58 research outputs found
This study used an eye-tracking method to explore students’ approaches to solving the same task in different representations and the differences between students who answered correctly and those who answered incorrectly when solving the problems. Thirty-one upper secondary students took part in the study. According to the results of this study, the representation has a slight effect on students’ problem solving processes. Students with the incorrect answers paid more attention to the parts of the tasks with information irrelevant to determining the solution to the task
Effects of conversation content on viewing dyadic conversations
People typically follow conversations closely with their gaze. We asked whether this viewing is influenced by what is actually said in the conversation and by the viewer’s psychological condition. We recorded the eye movements of healthy (N = 16) and depressed (N = 25) participants while they were viewing video clips. Each video showed two people, each speaking one line of dialogue about socio-emotionally important (i.e., personal) or unimportant topics (matter-of-fact). Between the spoken lines, the viewers made more saccadic shifts between the discussants, and looked more at the second speaker, in personal vs. matter-of-fact conversations. Higher depression scores were correlated with less looking at the currently speaking discussant. We conclude that subtle social attention dynamics can be detected from eye movements and that these dynamics are sensitive to the observer’s psychological condition, such as depression
Effects of Conversation Content on Viewing Dyadic Conversations
People typically follow conversations closely with their gaze. We asked whether this viewing is influenced by what is actually said in the conversation and by the viewer's psychological condition. We recorded the eye movements of healthy (N = 16) and depressed (N = 25) participants while they were viewing video clips. Each video showed two people, each speaking one line of dialogue about socio-emotionally important (i.e., personal) or unimportant topics (matter-of-fact). Between the spoken lines, the viewers made more saccadic shifts between the discussants, and looked more at the second speaker, in personal vs. matter-of-fact conversations. Higher depression scores were correlated with less looking at the currently speaking discussant. We conclude that subtle social attention dynamics can be detected from eye movements and that these dynamics are sensitive to the observer's psychological condition, such as depression
Attentional bias towards interpersonal aggression in depression - an eye movement study
Depressed individuals exhibit an attentional bias towards mood-congruent stimuli, yet evidence for biased processing of threat-related information in human interaction remains scarce. Here, we tested whether an attentional bias towards interpersonally aggressive pictures over interpersonally neutral pictures could be observed to a greater extent in depressed participants than in control participants. Eye movements were recorded while the participants freely viewed visually matched interpersonally aggressive and neutral pictures, which were presented in pairs. Across the groups, participants spent more time looking at neutral pictures than at aggressive pictures, probably reflecting avoidance behavior. When the participants could anticipate the stimulus valence, depressed participants - but not controls - showed an early attentional bias towards interpersonally aggressive pictures, as indexed by their longer first fixation durations on aggressive pictures than on neutral pictures. Our results thus preliminarily suggest both an early attentional bias towards interpersonal aggression, which is present, in depressed participants, also when aggression contents are anticipated, and a later attentional avoidance of aggression. The early depression-related bias in information processing may have maladaptive effects on the way depressed individuals perceive and function in social interaction and can, therefore, maintain depressed mood
Suojaus- ja lisätuottostrategioista sekä korkorakenteen muodon hyödyntämisestä velkakirjasalkun hallinnassa
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia velkakirjasalkun suojaus- ja lisätuottostrategioita sekä korkorakenteen muodon hyödyntämistä velkakirjasalkun hallinnassa. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestytään käyttäen immunisaatiota, futuureja, cheap dear -analyysiä sekä barbell-strategiaa. Tutkimushypoteesi on, että joukkovelkakirjasalkun korkoriskiä ja tuottoa voidaan ohjata haluttuun suuntaan valituilla strategioilla.
Lähdeaineistona on käytetty joukkovelkakirjamarkkinoita ja tutkittuja strategioita käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Empiirisen aineiston osalta on hyödynnetty pankkien sijoitustutkimuksia ja alan kirjallisuutta.
Tutkimusmenetelmät pohjautuvat matemaattisiin menetelmiin, jotka ovat erilaisten rahoitusteorioiden sovelluksia. Tutkimusta pyritään havainnollistamaan laskelmilla, taulukoilla ja kuvioilla. Lähestymistapa tutkittavaan ongelmaan on analyyttinen ja matemaattiset kaavat on pyritty esittämään mahdollisimman havainnollisesti esimerkkilaskemilla.
Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että valituilla menetelmillä on mahdollista ohjata ja hallita joukkovelkakirjasalkun tuottoa ja riskiä. Tutkittuja menetelmiä käytettäessä sijoittajan on tunnettava korkorakenteen teoreettinen perusta sekä duraation käyttäminen korkoriskin mallittamisessa. Strategioiden avulla haettu lisätuottojen tavoittelu tapahtuu hallitusti sijoittajan kontrolloidessa salkkunsa korkoriskiä.fi=Kokotekstiversiota ei ole saatavissa.|en=Fulltext not available.|sv=Fulltext ej tillgänglig
Asiakasjohtamisen kehittäminen moniala-asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa
Granlund on Suomessa 20 paikkakunnalla toimiva kiinteistö- ja rakennusalan asiantuntijaorganisaatio, joka työllistää noin 900 asiantuntijaa. Granlundilla asiakasjohtamisen kehittäminen on yksi Strategiakauden 2016−2020 pääprojekteista. Asiakasjohtaminen on tärkeässä roolissa parhaan mahdollisen asiakastyytyväisyyden ja kannattavuuden saavuttamisessa. Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli auttaa Granlundin asiakasjohtoryhmää löytämään ongelmakohtia ja kehittämisalueita Granlundin asiakastoiminnasta. Työ koostui avainasiakashenkilöiden ja pienempien asiakkuuksien vastuuhenkilöiden haastatteluista sekä asiakasjohtamisenkirjallisuuteen perehtymisestä. Tiedonhankinta pohjautui avainasiakashenkilöiden ja asiakasvastuunhenkilöiden haastatteluihin, johtamiskirjallisuuden ja artikkeleiden tutkimiseen sekä Granlundin omien asiakaskoulutusmateriaalien läpikäymiseen. Näiden perusteella pyrittiin löytämään ongelmankohdat ja kehittämisalueet. Opinnäytetyön tuloksena saatiin selville Granlundin asiakasvastuuhenkilöiden mielestä hyvät ja huonot puolet asiakasvastuullisena toimimisesta ja sen ongelmakohdista. Ongelmakohtien ja kehittämisalueiden pohjalta päivitetään Granlundin asiakastyöohjeet sekä kehitetään toimintatapoja vastaamaan paremmin nykytilanteen tarpeita.Granlund is an organisation that specializes in real estate and building business. It operates in 20 municipalities in Finland, employing about 900 experts. At Granlund, the development of customer management is one of the main projects of the Strategy period 2016-2020. Customer management has an important role in achieving the best possible customer satisfaction and profitability. The purpose of the thesis was to help Granlund’s customer management to find problem areas and development areas in Granlund's customer operations. The work consisted of interviews of the key customers and smaller customers and study of customer management literature. Information retrieval was based on interviewing key customers and customer-responsible people, studying management literature and articles and going through Granlund’s own customer education material. Based on these we sought to find the problem areas and development areas. As a result of the thesis, we found out what the customer-responsible people at Granlund thought were the pros and cons of working as a customer-responsible person, and the problem areas of it. Based on the problem areas and development areas, the instructions of Granlund’s customer work would be updated and the policies would be developed to better meet the needs of today
Toimintajärjestelmä KJH-Comp Oy:lle
Tämän työn aiheena oli toimintajärjestelmän rakentaminen KJH-Comp Oy:lle. KJH-Comp on ohutlevymekaniikkaan erikoistunut alihankintayritys Kauhavan Alahärmässä. Nuori ja kehittyvä yritys oli vailla toimintajärjestelmää ja sen teke-minen katsottiin ajankohtaiseksi, niin yrityksen itsensä kuin asiakassuhteidenkin takia.
Tehtävä oli määrittää yrityksen nykyinen tilanne ja rakentaa sen pohjalta toiminta-järjestelmä ja ottaa se yhdessä yrityksen johdon kanssa käyttöön vuoden 2011 loppuun mennessä. Toimintajärjestelmän tarkoituksena on parantaa yrityksen laa-tua ja pienentää huonosta laadusta aiheutuvia kustannuksia, sekä antaa asiakkaille hyvä kuva yrityksen toiminnasta.
Toimintajärjestelmä otettiin käyttöön aikataulun mukaisesti vuoden 2011 loppuun mennessä ja sen käyttöönotosta todettiin olevan välitöntä hyötyä yrityksen toi-minnalle. Toimintajärjestelmän yhteydessä luotiin toimintakäsikirja, joka antaa asiakkaille kuvan yrityksen toiminnasta, laatupolitiikasta ja luotettavuudesta.The subject of this project was to construct an integrated management system (IMS) for KJH-Comp Oy. KJH-Comp is a subcontracting company specializing in sheet metal mechanics in Kauhava Alahärmä. A young and dynamic company had no IMS, and it was considered topical for the sake of the company and customer relations.
The tasks were to determine the company's current situation, to build an IMS based on it and to put the system to use together with the management team till the end of 2011. The IMS was designed to enhance the company's quality and to lower the costs caused by poor quality, as well as to give customers a good view of the company's activities.
The IMS was introduced on schedule by the end of 2011 and its introduction was found to be an immediate benefit for the company's operations. The Integrated Management System was created with an operations manual, which gives cus-tomers an overview of the company’s operations and its reliability
Breaking down the word length effect on readers’ eye movements
Previous research on the effect of word length on reading confounded the number of letters (NrL) in a word with its spatial width. Consequently, the extent to which visuospatial and attentional-linguistic processes contribute to the word length effect on parafoveal and foveal vision in reading and dyslexia is unknown. Scholars recently suggested that visual crowding is an important factor for determining an individual’s reading speed in fluent and dyslexic reading. We studied whether the NrL or the spatial width of target words affects fixation duration and saccadic measures in natural reading in fluent and dysfluent readers of a transparent orthography. Participants read natural sentences presented in a proportional font that contained spatially narrow and wide four- to seven-letter target words. The participants looked at spatially narrow words overall for a longer duration partially due to more frequent regressions, which showed that crowding can disrupt word recognition during normal reading. In addition, reliable NrL effects on fixation duration suggest that letters are important attentional units during reading. Saccadic measures including relative landing position, refixation and skipping probability were strongly affected by spatial width and slightly affected by the NrL, which suggests that saccadic programming and parafoveal processing of upcoming words are limited by visual acuity more than by attentional factors. The dysfluent readers overall had longer fixation durations for words but did not show larger crowding or NrL effects.peerReviewe
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