34 research outputs found


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    This study aims to optimize the ability of students to write Arabic sentences (maharah kitabah) through project-based learning models in al-Jumlah material. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The subjects of the study were students at the second semester of IAIN Bone, which were from class PBA1, PBA2, PBA3, PS6, PGMI4, and PGMI 5. Data was collected through tests, observations, and interviews with instrument performance, observation guidelines, and interview guidelines. The data collected from the results of this study will be analyzed using qualitative data analysis.The results of the study show: 1) The application of project-based learning models in al-quantity material is carried out in several stages, starting from determining the theme of writing, determining sources, collecting material (writing rules) and mufradat (vocabulary), compiling sentences and discussing them collaboratively with members team, up to presenting in front of other teams. 2) Students are generally able to make al-Jumlah based on the elements of the sentence that have been learned. For example, making al-Jumlah Ismiyah consisting of mubtada' and khabar, al-Jumlah al-Fi'liyah consisting of fi'il, fa'il, and maf'ul by using sentences that are in accordance with the attached image and also able to write with the correct writing and harakat. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the project-based learning model can optimize the student achievement of high-level students in al-Jumlah material

    Penerapan Metode Muhadatsah Dipadukan dengan Media LCD Projector Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Maharah Kalam Siswa Kelas VIII pada MTs. Al-Faaizun Watang Palakka Kab. Bone.

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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus dengan latar belakang MTs. Al-Faaizun Watang Palakka Kab. Bone. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tes, dokumen, wawancara, dan observasi. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas VIII MTs. Al-Faaizun Watang Palakka. Data yang telah terkumpul dari hasil penelitian ini akan dianalisa dengan menggunakan analisa data kuantitatif. Analisa data dilakukan dengan member makna terhadap data yang telah terkumpul. Kemudian dari makna itulah ditarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 1) proses pembelajaran dengan metode muhadatsah dipadukan dengan media LCD Projector melalui beberapa tahap yaitu, pembukaan, kegiatan inti, evaluasi, dan penutup. Pada tahap pembukaan berisi salam, sapaan, doa, mengecek kehadiran. Pada kegiatan inti berisi penambahan kosakata baru, pembuatan teks muhadatsah, dan latihan bercakap. Pada tahap evaluasi guru memberi tanggapan pada hasil kerja siswa. Sedangkan pada bagian penutup berisi membuat kesimpulan terhadap materi yang telah dipelajari, memberi tugas, menyampaikan materi pada pertemuan berikutnya, dan berdoa. 2) Peningkatan hasil belajar maharah kalam melalui penerapan metode Muhadatsah yang dipaduka


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    This research aims to find out how the application of S}araf in reading yellow book using qualitative descriptive research. The subjects of the study were lecturers of science s}araf, lecturers of Qiraah and Mut}alaáh as well as students of  Arabic program at IAIN Bone. Data were collected through observation, interview and documentation techniques. Data analysis was carried out in three stages continuously including data reduction, data display and conclusion/verification withdrawal stage. The results shows that S}araf learning materials are divided into three stages; S}araf 1, S}araf2 and S}araf 3 by using various methods, including lecturing, discussions, demontation of bags }rif and tadrib. Tadrib/exercise was carried out with bag exercise }rif, practicing to make sentences, analyzing the function and form of words and giving harakat to a reading.  The application of s}araf in reading the yellow book was began by giving harakat to a text to determine its meaning. S}araf, that has a study on the formation of the word is very instrumental in this case. Mastery of the bag will make it easier to read a reading, whether it has harakat or not. The understanding of an Arabic text is not limited to the mastery of any existing mufradat, but rather must pay attention to the form of the word used


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    This research aims to know how Arabic dictionary affective in translating Qiraah by using android application. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the population of this research is the second semester academic year 2016/2017 with purposive sampling as a technique to collect the sample is PS 6. The data were collected by using test, observation, and interview. The instrument of this research is performance instrument, observation guidance, and interview guidance. The data collection have done from the result of this research would be analyzed by using qualitative data analyzed. The result of this research showed that 1). Based on the performance of the students in general were able to translate Qiraah that have been prepared. 2). The result of interview showed that the students easy to find out the meaning of each mufradat so that by using this method in translating the Arabic text at the previous meeting. As the result, this application is very helpful in translating


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    Core Competence And Sustainable Competitive Adventage Of Small Silk Weaving Industries (SIs) In Wajo District, South Sulawesi

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    The effect of core competences on small industries (Sis" competitiveness have been widely studied, however, very little studi connectedness between the research and practical use within SIs, specially within the framework of the development\ud of regional competitiveness. The aim of this study is to identify and determine core competence and sustainable\ud competitive advantage (SCA) of the small silk weaving industries in Wajo District, and to formulate its road map\ud development. Data and information are collected using several instruments : questionnaire, depth interview, and public\ud consultation through Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Getting core products of SIs was done by using analysis of tree\ud diagram and expected value (TEV), the identification of core competence and source of sustainable competitive advantage\ud was done by using value chain analysis and criteria of the SCA, and developing of core competence development was\ud do\ud The results of this research indicate that silk weaving was selected through public consultation and TEV analysis as a core\ud product of SIs in Wajo District. The core competence and the SCA of the core product was operating activities, namely\ud process of lusi (wrap silk yarn) and Pakan (weft silk yarn) preparation that producing designs and motifs or pattern typical\ud of Wajo silk weaving For the medium term planning (2011-2016), the core competence development will focus on the\ud development of designs, colors, and uniqueness of new motif for clothing materials and interior accessories materials and\ud souvenirs

    The Influence of Cattle Breeder Caracteristics on Their Involvement in the Farmer Group in the Rural Area

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    The aim of this research was to study the influence of cattle breeder caracteristics which consisted of age, education, and breeding experience on their involvement in the farmer group in the rural area. This research was conducted in Bone Regency, South Sulawesi. Population in this research was all of beef cattle breeders in that regency whether they already involved in the group or not. The total number of the sample was 88 farmers. The experiment used descriptive statistics to analyze characteristics of the breeders and multiple regression analysis to examine the influence of breeders' caractersitics on their involvement in the farmer group. The results of this study indicated that age and education influenced their involvement on farming group in the rural area and positively correlated, while experience in breeding did not have a significant effect (P>0.05). This implies that the older the breeder and the higher education they have, the higher their awareness to be involved in the farmer group


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    Faktor eksternal apa saja yang menentukan keputusan pembelian daging sapi di pasar Terong. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beberapa faktor eksternal yang menentukan keputusan pembelian daging sapi di pasar Terong. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2015 di Pasar Terong Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif, yaitu jenis penelitian yang sifatnya menggambarkan beberapa faktor eksternal yang menentukan konsumen dalam memutuskan pembelian daging sapi di pasar Terong. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah konsumen yang membeli daging sapi di pasar Terong berjumlah 585 orang, karena jumlah yang begitu besar maka digunakan sampel sebesar 45 responden dengan metode sampling aksidental. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah distribusi frekuensi. Hasil yang diperoleh berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan yaitu beberapa faktor eksternal yang menentukan keputusan pembelian daging sapi di pasar Terong adalah keluarga 82,2%, teman 15,6% dan orang lain 2,2%.