345 research outputs found

    In Vino Veritas: Old Wine Markets in New Global Economic Battles

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    Wine markets have supported regional cultures and international alliances for centuries. Renaissance diplomatic and dramatic language refers to French markets, not economies, extending globally from Bordeaux to the Far East. Yet Shakespeare invents our representation of the global economy’s ill- gotten gains and predatory speculation in wine (and other) markets. Prince Hal leverages the very wine market that he derides obsessively into a narrative of sin and redemption. Hal consummates his narrative by rejecting Falstaff, whom he identifies as an earthly Bacchus. But Burgundy’s pragmatic representation of the excellence of viniculture in Henry V fits the paradigm of sustainable marketplaces in part because the symbolism of fine wine is universally esteemed. Today’s economic crisis proves that the quasi-Hegelian idea of an ethical economy cannot be attained through financial interdependence alone. Moreover, it validates the Renaissance narrative that responsible wine markets improve with age

    Standardizing Communications and Networks in the ICU

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    journal articleBiomedical Informatic

    Real Time Data Acquisition: Recommendations for the Medical Information Bus (MIB)

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    journal articleBiomedical Informatic

    Multiple-Pathway Analysis of Double-Strand Break Repair Mutations in Drosophila

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    The analysis of double-strand break (DSB) repair is complicated by the existence of several pathways utilizing a large number of genes. Moreover, many of these genes have been shown to have multiple roles in DSB repair. To address this complexity we used a repair reporter construct designed to measure multiple repair outcomes simultaneously. This approach provides estimates of the relative usage of several DSB repair pathways in the premeiotic male germline of Drosophila. We applied this system to mutations at each of 11 repair loci plus various double mutants and altered dosage genotypes. Most of the mutants were found to suppress one of the pathways with a compensating increase in one or more of the others. Perhaps surprisingly, none of the single mutants suppressed more than one pathway, but they varied widely in how the suppression was compensated. We found several cases in which two or more loci were similar in which pathway was suppressed while differing in how this suppression was compensated. Taken as a whole, the data suggest that the choice of which repair pathway is used for a given DSB occurs by a two-stage “decision circuit” in which the DSB is first placed into one of two pools from which a specific pathway is then selected

    Social Competence Treatment after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial of Interactive Group Treatment versus Non-Interactive Treatment

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    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of a replicable group treatment program for improving social competence after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Design Multicenter randomized controlled trial comparing two methods of conducting a social competency skills program, an interactive group format versus a classroom lecture. Setting Community and Veteran rehabilitation centers. Participants 179 civilian, military, and veteran adults with TBI and social competence difficulties, at least 6 months post-injury. Experimental Intervention Thirteen weekly group interactive sessions (1.5 hours) with structured and facilitated group interactions to improve social competence. Alternative (Control) Intervention Thirteen traditional classroom sessions using the same curriculum with brief supplemental individual sessions but without structured group interaction. Primary Outcome Measure Profile of Pragmatic Impairment in Communication (PPIC), an objective behavioral rating of social communication impairments following TBI. Secondary Outcomes LaTrobe Communication Questionnaire (LCQ), Goal Attainment Scale (GAS), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist – (PCL-C), Brief Symptom Inventory 18 (BSI-18), Scale of Perceived Social Self Efficacy (PSSE). Results Social competence goals (GAS) were achieved and maintained for most participants regardless of treatment method. Significant improvements in the primary outcome (PPIC) and two of the secondary outcomes (LCQ and BSI) were seen immediately post-treatment and at 3 months post-treatment in the AT arm only, however these improvements were not significantly different between the GIST and AT arms. Similar trends were observed for PSSE and PCL-C. Conclusions Social competence skills improved for persons with TBI in both treatment conditions. The group interactive format was not found to be a superior method of treatment delivery in this study

    Protein coingestion with alcohol following strenuous exercise attenuates alcohol-induced intramyocellular apoptosis and inhibition of autophagy

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    Alcohol ingestion decreases postexercise rates of muscle protein synthesis, but the mechanism(s) (e.g., increased protein breakdown) underlying this observation is unknown. Autophagy is an intracellular “recycling” system required for homeostatic substrate and organelle turnover; its dysregulation may provoke apoptosis and lead to muscle atrophy. We investigated the acute effects of alcohol ingestion on autophagic cell signaling responses to a bout of concurrent (combined resistance- and endurance-based) exercise. In a randomized crossover design, eight physically active males completed three experimental trials of concurrent exercise with either postexercise ingestion of alcohol and carbohydrate (12 ± 2 standard drinks; ALC-CHO), energy-matched alcohol and protein (ALC-PRO), or protein (PRO) only. Muscle biopsies were taken at rest and 2 and 8 h postexercise. Select autophagy-related gene (Atg) proteins decreased compared with rest with ALC-CHO (P < 0.05) but not ALC-PRO. There were parallel increases (P < 0.05) in p62 and PINK1 commensurate with a reduction in BNIP3 content, indicating a diminished capacity for mitochondria-specific autophagy (mitophagy) when alcohol and carbohydrate were coingested. DNA fragmentation increased in both alcohol conditions (P < 0.05); however, nuclear AIF accumulation preceded this apoptotic response with ALC-CHO only (P < 0.05). In contrast, increases in the nuclear content of p53, TFEB, and PGC-1α in ALC-PRO were accompanied by markers of mitochondrial biogenesis at the transcriptional (Tfam, SCO2, and NRF-1) and translational (COX-IV, ATPAF1, and VDAC1) level (P < 0.05). We conclude that alcohol ingestion following exercise triggers apoptosis, whereas the anabolic properties of protein coingestion may stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis to protect cellular homeostasis

    Anopheles gambiae: historical population decline associated with regional distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets in western Nyanza Province, Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in Asembo and low coverage in Seme, two adjacent communities in western Nyanza Province, Kenya; followed by expanded coverage of bed nets in Seme, as the Kenya national malaria programme rolled out; provided a natural experiment for quantification of changes in relative abundance of two primary malaria vectors in this holoendemic region. Both belong to the <it>Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) </it>species complex, namely <it>A. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) </it>and <it>Anopheles arabiensis</it>. Historically, the former species was proportionately dominant in indoor resting collections of females.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data of the relative abundance of adult <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>and <it>A. arabiensis </it>sampled from inside houses were obtained from the literature from 1970 to 2002 for sites west of Kisumu, Kenya, to the region of Asembo ca. 50 km from the city. A sampling transect was established from Asembo (where bed net use was high due to presence of a managed bed net distribution programme) eastward to Seme, where no bed net programme was in place. Adults of <it>A. gambiae s.l. </it>were sampled from inside houses along the transect from 2003 to 2009, as were larvae from nearby aquatic habitats, providing data over a nearly 40 year period of the relative abundance of the two species. Relative proportions of <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>and <it>A. arabiensis </it>were determined for each stage by identifying species by the polymerase chain reaction method. Household bed net ownership was measured with surveys during mosquito collections. Data of blood host choice, parity rate, and infection rate for <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>in <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>and <it>A. arabiensis </it>were obtained for a sample from Asembo and Seme from 2005.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Anopheles gambiae s.s. </it>adult females from indoor collections predominated from 1970 to 1998 (ca. 85%). Beginning in 1999, <it>A. gambiae </it>s.s decreased proportionately relative to <it>A. arabiensis</it>, then precipitously declined to rarity coincident with increased bed net ownership as national bed net distribution programmes commenced in 2004 and 2006. By 2009, <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>comprised proportionately ca. 1% of indoor collections and <it>A. arabiensis </it>99%. In Seme compared to Asembo in 2003, proportionately more larvae were <it>A. gambiae s.s.</it>, larval density was higher, and more larval habitats were occupied. As bed net use rose in Seme, the proportion of <it>A. gambiae </it>larvae declined as well. These trends continued to 2009. Parity and malaria infection rates were lower in both species in Asembo (high bed net use) compared to Seme (low bed net use), but host choice did not vary within species in both communities (predominantly cattle for <it>A. arabiensis</it>, humans for <it>A. gambiae s.s.</it>).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A marked decline of the <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>population occurred as household ownership of bed nets rose in a region of western Kenya over a 10 year period. The increased bed net coverage likely caused a mass effect on the composition of the <it>A. gambiae s.l. </it>species complex, resulting in the observed proportionate increase in <it>A. arabiensis </it>compared to its closely related sibling species, <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>These observations are important in evaluating the process of regional malaria elimination, which requires sustained vector control as a primary intervention.</p

    White-light flares on cool stars in the Kepler Quarter 1 Data

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    We present the results of a search for white light flares on the ~23,000 cool dwarfs in the Kepler Quarter 1 long cadence data. We have identified 373 flaring stars, some of which flare multiple times during the observation period. We calculate relative flare energies, flare rates and durations, and compare these with the quiescent photometric variability of our sample. We find that M dwarfs tend to flare more frequently but for shorter durations than K dwarfs, and that they emit more energy relative to their quiescent luminosity in a given flare than K dwarfs. Stars that are more photometrically variable in quiescence tend to emit relatively more energy during flares, but variability is only weakly correlated with flare frequency. We estimate distances for our sample of flare stars and find that the flaring fraction agrees well with other observations of flare statistics for stars within 300 pc above the Galactic Plane. These observations provide a more rounded view of stellar flares by sampling stars that have not been pre-selected by their activity, and are informative for understanding the influence of these flares on planetary habitability.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Towards Space-like Photometric Precision from the Ground with Beam-Shaping Diffusers

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    We demonstrate a path to hitherto unachievable differential photometric precisions from the ground, both in the optical and near-infrared (NIR), using custom-fabricated beam-shaping diffusers produced using specialized nanofabrication techniques. Such diffusers mold the focal plane image of a star into a broad and stable top-hat shape, minimizing photometric errors due to non-uniform pixel response, atmospheric seeing effects, imperfect guiding, and telescope-induced variable aberrations seen in defocusing. This PSF reshaping significantly increases the achievable dynamic range of our observations, increasing our observing efficiency and thus better averages over scintillation. Diffusers work in both collimated and converging beams. We present diffuser-assisted optical observations demonstrating 6216+2662^{+26}_{-16}ppm precision in 30 minute bins on a nearby bright star 16-Cygni A (V=5.95) using the ARC 3.5m telescope---within a factor of \sim2 of Kepler's photometric precision on the same star. We also show a transit of WASP-85-Ab (V=11.2) and TRES-3b (V=12.4), where the residuals bin down to 18041+66180^{+66}_{-41}ppm in 30 minute bins for WASP-85-Ab---a factor of \sim4 of the precision achieved by the K2 mission on this target---and to 101ppm for TRES-3b. In the NIR, where diffusers may provide even more significant improvements over the current state of the art, our preliminary tests have demonstrated 13736+64137^{+64}_{-36}ppm precision for a KS=10.8K_S =10.8 star on the 200" Hale Telescope. These photometric precisions match or surpass the expected photometric precisions of TESS for the same magnitude range. This technology is inexpensive, scalable, easily adaptable, and can have an important and immediate impact on the observations of transits and secondary eclipses of exoplanets.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 30 pages, 20 figure