2,894 research outputs found

    Global General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion Tori

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    This paper presents an initial survey of the properties of accretion flows in the Kerr metric from three-dimensional, general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion tori. We consider three fiducial models of tori around rotating, both prograde and retrograde, and nonrotating black holes; these three fiducial models are also contrasted with axisymmetric simulations and a pseudo-Newtonian simulation with equivalent initial conditions to delineate the limitations of these approximations.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 30 pages, 21 figures. Animations and high-resolution version of figures available at http://www.astro.virginia.edu/~jd5

    High Resolution Simulations of the Plunging Region in a Pseudo-Newtonian Potential: Dependence on Numerical Resolution and Field Topology

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    New three dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion disk dynamics in a pseudo-Newtonian Paczynski-Wiita potential are presented. These have finer resolution in the inner disk than any previously reported. Finer resolution leads to increased magnetic field strength, greater accretion rate, and greater fluctuations in the accretion rate. One simulation begins with a purely poloidal magnetic field, the other with a purely toroidal field. Compared to the poloidal initial field simulation, a purely toroidal initial field takes longer to reach saturation of the magnetorotational instability and produces less turbulence and weaker magnetic field energies. For both initial field configurations, magnetic stresses continue across the marginally stable orbit; measured in units corresponding to the Shakura-Sunyaev alpha parameter, the stress grows from ~0.1 in the disk body to as much as ~10 deep in the plunging region. Matter passing the inner boundary of the simulation has ~10% greater binding energy and ~10% smaller angular momentum than it did at the marginally stable orbit. Both the mass accretion rate and the integrated stress fluctuate widely on a broad range of timescales.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. For Web version with mpeg animations see http://www.astro.virginia.edu/VITA/papers/plunge

    A Schmidt-Kennicutt law for star formation in the Milky Way disk

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    We use a new method to trace backwards the star formation history of the Milky Way disk, using a sample of M dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood which is representative for the entire solar circle. M stars are used because they show H_alpha emission until a particular age which is a well calibrated function of their absolute magnitudes. This allows us to reconstruct the rate at which disk stars have been born over about half the disk's lifetime. Our star formation rate agrees well with those obtained by using other, independent, methods and seems to rule out a constant star formation rate. The principal result of this study is to show that a relation of the Schmidt-Kennicut type (which relates the star formation rate to the interstellar gas content of galaxy disks) has pertained in the Milky Way disk during the last 5 Gyr. The star formation rate we derive from the M dwarfs and the interstellar gas content of the disk can be inferred as a function of time from a model of the chemical enrichment of the disk, which is well constrained by the observations indicating that the metallicity of the Galactic disk has remained nearly constant over the timescales involved. We demonstrate that the star formation rate and gas surface densities over the last 5 Gyrs can be accurately described by a Schmidt-Kennicutt law with an index of Gamma = 1.45 (+0.22,-0.09). This is, within statistical uncertainties, the same value found for other galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Astron.

    Accretion of low angular momentum material onto black holes: 2D magnetohydrodynamical case

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    We report on the second phase of our study of slightly rotating accretion flows onto black holes. We consider magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) accretion flows with a spherically symmetric density distribution at the outer boundary, but with spherical symmetry broken by the introduction of a small, latitude-dependent angular momentum and a weak radial magnetic field. We study accretion flows by means of numerical 2D, axisymmetric, MHD simulations with and without resistive heating. Our main result is that the properties of the accretion flow depend mostly on an equatorial accretion torus which is made of the material that has too much angular momentum to be accreted directly. The torus accretes, however, because of the transport of angular momentum due to the magnetorotational instability (MRI). Initially, accretion is dominated by the polar funnel, as in the hydrodynamic inviscid case, where material has zero or very low angular momentum. At the later phase of the evolution, the torus thickens towards the poles and develops a corona or an outflow or both. Consequently, the mass accretion through the funnel is stopped. The accretion of rotating gas through the torus is significantly reduced compared to the accretion of non-rotating gas (i.e., the Bondi rate). It is also much smaller than the accretion rate in the inviscid, weakly rotating case.Our results do not change if we switch on or off resistive heating. Overall our simulations are very similar to those presented by Stone, Pringle, Hawley and Balbus despite different initial and outer boundary conditions. Thus, we confirm that MRI is very robust and controls the nature of radiatively inefficient accretion flows.Comment: submitted in Ap

    Vortices in Thin, Compressible, Unmagnetized Disks

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    We consider the formation and evolution of vortices in a hydrodynamic shearing-sheet model. The evolution is done numerically using a version of the ZEUS code. Consistent with earlier results, an injected vorticity field evolves into a set of long-lived vortices, each of which has a radial extent comparable to the local scale height. But we also find that the resulting velocity field has a positive shear stress, . This effect appears only at high resolution. The transport, which decays with time as t^-1/2, arises primarily because the vortices drive compressive motions. This result suggests a possible mechanism for angular momentum transport in low-ionization disks, with two important caveats: a mechanism must be found to inject vorticity into the disk, and the vortices must not decay rapidly due to three-dimensional instabilities.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures (high resolution figures available in ApJ electronic edition

    The Chromospheric Activity and Ages of M Dwarf Stars in Wide Binary Systems

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    We investigate the relationship between age and chromospheric activity for 139 M dwarf stars in wide binary systems with white dwarf companions. The age of each system is determined from the cooling age of its white dwarf component. The current limit for activity-age relations found for M dwarfs in open clusters is 4 Gyr. Our unique approach to finding ages for M stars allows for the exploration of this relationship at ages older than 4 Gyr. The general trend of stars remaining active for a longer time at later spectral type is confirmed. However, our larger sample and greater age range reveals additional complexity in assigning age based on activity alone. We find that M dwarfs in wide binaries older than 4 Gyr depart from the log-linear relation for clusters and are found to have activity at magnitudes, colors and masses which are brighter, bluer and more massive than predicted by the cluster relation. In addition to our activity-age results, we present the measured radial velocities and complete space motions for 161 white dwarf stars in wide binaries.Comment: 22 pages including 9 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Discovery of a New Nearby Star

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    We report the discovery of a nearby star with a very large proper motion of 5.06 +/- 0.03 arcsec/yr. The star is called SO025300.5+165258 and referred to herein as HPMS (high proper motion star). The discovery came as a result of a search of the SkyMorph database, a sensitive and persistent survey that is well suited for finding stars with high proper motions. There are currently only 7 known stars with proper motions > 5 arcsec/yr. We have determined a preliminary value for the parallax of 0.43 +/- 0.13 arcsec. If this value holds our new star ranks behind only the Alpha Centauri system (including Proxima Centauri) and Barnard's star in the list of our nearest stellar neighbors. The spectrum and measured tangential velocity indicate that HPMS is a main-sequence star with spectral type M6.5. However, if our distance measurement is correct, the HPMS is underluminous by 1.2 +/- 0.7 mag.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to ApJ Letter

    Multiwavelength observations of a giant flare on CN Leonis I. The chromosphere as seen in the optical spectra

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    Flares on dM stars contain plasmas at very different temperatures and thus affect a wide wavelength range in the electromagnetic spectrum. While the coronal properties of flares are studied best in X-rays, the chromosphere of the star is observed best in the optical and ultraviolet ranges. Therefore, multiwavelength observations are essential to study flare properties throughout the atmosphere of a star. We analysed simultaneous observations with UVES/VLT and XMM-Newton of the active M5.5 dwarf CN Leo (Gl 406) exhibiting a major flare. The optical data cover the wavelength range from 3000 to 10000 Angstrom. From our optical data, we find an enormous wealth of chromospheric emission lines occurring throughout the spectrum. We identify a total of 1143 emission lines, out of which 154 are located in the red arm, increasing the number of observed emission lines in this red wavelength range by about a factor of 10. Here we present an emission line list and a spectral atlas. We also find line asymmetries for H I, He I, and Ca II lines. For the last, this is the first observation of asymmetries due to a stellar flare. During the flare onset, there is additional flux found in the blue wing, while in the decay phase, additional flux is found in the red wing. We interpret both features as caused by mass motions. In addition to the lines, the flare manifests itself in the enhancement of the continuum throughout the whole spectrum, inverting the normal slope for the net flare spectrum.Comment: 15 pages, accepted by A&

    Eigenvalue correlations on Hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces

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    In this note we compute the functional derivative of the induced charge density, on a thin conductor, consisting of the union of g+1 disjoint intervals, J:=âˆȘj=1g+1(aj,bj),J:=\cup_{j=1}^{g+1}(a_j,b_j), with respect to an external potential. In the context of random matrix theory this object gives the eigenvalue fluctuations of Hermitian random matrix ensembles where the eigenvalue density is supported on J.Comment: latex 2e, seven pages, one figure. To appear in Journal of Physics

    A General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics Simulation of Jet Formation

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    We have performed a fully three-dimensional general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulation of jet formation from a thin accretion disk around a Schwarzschild black hole with a free-falling corona. The initial simulation results show that a bipolar jet (velocity ∌0.3c\sim 0.3c) is created as shown by previous two-dimensional axisymmetric simulations with mirror symmetry at the equator. The 3-D simulation ran over one hundred light-crossing time units (τS=rS/c\tau_{\rm S} = r_{\rm S}/c where rS≡2GM/c2r_{\rm S} \equiv 2GM/c^2) which is considerably longer than the previous simulations. We show that the jet is initially formed as predicted due in part to magnetic pressure from the twisting the initially uniform magnetic field and from gas pressure associated with shock formation in the region around r=3rSr = 3 r_{\rm S}. At later times, the accretion disk becomes thick and the jet fades resulting in a wind that is ejected from the surface of the thickened (torus-like) disk. It should be noted that no streaming matter from a donor is included at the outer boundary in the simulation (an isolated black hole not binary black hole). The wind flows outwards with a wider angle than the initial jet. The widening of the jet is consistent with the outward moving torsional Alfv\'{e}n waves (TAWs). This evolution of disk-jet coupling suggests that the jet fades with a thickened accretion disk due to the lack of streaming material from an accompanying star.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, revised and accepted to ApJ (figures with better resolution: http://gammaray.nsstc.nasa.gov/~nishikawa/schb1.pdf
