1,799 research outputs found

    Measuring the CP nature of the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and tau leptons

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    The first direct measurement of the CP nature of the Yukawa coupling between the Higgs boson and tau leptons is presented. The data used in this analysis were collected in proton-proton collisions recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC and correspond to a total integrated luminosity of 137/fb and a centre-of-mass energy of √s=13 TeV. CP-sensitive observables are reconstructed using the angular correlation between the decay planes of tau leptons in the H → τ+τ− decay. The observed (expected) value of the effective mixing angle between the CP-even and CP-odd couplings is found to be −1±19◦ (0±21◦) at 68% confidence level. The result is in agreement with the Standard Model predictions within uncertainties and disfavours a pure CP-odd coupling at 3.0 σ confidence level.Open Acces

    Coronary angiogenesis during morphine and nicotine withdrawal in two-kidney one clip hypertensive (2K1C) rats

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    OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed to investigate the effects of addiction to nicotine and morphine and their withdrawal on coronary angiogenesis and serum NO concentrations in two-kidney one-clip hypertensive (2K1C) rats. METHODS: Male hypertensive rats were divided into the two below groups: Group (1): Rats received saline for 8 weeks (n = 8); Group (2): Rats received morphine and nicotine for 8 weeks (n = 32). At the end of 8 weeks, the groups (2) were divided into the four sub-groups, which three of them were treated with withdrawal drugs. Following treatments, blood pressure, heart rate, plasma renin activity (PRA), NO concentration and capillary density were measured. RESULTS: Results showed that blood pressure was signifi cantly reduced in the addicted group when compared to non-addicted (p <0.05). The withdrawal completely reversed blood pressure to the level observed pre-addiction (p <0.05). Coronary angiogenesis was signifi cantly lower in the addicted group in comparistion to normal (p <0.05) but withdrawal of addiction did not improve angiogenesis. CONCLUSION: On the basis of the present fi ndings, it may be indicative that the risk of cardiovascular complications in addiction is concurrent to chronic hypertension, which shows the importance of early diagnosis and treatment in clinical condition (Fig. 4, Ref. 59). Text in PDF www.elis.sk

    Automatic Root Cause Quantification for Missing Edges in JavaScript Call Graphs (Extended Version)

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    Building sound and precise static call graphs for real-world JavaScript applications poses an enormous challenge, due to many hard-to-analyze language features. Further, the relative importance of these features may vary depending on the call graph algorithm being used and the class of applications being analyzed. In this paper, we present a technique to automatically quantify the relative importance of different root causes of call graph unsoundness for a set of target applications. The technique works by identifying the dynamic function data flows relevant to each call edge missed by the static analysis, correctly handling cases with multiple root causes and inter-dependent calls. We apply our approach to perform a detailed study of the recall of a state-of-the-art call graph construction technique on a set of framework-based web applications. The study yielded a number of useful insights. We found that while dynamic property accesses were the most common root cause of missed edges across the benchmarks, other root causes varied in importance depending on the benchmark, potentially useful information for an analysis designer. Further, with our approach, we could quickly identify and fix a recall issue in the call graph builder we studied, and also quickly assess whether a recent analysis technique for Node.js-based applications would be helpful for browser-based code. All of our code and data is publicly available, and many components of our technique can be re-used to facilitate future studies.Comment: Extended version of ECOOP'22 paper (with appendix

    Structural Safety-Catch Of Reinforced Concrete Member Subjected To Repeated Earthquakes

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    The primary goal of requirements in seismic design codes is to protect the life and safety of building occupants during severe earthquakes. Meeting this objective requires that the risk of structural collapse be acceptably low. The collapse safety provided by current seismic codes sometimes may be challenging due to possibility of over loading condition (e.g. repeated earthquakes) and improper performance of structural system, which are impossible to predict. The present study overcomes the problem by an innovative concept to achieve a new structural system with quickly recovering post-yield stiffness to apply in a typical cantilever Reinforced Concrete (RC) member that considered as an equivalent Single Degree Of Freedom system (SDOF). This investigation is categorized into three main steps according to the three objectives of the study. First, the effect of various parameters such as post-yielding stiffness ratio and plastic rotation capacity on the seismic collapse response of the equivalent SDOF systems, under repeated earthquakes, is evaluated. It was found that the post-yielding stiffness ratio is the most influential parameter affecting the seismic collapse response of the ductile systems (the equivalent SDOF systems with high plastic rotation capacity) when subjected to repeated earthquakes. Second, a mechanism for achieving the new structural system with quickly recovering lateral post-yield stiffness is developed. The Structural Safety-Catch (SSC) concept is proposed, which provides the potential of utilizing a SSC device (as a secondary system) in the ductile systems (as a primary system) for collapse prevention during repeated earthquakes. The primary purpose of SSC concept is to protect the life and safety of building occupants during severe earthquakes by providing additional time for escape, for the occupants. The SSC device was designed using the mechanical contact method, where a secondary bending stiffness is provided by closing a gap, to install in the primary system when entered into inelastic range of performance. The primary and secondary systems together form the new structural system through the proposed SSC concept which known as the Structure-SSC device (S-SSC) system. Third, a slotted steel circular tube, as a SSC device (or a secondary system), is located in the plastic hinge zone of typical cantilever RC member (as a primary system) to prevent collapse mechanism using the S-SSC system. A comparison is made between the typical cantilever RC member as Original RC (RC-O) member and the same typical cantilever RC member retrofitted by the proposed SSC device (RC-SSC member). The load-deflection response of RC-SSC member revealed recovery of post-yield performance, compared to the RC-O member, which verified the efficiency of the S-SSC system. Furthermore, an internal application of the slotted steel circular tube had the added advantages of protecting the member core, and increased both the post-yield stiffness and the ductility capacities of cantilever RC members at the same time. The plastic hinge was also relocated away from the fixed end (or from the joint) along the member length to where the gap of the inner steel circular tube is formed. These results showed that the seismic collapse capacity of the typical cantilever RC member was improved due to the application of proposed SSC device


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    Systemic Effect of Angipars on Regulation of Wound Healing is Mediated by CXC in Diabetes

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    Purpose: To measure CXCL10 as angiostatic, and CXCL1, CXCL12 as angiogenic chemokines in the tissues of wounds of diabetics following treatment with insulin, angipars (a herbal Iranian drug) and a combination of angipars and insulin.Methods: Forty eight male Wistar rats weighing 200 - 250 g were used. The induction of diabetes was carried out with 50 mg/kg of STZ (streptozotocin). Approximately, 56 days following the induction of diabetes, the rats were injured to establish wound lesion. They were divided into four main groups: nondiabetic control group (received only saline), diabetes group without treatment (received only saline), diabetes group which received insulin (reference) as treatment, and diabetes group which received both insulin and angipars. After 12 days of treatment, the animals were subjected to blood sampling from retro-orbital vein and CXC chemokines were analyzed by Western blotting.Results: The results show that the concentration of CXC10 decreased from 95 pg/ml in the diabetic control group to 40 and 10 pg/ml in the insulin and combined angipars/insulin groups, respectively (p ≤ 0.05). However, CXCL12 concentration was not changed among the various groups compared to the control group. In diabetic control and angipars-insulin groups, CXCL1 level (pg/ml) was 98 and 50, respectively, thus indicating that expression of CXCL1 chemokine decreased significantly (p ≤ 0.05).Conclusions: Angipars, due probably to its richness in some natural compounds such as coumarin and flavonoids (which are antioxidants), mediates chemokines expression and may be effective in the regulation of angiogenesis and inflammation via balancing of chemokines expression.Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Angipars, Insulin, Chemokine, Angiostatic, Angiogeni

    Association of interleukin-4 polymorphisms with multiple sclerosis in southeastern Iranian patients

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Immune system related factors are important in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Interleukin 4 (IL-4) as a helper T cell (2TH) cytokine is involved in the regulation of immune responses. Hence, this study was designed to explore the association between MS and polymorphisms in the -590 region of IL-4. DESIGN AND SETTING: A descriptive study at Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences, Rafsnajan from September 2009 to August 2010. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 100 MS patients and 150 healthy controls on EDTA precoated tubes. DNA was extracted and analyzed for IL-4 polymorphisms using restricted fragment length polymorphism in patients and controls. Demographic data were also collected by a questionnaire that was designed specifically for this study. RESULTS: We observed a significant difference in the C/C, T/C, and T/T genotypes of the -590 region of IL-4 between patients with MS and healthy controls (P <.001). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that functional polymorphisms of IL-4 possibly play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of MS