1,346 research outputs found

    Spectral Sparsification and Regret Minimization Beyond Matrix Multiplicative Updates

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    In this paper, we provide a novel construction of the linear-sized spectral sparsifiers of Batson, Spielman and Srivastava [BSS14]. While previous constructions required Ω(n4)\Omega(n^4) running time [BSS14, Zou12], our sparsification routine can be implemented in almost-quadratic running time O(n2+ε)O(n^{2+\varepsilon}). The fundamental conceptual novelty of our work is the leveraging of a strong connection between sparsification and a regret minimization problem over density matrices. This connection was known to provide an interpretation of the randomized sparsifiers of Spielman and Srivastava [SS11] via the application of matrix multiplicative weight updates (MWU) [CHS11, Vis14]. In this paper, we explain how matrix MWU naturally arises as an instance of the Follow-the-Regularized-Leader framework and generalize this approach to yield a larger class of updates. This new class allows us to accelerate the construction of linear-sized spectral sparsifiers, and give novel insights on the motivation behind Batson, Spielman and Srivastava [BSS14]

    The Computational Power of Optimization in Online Learning

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    We consider the fundamental problem of prediction with expert advice where the experts are "optimizable": there is a black-box optimization oracle that can be used to compute, in constant time, the leading expert in retrospect at any point in time. In this setting, we give a novel online algorithm that attains vanishing regret with respect to NN experts in total O~(N)\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{N}) computation time. We also give a lower bound showing that this running time cannot be improved (up to log factors) in the oracle model, thereby exhibiting a quadratic speedup as compared to the standard, oracle-free setting where the required time for vanishing regret is Θ~(N)\widetilde{\Theta}(N). These results demonstrate an exponential gap between the power of optimization in online learning and its power in statistical learning: in the latter, an optimization oracle---i.e., an efficient empirical risk minimizer---allows to learn a finite hypothesis class of size NN in time O(logN)O(\log{N}). We also study the implications of our results to learning in repeated zero-sum games, in a setting where the players have access to oracles that compute, in constant time, their best-response to any mixed strategy of their opponent. We show that the runtime required for approximating the minimax value of the game in this setting is Θ~(N)\widetilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{N}), yielding again a quadratic improvement upon the oracle-free setting, where Θ~(N)\widetilde{\Theta}(N) is known to be tight

    Laboratory evaluation of diatomaceous earth against main stored product insects

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    The sensitivity of the main external and internal stored product insect pests to the commercial formulation of Detia Degesch Diatomaceous Earth – DDDE - Inerto (DE) was studied in laboratory experiments. The tested insects were adults of internal feeders Sitophilus oryzae Rhyzopertha dominica and external feeders Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Tribolium castaneum, and larvae (third instar) of T.castaneum. The DE was applied to wheat grain of 12% moisture content at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 g/kg of grain. The treated and untreated (control) grain were kept at 28°C and 65 ± 5% r.h. The numbers of dead and survived insects were counted two, three and four weeks after treatment. The number of adult progeny was counted nine weeks after treatment. At a concentration of 0.5 g/kg, mortality of S. oryzae and O. surinamensis after three weeks of exposure to DE were 92 and 86%, respectively. In contrast, mortality of T. castaneum and R. dominica adults was 3 and 37%, respectively. Progeny production of O. surinamensis and T. castaneum at a concentration of 2 g/kg was negligible, since only few individuals were recorded nine weeks after treatment, in comparison with the high progeny production in the control grain. The progeny of S. oryzae was also reduced. In contrast, for R. dominica was reduced only twice, in comparison with the control. In the case of T. castaneum larvae, at a concentration of 2 g/kg, after 4 weeks of exposure, 37% of the larvae emerged to adults, compared with 95% in control. Nine weeks after treatment, the number of F1adults was 100% suppressed. DE efficacy was similar at 4 g/kg. Based on the findings of the present study, the efficacy of the tested DE was influenced by DE concentration, insect species, developmental stage and exposure interval to the treated commodity.Keywords: Diatomaceous earth, Stored product insects, Wheat grai

    Improvement of phosphine fumigation by the use of Speedbox

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    Today, phosphine is turning to be a major fumigant for controlling insects in stored products. However, few limitations, such as low temperatures and relatively long exposure time, limit the phosphine use. In order to improve phosphine application, a special devise, containing a heater and a ventilator, called "Speedbox" has been developed by Detia Degesch GmbH Germany. For studying the effectiveness of phosphine fumigation using Speedbox, we have conducted two kinds of experiments: one in a fumigation room (Pilot) and other in commercial warehouse. For pilot fumigation, adults, pupae and late larvae of Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica, Oryzaephilus surinamensis, Trogoderma granarium and Callosobruchus maculatus, and all stages of Tribolium castaneum Herbst, Plodia interpunctella and Ephestia cautella were used as test insects. One to three Degesch Plates (about 2-6 g of phosphine gas per m3) were used. Exposure time was 1 to 3 days. The phosphine concentrtion was monitored by Bedfont device model 415. At 4 g/m3 for 48 ha maximum of phosphine concentration of 1460 ppm was reached. The total mortality of all tested insects and stages was recorded, except the eggs of E. cautella (98%). The commercial stack fumigation was done at the dosages of 2-4 g/m3, exposure time of 2-4 days and commodity temperatures of 6-17ºC. At a target concentration of 4 g/m3, 2 hours after beginning of the treatment, the concentration of the gas has reached 414 ppm, with a maximum of 1480 ppm. The total mortality of tested insects at adult, late larvae and pupae stages was recorded. The use of Speedbox allows one-day decrease in the plates degassing time, recirculation of the gas and its event distribution in the treated space and controlling major stored product insects for shorter exposure time at low temperatures. Keywords: Fumigation; Posphine; Speedbox; Stored-product insect

    Dynamics of Transformation from Segregation to Mixed Wealth Cities

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    We model the dynamics of the Schelling model for agents described simply by a continuously distributed variable - wealth. Agents move to neighborhoods where their wealth is not lesser than that of some proportion of their neighbors, the threshold level. As in the case of the classic Schelling model where segregation obtains between two races, we find here that wealth-based segregation occurs and persists. However, introducing uncertainty into the decision to move - that is, with some probability, if agents are allowed to move even though the threshold level condition is contravened - we find that even for small proportions of such disallowed moves, the dynamics no longer yield segregation but instead sharply transition into a persistent mixed wealth distribution. We investigate the nature of this sharp transformation between segregated and mixed states, and find that it is because of a non-linear relationship between allowed moves and disallowed moves. For small increases in disallowed moves, there is a rapid corresponding increase in allowed moves, but this tapers off as the fraction of disallowed moves increase further and finally settles at a stable value, remaining invariant to any further increase in disallowed moves. It is the overall effect of the dynamics in the initial region (with small numbers of disallowed moves) that shifts the system away from a state of segregation rapidly to a mixed wealth state. The contravention of the tolerance condition could be interpreted as public policy interventions like minimal levels of social housing or housing benefit transfers to poorer households. Our finding therefore suggests that it might require only very limited levels of such public intervention - just sufficient to enable a small fraction of disallowed moves, because the dynamics generated by such moves could spur the transformation from a segregated to mixed equilibrium.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Social welfare and profit maximization from revealed preferences

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    Consider the seller's problem of finding optimal prices for her nn (divisible) goods when faced with a set of mm consumers, given that she can only observe their purchased bundles at posted prices, i.e., revealed preferences. We study both social welfare and profit maximization with revealed preferences. Although social welfare maximization is a seemingly non-convex optimization problem in prices, we show that (i) it can be reduced to a dual convex optimization problem in prices, and (ii) the revealed preferences can be interpreted as supergradients of the concave conjugate of valuation, with which subgradients of the dual function can be computed. We thereby obtain a simple subgradient-based algorithm for strongly concave valuations and convex cost, with query complexity O(m2/ϵ2)O(m^2/\epsilon^2), where ϵ\epsilon is the additive difference between the social welfare induced by our algorithm and the optimum social welfare. We also study social welfare maximization under the online setting, specifically the random permutation model, where consumers arrive one-by-one in a random order. For the case where consumer valuations can be arbitrary continuous functions, we propose a price posting mechanism that achieves an expected social welfare up to an additive factor of O(mn)O(\sqrt{mn}) from the maximum social welfare. Finally, for profit maximization (which may be non-convex in simple cases), we give nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the query complexity for separable valuations and cost (i.e., each good can be treated independently)

    GLI1 confers profound phenotypic changes upon LNCaP prostate cancer cells that include the acquisition of a hormone independent state

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    The GLI (GLI1/GLI2) transcription factors have been implicated in the development and progression of prostate cancer although our understanding of how they actually contribute to the biology of these common tumours is limited. We observed that GLI reporter activity was higher in normal (PNT-2) and tumourigenic (DU145 and PC-3) androgen-independent cells compared to androgen-dependent LNCaP prostate cancer cells and, accordingly, GLI mRNA levels were also elevated. Ectopic expression of GLI1 or the constitutively active NGLI2 mutant induced a distinct cobblestone-like morphology in LNCaP cells that, regarding the former, correlated with increased GLI2 as well as expression of the basal/stem-like markers CD44, beta1-integrin, Np63 and BMI1, and decreased expression of the luminal marker AR (androgen receptor). LNCaP-GLI1 cells were viable in the presence of the AR inhibitor bicalutamide and gene expression profiling revealed that the transcriptome of LNCaP-GLI1 cells was significantly closer to DU145 and PC-3 cells than to control LNCaP-pBP (empty vector) cells, as well as identifying LCN2/NGAL as a highly induced transcript which is associated with hormone independence in breast and prostate cancer. Functionally, LNCaP-GLI1 cells displayed greater clonal growth and were more invasive than control cells but they did not form colonies in soft agar or prostaspheres in suspension suggesting that they do not possess inherent stem cell properties. Moreover, targeted suppression of GLI1 or GLI2 with siRNA did not reverse the transformed phenotype of LNCaP-GLI1 cells nor did double GLI1/GLI2 knockdowns activate AR expression in DU145 or PC-3 cells. As such, early targeting of the GLI oncoproteins may hinder progression to a hormone independent state but a more detailed understanding of the mechanisms that maintain this phenotype is required to determine if their inhibition will enhance the efficacy of anti-hormonal therapy through the induction of a luminal phenotype and increased dependency upon AR function

    An experimental evaluation of the State Adult Attachment Measure: the influence of attachment primes on the content of state attachment representations

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    Attachment theory predicts cross-contextual stability of attachment representations, but research findings are rather mixed. Recently, it has been suggested that these mixed findings reflect the existence of both state and trait attachment components. The development of the State Adult Attachment Measure (SAAM) has enabled an investigation of this hypothesis. The current study aimed to evaluate the extent to which the SAAM is a useful instrument for studying such state attachment hypotheses. For this purpose, a two-week longitudinal study investigated whether the manipulation of the temporal accessibility of different attachment contents activates different within-person attachment representations. The impact of attachment primes before re-administering the SAAM was investigated in 268 participants. Results showed that the SAAM was meaningfully related to evaluations of self and attachment figures. Moreover, activation of different attachment contexts influenced state attachment towards partners as primary attachment figures. The results provide support for the SAAM as a measure of state attachment towards partners, but data on parent attachment were less straightforward. In all, the current study provided support for contemporary models of attachment as comprising both trait-like stability and context-dependent variability in attachment state

    Adult attachment styles and the psychological response to infant bereavement

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    Background: Based on Bowlby's attachment theory, Bartholomew proposed a four-category attachment typology by which individuals judged themselves and adult relationships. This explanatory model has since been used to help explain the risk of psychiatric comorbidity. Objective: The current study aimed to identify attachment typologies based on Bartholomew's attachment styles in a sample of bereaved parents on dimensions of closeness/dependency and anxiety. In addition, it sought to assess the relationship between the resultant attachment typology with a range of psychological trauma variables. Method: The current study was based on a sample of 445 bereaved parents who had experienced either peri- or post-natal death of an infant. Adult attachment was assessed using the Revised Adult Attachment Scale (RAAS) while reaction to trauma was assessed using the Trauma Symptom Checklist (TSC). A latent profile analysis was conducted on scores from the RAAS closeness/dependency and anxiety subscales to ascertain if there were underlying homogeneous attachment classes. Emergent classes were used to determine if these were significantly different in terms of mean scores on TSC scales. Results: A four-class solution was considered the optimal based on fit statistics and interpretability of the results. Classes were labelled “Fearful,” “Preoccupied,” “Dismissing,” and “Secure.” Females were almost eight times more likely than males to be members of the fearful attachment class. This class evidenced the highest scores across all TSC scales while the secure class showed the lowest scores. Conclusions: The results are consistent with Bartholomew's four-category attachment styles with classes representing secure, fearful, preoccupied, and dismissing types. While the loss of an infant is a devastating experience for any parent, securely attached individuals showed the lowest levels of psychopathology compared to fearful, preoccupied, or dismissing attachment styles. This may suggest that a secure attachment style is protective against trauma-related psychological distress

    Near Real Time Data Processing In ICOS RI

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    This paper describes the implementation of (near) real-time (NRT) data processing in the recently launched European environmental research infrastructure ICOS. NRT applications include handling of raw sensor data (including safe storage and quality control), processing and evaluation of greenhouse gas mixing ratios and exchange fluxes, and the provision of data to the RI’s user communities