38 research outputs found

    El traductor de textos no literarios en los siglos XVIII y XIX: enciclopedista, innovador y mediador

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    Las traducciones de textos científicos jugaban un papel importante en el desarrollo de las ciencias en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII y en la primera del siglo XIX. Nos concentraremos en los traductores que contribuyeron a la difusión del saber científico como la publicación de la traducción de la Enciclopedia Metódica a partir de 1788,cuyo objetivo fue promover el desarrollo de España, especialmente en el aspecto económico. Los textos franceses sobre química eran otro objeto muy frecuente de traducción, por ejemplo, la Memoria sobre la necesidad de perfeccionar y reformar la nomenclatura de la química (1787) de Lavoisier. Los traductores buscaban soluciones traductológicas que se adaptasen mejor al genio de la lengua española y se entendían como enciclopedistas, innovadores y mediadores. Palabras clave: terminología; traducción; adaptación; analogía; denominación.Translations of scientific texts played an important role in the development of the sciences in Spain during the second half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. We will concentrate on translators that contributed to the spreading of scientific knowledge. A prominent example here is the progressive publication of the translation of the Encyclopédie méthodique from 1788, undertaken with the goal of advancing in particular Spain’s development in economic matters. French chemistry texts were also frequently translated, such as Lavoisier’s Mémoire sur la nécessité de réformer et de perfectionner la nomenclature de la chimie (1787). The translators also discussed the best solutions for making translations suited to the genius of the Spanish language and they saw themselves as encyclopaedists, innovators and transmitters of knowledge.  Keywords: terminology; translation; adaptation; analogy; denomination

    Intersección entre la evidencialidad y la atenuación : el pretérito imperfecto evidencial y el futuro narrativo

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    Además de los recursos lexicales que se encuentran parcialmente de camino a la pragmaticalización, la atenuación como un fenómeno pragmático-discursivo puede realizarse mediante formas verbales del indicativo, las mismas que pueden utilizarse sin su valor temporal prototípico. El pretérito imperfecto asume la función de un marcador evidencial, sobre todo, en textos periodísticos, para indicar que la información procede de una tercera fuente. De esta manera el locutor se distancia de sus enunciados y realiza simultáneamente una atenuación del contenido proposicional. Esta función del pretérito imperfecto se explica por la aspectualidad imperfectiva que conduce a la modalidad debido a su indeterminación semántica. Es más infrecuente, en español, el uso del futuro narrativo que denomina situaciones pasadas tomando en cuenta el momento de habla, pero también situaciones venideras desde un momento en el pasado, presupuesto por el locutor. Se estudiará el valor evidencial de estas dos formas verbales y su papel en la atenuación

    Les maîtres de langues et la constitution de la philologie romane en Allemagne

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    Dans cette contribution, une réponse sera donnée à la question si les maîtres de langues ont eu part à la constitution de la philologie romane en Allemagne. Je mettrai l’accent sur les formes de transmission et d’interactions personnelles qui peuvent être constatées au cours de la formation de la philologie romane. Le point de départ sera une préhistoire de la philologie romane qui n’était pas inventée tout d’un coup. Après cela, l’application de la philologie romane à l’enseignement des langues sera étudiée. Pour ne pas exagérer la citation des noms, on se limitera aux personnages qui étaient entrés en liaison avec l’Académie de Berlin.Until now, it has been unclear whether or not language teachers have had a role in the establishment and development of Romance philology in Germany. To clarify this question, this paper will focus on the forms of transmission and the personal interaction which took place during the course of Romance philology’s development. The starting point will be the prehistory of Romance philology, which was not a sudden invention. The next section of the paper will explore the application of Romance philology to language teaching. In order to avoid citing lengthy quotations and lists of names, the study is limited to persons who were in contact with the Berlin academy

    Las inversiones del orden de palabras: Antecedentes metodológicos de los estudios sobre la estructura informacional

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    Current research on information structure resonates with many echoes of seventeenth century word order theories, though these allusions tend to be unconscious. How should we historiographers evaluate such similarities beyond merely determining the continuities? And can we perhaps derive conclusions about this complex subject relevant to today’s discussion from the opposing positions and intense discourse of the eighteenth century?Las teorías sobre el orden de las palabras del siglo XVII han encontrado mucha repercusión en las investigaciones actuales sobre la estructura de la información. No obstante, estas alusiones tienden a ser inconscientes. ¿Cómo deben evaluar los historiógrafos tales similitudes, mucho más allá de determinar su continuidad? ¿Se pueden derivar tal vez conclusiones sobre este tema complejo, que es relevante en la discusión de hoy en día, tomando en cuenta las diversas posiciones opuestas y el intenso discurso del siglo XVIII

    Insights into the Pathogenesis of Anaplastic Large-Cell Lymphoma through Genome-wide DNA Methylation Profiling.

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    Aberrant DNA methylation patterns in malignant cells allow insight into tumor evolution and development and can be used for disease classification. Here, we describe the genome-wide DNA methylation signatures of NPM-ALK-positive (ALK+) and NPM-ALK-negative (ALK-) anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (ALCL). We find that ALK+ and ALK- ALCL share common DNA methylation changes for genes involved in T cell differentiation and immune response, including TCR and CTLA-4, without an ALK-specific impact on tumor DNA methylation in gene promoters. Furthermore, we uncover a close relationship between global ALCL DNA methylation patterns and those in distinct thymic developmental stages and observe tumor-specific DNA hypomethylation in regulatory regions that are enriched for conserved transcription factor binding motifs such as AP1. Our results indicate similarity between ALCL tumor cells and thymic T cell subsets and a direct relationship between ALCL oncogenic signaling and DNA methylation through transcription factor induction and occupancy.G.E. was funded by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) (P 27616 and V 102). M.R.H. was supported by a L’Oréal for Women in Science grant. S.D.T. receives funding from Bloodwise (formerly Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research). L.K. has been funded by the FWF (P 26011 and P 29251), as well as the MSCA-ITN-2015-ETN ALKATRAS (No. 675712). D.J.W. is a paid consultant for Zymo Research Corporation.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier (Cell Press) via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.09.01

    STAT3 regulated ARF expression suppresses prostate cancer metastasis.

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    Prostate cancer (PCa) is the most prevalent cancer in men. Hyperactive STAT3 is thought to be oncogenic in PCa. However, targeting of the IL-6/STAT3 axis in PCa patients has failed to provide therapeutic benefit. Here we show that genetic inactivation of Stat3 or IL-6 signalling in a Pten-deficient PCa mouse model accelerates cancer progression leading to metastasis. Mechanistically, we identify p19(ARF) as a direct Stat3 target. Loss of Stat3 signalling disrupts the ARF-Mdm2-p53 tumour suppressor axis bypassing senescence. Strikingly, we also identify STAT3 and CDKN2A mutations in primary human PCa. STAT3 and CDKN2A deletions co-occurred with high frequency in PCa metastases. In accordance, loss of STAT3 and p14(ARF) expression in patient tumours correlates with increased risk of disease recurrence and metastatic PCa. Thus, STAT3 and ARF may be prognostic markers to stratify high from low risk PCa patients. Our findings challenge the current discussion on therapeutic benefit or risk of IL-6/STAT3 inhibition.Lukas Kenner and Jan Pencik are supported by FWF, P26011 and the Genome Research-Austria project “Inflammobiota” grants. Helmut Dolznig is supported by the Herzfelder Family Foundation and the Niederösterr. Forschungs-und Bildungsges.m.b.H (nfb). Richard Moriggl is supported by grant SFB-F2807 and SFB-F4707 from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Ali Moazzami is supported by Infrastructure for biosciences-Strategic fund, SciLifeLab and Formas, Zoran Culig is supported by FWF, P24428, Athena Chalaris and Stefan Rose-John are supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant SFB 877, Project A1and the Cluster of Excellence --“Inflammation at Interfaces”). Work of the Aberger lab was supported by the Austrian Science Fund FWF (Projects P25629 and W1213), the European FP7 Marie-Curie Initial Training Network HEALING and the priority program Biosciences and Health of the Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg. Valeria Poli is supported by the Italian Association for Cancer Research (AIRC, No IG13009). Richard Kennedy and Steven Walker are supported by the McClay Foundation and the Movember Centre of Excellence (PC-UK and Movember). Gerda Egger is supported by FWF, P27616. Tim Malcolm and Suzanne Turner are supported by Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ncomms873