540 research outputs found


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    The epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, serves as a vital barrier protecting the body from environmental stressors, pathogens, and dehydration. Keratinocytes, the predominant cell type in the epidermis, play a central role in maintaining skin integrity and barrier function. In normal human skin, keratinocytes move from the basal layer to the stratum corneum, the top layer of the epidermis. In their travel, keratinocytes undergo a process of terminal differentiation, loss their ability to proliferate, secrete sphingolipids into the extracellular space, and gradually loss their nucleus and organelles. Sphingolipids, particularly ceramides, are key components of the intercellular lipid lamellae and contribute to the formation of the skin barrier permeability. The biosynthesis of sphingolipids occurs within keratinocytes through intricate enzymatic pathways. Serine palmitoyl-transferase SPT is the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the de novo synthesis pathway of sphingolipids. SPT is regulated by ORMDL to maintain the balance of sphingolipids within cells. Perturbations in sphingolipid metabolism have been linked to skin disorders characterized by impaired barrier function, such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis. In the skin, knocking out ORMDL could lead to increased SPT activity and altered levels of sphingolipids, including ceramides. Changes in ceramide composition may influence skin barrier function and improve its permeability. Understanding the role of ORMDL knockout in the skin could have implications for the development of therapeutic strategies. Modulation of sphingolipid metabolism or manipulation of ORMDL may be explored for managing skin conditions


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    ABSTRACTCorona virus was first discovered in Wuhan, China, in 2019. This virus is spreading very quickly to the various countries of the world, and to make all the elements of life find obstacles in social mobility, economy and education. Therefore, WHO then took a stand to declare the spread of this virus to be a pandemic for entire countries. In the context of education in Indonesia, the government has issued various policies to tackle the spread of this virus by closing all formal educational institutions. The offer given by the government from this closure is an online learning method during the corona virus pandemic. The focus of this researvh is to investigate how the online learning process during a pandemic, how the influence of teachers on students when learning onlineThe researcher of this study is conducting by using qualitative descriptive research. The research belongs to descriptive qualitative design because it is intended to find out how is teacher’s perception of online English learning in the Covid-19 pandemic at secondary school. To collect the data, the researcher used online interview. The subjects of the study were 5 teachers who teaches at the secondary schools. They have been teaching English for 2-5 years and the participants was chosen because during this pandemic all teachers are teaching online.The results showed of teacher interviews that all respondents give good and bad lived experiences about teaching online learning. They claim that they can improve their learning system and get new experiences from the media used in online learning. On the other hand, the teacher also gave the perception that online learning has obstacles, there are bad networks, inadequate facilities, inadequate quality of mobile phones, minimalist quotas and applications used in online learning. However, teachers must continue to apply online learning or distance learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. For future researchers who wish to conduct similar study can use this research as a reference which is not only focuses on the teachers' lived experience and perceptions but also student perceptions with different participants.Keywords: Online Learning, COVID-19, English Language Teachin

    Future Direction of Emergency Medicine Research; Can We Overcome the Difficulties and Fill in Knowledge Gaps?

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    Pace of medical research development heralded an escalation in recent years. Groundbreaking evidences have been provided for managing dyslipidemia in 2017. Beside statins, alternatives of Anti PCSK-9 monoclonal antibodies in human and AT04A anti PCSK-9 vaccine in mice have shown to significant decrease in total cholesterol level. Wonderful! Apart from this, dual pathway inhibition by using aspirin with very low dose Rivaroxaban has been shown to be more effective in mitigating ischemic event rate than aspirin alone in patients with stable coronary artery disease or peripheral artery disease. Furthermore, patients with atrial fibrillation undergo percutaneous coronary intervention will benefit more from double antithrombotic therapy than triple one. Besides, a novel risk score of PRECISE-DAPT has determine the optimal duration of antiplatelet therapy in patients implanting coronary stents; and many other medical research advances which grabs our attention on 2018.  In order to translate recent advances in medical research into clinical practice we need to design, conduct and apply high quality research in different medical subspecialties. The emergency medicine (EM) environment defined as overburdened with inability to afford more than a few minutes per patients. Where, time for research might be considered as a potential risk of interruption in clinical practice. EM is a broad field involving multiple disciplines and crosscutting themes with the unique features in research including urgency and location of the treatment. Art of research in EM comprises hybridization of clinical research, basic science and health services research. Accordingly, research priority setting should be put forwarded based on these three areas, examining existing gaps in EM knowledge, system design issues, educational predicament and disparities between diagnostic skills and clinical decisions. Where the most appropriate research questions arise? Definitely, it comes from critical thinking in patient care setting, regular reading habit, teaching, journal clubs, collaborations and society. To alleviate the issue of immense question and limited time in EM field which tangles decision makers mind we recommend to prioritize questions in line with; patients well- being, learners need, feasibility to answer, inquiries that most likely to recur in your practice and most interesting foreground research query. A research need has been defined as a gap in existing knowledge on practice, learner‚s education, patient values and societal demands. To examine the gaps in EM research knowledge we can provide research time and facilities, training new investigators, develop multicenter research networks, improve research coordination and involving funding agencies to make practical attempts for filling pre specified gaps. In conclusion, since patient oriented outcome research will provide us with the most important endpoints for clinical policy making and patient care standard setting, I totally agree with the advocates of involving stakeholders including clinicians, society and patients in EM research process to mitigate the existence knowledge gaps for dedicating high quality EM car


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    Wajah menekankan pada identitas diri bangsa atau ciri pribadi dan karakter bangsa atau ekspresi rakyat indonesia, identitas inilah yang diharapkan dan diinginkan agar diterima orang lain. Identitas diri bangsa mencakup suatu keadaan, perbuatan yang baik dan buruk. Identitas diri bangsa bersifat interaksi dengan bangsa lain. Ekspresi Wajah Negatif sebagai bentuk subjek, yang selalu meracuni perenungan dan melahirkan ide-ide, dengan penggambaran ekspresi wajah-wajah manusia. Bahasa visual abstrak, merupa- kan pemahaman suatu bentuk visual, dengan proses esplorasi atau eksperimen yang tak terikat dalam pilihan visual, atau seniman bebas dalam bereksperimen dengan teknik dalam penciptaan. Bentuk karya ini lebih tepatnya adalah suatu bentuk dari informasi dari bahasa visual yaitu abstraksi simbolik, dari bentuk ekspre- si wajah manusia yang ditrasformasikan dengan kecendrungan bentuk yang ekspresionisme. Dalam artian proses kerjanya menghilangkan atau menyederhanakan bentuk-bentuk objekny

    Future Direction of Emergency Medicine Research; Can We Overcome the Difficulties and Fill in Knowledge Gaps?

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    Pace of medical research development heralded an escalation in recent years. Groundbreaking evidences have been provided for managing dyslipidemia in 2017. Beside statins, alternatives of Anti PCSK-9 monoclonal antibodies in human and AT04A anti PCSK-9 vaccine in mice have shown to significant decrease in total cholesterol level. Wonderful! Apart from this, dual pathway inhibition by using aspirin with very low dose Rivaroxaban has been shown to be more effective in mitigating ischemic event rate than aspirin alone in patients with stable coronary artery disease or peripheral artery disease. Furthermore, patients with atrial fibrillation undergo percutaneous coronary intervention will benefit more from double antithrombotic therapy than triple one. Besides, a novel risk score of PRECISE-DAPT has determine the optimal duration of antiplatelet therapy in patients implanting coronary stents; and many other medical research advances which grabs our attention on 2018.  In order to translate recent advances in medical research into clinical practice we need to design, conduct and apply high quality research in different medical subspecialties. The emergency medicine (EM) environment defined as overburdened with inability to afford more than a few minutes per patients. Where, time for research might be considered as a potential risk of interruption in clinical practice. EM is a broad field involving multiple disciplines and crosscutting themes with the unique features in research including urgency and location of the treatment. Art of research in EM comprises hybridization of clinical research, basic science and health services research. Accordingly, research priority setting should be put forwarded based on these three areas, examining existing gaps in EM knowledge, system design issues, educational predicament and disparities between diagnostic skills and clinical decisions. Where the most appropriate research questions arise? Definitely, it comes from critical thinking in patient care setting, regular reading habit, teaching, journal clubs, collaborations and society. To alleviate the issue of immense question and limited time in EM field which tangles decision makers mind we recommend to prioritize questions in line with; patients well- being, learners need, feasibility to answer, inquiries that most likely to recur in your practice and most interesting foreground research query. A research need has been defined as a gap in existing knowledge on practice, learner‚s education, patient values and societal demands. To examine the gaps in EM research knowledge we can provide research time and facilities, training new investigators, develop multicenter research networks, improve research coordination and involving funding agencies to make practical attempts for filling pre specified gaps. In conclusion, since patient oriented outcome research will provide us with the most important endpoints for clinical policy making and patient care standard setting, I totally agree with the advocates of involving stakeholders including clinicians, society and patients in EM research process to mitigate the existence knowledge gaps for dedicating high quality EM car

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Kesulitan Belajar Siswa yang Remedial pada Mata Pelajaran Ujian Nasional Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Tanah Putih

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    Observations and experiences during this teacher to know the average class VIII studentis always less than the value that has been set in the school(KKM), especially on subjects in the UN. based on that researchers try to do a sudy title and alysis of the factors that cause remedial students in the national examination subjects eighth grade students of SMP 3 Tanah Putih.This study aims 1.What factors cause learning difficulties from internal remedial students. 2. The causes of learning difficulties remedia lstudents from ekstern. metode used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach which aims to provide an overview of the factors that cause learning difficulties students. SMP study site is located on land putih. subjek 3 in this study were students of class VIII in the capture with satu rated sample technique. data and data collection tools in the form of a questionnaire was created by the researchers based on the lattice problem with alternative answers very of ten (SS), of ten(S), occasionally(KD), rarely(J), and never (TP). data analysis techniques using benchmarks persentase formula (Anas Sudiyono, 2001:40).Conclusion Theresultsof this study of internal students lack motivation of students (63.81%) students of emotional disorders (61.90%), the physical state of the students (65.27%). the external environment of students from families of (54.79%), in the school environment by (50.10%) and then from the aspect of teachers (58.54%). As a follow up of this study can researchers recommend that in terested parties can provide pasilitas student learning that can motivate students in the learning process. to parents supervise their children are expected to be more submarines are at home. so that the teacher can make a more attractive pembelajaran methods and creative


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    Abstrak Konsumsi atas budaya K-Pop yang menyebar di Indonesia,memunculkan kelompok penggemar yang merupakan bagian paling tampak dari khalayak media dan praktik budaya pop.Peran penggemar sendiri ditunjukkan dengan berbagai hal, salah satunya dengan adanya roleplay atau permainan peran. Para penggemar bermain peran dengan melibatkan diri mereka untuk menciptakan kedekatan dirinya dengan sang idola dengan melakukan roleplay. Melalui roleplay yang diparodikan, penggemar merepresentasikan diri, membentuk identitas virtual, dan mencoba untuk menuangkan imajinasinya dengan memainkan peran idola seperti yang dilakukan oleh sang idola dalam kehidupan sehari – hari dalam dunia virtual twitter. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang representasi diri dan identitas virtual yang diciptakan oleh pelaku roleplay dalam dunia maya.Adapun teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori blogosphere M. Jacky. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif 2.0 dengan pendekatan analisis hacking untuk meneliti tentang dunia virtual dalam twitter para pelaku roleplay. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggemar melakukan aktivitas roleplay dengan merepresentasikan diri dan membentuk identitas virtual sebagai media untuk melakukan interaksi, pelepasan diri, dan memberikan kebebasan berekspresi. Para penggemar melakukan aktivitas roleplay untuk pemenuhan kebutuhan akan hasrat fanatisme terhadap sang idola dan menjadikan dirinya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan mampu meraih potensi yang diinginkan secara penuh dengan merepresentasikan diri dan membuat identitas virtual baru dalam dunia maya. Kata Kunci : Roleplay, Representasi diri, Identitas virtual, K-Pop Abstract Consumption over K-Pop culture that spread in Indonesian, gave rise to a group of fans who are the most visible part of the audience of media and pop culture practices. The role of the fans itself indicated by various things, one of them with the roleplay game. The fans play a role by involving themselves to create the closeness to their idol by doing roleplay. Through the roleplay which parodied, the fans represent themselves, create the virtual identity, and tried to pour their imagination by playing the role of the idol as like what was done by the idol in everyday life in the virtual world twitter. This research aims to find out about self representation and virtual identity created by roleplay actor in cyberspace. The teory that used in this research is blogosphere theory M. Jacky. The method used in this research is qualitative method 2.0 by hacking analytical approach to research on virtual worlds in roleplay actor’s twitter. The result of the research indicated that the fans to do a roleplay activities to represent themselves and form a virtual identity as a medium for interaction, disengagement, and provide a freedom of expression. The fans doing roleplay activity to fulfill their need for fanaticism desire to the idol and make itself to meet the need and able to achieve the desired full potentional by representing themselves and create a new virtual identity in cyberspace. Keywords:Roleplay, Self representation, Virtual identity, K-Po


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    AbstrakSetiap wajah menggambarkan rupa yang beragam seperti sedih, gembira, takut, marah dan sebagainya. Namun ekspresi demikian tidaklah menampak di atas kanvas sebagaimana wajarnya dalam bentuk rupa ekspresionis. Bentuk yang telah terdistorsi itupun mendapat berbagai pemaknaan dari penikmatnya yang dapat mengisi ruang kosong dari karya. Artikel ini bertujuan memaparkan bentuk serta makna yang digagas oleh senimannya. Metode yang digunakan yaitu berlandaskan pada ingatan, menyelisik catatan-catatan sepanjang proses serta mengamati karya secara langsung. Proses pemaknaan bersandar pada teori interpretasi Paul Riceour yang bersandar pada tanda dan simbol yang dianggap sebagai teks. Hasil penelitian ini ialah makna-makna yang terbaca masih pada karya menunjukkan kondisi sebagaimana realitanya, meski tidak lagi disajikan dengan rupa sebagaimana realitasnya.AbstractEach face depicts various forms such as sad, happy, afraid, angry, and so on. However, such an expression does not appear on the canvas as it usually would in an expressionist form. Instead, the distorted form gets various meanings from the audience, filling the space of the work. This article aims to describe the structure and to mean that the artist-initiated. The method used is based on memory, examining notes throughout the process, and observing the work directly. The meaning process relies on Paul Riceour's interpretation theory which relies on signs and symbols considered texts. This research shows that the meanings that are read in the works show the conditions as they are in reality, even though they are no longer presented in the form of existence

    The Relationship Between Premature Myocardial Infarction with TC/HDL-C Ratio Subgroups in a Multiple Risk Factor Model

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    Introduction: So far, there is no evidence available to demonstrate the relationship between five subgroups of total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein cholesterol (TC/HDL-C) ratio with premature myocardial infarction (MI). Objective: We conducted a case control study to probe more features of the relation between TC/HDL-C ratio and the five subgroups of the ratio with myocardial infarction under 55 years and above it. Method: A hospital based case control study with incident cases was designed. Cases and controls were comprised of 523 under 55-year and 699 above 55-year documented newly diagnosed MI cases, respectively. Standardized clinical and para clinical method were used to ascertain disease and risk factors. Independent sample t-test, Pearson chi square test, Odds ratios and Mantel-Haenszel test and logistic regression analysis conducted to evaluate relationships. Results: This study enrolled 1222 MI cases.  Patients with very low risk category of TC/HDL-C ratio estimated OR=0.18 with 95% confidence interval (CI) (0.04-0.72) for developing MI under 55 years. Patients who had low risk category of TC/HDL-C ratio having OR=0.26 95% CI (0.07-0.89). Low risk and very low risk categories of the TC/HDL-C ratio compare to high risk subgroup of the ratio demonstrate decreased risk of developing MI under 55 years p<0.05. Conclusion: Our study results can be translated as an aggressive treatment for lowering TC/HDL-C ratio in both general population and victims of coronary events. Mitigation of the level of TC/HDL-C ratio from low risk to very low risk category will attenuate the risk of MI under55 years about 8% which is the immediate clinical implication of our findings
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