8,290 research outputs found

    Development of novel cardiovascular biomarkers by MRI assessment of postprandial physiology

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    Stress testing is an important concept in cardiovascular medicine. Feeding is a common cardiovascular stressor. Unlike metabolic or immunological stress, the links between feeding-induced haemodynamic stress and cardiovascular risk and dysfunction have not yet been explored in humans. Therefore, cardiovascular responses to a meal were firstly characterised comprehensively in healthy volunteers using a novel rapid MRI protocol. It was shown that the ingestion of food decreased mesenteric vascular resistance substantially, and that this was compensated for by a rise in cardiac output primarily. Previous research demonstrated that mesenteric vasoreactivity was blunted in obese animals and those on a lipid-rich diet. This was linked to greater myocardial mass, an important and independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease in early life. Therefore, the proposed protocol was conducted in adolescents of varying weight to investigate links between mesenteric vasoreactivity and indicators of cardiovascular risk. Blunted postprandial mesenteric vasoreactivity was associated with raised systolic blood pressure and greater left ventricular mass. Importantly, this was independent of other factors known to influence these variables, such as pubertal stage, obesity, insulin resistance, and resting blood pressure. Abnormal vascular resistance of the limbs and the intestine has been described in Fontan-palliated patients with univentricular congenital heart disease, possibly in order to maintain organ perfusion in the presence of low cardiac output and chronic venous congestion. It was hypothesised that this mechanism could interfere with the common cardiovascular responses to feeding. Using the established protocol, vasoconstriction of the legs, but not the intestine, was found in fasting Fontan patients compared to controls. While the mesenteric responses to the meal were similar, Fontan patients had abnormal responses of the celiac axis and the lower limbs

    Explaining Adoption of Pervasive Retail Systems with a Model based on UTAUT2 and the Extended Privacy Calculus

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    The advent of e-commerce puts traditional retail companies under a lot of pressure. A way retailers try to attract more customers to their physical stores is by offering online services on the retail sales floor. Such services are enabled through pervasive retail systems. These systems, however, do not only offer new opportunities but also bear risks for retailers because they heavily depend on privacy-related data, which customers could perceive as a potential privacy threat. In the present paper, we thus investigate the antecedents of customers’ usage intention towards such systems and the trade-off between the perceived benefits and the perceived privacy costs that are associated with their use. To this end, we propose a model based on the most recent version of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) and the Extended Privacy Calculus Theory. We validate our model considering a smart fitting room application and show that the model is able to explain 67.1% of the variance in the behavioral intention to use the system and 43.1% of the variance in a person’s willingness to disclose private information. Our results can be leveraged to design pervasive systems that are perceived as valuable instead of privacy threatening

    BGH, Beschluss vom 12. Mai 2022 – 5 StR 398/21, für BGHSt bestimmt

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugänglich.Peer Reviewe

    Der Strafantrag gegenĂĽber der Polizei im elektronischen Rechtsverkehr

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers (De Gruyter) frei zugänglich.Die Einreichung des Strafantrages nach § 77 StGB i. V. m § 158 Abs. 2 Hs. 2 StPO gegenüber der Polizei abseits des klassischen Briefverkehrs führt regelmäßig zur für den vermeintlichen Antragssteller unerwünschten Unwirksamkeit des betreffenden Antrages. Denn das Schriftlichkeitserfordernis des § 158 Abs. 2 Hs. 2 StPO ist zwar einerseits kein besonders strenges, orientiert sich nicht etwa strikt an § 126 BGB. Andererseits hat sich in der Rechtsprechung eine solche Vielzahl von Einzelfällen herausgebildet, die mal unzulässig, mal zulässig sind, dass für den juristischen Laien kaum noch erkennbar ist, wann ein Strafantrag wirksam gestellt wurde, wenn er nicht formstreng als unterschriebener Antrag per Post oder direkt auf der Polizeiwache eingereicht wurde. Auf dem Gebiet des elektronischen Rechtsverkehrs hat der Gesetzgeber in dieser Hinsicht zwar Klarheit geschaffen. Denn § 32 a StPO macht eindeutige Vorgaben, wie Rechtsmittel per elektronischer Kommunikation eingereicht werden können. Doch führt dies entgegen der eigentlichen Intention des Gesetzgebers dazu, dass der Bürger im Rahmen der Strafantragsstellung faktisch überhaupt nicht mehr am elektronischen Rechtsverkehr teilnimmt. Dem Umgang mit dieser Problematik widmet sich dieser Artikel.Peer Reviewe

    Lifetime vs. rate capability: Understanding the role of FEC and VC in high-energy Li-ion batteries with nano-silicon anodes

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    Fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) and vinylene carbonate (VC) are the most frequently used electrolyte components to enhance the lifetime of anode materials in Li-ion batteries, but for silicon it is still ambiguous when FEC or VC is more beneficial. Herein, a nanostructured silicon/carbon anode derived from low-cost HSiCl3 is tailored by the rational choice of the electrolyte component, to obtain an anode material outperforming current complex silicon structures. We demonstrate highly reversible areal capacities of up to 5 mA h/cm2 at 4.4 mg/cm2 mass loading, a specific capacity of 1280 mA h/gElectrode, a capacity retention of 81% after 500 deep-discharge cycles versus lithium metal and successful full-cell tests with high-voltage cathodes meeting the requirements for real application. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and post-mortem investigation provide new insights in tailoring the interfacial properties of silicon-based anodes for high performance anode materials based on an alloying mechanism with large volume changes. The role of fluorine in the FEC-derived interfacial layer is discussed in comparison with the VC-derived layer and possible degradation mechanisms are proposed. We believe that this study gives a valuable understanding and provides new strategies on the facile use of additives for highly reversible silicon anodes in Li-ion batteries.Fil: Jaumann, Tony. Ifw Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Balach, Juan Manuel. Ifw Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Langklotz, Ulrike. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Sauchuk, Viktar. Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Materials and Systems; AlemaniaFil: Fritsch, Marco. Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Materials and Systems; AlemaniaFil: Michaelis, Alexander. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Teltevskij, Valerij. Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research; AlemaniaFil: Mikhailova, Daria. Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research; AlemaniaFil: Oswald, Steffen. Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research; AlemaniaFil: Klose, Markus. Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research; Alemania. Technische Universität Dresden; AlemaniaFil: Stephani, Guenter. Branch Lab Dresden. Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials; ArgentinaFil: Hauser, Ralf. Branch Lab Dresden. Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials; ArgentinaFil: Eckert, Jürgen. Technische Universität Dresden; Alemania. Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research; AlemaniaFil: Giebeler, Lars. Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research; Alemania. Technische Universität Dresden; Alemani

    Low-Density Granulocytes Are a Novel Immunopathological Feature in Both Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder

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    Objective: To investigate whether low-density granulocytes (LDGs) are an immunophenotypic feature of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) or neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder (NMOSD). Methods: Blood samples were collected from 20 patients with NMOSD and 17 patients with MS, as well as from 15 patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and 23 Healthy Donors (HD). We isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with density gradient separation and stained the cells with antibodies against CD14, CD15, CD16, and CD45, and analyzed the cells by flow cytometry or imaging flow cytometry. We defined LDGs as CD14-CD15(high) and calculated their share in total PBMC leukocytes (CD45+) as well as the share of CD16(hi) LDGs. Clinical data on disease course, medication, and antibody status were obtained. Results: LDGs were significantly more common in MS and NMOSD than in HDs, comparable to SLE samples (median values HD 0.2%, MS 0.9%, NMOSD 2.1%, SLE 4.3%). 0/23 of the HDs, but 17/20 NMOSD and 11/17 MS samples as well as 13/15 SLE samples had at least 0.7 % LDGs. NMOSD patients without continuous immunosuppressive treatment had significantly more LDGs compared to their treated counterparts. LDG nuclear morphology ranged from segmented to rounded, suggesting a heterogeneity within the group. Conclusion: LDGs are a feature of the immunophenotype in some patients with MS and NMOSD

    Spatial Distribution of Macrophages During Callus Formation and Maturation Reveals Close Crosstalk Between Macrophages and Newly Forming Vessels

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    Macrophages are essential players in the process of fracture healing, acting by remodeling of the extracellular matrix and enabling vascularization. Whilst activated macrophages of M1-like phenotype are present in the initial pro-inflammatory phase of hours to days of fracture healing, an anti-inflammatory M2-like macrophage phenotype is supposed to be crucial for the induction of downstream cascades of healing, especially the initiation of vascularization. In a mouse-osteotomy model, we provide a comprehensive characterization of vessel (CD31+, Emcn+) and macrophage phenotypes (F4/80, CD206, CD80, Mac-2) during the process of fracture healing. To this end, we phenotype the phases of vascular regeneration-the expansion phase (d1-d7 after injury) and the remodeling phase of the endothelial network, until tissue integrity is restored (d14-d21 after injury). Vessels which appear during the bone formation process resemble type H endothelium (CD31hiEmcnhi), and are closely connected to osteoprogenitors (Runx2+, Osx+) and F4/80+ macrophages. M1-like macrophages are present in the initial phase of vascularization until day 3 post osteotomy, but they are rare during later regeneration phases. M2-like macrophages localize mainly extramedullary, and CD206+ macrophages are found to express Mac-2+ during the expansion phase. VEGFA expression is initiated by CD80+ cells, including F4/80+ macrophages, until day 3, while subsequently osteoblasts and chondrocytes are main contributors to VEGFA production at the fracture site. Using Longitudinal Intravital Microendoscopy of the Bone (LIMB) we observe changes in the motility and organization of CX3CR1+ cells, which infiltrate the injury site after an osteotomy. A transient accumulation, resulting in spatial polarization of both, endothelial cells and macrophages, in regions distal to the fracture site, is evident. Immunofluorescence histology followed by histocytometric analysis reveals that F4/80+CX3CR1+ myeloid cells precede vascularization

    Ball on a beam: stabilization under saturated input control with large basin of attraction

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    This article is devoted to the stabilization of two underactuated planar systems, the well-known straight beam-and-ball system and an original circular beam-and-ball system. The feedback control for each system is designed, using the Jordan form of its model, linearized near the unstable equilibrium. The limits on the voltage, fed to the motor, are taken into account explicitly. The straight beam-and-ball system has one unstable mode in the motion near the equilibrium point. The proposed control law ensures that the basin of attraction coincides with the controllability domain. The circular beam-and-ball system has two unstable modes near the equilibrium point. Therefore, this device, never considered in the past, is much more difficult to control than the straight beam-and-ball system. The main contribution is to propose a simple new control law, which ensures by adjusting its gain parameters that the basin of attraction arbitrarily can approach the controllability domain for the linear case. For both nonlinear systems, simulation results are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the designed nonlinear control laws and to determine the basin of attraction

    Detection of Marker Associated with CTC in Colorectal Cancer in Mononuclear Cells of Patients with Benign Inflammatory Intestinal Diseases

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    Colorectal carcinoma (CRC) belongs to the most common tumor entities in western countries. Circulating tumor cells (CTC) in blood of CRC patients are a powerful prognostic and predictive biomarker. However, whether CTC-associated markers can also be used for early CRC detection and discrimination from benign diseases is not known. This study investigated the presence of CTC-associated markers CK20, PLS3, LAD1, and DEFA5 in blood of patients with benign inflammatory intestinal disease (IID) and their correlation with malignancy. The detection rate of CK20 and DEFA5 significantly differed between diseased patients and healthy controls. LAD1 and PLS3 were detected in all samples with clear differences in gene expression. DEFA5 expression was higher in CRC and IID patients compared to healthy donors, while CK20 and PLS3 were lower in CRC compared to IID patients or healthy controls. Overall, all CTC-associated markers were detectable in blood of IID patients, but not correlating with inflammation severity. Finally, PLS3 emerged as a suitable marker for differentiation between malignant and non-malignant intestinal diseases or healthy controls, however its suitability for early CRC detection needs to be further validated
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