15,585 research outputs found


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    Da‘wa strategy has an important role and function in improving the quality of people's lives. Pengajian Yasinan is one of NU strategy in developing and spread­ing the religion. Pengajian Yasinan can be found in various areas, especially in rural or neighbourhood whose citizen originately  from the NU tradition. How­ever, the influence of modernization caused the change within society. By using a qualitative approach and applying library research for data collection, this paper will explain the role and function of Pengajian Yasinan as da‘wa strategy of NU for the  connectivity integration This strategy is implemented for fortifying the community members from the social complexity as well as for developing the mental of society members through practicing the value of  religion, society, and mutual cooperation for the benefit of the entire community.***Strategi dakwah mempunyai peran dan fungsi penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat. Pengajian Yasinan merupakan salah satu amalan NU yang menjadi strategi di dalam mengembangkan dan menyebarkan agama. Keberadaan Pengajian Yasinan dapat ditemukan di berbagai daerah, terutama di pedesaan atau perkampungan yang masyarakatnya dari kalangan NU. Namun demikian pengaruh modernisasi telah mengakibatkan perubahan dalam ma­syarakat. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpul­an data menggunakan studi kepustakaan, tulisan ini akan menjelaskan peran dan fungsi Pengajian Yasinan sebagai strategi dakwah NU di dalam integrasi konek­tivitas. Hal itu dilakukan dalam rangka membentengi masyarakat dari kompleksitas sosial serta untuk pembangunan mental masyarakat melalui pengamalan nilai-nilai agama, sosial, dan kegotongroyongan untuk kemaslahatan bagi seluruh masyarakat

    Pendidikan Islam Dalam Konsep Prophetic Intelligence

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    Intelligence has connectivity to the educational process as a concrete step in the development of human character as caliph fil ardl to think of all God ‘s creation. Islamic education teaches a life of meaning to the concept of “amar ma’ruf nahi mungkar”. It is really clear that various concepts in Islamic education are not adjusted enough with the development period that is increasingly sophisticated and globalized. Islamic civilization has been built since the Prophet Muhammad SAW, and other thinkers in teaching a sense of knowledge that is based on Al- Quran and Al - Hadits as the main guideline. Intelligence Prophetic provides illustration that in transforming education through the concrete steps for being “insan Kamil” that is “rahmatan lil alamin”. Intelligence Prophetic provides illustration that in transforming education through the concrete steps for being ‘insan Kamil’ that is ‘rahmatan lil alamin’

    A Framework for Assessing Impact of Brand Personality on Customer Satisfaction: The Moderating Role of Gender and Age

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    This study develops an empirical examination of brand personalities in cellular phone sector of Pakistan as a predictor of customer satisfaction. The purpose of this research is to develop a framework that how brand personality of cell phone can increase the level of customer satisfaction. This study also aims to test the moderating role of demographic characteristics (Gender and Age) in the relationship between brand personalities and customer satisfaction. A sample of 300 cell phone users from 5 cities of Pakistan is selected .Based on the survey of consumers of cell phones; the authors checked the effect of brand personality on customer satisfaction. Moderation Analysis was used to check the moderation effect of demographic characteristics (Gender and Age) on the relationship between brand personality and customer satisfaction. Results indicated that due to different dimensions of brand personality of cell phones, customer observed massive satisfaction level. So, since customer faced more satisfaction, they signified more intention towards brand. Further, our research also confirmed the moderating role of Customer Age.  This study reveals that when cell phone manufacturing companies invest the human characteristics into their brand so that personality of their brand can develop, their customers can be more loyal towards organization and their level of satisfaction increased. Marketers and Brand Managers must develop marketing and advertisement activities in line with the personality of their cell phone brands. &nbsp

    Korelasi Pemilu Serentak Dengan Multi Partai Sederhana Sebagai Penguatan Sistem Presidensial

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    Constitutional Court Decision No. 14/PUU-XI/2013 mandated national elections simultaneously between elections executive (President and Vice-President) and legislative (House of Representatives, Provincial and District/City). After the 1945 amendment to experience a variety of complications in the Indonesian political system nationally. Democratization deliver the Indonesian people switching system of government, ie from a presidential system to the parliamentary system. Elections as a democratic process to the leadership of the government elected by the people as a sovereign State. The system of government by consensus of the people, by the people and for the people has implications for improving the effectiveness and stability of the country. The Problem is the electoral system with the current political party system is less effective in the election which is actually held separately between the presidential election, and the election pileg. Giving rise to various problems of the complexity of government (central and local governments). In the hierarchy, the presidential system is less relevant to the separate electoral system between national elections (pileg and presidential) election and the multi-party system. Political reality with the current system adopted, lead to conflicts among constituents, a very high political costs for the government and the candidates (candidates), strengthening of money politics is difficult to avoid the impact of a majority vote, a negative effect on the psychology of candidates when lost or won in battle politics, coalitions are not “healthy” in the implementation of the government, due to various political ideologies and individual interests, as well as the problems of the strategic policies of government. The correlation between electoral systems simultaneously with a multi-party system is a simplified alternative solution in presidential systems strengthening to improve the welfare of the whole people of Indonesia

    Finding the one-loop soliton solution of the short-pulse equation by means of the homotopy analysis method

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    The homotopy analysis method is applied to the short-pulse equation in order to find an analytic approximation to the known exact solitary upright-loop solution. It is demonstrated that the approximate solution agrees well with the exact solution. This provides further evidence that the homotopy analysis method is a powerful tool for finding excellent approximations to nonlinear solitary waves


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    Badan pelaksana Jaminan Sosial adalah sebuah badan hukum untuk melaksanakan program jaminan sosial. Namun demikian, pada aspek program BPJS khususnya di kepulauan masalembu masih membutuhkan perhatian khusus. penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi kebijakan pelayanan bagi pengguna badan penyelenggara jaminan sosial di kantor puskesmas masalembu kabupaten sumenep. Penelitian ini menggunakan model implementasi menurut Reny Nugraheni guna mendeskripsikan tentang implementasi program BPJS. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif.  Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan dapat di tinjau dari  lima faktor. Diantaranya; (1).Tersedia; pelayanan, tempat UGD, USG, Serta lab sudah tersedia. (2). Dapat  diterima;  program BPJS sepenuhnya dapat di terima oleh masyarakat masalembu. (3). Mudah dicapai;  lokasi yang tersedia sepenuhnya dapat ter akses oleh masyarakat sehingga pengaturan distribusi sarana kesehatan menajadi hal yang pokok. (4). Dapat dijangkau; adanya program BPJS tentunya dapat menjakau dan membantu finansial masyarakat. (5). Bermutu; bahwa kebermutuan program BPJS sudah maksimal dan sesuai dengan standar yang telah di tetapkan. Kemudian dari segi hambatan, Sedikitnya ada tiga : pertama, dari segi sumber daya manusia. Kedua, internet dan infrastruktur. Ketiga, birokrasi. dan terakhir tentang kurang meratanya informasi tentang adanya program BPJS