1,521 research outputs found

    A Theory of Optimum Tariff Under Revenue Constraint.

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    This paper analyzes the revenue-constrained optimum tariff problem. When a fixed level of tax revenue has to be collected only from tariffs, an efficient resource allocation can not be achieved by any tariff structure. Thus we need to find the optimum tariff structure as the second best resource allocation.TAXATION ; TRADE ; ECONOMIC THEORY

    QCD resummation in hard diffractive dijet production at the electron-ion collider

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    Diffractive dijet production at the electron-ion collider (EIC) has been proposed to study the gluon Wigner distribution at small-x. We investigate the soft gluon radiation associated with the final state jets and an all order resummation formula is derived. We show that the soft gluon resummation plays an important role to describe E791 data on π-induced diffractive dijet production at Fermilab. Predictions for the EIC are presented, and we emphasize that the soft gluon resummation is an important aspect to explore the nucleon/nucleus tomography through these processes


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    Dalam sebuah plant, seperti LNG plant, petrochemical plant, fertilizer plant, nuclear plant,geothermal plant, gas plant, baik di on-shore maupun di offshore, semuanya mempunyai danmembutuhkan perpipaan. Perpipaan (piping) adalah jalur perpipaan yang menghubungkan antaraline dalam satu plant produksi. Piping mempunyai fungsi untuk mengalirkan fluida dari satutempat ke tempat lainnya. Pada perpipaan ada beberapa tegangan yang diakibatkan oleh bebansustain, beban ekspansi dan beban occasional yang mana dapat mengganggu pengoperasian padasistem perpipaan. Tegangan yang terjadi pada sistem perpipaan tepatnya di Dehydrogen UnitArea-2, PT PIM, dianalisa dengan menggunakan pendekatan numerik. Hasil simulasimenunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi desain, tegangan akibat beban sustain maksimum yang terjadiadalah sebesar 9486,016 kg/cm2 dan tegangan akibat beban ekspansi sebesar 1143,7 kg/cm2. Padakondisi operasi, tegangan akibat beban sustain maksimum yang terjadi sebesar 9451,6 kg/cm2 dantegangan akibat beban ekspansi sebesar 9451,6 kg/cm2. Tegangan yang terjadi akibat beban sustaindan ekspansi masih berada pada batas aman yang diizinkan sesuai dengan jenis material yangtertera pada ASTM (American Standart of Testing Material)

    CuPc Adsorption on Au(110)-(1 × 2): From a Monomer to a Periodic Chain

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    Using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), we study the adsorption of copper-phthalocyanine (CuPc) on the anisotropic Au(110)-(1 × 2) surface as a function of coverage. For the initial adsorption at room temperature, we observe CuPc monomers as well as a molecular chain that forms along the step edge. By STM manipulation, we reveal that the CuPc adsorption is accompanied by surface reconstruction from the initial adsorption stage; the periodicity beneath the monomer and the chain changes locally from (1 × 2) to (1 × 1) and (1 × 3), respectively. This finding highlights that the Au atom mobility of the surface plays an essential role in CuPc adsorption. At higher coverage, we observe the development of CuPc chains along the [110] direction on the terrace with periodicities of (7 × 5) and (5 × 5), and compare the obtained results with those from the previous studies by diffraction methods