709 research outputs found

    Topological Invariants and Fibration Structure of Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Four-Folds

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    We investigate the mathematical properties of the class of Calabi-Yau four-folds recently found in [arXiv:1303.1832]. This class consists of 921,497 configuration matrices which correspond to manifolds that are described as complete intersections in products of projective spaces. For each manifold in the list, we compute the full Hodge diamond as well as additional topological invariants such as Chern classes and intersection numbers. Using this data, we conclude that there are at least 36,779 topologically distinct manifolds in our list. We also study the fibration structure of these manifolds and find that 99.95 percent can be described as elliptic fibrations. In total, we find 50,114,908 elliptic fibrations, demonstrating the multitude of ways in which many manifolds are fibered. A sub-class of 26,088,498 fibrations satisfy necessary conditions for admitting sections. The complete data set can be downloaded at http://www-thphys.physics.ox.ac.uk/projects/CalabiYau/Cicy4folds/index.html .Comment: 25 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. v2: references added and minor changes. Final version accepted for publicatio

    Yang-Mills solutions and Spin(7)-instantons on cylinders over coset spaces with G2G_2-structure

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    We study g\mathfrak{g}-valued Yang-Mills fields on cylinders Z(G/H)=R×G/HZ(G/H)=\mathbb{R} \times G/H, where G/H is a compact seven-dimensional coset space with G2G_2-structure, g\mathfrak{g} is the Lie algebra of G, and Z(G/H) inherits a Spin(7)-structure. After imposing a general G-invariance condition, Yang-Mills theory with torsion on Z(G/H) reduces to Newtonian mechanics of a point particle moving in Rn\mathbb{R}^n under the influence of some quartic potential and possibly additional constraints. The kinematics and dynamics depends on the chosen coset space. We consider in detail three coset spaces with nearly parallel G2G_2-structure and four coset spaces with SU(3)-structure. For each case, we analyze the critical points of the potential and present a range of finite-energy solutions. We also study a higher-dimensional analog of the instanton equation. Its solutions yield G-invariant Spin(7)-instanton configurations on Z(G/H), which are special cases of Yang-Mills configurations with torsion.Comment: 1+52 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables. v2: minor changes to match published versio

    Chern-Simons flows on Aloff-Wallach spaces and Spin(7)-instantons

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    Due to their explicit construction, Aloff-Wallach spaces are prominent in flux compactifications. They carry G_2-structures and admit the G_2-instanton equations, which are natural BPS equations for Yang-Mills instantons on seven-manifolds and extremize a Chern-Simons-type functional. We consider the Chern-Simons flow between different G_2-instantons on Aloff-Wallach spaces, which is equivalent to Spin(7)-instantons on a cylinder over them. For a general SU(3)-equivariant gauge connection, the generalized instanton equations turn into gradient-flow equations on C^3 x R^2, with a particular cubic superpotential. For the simplest member of the Aloff-Wallach family (with 3-Sasakian structure) we present an explicit instanton solution of tanh-like shape.Comment: 1+17 pages, 1 figur

    M-theory on Calabi-Yau Five-Folds

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    We study the compactification of M-theory on Calabi-Yau five-folds and the resulting N=2 super-mechanics theories. By explicit reduction from 11 dimensions, including both bosonic and fermionic terms, we calculate the one-dimensional effective action and show that it can be derived from an N=2 super-space action. We find that the Kahler and complex structure moduli of the five-fold reside in 2a and 2b super-multiplets, respectively. Further 2b super-multiplets arise from zero-modes of the M-theory three-form and lead to cross-couplings between 2a and 2b multiplets. Fermionic zero modes which arise from the (1,3) sector of the 11-dimensional gravitino do not have bosonic super-partners and have to be described by purely fermionic super-multiplets in one dimension. We also study the inclusion of flux and show that the scalar potential from (2,2) flux is consistent with one-dimensional N=2 supersymmetry and can be described in terms of a superpotential. This superpotential can also be obtained from a Gukov-type formula which we present. Supersymmetric vacua, obtained by solving the F-term equations, always have vanishing vacuum energy due to the form of this scalar potential. We show that such supersymmetric solutions exist for particular examples. Two substantial appendices develop the topology and geometry of Calabi-Yau five-folds and the structure of one-dimensional N=2 supersymmetry and supergravity to the level of generality required for our purposes

    Order α\alpha' heterotic domain walls with warped nearly K\"ahler geometry

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    We consider 1+3-dimensional domain wall solutions of heterotic supergravity on a six-dimensional warped nearly K\"ahler manifold X6X_6 in the presence of gravitational and gauge instantons of tanh-kink type as constructed in [arXiv:1109.3552]. We include first order α\alpha' corrections to the heterotic supergravity action, which imply a non-trivial Yang-Mills sector and Bianchi identity. We present a variety of solutions, depending on the choice of instantons, for the special case in which the SU(3) structure on X6X_6 satisfies W1=0W_1^-=0. The solutions preserve two real supercharges, which corresponds to N=1/2\mathcal{N}{=}1/2 supersymmetry from the four-dimensional point of view. Besides serving as a useful framework for collecting existing solutions, the formulation in terms of dynamic SU(3) structures utilized here allows us to obtain new solutions in as yet unexplored corners of the instanton configuration space. Our approach thus offers a unified description of the embedding of tanh-kink-type instantons into half-BPS solutions of heterotic supergravity where the internal six-dimensional manifold has a warped nearly K\"ahler geometryComment: 1+27 pages, 8 figures; v2: typos corrected and minor improvements on solution cases 6-8 in section 5, published versio

    CEDAR, an online resource for the reporting and exploration of complexome profiling data

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    Complexome profiling is an emerging ‘omics’ approach that systematically interrogates the composition of protein complexes (the complexome) of a sample, by combining biochemical separation of native protein complexes with mass-spectrometry based quantitation proteomics. The resulting fractionation profiles hold comprehensive information on the abundance and composition of the complexome, and have a high potential for reuse by experimental and computational researchers. However, the lack of a central resource that provides access to these data, reported with adequate descriptions and an analysis tool, has limited their reuse. Therefore, we established the ComplexomE profiling DAta Resource (CEDAR, www3.cmbi.umcn.nl/cedar/), an openly accessible database for depositing and exploring mass spectrometry data from complexome profiling studies. Compatibility and reusability of the data is ensured by a standardized data and reporting format containing the “minimum information required for a complexome profiling experiment” (MIACE). The data can be accessed through a user-friendly web interface, as well as programmatically using the REST API portal. Additionally, all complexome profiles available on CEDAR can be inspected directly on the website with the profile viewer tool that allows the detection of correlated profiles and inference of potential complexes. In conclusion, CEDAR is a unique, growing and invaluable resource for the study of protein complex composition and dynamics across biological systems

    Circumstellar disks and planets. Science cases for next-generation optical/infrared long-baseline interferometers

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    We present a review of the interplay between the evolution of circumstellar disks and the formation of planets, both from the perspective of theoretical models and dedicated observations. Based on this, we identify and discuss fundamental questions concerning the formation and evolution of circumstellar disks and planets which can be addressed in the near future with optical and infrared long-baseline interferometers. Furthermore, the importance of complementary observations with long-baseline (sub)millimeter interferometers and high-sensitivity infrared observatories is outlined.Comment: 83 pages; Accepted for publication in "Astronomy and Astrophysics Review"; The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co