86 research outputs found

    The RelA/SpoT Homolog (RSH) Superfamily: Distribution and Functional Evolution of ppGpp Synthetases and Hydrolases across the Tree of Life

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    RelA/SpoT Homologue (RSH) proteins, named for their sequence similarity to the RelA and SpoT enzymes of Escherichia coli, comprise a superfamily of enzymes that synthesize and/or hydrolyze the alarmone ppGpp, activator of the “stringent” response and regulator of cellular metabolism. The classical “long” RSHs Rel, RelA and SpoT with the ppGpp hydrolase, synthetase, TGS and ACT domain architecture have been found across diverse bacteria and plant chloroplasts, while dedicated single domain ppGpp-synthesizing and -hydrolyzing RSHs have also been discovered in disparate bacteria and animals respectively. However, there is considerable confusion in terms of nomenclature and no comprehensive phylogenetic and sequence analyses have previously been carried out to classify RSHs on a genomic scale. We have performed high-throughput sensitive sequence searching of over 1000 genomes from across the tree of life, in combination with phylogenetic analyses to consolidate previous ad hoc identification of diverse RSHs in different organisms and provide a much-needed unifying terminology for the field. We classify RSHs into 30 subgroups comprising three groups: long RSHs, small alarmone synthetases (SASs), and small alarmone hydrolases (SAHs). Members of nineteen previously unidentified RSH subgroups can now be studied experimentally, including previously unknown RSHs in archaea, expanding the “stringent response” to this domain of life. We have analyzed possible combinations of RSH proteins and their domains in bacterial genomes and compared RSH content with available RSH knock-out data for various organisms to determine the rules of combining RSHs. Through comparative sequence analysis of long and small RSHs, we find exposed sites limited in conservation to the long RSHs that we propose are involved in transmitting regulatory signals. Such signals may be transmitted via NTD to CTD intra-molecular interactions, or inter-molecular interactions either among individual RSH molecules or among long RSHs and other binding partners such as the ribosome

    Evolution of nonstop, no-go and nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and their termination factor-derived components

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Members of the eukaryote/archaea specific eRF1 and eRF3 protein families have central roles in translation termination. They are also central to various mRNA surveillance mechanisms, together with the eRF1 paralogue Dom34p and the eRF3 paralogues Hbs1p and Ski7p. We have examined the evolution of eRF1 and eRF3 families using sequence similarity searching, multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Extensive BLAST searches confirm that Hbs1p and eRF3 are limited to eukaryotes, while Dom34p and eRF1 (a/eRF1) are universal in eukaryotes and archaea. Ski7p appears to be restricted to a subset of <it>Saccharomyces </it>species. Alignments show that Dom34p does not possess the characteristic class-1 RF minidomains GGQ, NIKS and YXCXXXF, in line with recent crystallographic analysis of Dom34p. Phylogenetic trees of the protein families allow us to reconstruct the evolution of mRNA surveillance mechanisms mediated by these proteins in eukaryotes and archaea.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We propose that the last common ancestor of eukaryotes and archaea possessed Dom34p-mediated no-go decay (NGD). This ancestral Dom34p may or may not have required a trGTPase, mostly like a/eEF1A, for its delivery to the ribosome. At an early stage in eukaryotic evolution, eEF1A was duplicated, giving rise to eRF3, which was recruited for translation termination, interacting with eRF1. eRF3 evolved nonsense-mediated decay (NMD) activity either before or after it was again duplicated, giving rise to Hbs1p, which we propose was recruited to assist eDom34p in eukaryotic NGD. Finally, a third duplication within ascomycete yeast gave rise to Ski7p, which may have become specialised for a subset of existing Hbs1p functions in non-stop decay (NSD). We suggest Ski7p-mediated NSD may be a specialised mechanism for counteracting the effects of increased stop codon read-through caused by prion-domain [PSI+] mediated eRF3 precipitation.</p

    What is hidden in the darkness? Deep-learning assisted large-scale protein family curation uncovers novel protein families and folds

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    Driven by the development and upscaling of fast genome sequencing and assembly pipelines, the number of protein-coding sequences deposited in public protein sequence databases is increasing exponentially. Recently, the dramatic success of deep learning-based approaches applied to protein structure prediction has done the same for protein structures. We are now entering a new era in protein sequence and structure annotation, with hundreds of millions of predicted protein structures made available through the AlphaFold database. These models cover most of the catalogued natural proteins, including those difficult to annotate for function or putative biological role based on standard, homology-based approaches. In this work, we quantified how much of such "dark matter" of the natural protein universe was structurally illuminated by AlphaFold2 and modelled this diversity as an interactive sequence similarity network that can be navigated at https://uniprot3d.org/atlas/AFDB90v4 . In the process, we discovered multiple novel protein families by searching for novelties from sequence, structure, and semantic perspectives. We added a number of them to Pfam, and experimentally demonstrate that one of these belongs to a novel superfamily of toxin-antitoxin systems, TumE-TumA. This work highlights the role of large-scale, evolution-driven protein comparison efforts in combination with structural similarities, genomic context conservation, and deep-learning based function prediction tools for the identification of novel protein families, aiding not only annotation and classification efforts but also the curation and prioritisation of target proteins for experimental characterisation

    A role for the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ABCF protein New1 in translation termination/recycling

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    Translation is controlled by numerous accessory proteins and translation factors. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, translation elongation requires an essential elongation factor, the ABCF ATPase eEF3. A closely related protein, New1, is encoded by a non-essential gene with cold sensitivity and ribosome assembly defect knock-out phenotypes. Since the exact molecular function of New1 is unknown, it is unclear if the ribosome assembly defect is direct, i.e. New1 is a bona fide assembly factor, or indirect, for instance due to a defect in protein synthesis. To investigate this, we employed yeast genetics, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and ribosome profiling (Ribo-Seq) to interrogate the molecular function of New1. Overexpression of New1 rescues the inviability of a yeast strain lacking the otherwise strictly essential translation factor eEF3. The structure of the ATPase-deficient (EQ2) New1 mutant locked on the 80S ribosome reveals that New1 binds analogously to the ribosome as eEF3. Finally, Ribo-Seq analysis revealed that loss of New1 leads to ribosome queuing upstream of 3'-terminal lysine and arginine codons, including those genes encoding proteins of the cytoplasmic translational machinery. Our results suggest that New1 is a translation factor that fine-tunes the efficiency of translation termination or ribosome recycling

    An ancient family of SelB elongation factor-like proteins with a broad but disjunct distribution across archaea

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>SelB is the dedicated elongation factor for delivery of selenocysteinyl-tRNA to the ribosome. In archaea, only a subset of methanogens utilizes selenocysteine and encodes archaeal SelB (aSelB). A SelB-like (aSelBL) homolog has previously been identified in an archaeon that does not encode selenosysteine, and has been proposed to be a pyrrolysyl-tRNA-specific elongation factor (EF-Pyl). However, elongation factor EF-Tu is capable of binding archaeal Pyl-tRNA in bacteria, suggesting the archaeal ortholog EF1A may also be capable of delivering Pyl-tRNA to the ribosome without the need of a specialized factor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have phylogenetically characterized the aSelB and aSelBL families in archaea. We find the distribution of aSelBL to be wider than both selenocysteine and pyrrolysine usage. The aSelBLs also lack the carboxy terminal domain usually involved in recognition of the selenocysteine insertion sequence in the target mRNA. While most aSelBL-encoding archaea are methanogenic Euryarchaea, we also find aSelBL representatives in Sulfolobales and Thermoproteales of Crenarchaea, and in the recently identified phylum Thaumarchaea, suggesting that aSelBL evolution has involved horizontal gene transfer and/or parallel loss. Severe disruption of the GTPase domain suggests that some family members may employ a hitherto unknown mechanism of nucleotide hydrolysis, or have lost their GTPase ability altogether. However, patterns of sequence conservation indicate that aSelBL is still capable of binding the ribosome and aminoacyl-tRNA.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although it is closely related to SelB, aSelBL appears unlikely to either bind selenocysteinyl-tRNA or function as a classical GTP hydrolyzing elongation factor. We propose that following duplication of aSelB, the resultant aSelBL was recruited for binding another aminoacyl-tRNA. In bacteria, aminoacylation with selenocysteine is essential for efficient thermodynamic coupling of SelB binding to tRNA and GTP. Therefore, change in tRNA specificity of aSelBL could have disrupted its GTPase cycle, leading to relaxation of selective pressure on the GTPase domain and explaining its apparent degradation. While the specific role of aSelBL is yet to be experimentally tested, its broad phylogenetic distribution, surpassing that of aSelB, indicates its importance.</p

    A Few Strokes to the Family Portrait of Translational GTPases

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    Protein biosynthesis is a core process in all living organisms. Assembly of the protein chain from aminoacids is catalysed by the ribosome, ancient and extremely complex macromolecular machine. Several different classes of accessory molecules are involved in translation, and one set of them, called translational GTPases (trGTPases), was in the focus of this work. In this thesis properties of two trGTPases– EF-G and eRF3 - were studied by means of direct biochemical experiments. EF-G is a bacterial trGTPase involved in two steps of translation: translocation and ribosomal recycling. Translocation is a process of the ribosomal movement along the mRNA, and recycling as the step when upon completion of the protein ribosome is released from the mRNA via splitting in two ribosomal subunits. We found that off the ribosome EF-G has similar affinities to GDP and GTP, and thus given the predominance of the latter in the cell, EF-G should be present mostly in the complex with GTP. However, binding to the ribosome increases factors affinity to GTP drastically, ensuring that it is in the GTP-bound state. GDP can not promote neither translocation, not recycling, and GDPNP can not promote recycling. It can, however, promote translocation, but in so doing it results in an intermediate ribosomal state and translocation process can be reversed by addition of GDP, which is not the case for the EF-G•GTP-catalyzed reaction. The second trGTPase we investigated is eukaryotic termination factor eRF3. This protein together with another factor, eRF1, is involved translation termination, which is release of the synthesized protein from the ribosome. We demonstrateed, that eRF3 alone has basically no propensity to bind GTP and thus resides in the GDP-bound state. Complex formation between eRF1 and eRF3 promotes GTP binding by the latter, resulting in the formation of the ternary complex eRF1•eRF3•GTP, which in turn is catalyzing the termination event. Experimental investigations of trGTPases where rationalized within a generalized thermodynamical framework, accommoding the existent experimental observations, both structural and biochemical