72 research outputs found

    Plasmonic Gold Helices for the visible range fabricated by oxygen plasma purification of electron beam induced deposits

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    Electron beam induced deposition (EBID) currently provides the only direct writing technique for truly three-dimensional nanostructures with geometrical features below 50 nm. Unfortunately, the depositions from metal-organic precursors suffer from a substantial carbon content. This hinders many applications, especially in plasmonics where the metallic nature of the geometric surfaces is mandatory. To overcome this problem a post-deposition treatment with oxygen plasma at room temperature was investigated for the purification of gold containing EBID structures. Upon plasma treatment, the structures experience a shrinkage in diameter of about 18 nm but entirely keep their initial shape. The proposed purification step results in a core-shell structure with the core consisting of mainly unaffected EBID material and a gold shell of about 20 nm in thickness. These purified structures are plasmonically active in the visible wavelength range as shown by dark field optical microscopy on helical nanostructures. Most notably, electromagnetic modeling of the corresponding scattering spectra verified that the thickness and quality of the resulting gold shell ensures an optical response equal to that of pure gold nanostructures

    A Challenge for a Male Noctuid Moth? Discerning the Female Sex Pheromone against the Background of Plant Volatiles

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    Finding a partner is an essential task for members of all species. Like many insects, females of the noctuid moth Heliothis virescens release chemical cues consisting of a species-specific pheromone blend to attract conspecific males. While tracking these blends, male moths are also continuously confronted with a wide range of other odor molecules, many of which are plant volatiles. Therefore, we analyzed how background plant odors influence the degree of male moth attraction to pheromones. In order to mimic a natural situation, we tracked pheromone-guided behavior when males were presented with the headspaces of each of two host plants in addition to the female pheromone blend. Since volatile emissions are also dependent on the physiological state of the plant, we compared pheromone attraction in the background of both damaged and intact plants. Surprisingly, our results show that a natural odor bouquet does not influence flight behavior at all, although previous studies had shown a suppressive effect at the sensory level. We also chose different concentrations of single plant-emitted volatiles, which have previously been shown to be neurophysiologically relevant, and compared their influence on pheromone attraction. We observed that pheromone attraction in male moths was significantly impaired in a concentration-dependent manner when single plant volatiles were added. Finally, we quantified the amounts of volatile emission in our experiments using gas chromatography. Notably, when the natural emissions of host plants were compared with those of the tested single plant compounds, we found that host plants do not release volatiles at concentrations that impact pheromone-guided flight behavior of the moth. Hence, our results lead to the conclusion that pheromone-plant interactions in Heliothis virescens might be an effect of stimulation with supra-natural plant odor concentrations, whereas under more natural conditions the olfactory system of the male moth appears to be well adapted to follow the female pheromone plume without interference from plant-emitted odors

    A novel copper precursor for electron beam induced deposition

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    A fluorine free copper precursor, Cu(tbaoac)2 with the chemical sum formula CuC16O6H26 is introduced for focused electron beam induced deposition (FEBID). FEBID with 15 keV and 7 nA results in deposits with an atomic composition of Cu:O:C of approximately 1:1:2. Transmission electron microscopy proved that pure copper nanocrystals with sizes of up to around 15 nm were dispersed inside the carbonaceous matrix. Raman investigations revealed a high degree of amorphization of the carbonaceous matrix and showed hints for partial copper oxidation taking place selectively on the surfaces of the deposits. Optical transmission/reflection measurements of deposited pads showed a dielectric behavior of the material in the optical spectral range. The general behavior of the permittivity could be described by applying the Maxwell–Garnett mixing model to amorphous carbon and copper. The dielectric function measured from deposited pads was used to simulate the optical response of tip arrays fabricated out of the same precursor and showed good agreement with measurements. This paves the way for future plasmonic applications with copper-FEBID

    Glycinergic Transmission in the Mammalian Retina

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    Glycine and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) are the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the retina. Approximately half of the amacrine cells release glycine at their synapses with bipolar, other amacrine, and ganglion cells. Glycinergic amacrine cells are small-field amacrine cells with vertically oriented dendrites and comprise more than 10 different morphological types. The retinal distributions of glycine receptor (GlyR) α1, α2, α3 and α4 subtypes have been mapped with subunit-specific antibodies. GlyRs were clustered at postsynaptic hot spots which showed selective distributions for the different subunits. As a rule, only one α subunit was expressed at a given postsynaptic site. The kinetic properties of GlyRs were measured by recording spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) from identified retinal neurons in wild-type, Glra1spd-ot, Glra2 and Glra3 knockout mice. From observed differences of sIPSCs in wild-type and mutant mice, the cell-type specific subunit composition of GlyRs could be defined. OFF-cone bipolar cells and A-type ganglion cells receive prominent glycinergic input with fast kinetics that is mainly mediated by α1β GlyRs (decay time constant τ ∼ 5 ms). By contrast, AII amacrine cells express α3β GlyRs with medium fast kinetics (τ ∼ 11 ms). Narrow-field (NF) and wide-field amacrine cells contain predominantly α2β GlyRs with slow kinetics (τ ∼ 27 ms). Lastly, ON-starburst, narrow-field and wide-field amacrine cells in Glra2 knockout mice express α4β GlyRs with very slow kinetics (τ ∼ 70 ms)

    Immunohistochemical characterization of bipolar cells in four distantly related avian species

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    Visual (and probably also magnetic) signal processing starts at the first synapse, at which photoreceptors contact different types of bipolar cells, thereby feeding information into different processing channels. In the chicken retina, 15 and 22 different bipolar cell types have been identified based on serial electron microscopy and single‐cell transcriptomics, respectively. However, immunohistochemical markers for avian bipolar cells were only anecdotally described so far. Here, we systematically tested 12 antibodies for their ability to label individual bipolar cells in the bird retina and compared the eight most suitable antibodies across distantly related species, namely domestic chicken, domestic pigeon, common buzzard, and European robin, and across retinal regions. While two markers (GNB3 and EGFR) labeled specifically ON bipolar cells, most markers labeled in addition to bipolar cells also other cell types in the avian retina. Staining pattern of four markers (CD15, PKCα, PKCβ, secretagogin) was species‐specific. Two markers (calbindin and secretagogin) showed a different expression pattern in central and peripheral retina. For the chicken and European robin, we found slightly more ON bipolar cell somata in the inner nuclear layer than OFF bipolar cell somata. In contrast, OFF bipolar cells made more ribbon synapses than ON bipolar cells in the inner plexiform layer of these species. Finally, we also analyzed the photoreceptor connectivity of selected bipolar cell types in the European robin retina. In summary, we provide a catalog of bipolar cell markers for different bird species, which will greatly facilitate analyzing the retinal circuitry of birds on a larger scale

    No evidence for age-related alterations in the marmoset retina

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    The physiological aging process of the retina is accompanied by various and sometimes extensive changes: Macular degeneration, retinopathies and glaucoma are the most common findings in the elderly and can potentially lead to irreversible visual disablements up to blindness. To study the aging process and to identify possible therapeutic targets to counteract these diseases, the use of appropriate animal models is mandatory. Besides the most commonly used rodent species, a non-human primate, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) emerged as a promising animal model of human aging over the last years. However, the visual aging process in this species is only partially characterized, especially with regard to retinal aberrations. Therefore, we assessed here for the first time potential changes in retinal morphology of the common marmoset of different age groups. By cell type specific immunolabeling, we analyzed different cell types and distributions, potential photoreceptor and ganglion cell loss, and structural reorganization. We detected no signs of age-related differences in staining patterns or densities of various cell populations. For example, there were no signs of photoreceptor degeneration, and there was only minimal sprouting of rod bipolar cells in aged retinas. Altogether, we describe here the maintenance of a stable neuronal architecture, distribution and number of different cell populations with only mild aberrations during the aging process in the common marmoset retina. These findings are in stark contrast to previously reported findings in rodent species and humans and deserve further investigations to identify the underlying mechanisms and possible therapeutic targets

    Calcium channel-dependent molecular maturation of photoreceptor synapses.

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    Several studies have shown the importance of calcium channels in the development and/or maturation of synapses. The Ca(V)1.4(α(1F)) knockout mouse is a unique model to study the role of calcium channels in photoreceptor synapse formation. It features abnormal ribbon synapses and aberrant cone morphology. We investigated the expression and targeting of several key elements of ribbon synapses and analyzed the cone morphology in the Ca(V)1.4(α(1F)) knockout retina. Our data demonstrate that most abnormalities occur after eye opening. Indeed, scaffolding proteins such as Bassoon and RIM2 are properly targeted at first, but their expression and localization are not maintained in adulthood. This indicates that either calcium or the Ca(V)1.4 channel, or both are necessary for the maintenance of their normal expression and distribution in photoreceptors. Other proteins, such as Veli3 and PSD-95, also display abnormal expression in rods prior to eye opening. Conversely, vesicle related proteins appear normal. Our data demonstrate that the Ca(V)1.4 channel is important for maintaining scaffolding proteins in the ribbon synapse but less vital for proteins related to vesicular release. This study also confirms that in adult retinae, cones show developmental features such as sprouting and synaptogenesis. Overall we present evidence that in the absence of the Ca(V)1.4 channel, photoreceptor synapses remain immature and are unable to stabilize

    Choline acetyltransferase is found in terminals of horizontal cells that label with GABA, nitric oxide synthase and calcium binding proteins in the turtle retina

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    In this study, we discriminated the various types of horizontal cell in the turtle retina on their content of neuroactive substances. Double label immunocytochemistry was performed on sectioned and wholemount retina using antisera to neural- and endothelial-nitric oxide synthase (nNOS, and eNOS), calretinin (CR), calbindin (CB), gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). H1 cells and their axon terminals label with CR, CB and GABA. Only H1 axon terminals label with eNOS. H2 cells contain CB, CR, nNOS and GABA maybe in their dendrites. H3 cells label only with nNOS. The localization of nNOS in the H2 and H3 cells is a novel finding. None of these antibodies labels H4 cells. The photoreceptor subtypes have been differentiated by different intensity of labeling with CB. The accessory member of the double cone is less intensely labeled with CB than the principal member and rods and blue cones do not appear to label at all. ChAT-IR is located in terminal boutons of H1 and H2 horizontal cells and H1 axon terminals and these boutons contact rods and all spectral types of cones. Clearly, GABA is present in H1 horizontal cells and may be used in neurotransmission between horizontal cells and possibly for feedback pathways to photoreceptors. The evidence of nNOS immunoreactivity in H2 and H3 horizontal cells, combined with available physiological evidence, suggests that NO may be involved in electrical coupling and/or modulation of synaptic input to these types of cells. Furthermore, our results raise the possibility that cholinergic synaptic transmission may occur from horizontal cell processes to photoreceptors in the outer plexiform layer of the turtle retina.Supported by grants EY04855 (H.K.) and a grant to the Department of Ophthalmology from Research to Prevent Blindness. A fellowship from the Secretaría de Estado de Educación Universidades, Investigación y Desarrollo of Spain supported N.C