
- Kruczynski
- Lake
- Marsden
- Maxted
- Melville
- Mitsch
- Moore
- Orth
- Pittman
- Sainty
- Santos
- Smol
- Verhoeven
- Waltham
- Waltham
- Waltham
- Waltham
- Waltham
- Zigic
- Publication venue
- 'Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Remnant riparian vegetation, sediment and nutrient loads, and river rehabilitation in subtropical Australia
- Author
- Abal
- Abal
- Albek
- Alexander
- Alexander
- Allan
- Bartley
- Bernhardt
- Bolton
- Bunn
- Bunn
- Burton
- Burton
- Burton
- Dosskey
- Douglas
- Feld
- Garcıa-Berthou
- Holl
- Hubble
- Jenkinson
- Jones
- Kondolf
- Kreutzweiser
- Lewis
- Marsh
- McKergow
- Newham
- Olley
- Peterjohn
- Pollen
- Queensland Herbarium
- Rassam
- Rutherfurd
- Sheldon
- Simon
- Smith
- South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership
- Wallbrink
- Watkinson
- Webb
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Attributes of successful actions to restore lakes and estuaries degraded by nutrient pollution
- Author
- Ansell
- Banner
- Basque Water Agency
- Battarbee
- Bell
- Bennion
- Benson
- Benson
- Biddle
- Birkland
- Borja
- Boynton
- Bricker
- Broads Authority
- Broads Authority
- C.N.R.-I.S.E. Sede di Verbania
- Callieri
- Cha
- Clarke
- Cloern
- Collavini
- Copeland
- Cottingham
- Coveney
- Cuhna
- Cutriss
- Dalgaard
- Danish Nature Agency
- Davidson
- Davis
- Dennison
- Diaz
- Diez
- Dolbeth
- Druckrey
- Drupp
- Duarte
- Edmondson
- Edmondson
- Elliott
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Facca
- Flindt
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Fonseca
- Garcia-Barcina
- Gibbes
- Gordon
- Greening
- Greening
- Greening
- Greening
- Greening
- Halliwell
- Hanington
- Hawaii Department of Health
- Healthy Waterways
- Healthy Waterways
- Hobæk
- Hoge
- Holtan
- Hunter
- Jeppesen
- Johansson
- Johansson
- Jokiel
- Karr
- Kelly
- Kemp
- Knox
- Koontz
- Kronvang
- Lane
- Le
- Leach
- Leschen
- Lillebø
- Lillebø
- Lowe
- Lubell
- Lybolt
- Lyche-Solheim
- Løvik
- Magley
- Margerum
- MassBays
- Mccomb
- Morabito
- Moreton Bay Waterways and Catchment Partnership
- Moss
- National Research Council
- Neponset River Watershed Association
- Newton
- Official Journal of the European Communities
- Paerl
- Pedersen
- Phillips
- Ploger
- Portuguese Environment Agency
- Prokopy
- Public Radio International
- Punchard
- Queensland Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
- Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management
- Queensland Environmental Protection Agency
- Riemann
- Rist
- Rivers
- Ruggiu
- Schindler
- Selin
- Sevener
- Sfriso
- Simenstad
- Smith
- South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership
- South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership
- St Johns River Water Management District
- Stimson
- Stoker
- Suman
- Tampa Bay Estuary Program
- Tanimura
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Taylor
- Tucker
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- Vassdragsforbundet for Mjøsa med tilløpselver
- Verdonschot
- Verissimo
- Waddock
- Waltham
- Waters
- Western Australia EPA
- Western Australia EPA
- Western Australia EPA
- Wildsmith
- Williams
- Williams
- Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Wulff
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Assessing the cost-effectiveness of water quality interventions in South-East Queensland
- Author
- Abal E.
- Abelson P.
- Alam K.
- Atkins J. P.
- Braden J. B.
- Capelin M.
- Dennison W. C.
- Elofsson K.
- EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
- EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
- EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
- Fox-Rushby J. A.
- Garber A. M.
- Gren I. –M.
- Gren I. –M.
- Healthy Waterways
- Levin H. M.
- Lise W.
- Low Choy D. C.
- MBWCP (Moreton Bay Waterways and Catchments Partnership)
- McMahon P.
- Neil D. T.
- OUM (Office of Urban Management)
- Queensland Treasury
- Rolfe J.
- Schleich J.
- Schou J. S.
- Shortle J. S.
- WBM Oceanics Australia
- WBM Oceanics Australia
- Yuan Y.
- Zanou B.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Protecting the Green Behind the Gold: Catchment-Wide Restoration Efforts Necessary to Achieve Nutrient and Sediment Load Reduction Targets in Gold Coast City, Australia
- Author
- AE Barbosa
- B Dennison
- BE Hatt
- BP Leonard
- BW Web
- D Scavia
- DF Fink
- DL Breitburg
- Dominic Groth
- EA Kohler
- ES Bernhardt
- ES Bernhardt
- G Volf
- H Chanson
- H Mirfenderesk
- Healthy Waterways Partnership
- I Donohue
- IG Valiela
- J Brodie
- J Wallace
- JE Brodie
- JE Cloern
- JH Stagge
- JS Latimer
- LJ McKee
- LS Craig
- M Elliott
- MA House
- MA Kenny
- Michael Barry
- Nathan J. Waltham
- NB Grimm
- NE Flanagan
- NJ Waltham
- NJ Waltham
- NJ Waltham
- NJ Waltham
- RJK Dunn
- RJK Dunn
- RM Argent
- RM Argent
- RW Howarth
- SB Bricker
- SE Lewis
- SJ Pittman
- SY Lee
- TLC Moore
- Tony McAlister
- Tony Weber
- Y Wu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study