2,242 research outputs found

    Genetic types, gene repertoire, and evolution of isolates of the Salmonella enterica serovar 4,5,12:i:- Spanish clone assigned to different phage types

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    Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica 4,[5],12:i:− is one of the most prevalent serovars associated with human infections worldwide. Two multidrug-resistant clones, designated Spanish and European clones, are recognized as having importance for public health and are subject to control measures in the European Union. In this study, 23 clinical isolates belonging to the Spanish clone were characterized by multilocus sequence typing, multiple-locus variable number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA), PCR amplification and sequencing, and a DNA microarray targeting 263 genes, in order to provide new insights into their origins and further evolution. The derived data were compared with information available from other studies for S. 4,[5],12:i:− isolates of both the Spanish and the European clones, to identify differential molecular markers which could be potentially used as surveillance tools in the control of dissemination of this serovar. The isolates analyzed were assigned to sequence type 19 and to 17 MLVA patterns, with 3-13-16-NA-311 being the most prevalent. Highly similar virulence, metabolic, and prophage-associated gene profiles were identified, but DNA mobility markers distinguished five genotypes. Two types of deletions, caused by insertion of IS26, presumably donated by pUO-STmR/RV1-like plasmids typically found in the Spanish clone, affected the fljAB operon and surrounding DNA. The Spanish and European clones differ in sequence type, MLVA patterns, gene repertoire, and fljAB deletion type. The observed variability supports an independent evolution of the two successful monophasic clones from different Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ancestors and can be taken into consideration for epidemiological surveillance

    Diversity of Salmonella enterica serovar Derby isolated from pig, pork and humans in Germany

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    Salmonella enterica serovar Derby (S. Derby) is one of the most prevalent serovars in pigs in Europe and in the U.S. and ranks among the 10 most frequently isolated serovars in humans. Therefore, a set of 82 epidemiologically unrelated S. Derby strains isolated between 2006 and 2008 from pigs, pork and humans in Germany was selected and investigated in respect to the transmission of clonal groups of the serovar along the food chain. Various phenotypic and genotypic methods were applied and the pathogenicity and resistance gene repertoire was determined. Phenotypically 72% of the strains were susceptible to all 17 antimicrobials tested while the others were monoresistant to tetracycline or multi-resistant with different resistance profiles. Four major clonal groups were identified based on PFGE, sequence data of the virulence genes sopA, sopB and sopD, VNTR-locus STTR5 and MLST revealing also the new sequence type ST774. Thirty different PFGE profiles were detected resulting in four clusters representing the four groups. The pathogenicity gene repertoire of 32 representative S. Derby strains analyzed by microarray showed six types with differences in the Salmonella pathogenicity islands, pathogenicity genes on smaller islets or prophages and fimbriae coding genes. The pathogenicity gene repertoire of the predominant types PAT DE1 and DE2 were most similar to the ones of S. Paratyphi B (dT+, O5−) and to a minor degree to S. Infantis and S. Virchow PATs. Overall this study showed that in Germany currently one major S. Derby clone is frequently isolated from pigs and humans. Contaminated pork was identified as one vehicle and consequently is a risk for human health. To prevent this serovar from entering the food chain, control measurements should be applied at the farm level

    Phylogenetic and Molecular Analysis of Food-Borne Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli

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    Seventy-five food-associated Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) strains were analyzed by molecular and phylogenetic methods to describe their pathogenic potential. The presence of the locus of proteolysis activity (LPA), the chromosomal pathogenicity island (PAI) PAI ICL3, and the autotransporter- encoding gene sabA was examined by PCR. Furthermore, the occupation of the chromosomal integration sites of the locus of enterocyte effacement (LEE), selC, pheU, and pheV, as well as the Stx phage integration sites yehV, yecE, wrbA, z2577, and ssrA, was analyzed. Moreover, the antibiotic resistance phenotypes of all STEC strains were determined. Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) was performed, and sequence types (STs) and sequence type complexes (STCs) were compared with those of 42 hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS)-associated enterohemorrhagic E. coli (HUSEC) strains. Besides 59 STs and 4 STCs, three larger clusters were defined in this strain collection. Clusters A and C consist mostly of highly pathogenic eae-positive HUSEC strains and some related food-borne STEC strains. A member of a new O26 HUS-associated clone and the 2011 outbreak strain E. coli O104:H4 were found in cluster A. Cluster B comprises only eae-negative food-borne STEC strains as well as mainly eae-negative HUSEC strains. Although food-borne strains of cluster B were not clearly associated with disease, serotypes of important pathogens, such as O91:H21 and O113:H21, were in this cluster and closely related to the food-borne strains. Clonal analysis demonstrated eight closely related genetic groups of food-borne STEC and HUSEC strains that shared the same ST and were similar in their virulence gene composition. These groups should be considered with respect to their potential for human infection

    Remapping of the belted phenotype in cattle on BTA3 identifies a multiplication event as the candidate causal mutation

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    Background: It has been known for almost a century that the belted phenotype in cattle follows a pattern of dominant inheritance. In 2009, the approximate position of the belt locus in Brown Swiss cattle was mapped to a 922-kb interval on bovine chromosome 3 and, subsequently, assigned to a 336-kb haplotype block based on an animal set that included, Brown Swiss, Dutch Belted (Lakenvelder) and Belted Galloway individuals. A possible candidate gene in this region i.e. HES6 was investigated but the causal mutation remains unknown. Thus, to elucidate the causal mutation of this prominent coat color phenotype, we decided to remap the belted phenotype in an independent animal set of several European bovine breeds, i.e. Gurtenvieh (belted Brown Swiss), Dutch Belted and Belted Galloway and to systematically scan the candidate region. We also checked the presence of the detected causal mutation in the genome of belted individuals from a Siberian cattle breed. Results: A combined linkage disequilibrium and linkage analysis based on 110 belted and non-belted animals identified a candidate interval of 2.5 Mb. Manual inspection of the haplotypes in this region identified four candidate haplotypes that consisted of five to eight consecutive SNPs. One of these haplotypes overlapped with the initial 922-kb interval, whereas two were positioned proximal and one was positioned distal to this region. Next-generation sequencing of one heterozygous and two homozygous belted animals identified only one private belted candidate allele, i.e. a multiplication event that is located between 118,608,000 and 118,614,000 bp. Targeted locus amplification and quantitative real-time PCR confirmed an increase in copy number of this region in the genomes of both European (Belted Galloway, Dutch Belted and Gurtenvieh) and Siberian (Yakutian cattle) breeds. Finally, using nanopore sequencing, the exact breakpoints were determined at 118,608,362 and 118,614,132 bp. The closest gene to the candidate causal mutation (16 kb distal) is TWIST2. Conclusions: Based on our findings and those of a previously published study that identified the same multiplication event, a quadruplication on bovine chromosome 3 between positions 118,608,362 and 118,614,132 bp is the most likely candidate causal mutation for the belted phenotype in cattle

    Implementation in nursing and midwifery. A scoping review

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    Hintergrund: Evidenzbasiertes Wissen steht im Pflege- und Hebammenbereich zunehmend zur Verfügung, wird aber nicht automatisch in die Praxis umgesetzt. Implementationsforschung gewinnt daher immer grössere Bedeutung. Die international verfügbaren Forschungsergebnisse zu den Faktoren, die zum Gelingen einer Implementation beitragen, sind bislang noch nicht genügend aufbereitet worden. Gegenstand des Artikels: Im vorliegenden Scoping Review wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche Arbeiten zur gelungenen Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Aufrechterhaltung von Interventionen im Bereich der Pflege- und Hebammenarbeit vorliegen. Methode: In der für Scoping Reviews vorgesehenen, systematischen Vorgehensweise wurden einschlägige Datenbanken durchsucht, um Reviews und Studien zur Implementationsforschung im Bereich Pflege und Hebammenarbeit aufzufinden. Der Auswahlprozess, der zur Trefferliste führte, und die Charakteristika der eingeschlossenen Studien werden in Abbildungen und Tabellen strukturiert aufbereitet. Ergebnis: In vier Reviews und 38 Studien, die den Einschlusskriterien entsprechen, werden verschiedene Faktoren mit gelungener Implementation verbunden. Für die eingeschlossenen Studien werden folgende vier Kategorien aufgestellt: (1) Arbeitsplatzkultur mit 16 Nennungen, (2) Leitungskultur: 28 Nennungen, (3) Ressourcen: 4 Nennungen und (4) Training mit 22 Nennungen. Je nach Phase der Implementation (Vorbereitung, Durchführung oder Aufrechterhaltung) kommt ihnen eine etwas andere Bedeutung zu. Zusammenfassung: Das Review bietet eine Orientierung im Feld der Implementationsforschung und zeigt Design, Thema und Ergebnis der eingeschlossenen Studien auf. Nur wenige Studien berücksichtigen relevante Theorien und zeigen den Einfluss sowohl der Forschenden als auch der Zielgruppe auf den Implementationsprozess oder die genaue Beschreibung der Umstände, in denen die Implementation stattfindet, auf. Background: Evidence-based expertise in nursing and midwifery is growing but is not automatically turned into practice. The importance of implementation research is therefore increasing. International research results on factors facilitating implementation have not yet been sufficiently presented. Objective: This scoping review will explore the findings on successful preparation, realisation and maintenance of interventions in nursing and midwifery. Method: Based on an existing systematic approach, relevant data bases were accessed to identify original studies relating to implementation research in nursing and midwifery. The process of study selection and the characteristics of the included studies were charted. Findings: In the four reviews and 38 studies which met the inclusion criteria, various factors leading to successful implementation are identified. Based on the included studies, four facilitating factors can be pinpointed: (1) workplace culture (16 entries), (2) leadership culture (28 entries), (3) resources (4 entries), and (4) training (22 entries). Depending on the specific phase of the implementation process (preparation, realisation, or maintenance), these factors will vary in importance. Conclusion: This scoping review provides an orientation for the field of implementation research and it maps the design, themes and results of the studies included. It should be noted that few studies take into consideration the relevant theories, as well as the influence that the researchers and the target group may have on the implementation process, or provide an exact description of the setting in which the implementation takes place

    Prediction of Adipose Browning Capacity by Systematic Integration of Transcriptional Profiles

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    Activation and recruitment of thermogenic cells in human white adipose tissues ("browning'') can counteract obesity and associated metabolic disorders. However, quantifying the effects of therapeutic interventions on browning remains enigmatic. Here, we devise a computational tool, named ProFAT (profiling of fat tissue types), for quantifying the thermogenic potential of heterogeneous fat biopsies based on prediction of white and brown adipocyte content from raw gene expression datasets. ProFAT systematically integrates 103 mouse-fat-derived transcriptomes to identify unbiased and robust gene signatures of brown and white adipocytes. We validate ProFAT on 80 mouse and 97 human transcriptional profiles from 14 independent studies and correctly predict browning capacity upon various physiological and pharmacological stimuli. Our study represents the most exhaustive comparative analysis of public data on adipose biology toward quantification of browning after personalized medical intervention. ProFAT is freely available and should become increasingly powerful with the growing wealth of transcriptomics data
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