25 research outputs found

    Corporate Credibility, Religion and Customer Support Intention toward Social Enterprises

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    Social enterprise (SE) outputs are not merely a result of the social entrepreneur’s personal vision, but an accumulation of resources and support from multiple stakeholders, particularly customers. Although marketing communication studies have long established the effects of corporate credibility on consumer attitudes and behaviors, it is worth noting that corporate credibility comprises three distinct dimensions, namely trustworthiness, expertise and dynamism, which do not necessarily have equal levels of influence on the endogenous variables. Additionally, from a social entrepreneurship perspective, the relationship between corporate credibility and consumer psychology requires a deeper inspection because of the role of religion in charitable and care-giving activities. Most religions stress the importance of spirituality, which may override their concern with the business aspects of the SE. In other words, for religious customers, it is likely that trustworthiness has a higher influence on their attitudes and support intention than expertise and dynamism. These conceptual relationships among corporate credibility, religion and consumer psychology in social entrepreneurship are elaborated in this article through a literature review, followed by the development of a theoretical framework and its associated propositions. The article concludes with some implications for SE governance, distinguishing societies with different religious backgrounds

    Customer Churn Rate Analysis in Fashion E-Commerce Using Logistic Regression and Random Forest

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    E-commerce companies think about long-term customer relationships in terms of conversion rates and repeat purchase rates. It is more cost-effective to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones, which is why it is crucial to track customers at high risk of turnover and target them with retention strategies. This research aims to identify what factors play a significant role in e-commerce to the customer churn rate in the next month. This study is based on 77,841 transactions data collected from Indonesia's fashion company through their e-commerce sales channel. In processing the data, descriptive statistics and predictive analytics with logistic regression and random forest models are used to achieve the research's objective, as both models have a good level of accuracy in making predictions and classifications. This study shows several factors such as gender, customer length of stay, order amount, and shipping cost significantly influencing the churn rate. This study recommends that the company and the fashion e-commerce industry manage customer churn by made appropriate strategic and business steps after knew the factors that cause it. Keywords: Customer Churn Rate; E-Commerce; Big Data; Logistic Regression; Random Fores

    Antecedents of Behavioral Intentions on Online Travel Agent Company: Comparison between Generation X and Millennial

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    The number of internet users in Indonesia has grown at the unbelievable rate. There is no exception with the growth rate of the online travel agent users in Indonesia. When making online transaction, including via online travel agent, consumers are faced with uncertain situations. The uncertain situations could grow increasingly critical when consumers have to share sensitive personal information in the transaction process. In this context, the importance of building and maintaining trust becomes very important to online marketers as numerous studies have shown that the lack of trust is one of main reasons for consumers’ hesitancy to online shopping. The evidence has shown that trust could reduce the perceived risks and thereby determines success or failure of e-vendors. The research objective is to analyze the antecedents of behavioral intentions on online travel agent company. Also to see whether the trust formation between generation X and Millennial has difference. The research is based on online surveys conducted with convenience samples from two different generation. The results have shown a strong relationship between initial trust towards online travel agent and consumers’ behavioral intentions. The results suggest that there’s no difference between two generations on the formation trust and behavioral reactions. Both Gen X and Millennial seen the risks and trust of using online travel agent in the same way. Both generation willing to give personal information to online travel agen

    Odrednice namjere ponovne kupovine i namjere prebacivanja: analiza platformi online putničkih agenata, smještaja (u vlasništvu) ravnopravnih korisnika (eng. Peer-to-peer accommodation) te virtualnih hotelskih operatora

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    Purpose – The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between satisfaction, trust, repurchase intention, and switching intention in online-booking hotel platforms. Design/methodology/approach – The research involved 600 respondents who have ever used an online-booking hotel platform in all stages of the transaction process (from the start until the end of service). The purposive sampling method was used, and the dana were analyzed by using structural equation modeling (LISREL). Findings and implications – The results show similarities in positive relationship between variables in the three types of platform. Those were experience-based satisfaction and disposition to trust, experience-based satisfaction and institution-based trust, transaction-based satisfaction and experience-based satisfaction, transaction-based satisfaction and institution-based trust, transaction-based satisfaction and repurchase intention, and institution-based trust and disposition to trust. The implication is that industry professionals operating online travel agent platforms should not neglect transaction-based satisfaction as it has significant effects on switching intention, repurchase intention, and institution-based trust. Limitation – Respondents in this study only included Indonesian residents, booking with companies in Indonesia. The findings in this study cannot represent conditions around the world. Originality – Most studies on hospitality and tourism only explore one online booking platform as their object although different platforms can provide different findings. This paper contributes to the existing literature by dividing online booking platforms into three types: online travel agency, peer-to-peer accommodation, and virtual hotel operator.Svrha – Cilj je istraživanja analizirati odnos između zadovoljstva, povjerenja, namjere ponovne kupovine i namjere prebacivanja na platformama za rezervaciju smještaja putem interneta. Metodološki pristup – Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 600 ispitanika koji su koristili uslugu platforme za rezervaciju smještaja putem interneta u svim fazama transakcijskog procesa (od početka do kraja usluge). Korišten je namjerni uzorak, a podaci su analizirani pomoću modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi (LISREL). Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati pokazuju da postoje sličnosti u pozitivnom odnosu između varijabli na trima vrstama platformi. To su odnosi: zadovoljstvo zasnovano na iskustvu i sklonost povjerenju; zadovoljstvo zasnovano na iskustvu i povjerenje prema instituciji; zadovoljstvo zasnovano na transakciji i zadovoljstvo zasnovano na iskustvu; zadovoljstvo zasnovano na transakciji i povjerenje prema instituciji, zadovoljstvo zasnovano na transakciji i namjera ponovne kupovine te, kao posljednje, povjerenje prema instituciji i sklonost povjerenju. Implikacija za profesionalce u industriji online putničkih agenata jest da ne bi trebali zanemariti zadovoljstvo zasnovano na transakciji jer ono ima značajne učinke na namjeru prebacivanja, namjeru ponovne kupnje te na povjerenje vezano uz instituciju. Ograničenja – U Istraživanje su uključeni samo ispitanici i poduzeća iz Indonezije. Nalazi istraživanja se ne mogu generalizirati na svjetskoj razini. Doprinos – U većini istraživanja o ugostiteljstvu i turizmu objekt istraživanja je samo jedna platforma za rezervacije putem interneta. Međutim različite platforme mogu pružiti i različite rezultate. Ovaj rad doprinosi postojećoj literaturi dijeljenjem platformi za online rezervaciju smještaja na tri vrste: online putnička agencija, smještaj (u vlasništvu) ravnopravnih korisnika (engl. peer-to-peer accommodation) te virtualni hotelski operator

    Consumer’s Behavioral Intention toward “Green” Restaurant: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia

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    This study specifically discusses the relationships between consumers’ environmental concern, attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and their behavioral intention toward “green” restaurant. Such a study is important because behavioral intentions towards “green” practice in the restaurant industry is still an under-explored topic in the literature, despite the “green” trend. This study adopted Theory of Planned Behavior as the theoretical framework with additional environmental concern construct as antecedent. The findings from this research illustrate that customer’s environmental concern has a positive influence with behavioral intention toward “green” restaurant especially indirectly through attitude and perceived behavioral control. This study recommends that this topic of research needs to be explored more to understand the “green” restaurant customers and to develop marketing strategies to promote “green” restaurant in Indonesia. &nbsp

    Why Buy When You Can Rent: Analisis Continuance Intention Pengguna Luxury Fashion Rental di Indonesia

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    Industri luxury fashion rental (LFR) yang tengah berkembang di Indonesia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah memberikan kesempatan bagi penggunanya untuk mengakses produk-produk mewah tanpa harus membelinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi motivasi yang mendorong continuance intention pada LFR dengan menggunakan self-determination theory. Data yang terkumpul dari 313 responden di Indonesia diolah dengan SEM-PLS. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perceived usefulness, enjoyment, sense of belonging dan uniqueness dapat mempengaruhi continuance intention secara positif. Temuan lain mengungkap bahwa perceived usefulness secara positif memediasi economic benefit dan convenience terhadap continuance intention. Penelitian ini juga mengungkap peran enjoyment secara positif memediasi dari sustainability dan trust terhadap continuance intention

    The Effectiveness of Social Media Marketing Activities in Building Brand Equity and Patient Trust and its Influence on Visit Intention in Private Hospitals

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    Technological developments and increasingly fierce competition for private hospitals have forced private hospitals to innovate with each other to promote their services through social media. The research aims to measure how effective the implementation of social media marketing activities is in building brand awareness, brand image, brand equity, and trust from private hospital patients and their influence on visit intention. This study uses quantitative methods, and the data obtained will be processed using CB-SEM with the IBM AMOS application, analyzing 264 questionnaire responses. The study results show that social media marketing activities affect brand awareness, brand image, and trust but do not affect visit intention. Meanwhile, trust and brand equity have a significant impact on visit intentions. However, brand awareness does not affect brand image, yet both significantly impact brand equity. This study shows that collaboration between variables is needed to impact patient visit intentions positively. It is hoped that this research can help the management of private hospitals and other health facilities in forming marketing strategies through social media activities

    Behind the curtain of payday lending : revealing consumer insights and ethical challenges in Indonesia and the USA using web-scraping methods

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    Purpose This paper aims to explore the consumer insights and ethical concerns surrounding the online payday loan services available in the Google Play Store. This research was conducted to compare whether the presence or absence of debt collection protection acts in a country creates differences in consumer experiences regarding the ethics of payday loan collection. Specifically, the study compares customers’ experiences in both the Indonesian and US markets. Design/methodology/approach Indonesia and the USA were chosen because they have very different regulatory structures for the payday loan industry. The data was scraped using Python from 27 payday loan apps on the Indonesian Play Store, resulting in a total of 244,697 reviews extracted from the Indonesian market. For the US market, 446,010 reviews were extracted from 14 payday loan apps. The data was further analyzed using NVIVO. Findings The results suggest that consumers of payday loans in Indonesia and the USA hold positive views about the benefits of payday loan apps, as revealed by the word frequency and word cloud analysis. Notably, customers in both countries did not express any negative sentiments regarding the unethical interest rate charged by the payday loan, contradicting what is commonly reported in academic literature. However, a distinct pattern of unethical conduct was observed in both countries concerning marketing communication and debt collection practices. In the Indonesian market, payday loan companies were found to engage in unethical debt collection activities. In the US market, payday lenders exhibited unethical behavior in their marketing communication, particularly through deceptive advertising that makes promises to consumers that are not delivered. Originality/value The study aims to provide evidence on the various experiences of customers in the presence and absence of debt collection regulations using a novel methodology and a large sample, which strengthens the results and conclusions of the study. The study also intends to inform policymakers, particularly the Indonesian government, about the need for specific laws to regulate the debt collection process and prevent unethical practices. Ultimately, the study is expected to protect the rights of consumers from a deceptive marketing communication or unethical debt collection practices in both the Indonesian and US markets


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    Abstract. This paper investigate the effect of service brand on customer value andloyalty. Speciffically, the study examines the influence of brand image, companyimage, employee trust and company trust on service quality, customer value andloyalty. The data were collected from a total of 222 customers of 7 low cost airlines. AStructural Equation Modeling (SEM) is used to assess the relationships of the researchmodel. The result shows that it is brand image which has significant influence on bothservice quality and customer value while employee trust and cost has significantinfluences on customer value