124 research outputs found


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    In the existingtechnology, there are severalways for lie detection. Voice Stress Analysis is one of the methods for lie detection. It measures the amount of stress in the subject's voice to detect whether the subject is being truthful or not. The VSA is reported to be cheaper, easier to use, less invasive, less constrained in their operation and more accurate than polygraph with 90 to 95% accuracy. In this project, the theory of Voice Stress Analysis is used to detect deception. Developing the software of lie detection using MATLAB will help in the investigations of law enforcers to detect deception. There are two approaches that are used in this project which are frequency based system and energy based system. The frequency based system detects lie using the variation in the output graph. High variation indicates low stress or 'truthful' voice and low variation indicates high stress or 'lying' voice. The energy based system however, detects deception in the energy spectrum of the voice at 20 to 40 Hz frequency. A flat waveform indicates hard stress while a sharp waveform indicates low stress. Using MATLAB, the voice is processed and both methods are applied. The results for both methods are then compared with the result of a polygraph test. It is found that both methods have different results on certain voice samples and also similar results on certain voice samples. However, the energy based system has more similar results than the frequency based system. Thus, it is more accurate

    A Portal for Conferences

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    Portal originally came to exist to help users to find information on the World Wide Web. A conference is a kind of forum for the discussion of some broad subject. This project attempts to develop a web-based information centre that specializes in promoting new conferences. Therefore, a portal for conferences is seemed to bridge up the communication between both organizations and users. From the literature survey, several functionialities and features have been identified. The functionalities are then adapted in a prototype. Throughout this study, the evaluation of the prototype is been done which involved several participants in order to determine user satisfaction of a developed web portal in terms of the portal content, accuracy, format, ease of use, and timeliness. In addition, the result shows that the prototylpe is working properly and than functionalities are be able to full fill most of user requirements. As a conclusion, the prototype still need further enhancement as it only focuses on IT areas such as Multimedia, Artificial Intelligence, Network and Security, Software Engineering and Information Management

    A case study on the comparison between conventional and Islamic (Takaful) insurance / Nor Hazlin Hussin

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    In Malaysia the operation of Takaful is licensed and regulated by the Takaful Act 1984. The Act was specially promulgated and passed by the Malaysian Parliament with a view of ensuring that Takaful as a sector within the Islamic financial system would grow in an orderly manner. The insurance industry in Malaysia is licensed and regulated by a separate act. At present, the supervisory authority vested under the Takaful Act is the Central Bank of Malaysia (Bank Negara Malaysia) whereby the Governor of the Bank is also the Director General of Takaful. Islamic finance has developed mainly in two directions namely Islamic banking and Islamic insurance (Takaful). All human beings are invariably exposed to the possibility of meeting catastrophes and disasters giving rise to misfortunes and sufferings such as death, loss of limbs, accident, and destruction of business or wealth. Notwithstanding the belief of all Muslims in Qadha-o-Qadr, Islam provides that one must find ways and means to avoid such catastrophes and disasters wherever possible, and to minimizeh is or his family's financial losses should such events occur. One possible way out is to buy an insurance cover as in the conventional system. Different views have been expressed about the status of conventional insurance from the point of view of Islam. Takaful is not a new concept in Islamic commercial law. The contemporary jurists acknowledge that the foundation of shared responsibility or Takaful was laid down in the system of ‘Aaqilah’, which was an arrangement of mutual help or indemnification customary in some tribes at the time of the Holy Prophet. The contract of Takaful provides solidarity in respect of any tragedy in human life and loss to the business or property. The policyholders pay subscription to assist and indemnify each other and share the profits earned from business conducted by the company with the subscribed funds. The distinction between the conventional insurance and Takaful business is more visible with respect to investment of funds. While insurance companies invest their funds in interest-based avenues and without any regard for the concept of Halal-o-Haram

    Pelaksanaan Pedagogi Inklusif bagi Murid Berkeperluan Khas Masalah Pembelajaran

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    Pedagogi inklusif merupakan amalan pengajaran yang melibatkan penyertaan semua murid tanpa mendiskriminasikan berdasarkan latar belakang sosioekonomi, tahap kognitif, gender, budaya dan gaya pembelajaran yang berbeza. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meneroka pelaksanaan pedagogi inklusif dan meninjau kesan pedagogi inklusif kepada perkembangan sosial murid berkeperluan khas masalah pembelajaran. Reka bentuk kajian ini adalah kajian kes yang menggunakan kaedah kualitatif. Tiga orang guru aliran perdana ditemu bual dan data dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis tema berpandukan model pengajaran Le Francois. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa terdapat kepelbagaian kaedah yang digunakan iaitu pembelajaran secara koperatif, pembelajaran secara aktif, pembelajaran Non-Directive Teaching Model, kaedah bercerita dan kaedah pengajaran bersama (co-teaching). Antara kelebihan amalan pedagogi inklusif adalah peningkatan kemahiran sosial murid dari aspek keyakinan diri, bekerjasama, penyertaan bersama, perkongsian idea, dan berdikari. Kepentingan kajian ini telah memberi peluang kepada murid berkeperluan khas untuk mendapatkan pengalaman pembelajaran menerusi akomodasi persekitaran yang menyokong perkembangan kemahiran sosial murid berdasarkan peluang pembelajaran yang disediakan oleh guru

    Formulasi Obat Kumur Ekstrak Daun Sereh (Cymbopogon citratus) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Streptococcus mutans

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    Kebersihan mulut dan kesehatan gigi sangat penting dalam kehidupan seseorang dalam kesehariannya, terdapat berbagai macam bakteri yang tidak menguntungkan pada rongga mulut, diantaranya adalah bakteri penyebab sariawan yaitu Streptococcus mutans. Komponen utama daun sereh terdiri dari alkaloid, flavonoid, tanin dan saponin. Penggunaan sereh sebagai obat kumur merupakan alternatif pengganti sediaan obat kumur yang umumnya mengandung antiseptik berupa alkohol yang dapat memicu terjadinya kanker mulut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi daun sereh sebagai obat kumur dan mengetahui perbedaan efektivitas antibakteri terhadap pertumbuhan Streptococcus mutans dengan variasi konsentrasi 5%, 10%, 15% dan tanpa ekstrak daun sereh. Uji aktivitas antibakteri menggunakan media agar. Obat kumur ekstrak sereh memiliki pH di luar kisaran pertumbuhan optimum bakteri yaitu 6. Viskositas obat kumur adalah 1,00-4,60 Cp. Aktivitas antibakteri Streptococcus mutans pada kontrol tidak menghasilkan zona hambat, pada konsentrasi 5% sebesar 9,06 mm, konsentrasi 10%  sebesar 10,95 mm dan konsentrasi 15% sebesar 16,65 mm sedangkan pada kontrol positif sebesar 25,09 mm. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah obat kumur ekstrak sereh konsentrasi 5%, 10% dan 15% dapat menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Streptococcus mutan

    Pemimpin dan Hubungannya dengan Komitmen Pekerja : Satu Kajian di Cawangan Mekanikal Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja Raya Kuala Lumpur

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    This research reports on a study to measure the relationship between leadership styles, five types of personalities, leaders ’ attitude and staffs’ commitment. This study further investigates the effect of these factors to the staffs’ commitment in Cawangan Mekanikal, Ibu Pejabat Jabatan Kerja Raya (IPJKR) Kuala Lumpur. A population of 72 respondents involved in the study. The data collected were analyzed using the SPSS Version 12.0 software program. Descriptive analysis used to identify the profile and level of commitment based on personal characteristics i.e. gender, age, marital status, job category, length of service and how long they knew their supervisor. The findings shows that majority of the staffs had a moderate level of commitment. The study revealed that there was no significant relationship between leadership styles and staffs ’ commitment. Extraversion, openness and conscientiousness were found to have significant relationship with staffs’ commitment. Also, leaders ’ attitude had a significant relationship with commitment. The study also revealed that conscientiousness is the most potential factor to have an effect on the staffs’ commitment of Cawangan Mekanikal IPJKR. Implications of the findings were highlighted to the management of Cawangan Mekanikal IPJKR as an effort towards enhancing the commitment among staff at all levels

    Performance of the Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia / Hazlin Abd Rahim

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    This report has been done to study the financial performance of Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia from 2005 until 2009. This study using some sources like secondary data and other approaches such as financial ratios and gap analysis has been use as a data collection. The data is taken from external sources such as journal, internet, and books of Financial Analysis. Result from this study, the standard chartered bank Malaysia has a not very well performance because of the economic downturn, external factors like political, wars, foreign exchange and oil pricing increase. From the analysis also the Standard Chartered Bank should have initiative to increase the profit of the bank. This have some summarize from standard Chartered Bank Malaysia performance. It can look in the financial performance analysis. Starting on the 2005 until 2007, the performance of the bank is not very attractive because of the economic Malaysia problem or external problem. In the 2008 the performance of bank is very well compare the others previous years. In the 2009 the Malaysia economic still in recovery, the performance of the Standard Chartered Bank is very bad because of the Standard Chartered Bank cannot collect the debt on time and very high expenses. Hopefully, this report can give valuable information about the performance of the company to their customers, creditor and other related parties


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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Kabupaten Kampar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah unutk mengetahui pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir di Kabupaten Kampar, dan mengetahui kendala pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis kualitatif dengan melakukan wawancara kepada informan penelitian, melakukan observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir di Kabupaten Kampar sudah terlaksana dengan baik, namun belum menunjukkan hasil yang optimal karena masih mengalami beberapa kendala yang dihadapi oleh BPBD Kabupaten Kampar dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir tersebut. Adapun kendala pelaksanaan tugas pokok dan fungsi Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD) dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir di Kabupaten Kampar adalah pertama faktor sumber daya manusia (SDM), dimana sumber daya manusia pada BPBD Kabupaten Kampar tersebut jumlahnya 69 (Enam Puluh Sembilan) baik itu ASN maupun THL. Seperti yang kita ketahui dengan melihat cakupan wilayah banjir di Kabupaten Kampar sangat luas tidak cukup dengan SDM yang dimiliki BPBD Kabupaten Kampar dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir tersebut. Kedua keterampilan (skill) SDM yang belum berkompeten dan terlatih dalam penanggulangan bencana banjir, sebab terjadinya mutasi antar pegawai sehingga orang-orang baru tersebut belum memiliki keahlian dalam menanggulangi bencana banjir ini. Ketiga Sarana dan Prasarana yang dimilki BPBD Kabupaten Kampar masih kurang Karena dengan kekurangan sarana dan prasarana membuat kinerja menjadi lambat dan kadang kurang efisien. Keempat Dana, dimana dana atau keuangan menjadi salah satu hal penting dalam setiap aktivitas manusia termasuk organisasi. Apabila sebuah organisasi kekurangan dana maka akan menghambat kinerja dari organisasi tersebut dalam mencapai tujuan. Kata Kunci : Pelaksanaan, Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi, Penanggulangan, Bencana Banjir

    Vibration Energy Regeneration System Using Piezoelectric Sensor for Wideband Application

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    This paper presents a method for widening bandwidth by using non-uniform mass which use the concept of center of gravity. Piezoelectric acts as a tool to convert vibration energy to electrical energy. The displacement from the liquid movement plays a role to enhance the bandwidth as the beam bends. The bandwidth is widened 2 times higher compared without tip mass and 1.6 times increased than that of solid tip-mass. High viscosity and density will give a greater effect on the bandwidth at low volume compared to low properties of fluid. Rectangular container can resist the tension of liquid due to high viscosity and volume. The fluid-filled mass technique widened the bandwidth without reducing the harvested power