46 research outputs found

    Perception of Teachers and Students by Using Interactive Multimedia to Improve Science Literacy and Self-Efficacy

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze and explain Perception of Teachers and Students by Using Interactive Multimedia to Improve Science Literacy and Self Efficacy. The research method was descriptive method.The population in this study were ten junior high school teachers and seventy five junior high school students from five different schools. The data collection used questionnaires and data analysis techniques using percentages. The results showed that the teachers perception of learning using interactive multimedia in the aspect of implementation was low category, because teachers still use books and students worksheet. Teachers perceptions of scientific literacy aspects are low, but teachers have tried to apply them in learning. Furthermore, teachers perceptions of students self efficacy in category “medium”. Students' perceptions for aspects of learning using Multimedia interactive (MMI) and scientific literacy were still low, but on aspect of students self efficacy in the “high” category. Then, the percentage of students requirements of using MMI in learning in “high” category. It can be concluded that using MMI to improve students sains literacy and students self efficacy

    Dinamika Konflik Dengan Orang Tua Pada Lesbian

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    Tujuan yang ingin dilihat dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan seberapa banyak sumber konflik yang muncul, macam konflik yang dialami subyek, mekanisme pertahanan diri yang dipakai dan respon yang diambil subyek dalam interaksinya dengan orang tua. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja akhir lesbian berusia 19 sampai 21 tahun, masih mempunyai orang tua lengkap dan masih kuliah. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah purposive sampling. Secara umum subyek 1,2 dan 3 merasakan konflik dengan orang tuanya, mereka merasakan ketidaknyamanan dalam keluarga karena aturan-aturan yang dibuat oleh orang tua, dan kecemasan yang timbul karena ingin menutupi orientasi seksualnya serta perasaan tertekan yang dialami subyek menyebabkan munculnya perilaku diam dan menuruti perkataan orang tuaSave to Mendele

    Efektivitas Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Berdasarkan Profile Multimodal Therapy Pada Klien Skizofrenia Dengan Masalah Keperawatan Halusinasi Di Rumah Sakit Dr. H. Marzoeki Mahdi Bogor Tahun 2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektivitas rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) berdasarkan profile multimodal therapy terhadap Perubahan gejala dan kemampuan klien halusinasi di RSMM Bogor. Desain penelitian quasi eksperimental dengan jumlah sampel 56o responden. 28 responden memiliki Profile Multimodal Therapy untuk mendapatkan REBT sebagai kelompok intervensi, 28 responden sebagai kelompok non intervensi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan penurunan gejala halusinasi lebih besar daripada yang tidak mendapatkan REBT berdasarkan profile multimodal therapy (p value < 0.05). Kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan perilaku klien yang mendapatkan REBT berdasarkan profile multimodal therapy meningkat secara bermakna (p value < 0.05) Hasil penelitian ini klien mengalami penurunan gejala halusinasi 47 %, efektif meningkatkan kemampuan kognitif, afektif dan perilaku hingga 57 %. Profile multimodal therapy direkomendasikan sebagai screnning klien yang akan diberikan terapi spesialis dalam hal ini khususnya rational emotive behaviour therap

    Efektivitas Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy Berdasarkan Profile Multimodal Therapy Pada Klien Skizofrenia Dengan Masalah Keperawatan Perilaku Kekerasan Dan Halusinasi Di Rumah Sakit Jiwa

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) profile of multimodal therapy based on the client\u27s ability and changes in symptoms violent behavior and hallucinations in Psychiatric Hospital. Quasi-experimental research design with a number of 56 respondents. 28 respondents had to get a Profile Multimodal Therapy REBT therapy as the intervention group, 28 respondents as a group of non intervention. The research found a decrease symptoms of violent behavior and hallucinations bigger than not getting REBT based profile of multimodal therapy (p<0.05). Cognitive, affective and behavioral clients who get REBT based profile of multimodal therapy increased significantly (p <0.05). Results clients experience a effectively improve cognitive, affective and behavioral to 57 % and reduction in symptoms of violent behavior 48%, reduction in symptoms of hallucinations 47%. Profile multimodal therapy is recommended as screening client will be given specialist treatment in this particular rational emotive behavior therap

    PRECEDE-PROCEED Model: Predisposing, Reinforcing, and Enabling Factors Affecting the Selection of Birth Attendant in Bondowoso District

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    Background: Skilled birth attendant is one of the determinants of maternal and infant mortality. One of the primary causes of maternal mortality in Bondowoso District was the reliance on the traditional birth attendant (TBA). In 2016, the number of birth delivery attended by TBA reached 510 out of 10,326 deliveries. This study aimed to determine the predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors affecting the selection of birth attendant in Bondowoso.Subjects and Method: This was an analytic observational study using case control design. The study was conducted at 5 community health centers in Bondowoso District, East Java, from April to May 2017. A sample of 160 delivering mothers, consisting of 110 mothers assisted by skilled birth attendants and 50 mothers assisted by traditional birth attendants, were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. The dependent variable was the selection of birth attendant (skilled birth attendant vs. TBA). The independent variables were age, education, working status, ANC visit, tradition, and family support. The data were collected by a set of questionnaire. Path analysis was employed to analyze data.Results: Age 20-34 years (b= -2.10; 95% CI=-3.96 to -0.25; p= 0.026), working outside the house (b= 2.23; 95% CI=0.84 to 3.61; p= 0.002), ANC visit (b= 2.71; 95% CI=0.80 to 4.62; p= 0.005), good tradition (b= 4.05; 95% CI=2.38 to 5.72; p<0.001) increased the likelihood of selecting skill birth attendant. Age 20-34 years (b= 2.54; 95% CI=1.24 to 3.84; p<0.001) and maternal education ≥high school (b=3.69; 95% CI=2.47 to 4.92; p<0.001) increased ANC visit. Maternal education ≥ high school (b=0.74; 95% CI=-0.02 to 1.51; p= 0.059) increased age. Maternal education ≥ high school (b=1.39; 95% CI=0.63 to 2.14; p<0.001) increased the likelihood of mother working outside the house. Family support (b=2.02; 95% CI=1.21 to 2.82; p<0.001) increased the likelihood of good tradition.Conclusion: Age 20-34 years, working outside the house, ANC visit, good tradition, directly increase the likelihood of selecting skill birth attendant.Keywords: selection of birth attendant, predisposing, enabling, reinforcing factorsCorrespondence: Ira Martin Pramiyana. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6282337742697.Journal of Health Promotion and Behavior (2017), 2(2): 159-172https://doi.org/10.26911/thejhpb.2017.02.02.0

    Model Perubahan Warna Keripik Buah Selama Penggorengan Vakum

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    The natural colour of fruit flaky product is one of specific property prefered by consumer. To maintain the natural colourof the fruit flaky during frying, it is necessary to pay attention the characteristic changes of raw material and control the process in order not to have much changes to get the intended colour. The objective of this research is to develop empirically mathematical model of fruit flaky colour changes during vacuum frying process by considering the change of water and sucrose contents in the product. Sample of the research were jack fruits fried in the temperature of 70–100OC, frying duration of 15–60 minutes, and vacuum pressure of 13-23 kPa. The observed parameters are colour (L), colour (a), colour (b), water and sukrose contents before and after frying. The result showed that colour changes (L, a and b) were influenced by free water vaporization and sukrose decreasing in product, so empirically, the developed mathematical model of colour changes (L, a and b) can be used to predict fruit flaky colour changes during vacuum frying

    Successful Intracervical Insemination and Characteristics of Anoa (Bubalus SP.) Parturation Behavior in Captivity

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    Anoa, which is the endemic animal in Indonesia, its population is unevitably decreasing, therefore anoa included in the list of endangered species by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The experiment was aimed to apply the artificial insemination (AI) technique for anoa and to examine their parturition behavior. The experiment involved 2 males and 5 females anoa at Taman Safari Indonesia Bogor. Semen was collected by electroejaculator, then evaluated and diluted in Tris-egg yolk extender. The anesthetized estrous females were inseminated intracervically with extended semen (100x106 sperm/1.0 mL). Females which did not show estrous signs during 2-3 cycles after AI were predicted pregnant, and therefore confirmed by ultrasonography. As a comparison, another predicted-pregnant female after natural mating was scanned. The results showed that intracervical AI resulted pregnancy in one female, and the gestation period of anoa was ranged from 313 d (AI) to 324 d (natural mating). There were three stages of parturition process was observed: Stage 1 was characterized by the abdominal contraction and amniotic membrane rupture, Stage 2 was characterized by the fetal expulsions, and Stage 3 was characterized by the placental expulsions and ingestion of placenta by the dam. The duration of each stage of parturition was 6-8 h (stage 1), 30-60 min (stage 2), and 15-180 min (stage 3). It is concluded that AI technique was applicable to anoa in captivity, and the parturation behavior of anoa was comparable to buffalo and cattle. However, the fetal delivery occurred when the dam was in standing position and the dam ingested the placenta

    Rapid Appraisal of the 2011 Data Collection of Social Protection Programs (Ppls 2011)

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    Research team smeru researchers hastuti, syaikhu usman, bambang sulaksono, r. justin sodo, asri yusrina, rahmitha, gracia hadiwidjaja, prio sambodho field researchers: basyri nasution, muhammad imam zamroni, asep kurniawan, muhammad badar translators: stephen girschik, mukti mulyana, budhi adrianto abstract to support the implementation of numerous social protection programs and the development of a unified database for social protection programs, statistics Indonesia (bps), in coordination with the national team for accelerating poverty reduction (tnp2k) and world bank, conducted the 2011 data collection for social protection programs (ppls 2011). ppls 2011 was implemented in order to build a unified database system containing information on all the 40% poorest households in Indonesia which will be used for the purpose of targeting social protection programs to eligible beneficiaries. to achieve this goal, around 45%-50% of low to lower middle socioeconomic households have been enumerated as part of the ppls 2011 implementation. in order to assess the quality of ppls 2011, the smeru research institute carried out a rapid appraisal of its implementation in four provinces covering eight kabupaten/kota, and sixteen villages/kelurahan. this appraisal was formulated based on interviews with bps staffs in kabupaten/kota and kecamatan (ksk), regional government officials, field enumerators (pcl), field supervisors (pml) and 253 households. in this qualitative study, smeru also observed training, data collection, data verification and data entry activities. in this appraisal, smeru finds that ppls 2011 has a number of improvements compared to previous data collections used to determine social protection program beneficiaries, namely the 2005 socioeconomic census (pse 2005) and the 2008 data collection for social protection programs (ppls 2008). some of these improvements are: a far greater coverage of households, clearer standard operating procedures (sop), the use of pre-listed lists of households as starting points based on technical analysis of census data, the neutral association of ppls 2011 to any programs, and the more detailed household information.meanwhile general criticisms of ppls 2011 are: the survey was perceived as being too centralized and/or insufficiently able to accommodate local socioeconomic characteristics, socialization to the community was limited, the criteria of low to lower middle socioeconomic households were not clear, and there were indications of possible under-coverage of households in some areas. this study offers several important recommendations that may be useful for future rounds of data collection for social protection programs. first, a fine, precise and firm explanation on the purpose of ppls should be given to all stakeholders, including the general population. second, in order to get high quality partners, enumerators must be recruited through an open and objective recruitment process. third, more precise and clearer definitions of what constitutes a low to lower middle socioeconomic household should be defined well in advance. fourth, training and field supervision activities should be improved. keywords: poverty, unified database, middle to low socioeconomic household, social protection program