445 research outputs found

    Widespread recombination, reassortment, and transmission of unbalanced compound viral genotypes in natural arenavirus infections.

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    Arenaviruses are one of the largest families of human hemorrhagic fever viruses and are known to infect both mammals and snakes. Arenaviruses package a large (L) and small (S) genome segment in their virions. For segmented RNA viruses like these, novel genotypes can be generated through mutation, recombination, and reassortment. Although it is believed that an ancient recombination event led to the emergence of a new lineage of mammalian arenaviruses, neither recombination nor reassortment has been definitively documented in natural arenavirus infections. Here, we used metagenomic sequencing to survey the viral diversity present in captive arenavirus-infected snakes. From 48 infected animals, we determined the complete or near complete sequence of 210 genome segments that grouped into 23 L and 11 S genotypes. The majority of snakes were multiply infected, with up to 4 distinct S and 11 distinct L segment genotypes in individual animals. This S/L imbalance was typical: in all cases intrahost L segment genotypes outnumbered S genotypes, and a particular S segment genotype dominated in individual animals and at a population level. We corroborated sequencing results by qRT-PCR and virus isolation, and isolates replicated as ensembles in culture. Numerous instances of recombination and reassortment were detected, including recombinant segments with unusual organizations featuring 2 intergenic regions and superfluous content, which were capable of stable replication and transmission despite their atypical structures. Overall, this represents intrahost diversity of an extent and form that goes well beyond what has been observed for arenaviruses or for viruses in general. This diversity can be plausibly attributed to the captive intermingling of sub-clinically infected wild-caught snakes. Thus, beyond providing a unique opportunity to study arenavirus evolution and adaptation, these findings allow the investigation of unintended anthropogenic impacts on viral ecology, diversity, and disease potential

    Survival in Nuclear Waste, Extreme Resistance, and Potential Applications Gleaned from the Genome Sequence of Kineococcus radiotolerans SRS30216

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    Kineococcus radiotolerans SRS30216 was isolated from a high-level radioactive environment at the Savannah River Site (SRS) and exhibits γ-radiation resistance approaching that of Deinococcus radiodurans. The genome was sequenced by the U.S. Department of Energy's Joint Genome Institute which suggested the existence of three replicons, a 4.76 Mb linear chromosome, a 0.18 Mb linear plasmid, and a 12.92 Kb circular plasmid. Southern hybridization confirmed that the chromosome is linear. The K. radiotolerans genome sequence was examined to learn about the physiology of the organism with regard to ionizing radiation resistance, the potential for bioremediation of nuclear waste, and the dimorphic life cycle. K. radiotolerans may have a unique genetic toolbox for radiation protection as it lacks many of the genes known to confer radiation resistance in D. radiodurans. Additionally, genes involved in the detoxification of reactive oxygen species and the excision repair pathway are overrepresented. K. radiotolerans appears to lack degradation pathways for pervasive soil and groundwater pollutants. However, it can respire on two organic acids found in SRS high-level nuclear waste, formate and oxalate, which promote the survival of cells during prolonged periods of starvation. The dimorphic life cycle involves the production of motile zoospores. The flagellar biosynthesis genes are located on a motility island, though its regulation could not be fully discerned. These results highlight the remarkable ability of K radiotolerans to withstand environmental extremes and suggest that in situ bioremediation of organic complexants from high level radioactive waste may be feasible

    Coaching, supervision and the social work zeitgeist

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Practice on 20/3/2013 available online: http://wwww.tandfonline.com/10.1080/09503153.2013.775237With reference to local authorities in England, this paper acknowledges the intensified critique of the managerial context in which social work is carried out. It recognizes that professional supervision has been in jeopardy, as principles of corporate line management have overshadowed the approaches of the past, and most particularly the supportive components. However, recent developments have reinvigorated the interest in relationship based social work as well as relationship based supervision. Surprisingly or not, it is executive and business coaching that is seen as offering fruitful techniques for front line managers and practitioners, with the possibility of encouraging the progress of this particular trend

    Gender and sexual orientation differences in cognition across adulthood : age is kinder to women than to men regardless of sexual orientation

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    Despite some evidence of greater age-related deterioration of the brain in males than in females, gender differences in rates of cognitive aging have proved inconsistent. The present study employed web-based methodology to collect data from people aged 20-65 years (109,612 men; 88,509 women). As expected, men outperformed women on tests of mental rotation and line angle judgment, whereas women outperformed men on tests of category fluency and object location memory. Performance on all tests declined with age but significantly more so for men than for women. Heterosexuals of each gender generally outperformed bisexuals and homosexuals on tests where that gender was superior; however, there were no clear interactions between age and sexual orientation for either gender. At least for these particular tests from young adulthood to retirement, age is kinder to women than to men, but treats heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals just the same

    Combination Early-Phase Trials of Anticancer Agents in Children and Adolescents

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    PURPOSEThere is an increasing need to evaluate innovative drugs for childhood cancer using combination strategies. Strong biological rationale and clinical experience suggest that multiple agents will be more efficacious than monotherapy for most diseases and may overcome resistance mechanisms and increase synergy. The process to evaluate these combination trials needs to maximize efficiency and should be agreed by all stakeholders.METHODSAfter a review of existing combination trial methodologies, regulatory requirements, and current results, a consensus among stakeholders was achieved.RESULTSCombinations of anticancer therapies should be developed on the basis of mechanism of action and robust preclinical evaluation, and may include data from adult clinical trials. The general principle for combination early-phase studies is that, when possible, clinical trials should be dose- and schedule-confirmatory rather than dose-exploratory, and every effort should be made to optimize doses early. Efficient early-phase combination trials should be seamless, including dose confirmation and randomized expansion. Dose evaluation designs for combinations depend on the extent of previous knowledge. If not previously evaluated, limited evaluation of monotherapy should be included in the same clinical trial as the combination. Randomized evaluation of a new agent plus standard therapy versus standard therapy is the most effective approach to isolate the effect and toxicity of the novel agent. Platform trials may be valuable in the evaluation of combination studies. Patient advocates and regulators should be engaged with investigators early in a proposed clinical development pathway and trial design must consider regulatory requirements.CONCLUSIONAn optimized, agreed approach to the design and evaluation of early-phase pediatric combination trials will accelerate drug development and benefit all stakeholders, most importantly children and adolescents with cancer.</p

    A genome-wide association study of bronchodilator response in participants of European and African ancestry from six independent cohorts

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    Introduction Bronchodilator response (BDR) is a measurement of acute bronchodilation in response to short-acting β2-agonists, with a heritability between 10 and 40%. Identifying genetic variants associated with BDR may lead to a better understanding of its complex pathophysiology. Methods We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of BDR in six adult cohorts with participants of European ancestry (EA) and African ancestry (AA) including community cohorts and cohorts ascertained on the basis of obstructive pulmonary disease. Validation analysis was carried out in two paediatric asthma cohorts. Results A total of 10 623 EA and 3597 AA participants were included in the analyses. No single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was associated with BDR at the conventional genome-wide significance threshold (p<5×10−8). Performing fine mapping and using a threshold of p<5×10−6 to identify suggestive variants of interest, we identified three SNPs with possible biological relevance: rs35870000 (within FREM1), which may be involved in IgE- and IL5-induced changes in airway smooth muscle cell responsiveness; rs10426116 (within ZNF284), a zinc finger protein, which has been implicated in asthma and BDR previously; and rs4782614 (near ATP2C2), involved in calcium transmembrane transport. Validation in paediatric cohorts yielded no significant SNPs, possibly due to age–genotype interaction effects. Conclusion Ancestry-stratified and ancestry-combined GWAS meta-analyses of over 14 000 participants did not identify genetic variants associated with BDR at the genome-wide significance threshold, although a less stringent threshold identified three variants showing suggestive evidence of association. A common definition and protocol for measuring BDR in research may improve future efforts to identify variants associated with BDR.publishedVersio

    STIM1 signalling controls store-operated calcium entry required for development and contractile function in skeletal muscle

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    It is now well established that stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM1) is the calcium sensor of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stores required to activate store-operated calcium entry (SOC) channels at the surface of non-excitable cells. Yet little is known about STIM1 in excitable cells such as striated muscle where the complement of calcium regulatory molecules is rather disparate from that of non-excitable cells. Here, we show that STIM1 is expressed in both myotubes and adult skeletal muscle. Myotubes lacking functional STIM1 fail to exhibit SOC and fatigue rapidly. Moreover, mice lacking functional STIM1 die perinatally from a skeletal myopathy. In addition, STIM1 haploinsufficiency confers a contractile defect only under conditions where rapid refilling of stores would be needed. These findings provide novel insight to the role of STIM1 in skeletal muscle and suggest that STIM1 has a universal role as an ER/SR calcium sensor in both excitable and non-excitable cells