471 research outputs found

    Koszul duality for multigraded algebras

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    Classical Koszul duality sets up an adjoint pair of functors establishing an equivalence of categories. The equivalence is between the bounded derived category of complexes of graded modules over a graded algebra and the bounded derived category of complexes of graded modules over the quadratic dual graded algebra. This duality can be extended in many ways. We consider here two extensions: first we wish to allow a multigraded algebra, meaning that the algebra can be graded by any abelian group (not just the integers). Second, we will allow filtered algebras. In fact we are considering filtered quadratic algebras with an (internal) multigrading

    Implementing a Deposit Refund System for P.E.T bottles in the Maldives: An Ex-ante Analysis of Political Feasability Based on the Models of Kiribati and Palau

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    PET waste is the most visible environmental threat in the Maldives, a Small Island Developing State (SIDS). The thesis aims to propose the deposit refund system as a policy intervention, and evaluates the feasibility of introducing the system in the Maldives. In order to see how other SIDS have implemented the policy, the research uses policy evaluation framework to analyse the implementation mechanisms (design of material and financial flows, and allocation of roles and responsibilities) and evaluate the environmental effectiveness of the policy, in Kiribati, and Palau, two SIDS in the Pacific. Collection of PET bottles, and reduction of PET litter are used as proxies to assess how much the policy achieved its goals of litter reduction. Based on these findings, and the analysis of the current Maldivian context, a blueprint of a hypothetical deposit refund system is presented, to be potentially implemented in the capital city of the Maldives, Male’, by the newly established Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO). The assessment of the economic viability of implementing a deposit refund system for one year in Male’, based on the Pacific model demonstrate that the deposit refund system can generate a net revenue for the Corporation. Moreover, the political feasibility of introducing this model, based on the assessment of stakeholders’ power and interest reveal that introducing the deposit refund system in the Maldives depend upon the interest and knowledge of policy elites and Parliamentarians belonging to the ruling party. The ruling party has the ultimate power to induce the system, due to the political system being fraught with challenges to democratic consolidation, uneven distribution of power, and weak interest groups

    Relocate or Stay put: Exploring family mobility choices in the wake of 2004 tsunami in Laamu atoll, Maldives

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    The question of choice is a fundamental issue in the discussion of human mobilities. In the context of natural disaster and resettlement programs, the affected population is reduced to victims devoid of agency, and their movements concluded as passive reactions. However, the post-tsunami mobility behaviour of the families in the Maldives after the devastating 2004 tsunami paints a very different picture. In light of the widespread destruction of entire island settlements, the national government decided to implement a series of donor funded planned relocation programs to move most severely affected communities from their islands to a number of selected islands with better economic opportunities and environmental protection. The response to the program was mixed, with some families exhibiting eagerness to move while others insisted on staying put and rebuilding their home islands. Through a case study of beneficiaries who accepted and rejected Gan Resettlement Program (GRP) implemented in Laamu atoll after the tsunami, I aimed to find out the motivation behind the divided mobility decisions of the families. The findings show the relocating families from Mundoo and Kalhaidhoo saw GRP as an opportunity for moving to a place where they can improve their livelihood and achieve upward mobility. Permanent housing, land tenure, access to the fishing grounds, educational and employment opportunities were among the key drivers underlying their decision to resettle. In contrast, stayers exhibited high degree of attachment to their ‘home’ island. For them, relocation seemed absolutely unnecessary when they can continue to survive, if not thrive, on the island through continuation of traditional fishing activities, and has unhindered access to nearby islands for basic services lacking on their island. This thesis concludes that in the post-tsunami context families used mobility and non-mobility as a livelihood strategy

    Label-free proteomic analysis of Xerophyta schlechteri leaf tissue under dehydration stress

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    Most higher plants cannot withstand severe water loss, except for a small group of angiosperms called resurrection plants. They can survive severe water loss without the loss of viability by employing mechanisms that aid them in desiccation tolerance. Desiccation tolerance in resurrection plants is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon and allows the plant to implement various strategies for survival. The focus of this study was a label-free proteomic analysis of Xerophyta schlechteri, a monocotyledonous and poikilochlorophyllous resurrection plant, in response to desiccation. The study investigated some of the physiological, morphological and biochemical changes of X. schlechteri leaf tissue in response to dehydration followed by proteomic analyses using a spectral counting approach. The differentially expressed proteins were identified and quantified and then subjected to gene ontological analyses to identify relevant biological processes involved in desiccation tolerance. The proteomic data was finally correlated to and validated using metabolomic analyses. X. schlechteri was subjected to a controlled dehydration stress treatment, in which changes in the relative water content (RWC) of leaf tissues, the associated changes in processes outlined above and further expanded on below, were determined. Three physiological stages were tentatively identified, namely, the early response to drying (ERD) which represents ~ 80 - 70% RWC (1.61 gH2O g Ì„Ë¡ dwt -1.5 gH2O g Ì„Ë¡ dwt), a mid-response to drying (MRD) represented by ~ 60 - 40% RWC (1.5 gH2O g Ì„Ë¡ dwt -1.0 gH2O g Ì„Ë¡ dwt) and a late response to drying (LRD), represented by ~ 40 - 10% RWC (1.0 gH2O g Ì„Ë¡ dwt - 0.5 gH2O g Ì„Ë¡ dwt). Morphological changes in the late stages of drying were marked by loss of green chlorophyll, increased purple anthocyanin production and leaf folding along the midrib with the abaxial surface exposed to light. Chlorophyll content analyses showed a significant decrease in chlorophyll content in the dehydrated leaf tissue as compared to the fully hydrated state. Biochemical assays to measure the activity of enzymatic antioxidants, namely, ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), glutathione reductase (GR) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were done at selected RWC points. There was a significant increase in antioxidant enzyme activity for APX, CAT, GR and SOD in the dehydrated plant tissue. The label-free proteomics approach utilized, identified a total of 3125 unique proteins in the X. schlechteri leaf tissue across the dehydration treatment of which a combined 517 proteins were significantly differentially expressed in response to drying. Amongst the differentially expressed proteins, 253 proteins were upregulated, and 264 proteins were downregulated. This was followed by functional analyses and classification of gene ontologies using bioinformatics tools such as Blast2GO, MapMan and KEGG. This allowed the identification of certain biological processes and pathways involved in the X. schlechteri desiccation response. Key biological processes and molecular processes were differentially expressed across the drying stages, these included photosynthesis, cellular respiration and antioxidant activity, respectively. The proteomic analysis was complemented and validated using metabolomics approaches based on GC MS/MS and LC/MS. The abundance of specific sugars, sugar alcohols, fatty acids, organic acids, phytohormones and amino acids of X. schlechteri during desiccation were investigated. Sugars such as raffinose and sucrose are known to play a protective role in desiccation and were found to be abundant in MRD and LRD leaf tissue while, L-histidine, an amino acid which plays a critical role in plant growth, was found to be more abundant in LRD tissue as compared to MRD. The phytohormone abscisic acid, invoked in desiccation tolerance was found to be abundant at LRD and less abundant at ERD. The metabolomic data suggested that the regulation of metabolites was towards reducing possible toxic metabolites while increasing the expression of metabolites that help and protect plant cell integrity from the negative effects of desiccation. The use of a label-free proteomics approach complemented with metabolomics allowed the identification and validation of biological processes and pathways potentially involved in establishing desiccation tolerance in X. schlechteri. As far as we are aware, this is the first label-free proteomic analysis of X. schlechteri in response to dehydration

    Role of Notary in the Making of A Powerful Legal Entire Property Distribution Deed

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    The distribution of inheritance using a notary deed is an alternative method of inheritance distribution in addition to using court institutions which are commonly used by Indonesian people in inheritance distribution. This writing aims to analyze the theory of the implementation of the distribution of inheritance and the evidentiary process in order to get full evidence in the District Court. The research method used in this thesis is a sociological juridical approach, namely legal research carried out by examining how reactions and interactions occur because legal expectations are often different from the reality that occurs in society, or it can be called the gap between Das Sein (facts) and Das Sollen (norms/expectations). This study was analyzed using the theory of justice in Islam, the theory of legal certainty, and the theory of proof. The results of the study found that the theoretical analysis of the implementation of the distribution of inheritance, both according to the distribution of Islamic inheritance and the Civil Code already has legal certainty.The power of proof attached to an authentic deed is perfect strength and means that the proof is sufficient with the deed itself unless there is opposing evidence (tegen bewijs) which proves otherwise or proves otherwise from the deed. A deed according to the formulation of Article 1868 of the Civil Code, to obtain authenticity as an authentic deed, must meet several requirements, namely: the deed is made by or before a public official; the deed must be made in the form determined by law; and the public official must have the authority to make a deed

    Kajian Eksperimental Sambungan Tipe Pin pada Variasi Tebal Pelat Baja dengan Baut Diameter 8 mm

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    Sambungan pada struktur baja memiliki tingkat kekuatan atau mutu yang lebih kecil dari pada penampang biasa. Kehancuran dapat terjadi pada alat sambung maupun pelat yang disambung. Terdapat berbagai faktor yang harus disesuaikan dengan peraturan yang berlaku agar sambungan pelat baja mampu menahan gaya tarik yang ditentukan oleh SNI 1729:2020. Pada kajian ini terdapat dua jenis variasi model sambungan dan ketebalan pelat dengan alat sambungan baut untuk menentukan perilaku sambungan, kapasitas, dan pola keruntuhan menggunakan baut tipe pin diameter 8 mm ISO Grade 8.8 dan mutu pelat baja S460N. Kemudian dibandingkan secara perhitungan analitis dan uji tarik eksperimental. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa perilaku akibat gaya tarik tidak terjadi karena hasil gaya maksimal uji eksperimental kurang dari kapasitas geser blok, fraktur, dan leleh pelat secara analitis. Perilaku sambungan dengan pemasangan baut secara melintang dan sejajar dengan ketebalan pelat 6 mm dan 6 mm, 10 mm dan 10 mm, serta 6 mm dan 10 mm berdasarkan perhitungan analitis adalah geser baut dan selip pelat. Perilaku pada uji eksperimental mengalami geser baut dan selip pelat. Gaya maksimal uji eksperimental melewati kapasitas desain awal tumpu dan friksi kecuali pemasangan baut secara melintang dengan ketebalan pelat 10 mm dan 10 mm yang runtuh sebelum mencapai kapasitas yang direncanakan. Pola keruntuhan berdasarkan perhitungan analitis adalah geser baut dan selip pelat. Pada uji eksperimental mengalami geser baut dan selip pelat. Geser baut diakibatkan akibat gaya yang diberikan tegak lurus dengan sambungan dan selip pelat dikarenakan adanya kontak antara pelat. Terdapat pula pelebaran lubang baut kurang dari 1 mm searah gaya yang diterima akibat kegagalan tumpu pelat

    Novel biomarker identification in pancreatic cancer using Raman spectroscopy

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    Pancreatic cancer presents an increasing mortality burden, with little improvement in survival rates since 1970, largely because of the non-resectable status of most tumours at diagnosis and high rate of recurrence after resection. Currently, there are significant problems with accurately identifying tumour margins, both during surgery and through histopathology, causing limitations in clinical practice and research. This presents a need for clinically applicable research, to improve detection and differentiation of healthy and cancerous tissue in the exocrine pancreas. SPARC has been shown to play a role and be expressed in the development of pancreatic cancer and has recently been identified as a potential biomarker for the disease. Raman spectroscopy is an emerging technology, showing promise in the detection and surgical guidance of many cancers. There is, however, limited research on its use in pancreatic cancer. This study aims to investigate the utility of Raman spectroscopy in identifying and exploring the development of pancreatic cancer and differences between healthy and cancerous pancreatic tissue, which could eventually allow translation to clinical practice. This study identifies differences between healthy and cancerous pancreatic tissue, using Raman spectroscopy in human tumour resections and blood samples. Differences are seen due to proline and nucleic acids in fresh tissue and collagen in fixed tissue. It further utilises a 2D cell-line model, Raman spectroscopy and ELISA, providing greater understanding of the interactions between cancer and stellate cells, including the production of SPARC and collagen, in pancreatic cancer. This study concludes by proposing a hypothesis, highlighting the importance of collagen, SPARC and their potential roles in causing biochemical changes to cancer cells and as possible biomarkers. Overall, it demonstrates the potential utility of Raman spectroscopy in pancreatic cancer, providing the basis for further research and translation to clinical practice, improving survival rates and reducing the mortality burden currently associated with the disease

    Religious Conversion of Filipino Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong

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    Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the world and is often perceived as the favourite of the discriminated against and economically underdeveloped. It has drawn a huge influx of converts in recent decades, despite endless assertions about the declining influence of religion in the lives of people in the wake of modernization and globalization. Islam's manifestation and continuity in Hong Kong is surprising because religious affinity is less recognized or rewarded. The popular religions here are Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity, adherents to Islam constituting only 1% of the population. However, a notable number of conversions to Islam amongst Filipino domestic workers in Hong Kong are occurring


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    Background; The magnitude of damage caused by these microvascular complications of diabetes stresses the need for sensitive markers of screening for retinopathy and nephropathy. This study was done to determine the frequency of microalbuminuria in patients with diabetic retinopathy. Material and methods; A total of 300 patients’ type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic retinopathy presenting in Diabetes OPD of Nishtar Hospital, Multan were selected. After taking informed written consent, all patients underwent retinal imaging using Non Mydriatic Fundus Camera (NIDEK® Model # AFC-330). Urine sample of each patient was sent to the institute pathology laboratory for measuring albumin / creatinine ratio. Grades of retinopathy and microalbuminuria. Collected Data was entered into SPSS version 17.0 and was analyzed through its statistical package. Results; Of these 300 study cases, 179 (59.7%) were male patients while 121 (40.3%) were female patients. Mean age of our study cases was 52.10 ± 5.65 years (with minimum age was 42 years while maximum age was 60 years).                 Most of our study cases were from poor socioeconomic background i.e. 170 (56.7%) while only 13.3 % belonged to the higher socio-economic status. Majority of our study cases were having low educational level such as illiterate i.e. 60 (20%), primary education in 71 (23.7%) while only 3 % had bachelors degree or above. Mean duration of diabetes was 14.18 ± 2.73 years (with minimum duration of disease was 10 years while 19 years was maximum duration of the disease). Among these patients Grade III diabetic retinopathy was more prevalent i.e. 149 (49.7%) followed by grade IV retinopathy i.e. 100 (33.3%). Diabetes was controlled in only 81 (27%) of our study cases and obesity was present in 101 (33.7%) of our study cases. Microalbuminuria was present in 121 (40.3%) of our study cases. Conclusion; Very high frequencies of microalbuminuria were noted in patients with diabetic retinopathy in our study. Microalbuminuria was significantly associated with female gender, increasing age, socio-economic status, low educational level, disease severity, disease duration and obesity. Microalbuminuria was not associated with control of diabetes. Keywords; Microalbuminuria, Diabetic Retinopathy, Frequency

    Development of microsatellite (SSR) marker multiplexes for future construction of a genetic linkage map for pear (Pyrus communis L.)

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScRecent advances in the field of plant genetics and application of molecular technologies has lead to greater understanding of various crop genomes and their organization.The applications of these techniques include molecular markers which have been used to examine DNA variation within crop species. This allows for the creation of further genetic variation for new and favourable traits.Molecular markers or DNA markers are short fragments of DNA that can be used to locate desirable genetic traits in the genome or show specific genetic differences. The Maloideae subfamily includes fruit species such as pear. Pears (Pyrus communis L.) are large edible fruit that are grown in cool climates, native to coastal regions in Africa, Asia and Europe. The external appearance of this fruit plays a vital role on its rate of sale potential. Thus it is important for the appearances of the pear to meet the expectations of the consumer.External factors affecting the appearance of fruit, such as shape and colour, can have a large influence on the consumer’s first impression and opinion of what the fruit may taste like(Jaeger and MacFie, et al., 2001). The South African pear industry is the fourth largest in the fruit industry after apple, citrus and grape, exporting 3.8% to Europe (Ferrandi, et al., 2005).Increase in production and export of the pear is dependant on the variety of cultivars with desired traits. New cultivars, especially ranges of new cultivars, with harvest dates from early to late in the season, can fill gaps in the marketing strategy of exporters and in the local markets (Human, et al., 2005) Therefore, development of molecular markers allows for their possible use in maker-assisted selection and for the construction of a genetic linkage map thus leading to the location of favourable traits and ultimately the improvement of the quality of the pear.In this study high throughput genomic DNA extractions were performed. The Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method was employed as the results proved to be most promising. Furthermore the screenings of molecular markers were conducted in order to obtain DNA variation. Molecular markers were used to locate specific genetic differences.Multiplexing PCR was conducted using fluorescent primers for further screening and results proved to be useful as many variations could be observed
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