54 research outputs found


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    Study of color and organoleptic tests on sweet potato clones has been done. Indonesia is a country that has the potential availability of food as a source of carbohydrate that is large enough in terms of resource potential of the region, one of the sources of carbohydrates are types of tubers such as sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.). Diversification on sweet potatoes can be used as an alternative community in meeting the food other than rice. The potential and benefits of sweet potato as an alternative food material is enormous, especially in improving human nutrition and food security. The purpose of this study was to determine the color and panelists acceptance of the sweet potato clones. Result of this study was to obtain preliminary information about color and preference of the panelists on sweet potato clones before it is processed. The results showed that the color of sweet potatoes significantly different at all clones of sweet potato, sweet potato color of the brightest contained in sweet potato clones K15 followed K7 and K9. Panelists preferred the clones K6, while the form of panelists selecting clones K6, K2, followed by K11, K12, K13, K14 and K16. As for the exterior texture, panelists chose K16, and textures in the selected panelists is K1, K10 and K13. Keywords: clone, color, organoleptic, sweetpotat


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    Perkembangan jasa pelayanan lembaga keuangan bank, terutama bank syariah pada umumnya dari tahun ke tahun semakin menjadi perhatian masyarakat luas. Hal ini mengakibatkan konsumen lebih memilih bank yang dapat dipercaya, memberikan pelayanan terbaik , dan sesuai dengan prinsip syariah islam. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh tingkat kualitas pelayanan, dan kepercayaan (trust) berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan nasabah pada PT. Bank Mandiri Syariah KCP Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 94 orang nasabah dengan menggunakan metode non random sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah anaisis regresi linier berganda dengan hasil Y= 0,123+ 0,202 X1 +0,192 X2 + e. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa seluruh variabel indenpendent yaitu kualitas pelayanan dan kepercayaan (trust) mempunyai hubungan positif dan signifikan terhadap variabel dependent yaitu kepuasan nasabah di PT. Bank Mandiri Syariah KCP Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Kualitas Pelayanan dan Kepercayaan (Trust) memberikan kontribusi terhadap peningkatan Kepuasan Nasabah PT. Bank Mandiri Syariah KCP Selatpanjang Kabupaten Kepulauan Meranti sebesar 91,7%, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 8,3% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Kata Kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan, Kepercayaan (Trust) Nasabah Dan Kepuasan Nasaba


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    Response of shoot of cactus  (Mammillaria myriacantha) to various concentrations of NAA and BAP in Vitro Mardhiah Hayati Fakultas Pertanian Unsyiah Darussalam Banda Aceh ABSTRACT The research was arranged in a factorial completely randomized design 3 x 3 with 5 replicates. Factors evaluated were concentration of NAA (0, 2, 4 mgl-1), and concentration of BAP (0, 3, 6 mgl-1). Variables observed were initiation time, shoot numbers, shoot height, root number at 2 and 4 weeks after culturing (WAC) and life percentage, dead percentage, contamination percentage. The results showed that NAA significantly affected initiation time and shoot numbers at 4 WAC.  The best initiation time was found at concentration of  NAA 4 mgl-1 and the best shoot numbers was found at concentration of NAA 2 dan 4 mgl-1. BAP had significant effect on  shoot number 4 WAC, shoot height 2 WAC, and root numbers at 2 and 4 WAC.  The best shoot numbers and shoot height were found at  BAP 3 mgl-1 but did not significantly differ from BAP 6 mgl-1.  The best root numbers, however, was at no BAP.  There was no significant interaction between both factors.

    Enhance the Grouth and Flowering of Roses (Rosa galica L.) Due to Composted Waste Coffee Powder and Gibberellins Concentration

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    This  study  aims  to  determine  the  effect  of  composted  waste  coffee  powder  and  gibberellins concentration  on  the  growth  and  flowering  of  roses  (Rosa  galica  L.)  as  well  as  the  interaction between  the  two  factors.  Research  conducted  at  the  Experimental  Farm  of  the  Faculty  of Agriculture  Syiah  Kuala  University,  Banda  Aceh.  This  study  used  a  Randomized  Block  Design (RAK) in factorial arrangement; there are two factors with three replications. The first factor is composted waste coffee powder consisting of: soil + composted waste coffee powder (1:1), soil + composted waste coffee powder (1:2), sand + composted waste coffee powder (1:1), sand + composted  waste  coffee  powder  (1:2).  The  second  factor  is  the  concentration  of  gibberellins consisting  of:  0,  100,  200,  and  300  ppm.  The  results  showed  that  the  composition  of  the growing  media  composted  waste  coffee  powder  has  no  significant  effect  on  all  parameters observed.  Planting  media  composition  tends  to  be  better  found  in  sand  +  composted  waste coffee  powder  (1:1).  The  concentration  gibberellin  very  significant  effect  on  the  number  of branches  at  the  age  of  60  days  after  planting  (DAP),  significant  effect  on  plant  height,  stem diameter and number of rose plants flower, at the age of 45 and 60 DAP. The best growth and flowering of roses was found on concentration of 200 ppm gibberellin. There was no significant interaction  between  composted  waste  coffee  powder  with  gibberellin  concentration  on  all parameters observe

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Ekstrak Bawang Merah Dan Lama Perendaman Terhadap Pertumbuhan Setek Tanaman Nilam (Pogostemon cablin Benth)

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    Tanaman nilam jarang menghasilkan biji oleh karena itu persediaan bibit dapat diperoleh secara vegetatif yaitu dengan setek, dalam perbanyakan setek tanaman nilam dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan setek batang. Setek batang dapat diambil dari pohon induk yang unggul yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil setek sama dengan induknya Pertumbuhan setek dapat ditingkatkan dengan pemberian ekstrak bawang merah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsentrasi dan lama waktu perendaman setek dalam ekstrak bawang merah yang tepat serta terdapat interaksi antara kedua faktor tersebut terhadap pertumbuhan setek tanaman nilam. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan I Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Syiah Kuala Darussalam Banda Aceh yang berlangsung dari Oktober 2021 sampai dengan Desember 2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok pola faktorial 5×3 dengan 3 ulangan. Terdapat 2 faktor yang diteliti, faktor pertama yaitu konsentrasi bawang merah terdiri dari 4 taraf (kontrol, 30%, 45%,  60% dan 75%). Faktor ke dua yaitu lama perendaman stek tanaman nilam terdiri dari 3 taraf (3, 6 dan 9 jam). Parameter yang diamati yaitu panjang tunas, jumlah tunas, jumlah daun, diameter tunas masing-masing pada umur 30, 45, 60 dan 75 Hari Setalah Tanaman (HST). Pada umur 75 HST diamati bobot basah dan kering biomassa, bobot basah dan kering akar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pertumbuhan setek tanaman nilam terbaik dijumpai pada konsentrasi ekstrak bawang merah 30% dan perendaman terbaik pada lama perendaman 3 jam. Pertumbuhan setek terbaik pada kombinasi konsentrasi ekstrak bawang merah 45% dengan lama perendaman 6 jam

    Effect of biochar and compost application on kailan yield (Brassica oleraceae)

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    The objective of experiment was to study effect of biochar and compost application on the best yield of kalian.  The research was conducted at Field Experiment of Provincial Agricultural Service (BPTP), Aceh Province.  The experimental arranged in a randomized complate block design with two factors and four replications.  Biochar consisted of two levels, i.e. without biochar and with biochar 30 ton ha-1. Compost consisted of two levels, i.e. without compost and compost 30 ton ha-1.  The result showed that biochar application affected significantly to stem diameter 7 DAP and not significant to number of leaves and plant height 7, 14, 21, 28 DAP, stem diameter 14, 21, 28 DAP, the 6th of length and width leaf and plant fresh weight.  Compost application affected significantly to number of leaves 14 DAP and the 6th of length leaf; and highly significant to number of leaves 7, 21, 28 DAP, plant height 7, 21, 28 DAP, stem diameter 7, 14, 21, 28 DAP, the 6th of width leaf and plant fresh weight, but not significant to plant height 14 DAP.  There was significantly interaction between biochar and compost application to stem diameter 7 DAP.  There were not interaction to number of leaves and plant height 7, 14, 21, 28 DAP, stem diameter 14, 21,28 DAP, the 6th of length and width leaf and plant fresh weight

    Perbanyakan Tanaman Nilam Aceh (Pogostemon cablin Benth.) Dengan Kombinasi IAA Dan Kinetin Secara In Vitro

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian beberapa konsentrasi IAA dan Kinetin terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman nilam Aceh secara in vitro. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kultur Jaringan Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Syiah Kuala, pada bulan Juni sampai dengan November 2020. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan faktor konsentrasi IAA yang terdiri dari empat taraf, yaitu 0 mg L-1; 0,25 mg L-1; 0,5 mg L-1; dan 0,75 mg L-1 serta faktor konsentrasi Kinetin yang terdiri dari empat taraf, yaitu 0 mg L-1; 1 mg L-1; 2 mg L-1; dan 3 mg L-1. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase eksplan hidup tertinggi 60% dan persentase kontaminasi terendah 20% adalah pada perlakuan 0 mg L-1 IAA + 1 mg L-1 kinetin. Persentase hidup tertinggi 60% dan persentase browning terendah 0% adalah pada perlakuan 0 mg L-1 IAA + 2 mg L-1 kinetin. Eksplan tanaman nilam tertinggi dan jumlah tunas terbanyak pada umur 10 MSI, serta jumlah daun terbanyak pada umur 5 MSI dan 10 MSI adalah pada perlakuan 0,75 mg L-1 IAA + 0 mg L-1 Kinetin.Kata kunci ; Nilam, IAA, Kinetin, in vitr

    Pengaruh Pupuk Kompos Lamtorogung (Leucaena leucocephala) dan Jarak Tanam Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)

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    The Effect of Lamtorogung Manure (Leucaena leucocephala) and Planting Spacing on Growth and Yield of Tomatoes (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)ABSTRACT. The aim of this study was to find out the effect of dosages of lamtorogung manure and planting spacing, and interaction between them, on both growth and yield of tomatoes. Treatments were arranged by Factorial Completely Randomized Block Design 3 x 3 with 3 replications. Factors evaluated  were dosage of lamtorogung manure (15, 25 and 35 ton ha-1) and planting spacing (50 cm x 60 cm,  50 cm x 70 cm and 50 cm x 80 cm). Variables observed were the height of plant and diameter of the lower end of stem  at 15, 30 and 45 days after planting, the number of fruits per plant  (3 times harvest), the weight of fruits per plant, and diameter of fruit. The result of the study indicated  that dosage of lamtorogung manure of 25 ton ha-1 was the best for the highest tomato yield, and planting spacing of 50 cm x 80 cm was the best for both plants growth and yield. There was no interaction between both treatments towards growth and yield


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    Jambolan is a rare local fruit requiring an effective propagation technique to mantain its sustainability as vegetative propagation by cuttings. This study aims to determine the effect of plant growth regulator types and its soaking duration on jambolan cuttings growth. The study was conducted in Experimental Garden I and Plant Physiology Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty of Syiah Kuala University started from July to November 2021. The study used a 4 x 3 factorial completely randomized design. The factors studied were PGR types and soaking duration. The best jambolan cuttings growth caused by PGR was found in 40 gL-1 NAA treatment. The best jambolan cuttings growth caused by soaking duration was found in 10 hours soaking duration treatment. The best jambolan cuttings shoots growth was found in combination of 100% coconut water and 10 hours soaking duration treatment. The best jambolan roots growth was found in combination of 40 gL-1 and 8 hours soaking duration treatment. The Effect of Plant Growth Regulator Types and Soaking Duration on Jambolan (Syzygium cumini (L.) Skeels) Cutting Growth Jambolan is a rare local fruit requiring an effective propagation technique to mantain its sustainability as vegetative propagation by cuttings. This study aims to determine the effect of plant growth regulator types and its soaking duration on jambolan cuttings growth. The study was conducted in Experimental Garden I and Plant Physiology Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty of Syiah Kuala University started from July to November 2021. The study used a 4 x 3 factorial completely randomized design. The factors studied were PGR types and soaking duration. The best jambolan cuttings growth caused by PGR was found in 40 gL-1 NAA treatment. The best jambolan cuttings growth caused by soaking duration was found in 10 hours soaking duration treatment. The best jambolan cuttings shoots growth was found in combination of 100% coconut water and 10 hours soaking duration treatment. The best jambolan roots growth was found in combination of 40 gL-1 and 8 hours soaking duration treatment


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            The study was aimed at determining responses of several sweet corn varieties to organic and inorganic fertilizers on tsunami affected land and knowing interactions between both factors on growth and yield of sweet corn. The experiment was conducted in Village of Lampuuk, Lhoknga, District of Aceh Besar, from January 7 to March 19, 2008. This research was conducted using a randomized complete block design (RCBD), 3 x 3 with 3 replications. There were two factors studied, namely fertilizations, consisting of 3 levels: 100% organic fertilizer, 50% organic fertilizer + 50% inorganic fertilizers and 100% inorganic fertilizers. The second factor was varieties, consisting of 3 levels: Sweet Boy, Hawaiian Sweet Corn Hybrid F1 and Super Bee. The results showed that fertilization significantly affected ear weight with and without cornhusk, but did not affect diameter of ear and seed rows per ear. The highest result was found at a treatment of 50% organic fertilizer + 50% inorganic fertilizers, but was not significantly different from 100% organic fertilizer. Varieties showed no significant effects on all variables observed.  There were significant interactions between fertilizations and varieties on plant height at age 42 and 63 day after planting (DAP), leaf length at age 21, 42, and 63 DAP, and root fresh weight at age 21 DAP.  The best plant growth was found at a combination of Sweet Boy   and 50% organic fertilizer + 50% inorganic fertilizer