271 research outputs found

    The Witch, the Zombie and the Power of Jesus: A trinity of spiritual warfare in Tanzanian Pentecostalism

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    The report discusses neo-Pentecostal gospel, demonology and deliverance in the context of social transformations and economic reforms in Tanzania, via a detailed case-study of a single church in Dar es Salaam—the Glory of Christ Tanzania Church—which displays the conjuncture of a global religion with  elements of local ontology such as witchcraft and zombies. It is proposed that the Pentacostal-Charismatic gospel provides the interpretative frame to explain experience of social and economic affliction that is deeply gendered. Further, the deliverance practices are suggested to free the individual believer  from the occult forces associated with kinship relations

    Blind Men and the Elephant

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    I suggest that the transformation of an artifact from an introductory-type instrument into a viable, collectively used tool cannot be understood solely in terms of gradual adaptation of the technology and user environment, but also as a qualitatively broader integration process in which an expansion takes place. The case illustrated a constrained shift of an artifact from its first adopter, an individual pioneer user, to a more collective user in institutional medicine. The artifact, a neuromagnetometer instrument for brain research and diagnostics, brings together physicists, neuroscientists, physicians as well as various practitioners from the medical imaging industry. I applied an activity-theoretical framework for analysing the adoption of the neuromagnetometer from the pioneer phase of implementation into the more established use. The case showed that the anticipated transformation of the artifact constituted a major challenge for the user organization and its practitioners. It is suggested that an expansion of the object into a shared object of implementation among the separate practitioner groups is indispensable.This expansion of the object involves for the practitioners to recognize both the different objects and requirements of the pioneer phase of the implementation and the new phase of introduction into medical practice. It is shown that this recognition does not, however, come as given, spontaneously born in the transition. The emerging new object may remain only partially shared if not made visible by deliberate effort among the practitioners. The expansion requires collective visualization of the work and reflective dialogue on it. Employing analytical tools, such as the activity-theoretical concepts used here, is one possible way of facilitating such an effort

    Urban Reality of Type 2 Diabetes among First Nations of Eastern Ontario: Western Science and Indigenous Perceptions

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    This paper presents an anthropological investigation of perception and management of Type 2 Diabetes among First Nations people in an Eastern Ontario urban setting. Applying the concept of structural violence and based on the semi-structured interviews conducted with urban First Nations people and health care professionals, findings of this study reflect that diabetes is entangled in a complex web of social and cultural circumstances that make the coping and management of this disease very challenging for today's First Nations people. Results also document the shared social, cultural and historical circumstances which have contributed to the emergence of diabetes among First Nations people. Diabetes in this regard can be viewed as a reflection of economic and social conditions, but also low self-esteem and self-worth arising from a colonial past. These perspectives have repercussions for reaction to diabetes diagnosis and coping strategies around diet, physical activity and medication. Existing levels of diabetes management strategies, including treatment, support and education meet the urban First Nation peoples' need to some extent. The paper concludes with the recommendations for development of future health and social programmes that engage stakeholders and pay considerable attention to their strengths and needs

    Governing domestic space: Townhouse-related living, gardens and the home-making process in Finland.

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    Despite the increasing level of urbanization, the housing preference for small-scale housing is still dominant, not least because of the gardens. Urban planning and housing design hence constantly seek options to deliver the housing preferences for small house living. In the Finnish context, one vividly discussed opportunity in this setting is the townhouse typology. The townhouse offers various opportunities, both regarding the urban cityscape and individual home creation. Indeed, making a house become a home is an important process to residents. An essential part of this is that the residents have the possibility to personalize their own dwelling, including the outdoor spaces like gardens and yards. This process, nonetheless, demands domestic governance, and privacy.This article scrutinizes the home-making process in the light of three studies that all reflect the domestic space as experienced by inhabitants in townhouse-related contexts. The results are presented in a form of hierarchical examination to reflect the domestic governance. The examination indicates that townhouse-related living is compressed with aspects that may either boost or hinder the home-making process. Concurrently, this article suggests that in addition to understanding the role of gardens as part of townhouse design, even urban planners are required to pay attention to the role of gardens as part of the home-making process. For this purpose, the hierarchical analysis offers one prominent approach

    Testimonies of Poverty and Prosperity in Tanzanian Charismatic Christianity

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    Aussagen über Armut und Wohlstand im charismatischen Christentum in Tansania Der Aufsatz untersucht Zeugnisse von Frauen in der charismatischen Wiedererweckungsbewegung in Tansania und die geschlechtsspezifischen Erfahrungen von sozialem Leid, Armut und Wohlstand im Kontext des „Evangeliums des Wohlstandes“ (Faith Gospel) sowie der neoliberalen Ökonomie. Die Aussagen von Frauen in ländlichen und städtischen Gebieten Tansanias widerspiegeln wirtschaftliches und soziales Leid, aber durch Bekehrung und die Überzeugung, gerettet zu sein, erleben Einzelpersonen eine Transformation und Familien eine Umstrukturierung. Frauen, die sich der Bewegung anschließen, gewinnen anscheinend mehr als Männer, die es schwierig finden, die hohen Kosten langfristig zu tragen. Das Evangelium des Wohlstandes findet mehr Resonanz in den Städten, aber andererseits sehen sich Frauen auf dem Lande gezwungen, um Wunder zu beten

    EKF:n ennakkokentän tarkkuuden vaihtelun Lorenz mallissa

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    This thesis investigates how the Lorenz model state sensitivity appears on the prior state error of the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) process. The Lorenz model is a well-known ordinary differential equation system. Its simple nonlinear equations show that a chaotic system, like the atmosphere, does not have a single deterministic solution. Edward N. Lorenz also showed that the predictability of the state depends on the flow itself, and numerical weather prediction models, therefore, cannot always be trusted equally. For this reason, when computing a forecast, it is necessary to consider both the model and observations with their weight uncertainties to get the most probabilistic analysis state. The EKF is an algorithm that provides a powerful data assimilation method for nonlinear systems. Its operating principle is based on the evolution of prior state (model evolution) and observation updates. Each observation update calculates the most likely state based on the prior state and observation errors. The process continues from the new analysis state by evolving the model until the next observation update. In this study, I made the EKF utilizing the Lorenz model and sent ensembles from the analysis states on the Lorenz attractor. I calculated the variance of evolved ensembles and compared them to the magnitude of prior state error at the observation update time levels. The results showed that these two parameters are positively correlated. For the 18-timestep observation interval, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was 0.850, which indicates a very high correlation. Therefore, it can be concluded that when the prior state error is small, the ensemble on the Lorenz attractor indicates good predictability (i.e., dispersion of ensemble members is small) and vice versa


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    Opinnäytetyön taustana on suunnitelma siirtyä luomukasvinviljelytilasta luomuemolehmätilaksi. Työn on tilannut Maatalousyhtymä Mattinen Kouvolasta, jolle tämä suunnitelma on ajankohtainen. Työn tavoitteena on selvittää, onko tuotantosuunnanvaihdos järkevää ja kartoittaa mitä asioita pitää ottaa mahdollisessa muutoksessa huomioon. Työssä pyritään huomioimaan tilan nykyhetki ja lähtökohdat kasvattaa luomuemolehmiä. Työ on pyritty tekemään niin, että se palvelee juuri teet-täjätilaa, koska tuotantosuunnanvaihdokset ovat hyvin tilakohtaisia ratkai-suja. Työn teoriaosuudessa on perusteltu muutosta peltoviljelyn, talouden ja ti-lan toiminnanmuutoksen näkökulmista. Eri näkökulmien tarkastelun jäl-keen on pyritty perustelemaan miksi tuotantosuunnanvaihdos olisi järkevää juuri kyseisellä tilalla. Työssä on käytetty tilan teettämää taloussuunnitelmaa, jossa mahdollinen tuotantosuunnanvaihdos on huomioitu. Tämän lisäksi työssä on vertailtu luomuviljelyä Suomessa sekä Kaakkois-Suomessa. Saatujen tietojen perusteella tuotantosuunnanvaihdos luomuviljatilasta luomuemolehmätilaksi näyttää olevan järkevää. Perustelut tähän ovat ta-loudelliset sekä viljelysteknilliset seikat. Suunnitelma sisältää riskejä: nämä ovat pääosin taloudellisia. Jos tuotantosuunnanvaihdos ei etene suunni-telman mukaan tai taloudessa tapahtuu jotain odottamatonta, niin niillä on suorannainen vaikutus myös suunniteltuun tuotantosuunnanvaihtoon.The context of this thesis is planning to transfer from organic crop farm into organic cattle farm. Farming cooperation Mattinen from Kouvola has com-missioned this work, because it is relevant for their company. The objectives of this thesis are to solve production direction. Are they meaningful and what aspect needs to be taken under consideration? The the-sis also aims to address the current status of Mattinen farming company and premises to begin producing organic cattle. This bachelor thesis is addressed to answer above-mentioned questions to Mattinen Company, but changes on production lines are different in each case. The work is divided into 3 parts. The theoretical part of the thesis rational-izes the structural change on a perspective of arable farming and economical and functional changes of a farm. Different perspectives are used to consid-er the change of production line on this particular farming company. Primary sources of the thesis are economic plans of the farm, where possible structural changes of farming have been taken into consideration. A com-parative study between organic farming in Finland and in South-Eastern Finland forms a part of the theoretical part of the thesis. On the basis of obtained data the change on production line from an organic crop farm into an organic cattle farm seems to be plausible. Economical and production technical changes support this argument. Some risks are involved in the plan, mainly economical ones. Alteration on change of production line will effect directly into plans presented in this thesis

    Asian political activity in Rhodesia from the Second World War to 1972

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    A journal article on the political participation of Asians in the Rhodesian political matrix.This study is intended as a preliminary statement. Material used in this study is drawn mainly from interviews* with various people, mainly Asians,1 * 3 and from primary source materials — the documents of some of the Asian organizations and in the possession of some Asians in Rhodesia. The first basic premise is that the Asian community’s perception of its priorities stems from the fact that the amelioration of any disabilities suffered by it or the redressing of injured rights as perceived by it has had first priority, with the proviso that more often than not Asian organizations have cast their requirements in national terms, i.e. in terms of rights for all .citizens rather than any special safeguards for it as a community. The second basic premise in this brief study is that a clear unanimity of views and tactics on specific issues within the Asian community cannot be expected — nor has been historically evident

    Automatic Maintenance Routes Based on the Quality Assurance Information

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    Playing with Townhouses: A Design-Based Research Method for Housing Studies

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    Housing preferences are inherently based on the existing housing examples and the current housing supply. Thus, revealing the lay perceptions of a relatively unfamiliar housing typology invites new methodological approaches. These approaches have been investigated in the context of Finnish Dream Home (FDH) study focusing on townhouse living and related design issues. The FDH is a three-phased mixed method study, the objective of which was to examine and discover the design solutions that would increase the attractiveness of townhouse living among different types of households in Helsinki metropolitan area. This paper focuses on a design game, which provides tools to examine, reinvent and verbalize the residents’ innermost housing preferences. The game allows covering themes such as spatial flexibility and adaptability, which are otherwise difficult to study. Simultaneously, such context-sensitive game, designed to steer the focus on design-based questions, reveals the residents’ decision-making processes. The discussion and negotiation of the possible design solutions with the fellow players are the essence of this method. Supporting the participants’ ability to discuss and present their subjective housing choices, the game has been verified as a tool adjustable for different types of research settings to value residents’ opinion. Therefore, the townhouse game is an example of practice-based research diminishing the gap between housing studies and housing design
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