295 research outputs found

    An annotated bibliography of selected poems for work with adolescents

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    Fuel Characterization and Process Analysis of Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algae

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    Master's thesis Renewable Energy ENE500 - University of Agder 2017The conversion of microalgae to biocrude by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is a technology that could reduce the use of fossil fuels. The aim of this study was to provide insight in the fuel characterization and process analysis of algae HTL. Three microalgae species were provided for the fuel characterization. The Phaeodactylum tricornutum algae were received as a slurry, while the Spirulina platensis and Chlorella vulgaris were received as dried powders. Experiments by TGA, proximate and ultimate analysis were performed on the three algae species. A process analysis of algae HTL was carried out in Aspen Plus. Properties from the algae analysis was used in the simulation model. Great improvement of the process effciency was obtained by implementing a heat exchanger in the simulation model. The S: platensis and P: tricornutum algae obtained 83 % energy effciency in the process analysis, when all the products from the process were utilized. Water recycling or district heating could further improve the energy effciency of the system. For fuel characterization, the C: vulgaris algae had the best properties. In the process analysis, the P: tricornutum algae obtained the best results. In future work a kinetic simulation should be designed in order perform yield optimization and increase the accuracy of the system

    Somatocognitive therapy in the management of chronic gynaecological pain : a review of the historical background and results of a current approach

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    Historic background and development of our somatocognitive approach: Mensendieck physiotherapy of the Oslo School is a tradition of physiotherapy founded by the American physician Bess Mensendieck, a contemporary and fellow student of Sigmund Freud at the Paris School of Neurology. It builds on the principles of functional anatomy and the theories of motor learning. We have further developed the theory and practice from this physiotherapy tradition, challenged by the enormous load of patients with longstanding, incapacitating pain on western health care systems, by seeking to incorporate inspirational ideas from body oriented dynamic psychotherapy and cognitive psychotherapy. We developed somatocognitive therapy as a hybrid of physiotherapy and cognitive psychotherapy by focusing on the present cognitive content of the mind of the patient, contrary to a focus on analysis of the subconscious and interpretation of dreams, and acknowledging the important role of the body in pain-eliciting defense mechanisms against mental stress and negative emotions. The core of this somatocognitive therapy: (1) To promote awareness of own body, (2) graded task assignment related to the motor patterns utilized in daily activities, (3) combined with an empathic attitude built on dialogue and mutual understanding, and emotional containment and support. The goal is for the patient to develop coping strategies and mastery of own life. In addition, (4) manual release of tensed muscles and applied relaxation techniques are important. Methods and results of an illustrative study: One area in particular need of development and research is sexual pain disorders. We have applied this somatocognitive therapy in a randomized, controlled intervention study of women with chronic pelvic pain (CPP).Wesummarize methods and results of this study. Methods: 40 patients with CPP were included in a randomized, controlled intervention study. The patients were randomized into (1) a control group, receiving treatment as usual (Standard Gynecological Treatment, STGT) and (2) a group receiving STGT + Mensendieck Somatocognitive Therapy (MSCT). The patients were assessed by means of Visual Analogue Scale of Pain (VASP), Standardized Mensendieck Test (SMT) for analysis of motor patterns (posture, movement, gait, sitting posture and respiration), and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-30) assessing psychological distress, at baseline (inclusion into study), after three months of out-patient therapy and at 1 year follow-up. Results: The women averaged 31 years, pain duration 6.1 years, average number of previous surgical procedures 1.8 per women. In the STGT group, no significant change was found, neither in pain scores, motor patterns or psychological distress during the observation period. In the group receiving STGT + MSCT, significant reduction in pain score and improvement in motor function were found at the end of therapy, and the significant improvement continued through the follow-up (64% reduction of pain scores, and 80% increase in the average score for respiration, as an example of motor pattern improvement). GHQ scores were significantly improved for anxiety and coping (p < 0.01). Conclusions: Somatocognitive therapy is anewapproach that appears to be very promising in the management of chronic gynecological pain. Short-term out-patient treatment significantly reduces pain scores and improves motor function. Implications: Chronic pelvic pain in women is a major health care problem with no specific therapies and poor prognosis. A novel, somatocognitive approach has documented positive effects. It is now studied by other clinical researchers in order to reinforce its evidence base

    Erfaringer fra veien ut og inn i fellesskapene. En kvalitativ studie om hva som bidrar til deltakelse i fritidsaktivitet blant mennesker med psykiske lidelser.

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    Background: Mental health problems often lead to isolation and reduced participation in leisure activity. Leisure activity in group has the potential to promote social contact and coping. There has been little research on what is needed to enable people with mental illness to participate in leisure group activities. Purpose: The aim of the project was to find out what can promote participation in leisure group activities among people with mental illnesses. Method: Using qualitative design, five individuals were strategically selected for a semistructured interview. The interviews were analyzed by systematic text condensation. Results: The results show that external factors such as motivation from other helpers, motivated leaders and secure activities can contribute to participation. Furthermore, it appears that personal characteristics are about to receive and accept support from others. It also seems beneficial to have previous experience with the activity and a sense of coping. The most surprising finding is that participation in leisure activity seems to be linked to a larger existential choice in finding meaning in life. Conclusion: The findings show that participation in activity is a complex phenomenon, and is of great importance for people with mental illnesses. The finding that the existential dimension seems to play some role, underscore that locally based services need to take this dimension into account. There is a need for further research to help the development of leisure activities in order to match the user’s need. Further research will also contribute to a necessary awareness of the leisure activities’ extensive potential to increase coping in everyday lif

    Time to Stand Up for Female Vets: Improving Access to Vegerans Administration Health Services for Female Veterans who Experience Military Sexual Trauma

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    Military Sexual Trauma (MST), is defined as sexual assault and/or sexual harassment experienced while serving in the United States military. The process of obtaining Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits are difficult for individuals that suffer from MST. MST survivors are faced with delays and numerous barriers in accessing services, including discrimination in seeking compensation. Statistical data from the Department of Defense (DOD) is reviewed highlighting the high rates of sexual assault in the military and addresses concerns about the long-term implications for survivors of MST. Many female veteran survivors of MST are struggling to access needed services covered by the VA. Policy recommendations are provided for addressing the unique needs related to survivors of MST, helps to under-stand how female veterans interact with the current VA system, and identifies areas for improvement. These are significant findings for policy makers and veteran advocates concerned about the prevalence of MST. Legislative reform recommendations include enacting the Ruth Moore Act to effectively and efficiently address the unique needs of female veterans who experience MST and the barriers they face in accessing VA services and benefits. Encouraging the VA to adapt policies that create a safer and more supportive environment for survivors of MST is also recommended

    Efficient Model Checking for Probabilistic Timed Automata

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    Musikkterapi i videregående skole. Et tiltak tilgjengelig for alle elever, for livsmestring og bedret psykososialt læringsmiljø.

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    Denne masteroppgaven handler om hvordan musikkterapi kan brukes som et tiltak i videregående skole for å fremme et godt psykososialt læringsmiljø, og som et forebyggende tiltak for ungdoms psykiske helse. Kunnskapen baseres på data fra to informanter, relevant litteratur og mine egne refleksjoner. Det ble brukt kvalitative forskningsintervju med to lærere ansatt i videregående skole. Dataanalysen vises i en hermeneutisk tradisjon, og viser temaer som livsmestring, relasjonsbygging, positive tilbakemeldinger fra elever, og hvordan musikkterapi kan passe inn i videregående skole. Det finnes lite forskning om musikkterapi med ungdom i videregående skole utenfor spesialpedagogikken, og jeg mener det er et aktuelt og interessant tema å utforske.This masters thesis is about how music therapy can be used as a measure in upper secondary school or high school to promote a good psychosocial learning environment, and as a preventive measure for adolescents mental health. The knowledge is based on data gathered from two informants, relevant literature, and my own reflections. The method used was qualitative research interviews with two teachers who work in upper secondary school. The data analysis is done in a hermeneutic tradition, and shows themes like coping or life mastery, building connections, positive feedback from students, and how music therapy can fit into the upper secondary school system. There is little research done on music therapy with adolescents in upper secondary school outside of special education, and I think it is a relevant and interesting topic to explore.Masteroppgave i musikkterapiMUTP350MAHF-INMU

    Utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling

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    Masteroppgaven handler om hvordan samfunnsfaglærere opplever fagfornyelsens nye krav om bærekraftig utvikling i undervisningen. Oppgaven belyser utfordringer og muligheter og trekker frem muligheter for transformasjon hos elevene. Datamaterialet ble innhentet ved å intervjue seks samfunsfaglærere på ungdomsskoler

    Automatically generated interactive weather reports based on webcam images

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    Most weather reports are either based on data from dedicated weather stations, satellite images, manual measurements or forecasts. In this paper a system that automatically generates weather reports using the contents on webcam images are proposed. There are thousands of openly available webcams on the Internet that provide images in real time. A webcam image can reveal much about the weather conditions at a particular site and this study demonstrates a strategy for automatically classifying a webcam scene into cloudy, partially cloudy, sunny, foggy and night. The system has been run for several months collecting 60 Gb of image data from webcams across the world. The reports are available through an interactive web-based interface. A selection of benchmark images was manually tagged to assess the accuracy of the weather classification which reached a success rate of 67.3%