2,059 research outputs found

    Risk Assessment of Carbon Fiber Composite in Surface Transportation

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    The vulnerability of surface transportation to airborne carbon fibers and the national risk associated with the potential use of carbon fibers in the surface transportation system were evaluated. Results show airborne carbon fibers may cause failure rates in surface transportation of less than one per year by 1995. The national risk resulting from the use of carbon fibers in the surface transportation system is discussed

    Exchange coupling between two ferromagnetic electrodes separated by a graphene nanoribbon

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    In this study, based on the self-energy method and the total energy calculation, the indirect exchange coupling between two semi-infinite ferromagnetic strips (FM electrodes) separated by metallic graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) is investigated. In order to form a FM/GNR/FM junction, a graphitic region of finite length is coupled to the FM electrodes along graphitic zigzag or armchair interfaces of width NN. The numerical results show that, the exchange coupling strength which can be obtained from the difference between the total energies of electrons in the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic couplings, has an oscillatory behavior, and depends on the Fermi energy and the length of the central region.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, International Conference on Theoretical Physics 'Dubna-Nano2008

    Measurements of the unsteady flow field within the stator row of a transonic axial-flow fan. 1: Measurement and analysis technique

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    This two-part paper presents laser anemometer measurements of the unsteady velocity field within the stator row of a transonic axial-flow fan. The objective is to provide additional insight into unsteady blade-row interactions within high speed compressors which affect stage efficiency, energy transfer, and other design considerations. Part 1 describes the measurement and analysis techniques used for resolving the unsteady flow field features. The ensemble-average and variance of the measured velocities are used to identify the rotor wake generated and unresolved unsteadiness, respectively. (Rotor wake generated unsteadiness refers to the unsteadiness generated by the rotor wake velocity deficit and the term unresolved unsteadiness refers to all remaining contributions to unsteadiness such as vortex shedding, turbulence, mass flow fluctuations, etc.). A procedure for calculating auto and cross correlations of the rotor wake generated and unresolved unsteady velocity fluctuations is described. These unsteady-velocity correlations have significance since they also result from a decomposition of the Navier-Stokes equations. This decomposition of the Navier-Stokes equations resulting in the velocity correlations used to describe the unsteady velocity field will also be outlined in this paper

    Antidepressant Treatment Duration in Pediatric Depressive and Anxiety Disorders: How Long is Long Enough?

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    Anxiety and depressive disorders are common in the pediatric primary care setting, and respond to both psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacologic treatment. However, there are limited data regarding the optimal treatment duration. This article systematically reviews guidelines and clinical trial data related to antidepressant treatment duration in pediatric patients with depressive and anxiety disorders. The extant literature suggests 9-12 months of antidepressant treatment for youth with major depressive disorder. For generalized, separation and social anxiety disorders, 6-9 months of antidepressant treatment may be sufficient, though many clinicians extend treatment to 12 months based on extrapolation of data from adults with anxiety disorders. Such extended treatment periods may decrease the risk of long-term morbidity and recurrence; however, the goal of treatment is ultimately remission, rather than duration of antidepressant pharmacotherapy. Moreover, while evidence-based guidelines represent a starting point, appropriate treatment duration varies and patient-specific response, psychological factors, and timing of discontinuation must be considered for individual pediatric patients

    Gut microbiome in serious mental illnesses: A systematic review and critical evaluation.

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    Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (BD) are associated with debilitating psychiatric and cognitive dysfunction, worse health outcomes, and shorter life expectancies. The pathophysiological understanding of and therapeutic resources for these neuropsychiatric disorders are still limited. Humans harbor over 1000 unique bacterial species in our gut, which have been linked to both physical and mental/cognitive health. The gut microbiome is a novel and promising avenue to understand the attributes of psychiatric diseases and, potentially, to modify them. Building upon our previous work, this systematic review evaluates the most recent evidence of the gut microbiome in clinical populations with serious mental illness (SMI). Sixteen articles that met our selection criteria were reviewed, including cross-sectional cohort studies and longitudinal treatment trials. All studies reported alterations in the gut microbiome of patients with SMI compared to non-psychiatric comparison subjects (NCs), and beta-diversity was consistently reported to be different between schizophrenia and NCs. Ruminococcaceae and Faecalibacterium were relatively decreased in BD, and abundance of Ruminococcaceae was reported across several investigations of SMI to be associated with better clinical characteristics. Lactic acid bacteria were relatively more abundant in SMI and associated with worse clinical outcomes. There was very limited evidence for the efficacy of probiotic or prebiotic interventions in SMI. As microbiome research in psychiatry is still nascent, the extant literature has several limitations. We critically evaluate the current data, including experimental approaches. There is a need for more unified methodological standards in order to arrive at robust biological understanding of microbial contributions to SMI

    Population, sexual and reproductive health, rights and sustainable development: forging a common agenda.

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    This article suggests that sexual and reproductive health and rights activists seeking to influence the post-2015 international development paradigm must work with sustainable development advocates concerned with a range of issues, including climate change, environmental issues, and food and water security, and that a way of building bridges with these communities is to demonstrate how sexual and reproductive health and rights are relevant for these issues. An understanding of population dynamics, including urbanization and migration, as well as population growth, can help to clarify these links. This article therefore suggests that whether or not sexual and reproductive health and rights activists can overcome resistance to discussing "population", become more knowledgeable about other sustainable development issues, and work with others in those fields to advance the global sustainable development agenda are crucial questions for the coming months. The article also contends that it is possible to care about population dynamics (including ageing and problems faced by countries with a high proportion of young people) and care about human rights at the same time. It expresses concern that, if sexual and reproductive health and rights advocates do not participate in the population dynamics discourse, the field will be left free for those for whom respecting and protecting rights may be less of a priority

    Predicting the Amplitude of a Solar Cycle Using the North-South Asymmetry in the Previous Cycle: II. An Improved Prediction for Solar Cycle~24

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    Recently, using Greenwich and Solar Optical Observing Network sunspot group data during the period 1874-2006, (Javaraiah, MNRAS, 377, L34, 2007: Paper I), has found that: (1) the sum of the areas of the sunspot groups in 0-10 deg latitude interval of the Sun's northern hemisphere and in the time-interval of -1.35 year to +2.15 year from the time of the preceding minimum of a solar cycle n correlates well (corr. coeff. r=0.947) with the amplitude (maximum of the smoothed monthly sunspot number) of the next cycle n+1. (2) The sum of the areas of the spot groups in 0-10 deg latitude interval of the southern hemisphere and in the time-interval of 1.0 year to 1.75 year just after the time of the maximum of the cycle n correlates very well (r=0.966) with the amplitude of cycle n+1. Using these relations, (1) and (2), the values 112 + or - 13 and 74 + or -10, respectively, were predicted in Paper I for the amplitude of the upcoming cycle 24. Here we found that in case of (1), the north-south asymmetry in the area sum of a cycle n also has a relationship, say (3), with the amplitude of cycle n+1, which is similar to (1) but more statistically significant (r=0.968) like (2). By using (3) it is possible to predict the amplitude of a cycle with a better accuracy by about 13 years in advance, and we get 103 + or -10 for the amplitude of the upcoming cycle 24. However, we found a similar but a more statistically significant (r=0.983) relationship, say (4), by using the sum of the area sum used in (2) and the north-south difference used in (3). By using (4) it is possible to predict the amplitude of a cycle by about 9 years in advance with a high accuracy and we get 87 + or - 7 for the amplitude of cycle 24.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, Published in Solar Physics 252, 419-439 (2008

    Are short-term variations in solar oscillation frequencies the signature of a second solar dynamo?

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    In addition to the well-known 11-year solar cycle, the Sun's magnetic activity also shows significant variation on shorter time scales, e.g. between one and two years. We observe a quasi-biennial (2-year) signal in the solar p-mode oscillation frequencies, which are sensitive probes of the solar interior. The signal is visible in Sun-as-a-star data observed by different instruments and here we describe the results obtained using BiSON, GOLF, and VIRGO data. Our results imply that the 2-year signal is susceptible to the influence of the main 11-year solar cycle. However, the source of the signal appears to be separate from that of the 11-year cycle. We speculate as to whether it might be the signature of a second dynamo, located in the region of near-surface rotational shear.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, proceedings for SOHO-24/GONG 2010 conference, to be published in JPC