474 research outputs found

    Electric and hydrogen rail : Potential contribution to net zero in the UK

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    Acknowledgements  This research was carried out under the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) as part of the ADdressing Valuation of Energy and Nature Together (ADVENT) funded project. Funding was received from the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/M019691/1), United Kingdom and the School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. The authors would also like to thank Dr Christian Brand, University of Oxford, for giving them access to the Transport Energy and Air Pollution Model (TEAM-UK).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Japan and the UK : Emission predictions of electric and hydrogen rail to 2050

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    Acknowledgements This research was carried out under the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC) as part of the ADdressing Valuation of Energy and Nature Together (ADVENT) funded project. Funding was received from the Natural Environment Research Council (NE/M019691/1), United Kingdom and the School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. Funding was also received from the Postgraduate Research Grant from University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom. This work has also emanated from research supported in part by a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under the SFI Strategic Partnership Programme Grant number SFI/15/SPP/E3125. The authors would also like to thank Dr Christian Brand, University of Oxford, for giving them access and guidance regarding the Trans- port Energy and Air Pollution Model (TEAM‐UK).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Memory Aging: Deficits, Beliefs, and Interventions

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    Of all mental faculties, memory is unique. It defines who we are and places our lives on a narrative continuum from birth to death. It helps to structure our days, it guides our daily tasks and goals, and it provides pleasurable interludes as we anticipate the future and recall the past. As a core, defining feature of the self (Birren & Schroots, 2006), memory takes on heightened meaning as we age. In the face of other losses that accumulate with age, memory can serve to preserve our sense of self and place in time. In normal aging, memory loss is minor and relatively inconsequential to functional well-being, other than passing annoyance at not being able to retrieve a name or a location from time to time. In non-normal or pathological aging, as characterized by Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), the loss of memory is severe and debilitating. In addition to functional disability, people with AD ultimately lose their sense of self. Connections to the past, to current events and relationships, and to what the future holds fade and ultimately disappear. Such a bleak fate for the self continues to spur researchers to look for causes and cures for normal and pathological memory failure. Current cutting-edge research examines the transition from normal to pathological memory aging, with particular emphasis on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) as a transitional phase and as an independent risk factor for AD. Concurrent efforts have focused on developing effective intervention and treatment programs aimed at biological, psychosocial, and cognitive levels. This chapter highlights current research on normative memory change with age, with a focus on self-regulation, self efficacy, and memory maintenance and maximization. We also look at the special contexts of mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer\u27s disease, and close with an eye toward future directions in theory, research, and intervention

    System, Device, and Method for Determination of Intraocular Pressure

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    A system for determination of intraocular pressure includes: an intraocular pressure sensor; a light source illuminating the sensor with one or more wavelengths of light; and a detector that measures emitted light from the sensor. The sensor includes a substrate member, a spacer member, and a flexible membrane, which define a sealed cavity. The flexible membrane moves in response to intraocular pressure changes. A device for measuring intraocular pressure includes: the sensor; an anchoring member attached to the sensor for immobilizing the sensor in an eye; and a protective member attached to the anchoring member and covering the sensor to prevent contact between the flexible membrane and the eye. A method for determination of intraocular pressure includes: placing the sensor in an eye; illuminating, with a light source, the sensor with one or more wavelengths of light; and detecting, with a detector, a resultant light that contains information about intraocular pressure

    Data Assimilation using a GPU Accelerated Path Integral Monte Carlo Approach

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    The answers to data assimilation questions can be expressed as path integrals over all possible state and parameter histories. We show how these path integrals can be evaluated numerically using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo method designed to run in parallel on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). We demonstrate the application of the method to an example with a transmembrane voltage time series of a simulated neuron as an input, and using a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron model. By taking advantage of GPU computing, we gain a parallel speedup factor of up to about 300, compared to an equivalent serial computation on a CPU, with performance increasing as the length of the observation time used for data assimilation increases.Comment: 5 figures, submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Plasmodium falciparum resistance to anti-malarial drugs in Papua New Guinea: evaluation of a community-based approach for the molecular monitoring of resistance

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Molecular monitoring of parasite resistance has become an important complementary tool in establishing rational anti-malarial drug policies. Community surveys provide a representative sample of the parasite population and can be carried out more rapidly than accrual of samples from clinical cases, but it is not known whether the frequencies of genetic resistance markers in clinical cases differ from those in the overall population, or whether such community surveys can provide good predictions of treatment failure rates. METHODS: Between 2003 and 2005, in vivo drug efficacy of amodiaquine or chloroquine plus sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine was determined at three sites in Papua New Guinea. The genetic drug resistance profile (i.e., 33 single nucleotide polymorphisms in Plasmodium falciparum crt, mdr1, dhfr, dhps, and ATPase6) was concurrently assessed in 639 community samples collected in the catchment areas of the respective health facilities by using a DNA microarray-based method. Mutant allele and haplotype frequencies were determined and their relationship with treatment failure rates at each site in each year was investigated. RESULTS: PCR-corrected in vivo treatment failure rates were between 12% and 28% and varied by site and year with variable longitudinal trends. In the community samples, the frequencies of mutations in pfcrt and pfmdr1 were high and did not show significant changes over time. Mutant allele frequencies in pfdhfr were moderate and those in pfdhps were low. No mutations were detected in pfATPase6. There was much more variation between sites than temporal, within-site, variation in allele and haplotype frequencies. This variation did not correlate well with treatment failure rates. Allele and haplotype frequencies were very similar in clinical and community samples from the same site. CONCLUSIONS: The relationship between parasite genetics and in vivo treatment failure rate is not straightforward. The frequencies of genetic anti-malarial resistance markers appear to be very similar in community and clinical samples, but cannot be used to make precise predictions of clinical outcome. Thus, indicators based on molecular data have to be considered with caution and interpreted in the local context, especially with regard to prior drug usage and level of pre-existing immunity. Testing community samples for molecular drug resistance markers is a complementary tool that should help decision-making for the best treatment options and appropriate potential alternative

    ESD Terms and Definitions (Version 12)

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    Basic terms related to engineering system

    Genetic variation and effective population size in isolated populations of coastal cutthroat

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    Abstract Following glacial recession in southeast Alaska, waterfalls created by isostatic rebound have isolated numerous replicate populations of coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii) in short coastal streams. These replicate isolated populations offer an unusual opportunity to examine factors associated with the maintenance of genetic diversity. We used eight microsatellites to examine genetic variation within and differentiation among 12 population pairs sampled from above and below these natural migration barriers. Geological evidence indicated that the above-barrier populations have been isolated for 8,000-12,500 years. Genetic differentiation among below-barrier populations (F ST = 0.10, 95% C.I. 0.08-0.12) was similar to a previous study of more southern populations of this species. Above-barrier populations were highly differentiated from adjacent below-barrier populations (mean pairwise F ST = 0.28; SD 0.18) and multiple lines of evidence were consistent with asymmetric downstream gene flow that varied among streams. Each above-barrier population had reduced within-population genetic variation when compared to the adjacent belowbarrier population. Within-population genetic diversity was significantly correlated with the amount of available habitat in above-barrier sites. Increased genetic differentiation of above-barrier populations with lower genetic diversity suggests that genetic drift has been the primary cause of genetic divergence. Long-term estimates of N e based on loss of heterozygosity over the time since isolation were large (3,170; range 1,077-7,606) and established an upper limit for N e if drift were the only evolutionary process responsible for loss of genetic diversity. However, it is likely that a combination of mutation, selection, and gene flow have also contributed to the genetic diversity of above-barrier populations. Contemporary above-barrier N e estimates were much smaller than long-term N e estimates, not correlated with withinpopulation genetic diversity, and not consistent with the amount of genetic variation retained, given the approximate 10,000-year period of isolation. The populations isolated by waterfalls in this study that occur in larger stream networks have retained substantial genetic variation, which suggests that the amount of habitat in headwater streams is an important consideration for maintaining the evolutionary potential of isolated populations
