1,535 research outputs found

    Kampanye Politik Isu “Putra Daerah” dalam Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Pemilih pada Pemilihan Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan 2013

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    Direct elections for the post of executive ang legislative candidates spawned the creation of communication to attract, mobilize and attract voters. This study aimed to (1) Effect of issue of the son “Ilham Azis” the behavior of voters in the election of Governor and Vice Governor of South Sulawesi Province in 2013 in Enrekang. (2) Influence of money politic “Ilham Azis” the behavior of voters in the election of Governor and Vice Governor of South Sulawesi Province in 2013 in Enrekang. (3) Influence of political machines “Ilham Azis” the behavior of voters in the election of Governor and Vice Governor of South Sulawesi Province in 2013 in Enrekang. (4) Dominant variable effects on the behavior of voters vote “Ilham Azis” inspiration in the election of Governor and Vice Governor of South Sulawesi Province in 2013 in Enrekang. The research was conducted in Enrekang. Selected samples with disproportionate random sampling as much 210 people. Data collection method used were focus group discussion and questionnaires. Data were analyzed with regression. The results showed that all three variables positively influence the behavior of voters in choosing a pair Ilham azis on the election of Governor and vice Governor of Sulawesi in 2013 in Enrekang, but the most dominant is the Son of Local Issues

    Jet evolution from weak to strong coupling

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    Recent studies, using the AdS/CFT correspondence, of the radiation produced by a decaying system or by an accelerated charge in the N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, led to a striking result: the 'supergravity backreaction', which is supposed to describe the energy density at infinitely strong coupling, yields exactly the same result as at zero coupling, that is, it shows no trace of quantum broadening. We argue that this is not a real property of the radiation at strong coupling, but an artifact of the backreaction calculation, which is unable to faithfully capture the space-time distribution of the radiation. This becomes obvious in the case of a decaying system ('virtual photon'), for which the backreaction is tantamount to computing a three-point function in the conformal gauge theory, which is independent of the coupling since protected by symmetries. Whereas this non-renormalization property is specific to the conformal N=4 SYM theory, we argue that the failure of the three-point function to provide a local measurement is in fact generic: it holds in any field theory with non-trivial interactions. To properly study a localized distribution, one should rather compute a four-point function, as standard in deep inelastic scattering. We substantiate these considerations with studies of the radiation produced by the decay of a time-like photon at both weak and strong coupling. We show that by computing four-point functions, in perturbation theory at weak coupling and, respectively, from Witten diagrams at strong coupling, one can follow the quantum evolution and thus demonstrate the broadening of the energy distribution. This broadening is slow when the coupling is weak but it proceeds as fast as possible in the limit of a strong coupling.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figure

    Feature,nilai, Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Pelangan

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    The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of the features of the value, satisfaction, and customer loyalty; the effect on the value of customer satisfaction and loyalty; influence of satisfaction on customer loyalty. A total of 200 merchant PT. BANK XYZ as respondents was selected randomly. Analyses were performed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The analysis showed that the feature has a significant influence on customer value, but not for customer satisfaction and loyalty. The values has a significant influence on satisfaction, but not on customer loyalty. Satisfaction has a significant influence on customer loyalty. Discussion and conclusions described in the article. Keywords: features of the value, satisfaction, customer loyalt

    Dai Sebagai Ulama Pewaris Para Nabi

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    Allah guides people through the presence of the messengers who served as a witness, to give glad tidings and warnings, the Caller of Allah, to teach the Qur'an and the wisdom and to be good role models for human beings. However, as the messenger was gone, the task of the apostles passed on to the scholars or preachers whose task is to invite people to the path of Allah. Therefore, the scholars and preachers, as the spearhead of the spread of Islam, need to know the tasks of the Prophet and also follow the example of the Prophet in carrying out the mandate Allah assigned to him. Allah memberikan petunjuk kepada manusia melalui kehadiran para rasul yang bertugas untuk menjadi saksi, memberikan kabar gembira dan peringatan, penyeru agama Allah, mengajarkan al-Qur'an dan hikmah serta menjadi suri tauladan yang baik bagi manusia. Namun, ketika rasul sudah tiada, maka tugas rasul tersebut diwariskan kepada para ulama atau dai yang bertugas untuk mengajak manusia kepada jalan Allah. Oleh karena itu, dai sebagai ujung tombak penyebaran Islam perlu mengetahui tugas-tugas para Nabi dan juga mencontoh Nabi dalam mengemban amanat Allah yang dibebankan kepadanya

    Harmonisasi Kewenangan Pengurusan Izin Keramaian antara Kepolisian dan Pemerintah Kota Malang

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    Harmonisasi yang dilakukan oleh kepolisian dan badan pelayanan perizinan terpadu kota malang yaitu dengan cara koordinasi tetapi di haruskan dengan koordinasi yang jelas. hambatan yang muncul yaitu a).faktor koordinasi yang kurang berjalan dengan optimal dari Kepolisian dan Pemerintah Kota Malang. b). Faktor undang-undang yang masih kacau atau rancu. c). faktor kurangnya sosialisasi tentang pengurusan izin keramaian antara kepolisian dan pemerintah kota malang. d). adanya penyalagunaan wewenang. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam harmonisasi a). adanya MoU. b). merumuskan kembali peraturan yang di anggap rancu tentang izin keramaian. c). sosialisasi pengurusan izin keramaian di masyarakat. d). adanya pembinaan rutin di kedua instansi tentang izin keramaian umum.Kata kunci : Harmonisasi, izin keramaia

    Prinsip Kehati-Hatian Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah dalam Peralihan Tanah yang Belum Bersertifikat

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    Peralihan tanah yang belum bersertifikat rawan menimbulkan sengketa apabila PPAT tidak menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian. Penelitian ini menganalisis, pertama, apakah Peraturan Jabatan PPAT telah menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian? Kedua, bagaimana prinsip hehati-hatian PPAT dalam peralihan tanah yang belum bersertifikat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa: pertama, Peraturan Jabatan PPAT telah menerapkan prinsip kehati-hatian. Kedua, prinsip kehati-hatian PPAT dalam peralihan tanah yang belum bersertifikat direfleksikan dalam kewajiban PPAT menolak membuat akta apabila tidak disertai data formil

    Madrasah sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Islam dalam Ketahanan Nasional Ipoleksosbudhankam untuk Mewujudkan Kehidupan Berbangsa dan Bernegara

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    Madrasah is a community-based education to provide education based on the distinctiveness of religious, social, culture,aspirations, and educational potential of the community as a manifestation of, by, and for the community. The purpose of this paperto discuss the role of madrasahs as an educational institution in the national security ideology of Islamic socio-cultural politics ofdefense and security to realize the life of the nation. The method used is based on library research. It can be concluded that all thepeople of Indonesia must have education and teaching to the intellectual life of the nation

    Aspects of the UV/IR correspondence : energy broadening and string fluctuations

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    We show that a source which radiates in the vacuum of the strongly coupled N=4 SYM theory produces an energy distribution which, in the supergravity approximation, has the same space-time pattern as the corresponding classical distribution: the radiation propagates at the speed of light without broadening. We illustrate this on the basis of several examples: a small perturbation propagating down a steady string, a massless particle falling into AdS_5, and the decay of a time-like wave-packet. A similar observation was made in Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 126001 for the case of a rotating string. In all these cases, the absence of broadening is related to the fact that the energy backreaction on the boundary arises exclusively from the bulk perturbation at, or near, the boundary. This is so since bulk sources which propagate in AdS_5 at the speed of light do not generate any energy on the boundary. We interpret these features as an artifact of the supergravity approximation, which fails to encode quantum mechanical fluctuations that should be present even in the strong coupling limit. We argue that such fluctuations should enter the dual string theory as longitudinal string fluctuations, which are not suppressed at strong coupling. We heuristically estimate the effects of such fluctuations and argue that they restore the broadening of the radiation, in agreement with expectations from both quantum mechanics and the ultraviolet/infrared correspondence.Comment: 47 page

    Fenomena Geng Motor di Kota Medan: Satu Konstruksi Model Sosio Psikologi Komunikasi

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    Artikel ilmiah ini adalah berdasarkan hasil kajian observasi dan studi dokumen mengenai maraknya kehadiran “Geng Motor”, yaitu kelompok pemotor yang anggotanya terdiri dari para remaja dan bahkan orang dewasa yang memproklamirkan diri sebagai klub motor namun belakangan cenderung melakukan tindakan kriminal dan kejahatan atau delinkuensi di kota Medan, telah menjadi gejala sosial yang sangat meresahkan masyarakat di kota Medan. Melalui berita dari berbagai media massa dapat kita simak aksi para geng motor banyak melakukan tindakan brutal di jalanan, dan tidak jarang pula merusak fasilitas-fasilitas umum bahkan menghabisi nyawa manusia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dalam memahami masalah, adapun yang menjadi subjek penelitian adalag geng motor RnR dan NkB yang cukup banyak jejak kriminal di kota Medan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perhatian, pengakuan, dan kasih sayang sangat dibutuhkan seorang remaja di lingkungan keluarganya dan demikian dengan kontrol orang tua dalam memperhatikan keseharian anaknya di lingkungan sosialnya juga wajib dilakukan. Kondisi keluarga yang kurang harmonis dan kurang adanya nuansa kasih sayang didalamnya turut serta menyebabkan seorang anak terikut pada perilaku kenakalan remaja. Perlu adanya komunikasi yang intens antara pihak kepolisian, pihak sekolah, keluarga, dan masyarakat agar tidak terjadi miss komunikasi antar elemen tersebut sehingga mampu bertindak secara bersama-sama dalam menangani geng motor sesuai dengan prosedur dan aturan hukum yang berlaku. Pentingnya komunikasi dan koordinasi antar elemen masyarakat yakni keluarga, sekolah, lingkungan, dan aparat penegak hukum. Komunikasi Antar Pribadi antara orangtua, guru, dan anak; Komunikasi Lintas Budaya di lingkungan, serta komunikasi Persuasif oleh aparat hukum pada pelaku geng motor wajib dilakukan
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