2,506 research outputs found


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    A general scheme is derived to calculate m-particle n-hole fermion level densities for any single particle Hamiltonian taking into account Pauli exclusion. This technique is applied to obtain level densities of the three dimensional isotropic Harmonic Oscillator semiclassically in the Thomas-Fermi approach

    Efavirenz Intoxication Due to Slow Hepatic Metabolism

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    We describe a human immunodeficiency virus-positive woman who presented with severe psychosis while she was receiving therapy with efavirenz. Her plasma efavirenz level was excessively high. Genetic investigation showed that she was homozygous for the CYP2B6 G516T allele, resulting in slow hepatic metabolism. After the dosage of efavirenz was lowered, all neuropsychiatric symptoms subside

    A Morse-theoretical analysis of gravitational lensing by a Kerr-Newman black hole

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    Consider, in the domain of outer communication of a Kerr-Newman black hole, a point (observation event) and a timelike curve (worldline of light source). Assume that the worldline of the source (i) has no past end-point, (ii) does not intersect the caustic of the past light-cone of the observation event, and (iii) goes neither to the horizon nor to infinity in the past. We prove that then for infinitely many positive integers k there is a past-pointing lightlike geodesic of (Morse) index k from the observation event to the worldline of the source, hence an observer at the observation event sees infinitely many images of the source. Moreover, we demonstrate that all lightlike geodesics from an event to a timelike curve in the domain of outer communication are confined to a certain spherical shell. Our characterization of this spherical shell shows that in the Kerr-Newman spacetime the occurrence of infinitely many images is intimately related to the occurrence of centrifugal-plus-Coriolis force reversal.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; REVTEX; submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Gram-negative pathogens in community-acquired urinary tract infections: an increasing challenge for antimicrobial therapy

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    Background: Extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs) are an increasing challenge in the treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs), and also in the community. We aimed to investigate the characteristics of patients with UTIs due to ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and to assess the risk factors for ESBLs in community-acquired isolates. Methods: We performed a retrospective study from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009 at a tertiary care teaching hospital in Switzerland, comparing patients with community-acquired versus healthcare-associated UTIs due to ESBL-producing E. coli. Additionally, we investigated the antimicrobial susceptibility of these isolates. Results: A total of 123 patients were studied, of whom 79 (64%) had community-acquired and 44 (36%) had healthcare-associated UTIs. Community-acquired isolates were associated with acute uncomplicated UTIs (odds ratio [OR] 6.62, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.83-36.5, P<0.001). Risk factors were recurrent UTI (OR 3.04, 95% CI 1.14-9.14, P=0.022) and female sex (OR 2.46, 95% CI 1.01-6.08). Community-acquired ESBL-producing E. coli urinary isolates showed high resistance rates to most of the currently used oral antimicrobial agents, including β-lactam antibiotics (amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, 69.6% resistance), quinolones (ciprofloxacin, 84.8% resistance; norfloxacin, 83.9% resistance), and trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (75.9% resistance), except for nitrofurantoin (15% resistance) and fosfomycin (0% resistance). Conclusion: UTI due to ESBL-producing E. coli are emerging, and also in a country with low antibiotic use. Because of increasing antibiotic resistance rates of E. coli to current standard therapy and because of the resistance patterns of ESBL-producing E. coli, guidelines for the management of UTIs must be revised. Fosfomycin or nitrofurantoin are recommended for the first-line empirical oral treatment of community-acquired uncomplicated UTI

    Risks Factors for Infections with Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae at a Tertiary Care University Hospital in Switzerland

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    Abstract : Background: : There are considerable geographical differencesin the occurrence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase(ESBL)-producing bacteria, both in the community and in thehospital setting. Our aim was to assess risk factors forbloodstream, urinary tract, and vascular catheter-associatedinfections with ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiellapneumoniae at a tertiary care hospital in a low-prevalencecountry. Methods: : We performed a case-control study comparing 58patients with infections due to ESBL-producing E. coli orK. pneumoniae vs 116 controls with infections due to non-ESBL producing organisms at the University Hospital Zurich,Switzerland, between 1 July 2005 and 30 June 2007. Results: : Cases included 15 outpatients and 43 inpatients.Multivariable analyses found three risk factors for ESBL-producingisolates: begin of symptoms or recent antibioticpre-treatment in a foreign country (odds ratio [OR] 27.01,95% confidence interval [CI] 2.38-1,733.28], p = 0.042),antibiotic therapy within the year preceding the isolation ofthe ESBL-producing strain (OR 2.88, 95% CI 1.13-8.49,p = 0.025), and mechanical ventilation (OR 10.56, 95% CI1.06-579.10, p = 0.042). Conclusions: : The major risk factors for infections due toESBL-producing bacteria were travel in high-prevalencecountries, prior antibiotic use, and mechanical ventilationduring a stay in the intensive care unit. Community-acquiredinfections were documented in 17% of the patients.An early identification of risk factors is crucial to providingthe patients an optimal empiric antibiotic therapy and tokeep the use of carbapenems to a minimu

    The Effects of Caffeine Ingestion and the -163A\u3eC CYP1A2 Polymorphism on Long Anaerobic Exercise Performance

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    Semiclassical evaluation of average nuclear one and two body matrix elements

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    Thomas-Fermi theory is developed to evaluate nuclear matrix elements averaged on the energy shell, on the basis of independent particle Hamiltonians. One- and two-body matrix elements are compared with the quantal results and it is demonstrated that the semiclassical matrix elements, as function of energy, well pass through the average of the scattered quantum values. For the one-body matrix elements it is shown how the Thomas-Fermi approach can be projected on good parity and also on good angular momentum. For the two-body case the pairing matrix elements are considered explicitly.Comment: 15 pages, REVTeX, 6 ps figures; changed conten