335 research outputs found

    The Role of the Danish Language in Iceland

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    Due to the long-standing relationship between Denmark and Iceland, the Danish language has played a significant role in Iceland for a long time. With urbanisation in the 19th century, a relatively high number of Danes settled in Reykjavík and Danish language and culture which was highly different from the traditional Icelandic rural culture became predominant in the city. With a growing national consciousness, the use of Danish and Danish loanwords came to be regarded as a threat to the mother tongue. However, greater independence gradually led to more balanced attitudes. Knowledge of Danish was a key to education, as many Icelanders sought education of different types in Denmark. Danish was taught as a foreign language in Icelandic schools. Icelandic was the language of instruction in all subjects, although some of the textbooks were in Danish. The relationship with Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries remains close. Danish is still a compulsory subject in Icelandic primary and grammar schools and, nowadays, provides Icelanders with a key to understanding and using the rest of the Scandinavian languages

    Sproglig og kulturel diversitet – målet for et UNESCO-center i Island

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    Vigdís Finnbogadóttir Instituttet for Fremmedsprog er et forskningsinstitutved Islands Universitet (se www.vigdis.hi.is). Det blevetableret i oktober 2001 i anledning [...

    Islandsk sprog og dansk tunge: Islandsk sprog og litteraturs betydning for nationsopbygningen i Danmark

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    The Icelandic language and medieval literature played an important role in the development of Danish national identity. Icelandic manuscripts served as a key source for the writing of Denmark’s earliest history and attracted widespread interest among Danish scholars. Growing nationalist sentiment was increasingly directed at the mother tongue, which was considered a major cornerstone of national identity. Knowledge of Icelandic could be of key importance for researching the Danish language, and for interpreting the meaning of older writings. Languages that had a long tradition of writing and prestigious literature were highly respected, and it was significant to find an unbroken connection between the contemporary and original language. In this respect, the Icelandic language had characteristics that Danish no longer had. Interest of Danes in Icelandic language and literature, together with the important role they were accorded in the age of Romanticism, meant a great deal to Icelanders. Apart from creating job opportunities and income in Copenhagen, these conditions fuelled their pride as Icelanders and boosted awareness of the significance of language for Icelandic nationality and culture. As a result, interest on the part of Danes in Icelandic language and culture contributed to the growth and development of both Icelandic and Danish

    Health and well-being of kidney transplant recipients in Iceland.

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinnAð kanna líðan, heilsu og lífsgæði nýraígræðslu­ þega. Stuðningur og upplýsingagjöf til nýraþega voru könnuð sérstaklega og hvort munur væri á líðan nýraþega sem fengu nýra frá lifandi eða látnum gjafa. Þátttakendur og aðferð: Rannsóknin var megindleg og var spurningalisti sendur til allra nýraþega sem fengið hafa grætt í sig nýra frá lifandi eða látnum gjafa á Íslandi, voru eldri en 18 ára á tíma rannsóknar og gátu tjáð sig á íslenskri tungu (N=96). Annars vegar var í spurningalistanum að finna spurningar um bakgrunn, sjúkdómsferlið og líðan nýraþegans og hins vegar lífsgæðaspurningalistann SF 36v² ™. Alls svöruðu 73 einstaklingar spurningalistanum (76%). Þátttakendur voru á aldrinum 23 til 78 ára og 70% höfðu þegið nýra frá lifandi gjafa. Nýraþegar, sem fengu nýra frá látnum gjafa, höfðu verið lengur í skilun fyrir ígræðslu (p<0,001). Andleg heilsa nýraþega (samkvæmt SF 36v²) var sambærileg meðaltali samanburðarþýðis (47,28). Líkamleg líðan mældist undir meðaltali samanburðarþýðis (43,56). Ekki var marktækur munur á líðan, heilsu eða lífsgæðum nýraþega eftir því hvort þeir höfðu fengið nýra frá látnum eða lifandi gjafa. Nýraþegar, sem fengu nýra frá lifandi gjafa, höfðu fengið meiri stuðning frá heilbrigðisstarfsfólki. Átján prósent nýraþega, sem fengu nýra frá lifandi gjafa, og 46% nýraþega, sem fengu nýra frá látnum gjafa, töldu að sig hefði vantað fræðsluefni fyrir ígræðslu frá hjúkrunarfræðing. Álykta má að verri líkamleg líðan skýrist meðal annars af því að skilunarmeðferð, sem flestir nýraþegar þurfa fyrir aðgerð, er erfið og getur skert athafnafrelsi, og ónæmisbælandi lyfjameðferð eftir aðgerð getur haft áhrif á heilsu og líðan nýraþeganna. Auka þarf fræðslu og stuðning til nýraþega og þá sérlega þeirra sem fá nýra frá látnum gjafa.To investigate well being, health and quality of life of kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). Furthermore, we investigated the need for support and education for the KTR. Participants and methods: A questionnaire was sent to all Icelandic KTRs above 18 years of age and able to communicate in Icelandic (N=96). The questionnaire included questions about social background and also support and education that the KTRs received before transplantation. A separate questionnaire measured quality of life (SF 36v² ™). A total of 73 individuals responded to the questionnaire (76%). Participants were 23 78 years old and 70% received a kidney from a living donor (LDR). Eighty six percent of LDR was offered a kidney without having to ask for it. Recipients of deceased donor (DDR) kidneys were longer on dialysis before transplantation (p <0.001). Results showed that the mental health was comparable to the average US population (US: 47 52, our study: 47.28) but physical health was below the average (43.56). A comparison of LDR and DDR showed no difference in well being, health and quality of life. Eighteen percent of LDR and 46% of DDR stated that they lacked information or education from nurses before the transplantation. Physical health was estimated to be worse than mental health which may be explained by illness related to the kidney failure, dialysis treatment before transplantation,complications related to immunosuppressive drugs and co-morbidities after transplantation. Our findings further indicate that information and education from health care professionals, in particular to patients on a waiting list for a deceased donor kidney, needs to be improved.Félag íslenkra hjúkrunarfræðinga, Vísindasjóður Landspítalan

    Sprogværktøjet Frasar.net - Om fraser og fraseindlæring anskuet kontrastivt

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    Sprogværktøjet www.frasar.net er udviklet i samarbejde mellem islandske sprogforskere og danske og svenske datalingvister og sprogteknologer. Hensigten med sprogværktøjet er at fremme islændinges indlæring og brug af dansk, og samtidig er der blevet lagt vægt på, at det kan gavne danskere, der ønsker at kommunikere på islandsk. Ved udviklingen af fraseværktøjet er der blevet taget udgangspunkt i aktuelle teorier om fremmedsprogsundervisning, især om ordforråd og ordforrådsindlæring og ny viden inden for datalingvistik og sprogteknologi. Desuden tages der højde for den viden, som forskningen i dansk som fremmedsprog giver om islændingenes indlæring og brug af dansk (fx Auður Hauksdóttir 2001 og 2012a). Sprogværktøjet indeholder godt 7600 fraser på dansk af typerne billedelige og ikke billedlige idiomer, kollokationer, sammenligninger og kommunikative formler. På baggrund af komparative studier i denne del af ordforrådet på dansk og islandsk gives der oplysninger om en islandsk pendant til den danske frase, hvis den findes, eller alternativt en betydningsforklaring af den danske frase på islandsk. Endvidere indeholder sprogværktøjet komparative iagttagelser om lumske ligheder og forskelle mht. frasernes betydning, bøjning og brug. Sprogværktøjet muliggør hurtig kobling til danske korpora, hvor man kan iagttage frasernes forekomster i kontekst. I det følgende gøres der kort rede for det teoretiske udgangspunkt for fraseværktøjet og derefter for dets anvendelsesmuligheder og funktioner

    The Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Nordic Arctic (ISDeGoNA)

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    This report assesses the status of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Nordic Arctic. The 17 SDG’s can be seen as the most comprehensive international effort for sustainable development, however the process of implementing them in an Arctic context is still a research- and policy gap. In response, a comparative study has been carried out with a more specific focus on SDG implementation in Arctic Finland, Iceland, and Norway. Here, the research findings are based on small literature reviews and extensive semi-structured interviews with regional governments, local authorities, and business organizations. From this perspective, different contexts were thematized such as SDG awareness, most relevant SDGs within the focus areas, respective achievements and shortcomings, governance processes as well as essential stakeholders enabling SDG implementation.publishedVersio

    ‘Tiny Iceland’ preparing for Ebola in a globalized world

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    Publisher's version (útgefin grein)Background: The Ebola epidemic in West Africa caused global fear and stirred up worldwide preparedness activities in countries sharing borders with those affected, and in geographically far-away countries such as Iceland. Objective: To describe and analyse Ebola preparedness activities within the Icelandic healthcare system, and to explore the perspectives and experiences of managers and frontline health workers. Methods: A qualitative case study, based on semi-structured interviews with 21 staff members in the national Ebola Treatment Team, Emergency Room at Landspitali University Hospital, and managers of the response team. Results: Contextual factors such as culture and demography influenced preparedness, and contributed to the positive state of mind of participants, and ingenuity in using available resources for preparedness. While participants believed they were ready to take on the task of Ebola, they also had doubts about the chances of Ebola ever reaching Iceland. Yet, factors such as fear of Ebola and the perceived stigma associated with caring for a potentially infected Ebola patient, influenced the preparation process and resulted in plans for specific precautions by staff to secure the safety of their families. There were also concerns about the teamwork and lack of commitment by some during training. Being a ‘tiny’ nation was seen as both an asset and a weakness in the preparation process. Honest information sharing and scenario-based training contributed to increased confidence amongst participants in the response plans. Conclusions: Communication and training were important for preparedness of health staff in Iceland, in order to receive, admit, and treat a patient suspected of having Ebola, while doubts prevailed on staff capacity to properly do so. For optimal preparedness, likely scenarios for future global security health threats need to be repeatedly enacted, and areas plagued by poverty and fragile healthcare systems require global support.We are grateful to participating institutions for giving permission to conduct the study, but not the least, to the participants who contributed with their time and experience.Peer Reviewe