52 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT We propose a software layer called GUEDOS-DB upon Object-Relational Database Management System ORDMS. In this work we apply it in Molecular Biology, more precisely Organelle (mitochondria and chloroplasts) complete genome. We aim to offer biologists the possibility to access in a unified way information spread among heterogeneous genome databanks. In this paper, the goal is firstly, to provide a visual schema graph through a number of illustrative examples. The adopted, human-computer interaction technique in this visual designing and querying makes very easy for biologists to formulate database queries compared with linear textual query representation

    New Blended Learning Strategy Based on Flipped-Learning for Vocational Work-Linked Training

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    In a changing Moroccan educational landscape, Addressing teaching development needs is becoming a major issue in vocational work-linked Training. In this context, this paper present a new blended learning strategy based on the flipped classroom, using a social learning platform as support. Through this strategy, we increased the time dedicated to regulation by the implementation of a self-regulation and a co-regulation online in first time, and other regulation in classroom. The result showed that this strategy guides and increases the time of initial training, and improve the efficiency, performance of student teachers while supporting teaching needs and self-learning skills. Keywords: Blended learning, flipped learning, vocational work-linked Trainin

    Germline variants in the ATM gene and breast cancer susceptibility in Moroccan women: A meta-analysis

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    Background: The ATM gene encoding a large protein kinase is mutated in ataxia-telangiectasia (AT), an autosomale recessive disease characterized by neurological and immunological symptoms, and cancer predisposition. Previous studies suggest that heterozygous carriers of ATM mutations have an increased risk of breast cancer compared with non carriers, but the contribution of specific variants has been difficult to estimate. However, two functional ATM variants, c.7271T > G and c.1066–6T > G (IVS10– 6T > G), are associated with increased risk for the development of breast cancer.Methods: To investigate the role of ATM in breast cancer susceptibility, we genotyped 163 case patients with breast cancer and 150 healthy control individuals for the c.7271T > G and c.1066–6T > G (IVS10– 6T > G) ATM variants using polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis.Results: We did not detect the ATM c.7271T > G and c.1066–6T > G (IVS10–6T > G) mutations in any of 150 healthy control individuals and 163 breast cancer patients, including 59 women diagnosed with breast cancer at an early age (<40 years), 10 women with bilateral breast cancer, and 6 women with ovarian cancer.Conclusion: These observations suggested that the more common c.1066–6T > G (IVS10–6T > G) mutation and the rare c.7271T > G variant are not a risk factor for developing breast cancer in the Moroccan population. Larger and/or combined association studies are needed to clarify this issue

    Les cellulites orbitaires: étude prospective à propos de 75 cas

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    Les cellulites orbitaires est une affection grave par ses complications aussi bien locales, locorégionales  que générales, pouvant engager le pronostic vital et fonctionnel, surtout lorsque le diagnostic est tardif et la prise en charge inappropriée. Le but de cette étude est de décrire les aspects épidémiologiques,  cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs des cellulites orbitaires et d'insister sur la nécessité d'un diagnostic et d'un traitement précoces, afin d'éviter ses complications. Il s'agit d'une étude prospective concernent 75 patients présentant une cellulite orbitaire, menée au service d'Ophtalmologie et d'ORL au CHU Mohammed VI de Marrakech, de Septembre 2010 au Avril 2014. L'âge moyen des patients était de 24 ans allant de 2 ans à 70 ans. La porte d'entrée était dominée par l'atteinte sinusienne retrouvée chez 43  malades. L'examen ophtalmologique a montré une BAV chez 20% des patients avec une cécité bilatérale chez un patient et unilatérale chez 3, un chémosis (82%), une exophtalmie (85,71%), un ptosis (30%), une ophtalmoplégie (66%), une fistule orbitaire (4 cas), et une kératite d'exposition chez 8 cas. L'analyse des résultats tomodensitométriques a noté: 24 cas de cellulite pré septale (45%), 20 cas de cellulite orbitaire (15%), 2 cas d'abcès sous périosté (5%) et 14 cas d'abcès orbitaire (35%). 20 patients ont  bénéficié d'un traitement chirurgical associé au traitement médical, ayant consisté en un drainage de l'abcès orbitaire dans 24 cas, une ethmoidectomie antérieure par voie endoscopique avec drainage d'un abcès sous-périosté dans 2 cas à et un drainage d'une collection abcédée des parties molles dans 6 cas. La cellulite orbitaire est une urgence thérapeutique qui met en jeu le pronostic visuel et vital. Causés le plus fréquemment par les traumatismes oculaires post chirurgicale ou AVP, les sinusites, les fractures orbitaires, et les corps étrangers intraoculaires. Les infections rétro-septales sont les plus graves,  nécessitant une exploration par imagerie en coupes. L'évolution de la cellulite orbitaire est toujours grave en l'absence d'un traitement médical et chirurgical strict. Le traitement précoce et adapté représente un élément pronostique très important. Les cellulites orbitaires est une affection grave pouvant engager le pronostic vital et fonctionnel, surtout lorsque le diagnostic est tardif et la prise en charge inappropriée.Key words: Cellulite preseptale, cellulite retroseptale, cecité, sinusite

    Effects of salinity and drought on growth, ionic relations, compatible solutes and activation of antioxidant systems in oleander (Nerium oleander L.)

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    [EN] Nerium oleander is an ornamental species of high aesthetic value, grown in arid and semi- arid regions because of its drought tolerance, which is also considered as relatively resistant to salt; yet the biochemical and molecular mechanisms underlying oleander¿s stress toler- ance remain largely unknown. To investigate these mechanisms, one-year-old oleander seedlings were exposed to 15 and 30 days of treatment with increasing salt concentratio ns, up to 800 mM NaCl, and to complete withholding of irrigation; growth parameters and bio- chemical markers characteristic of conserved stress-response pathways were then deter- mined in stressed and control plants. Strong water deficit and salt stress both caused inhibition of growth, degradation of photosynthetic pigments, a slight (but statistically signifi- cant) increase in the leaf levels of specific osmolytes, and induction of oxidative stress¿as indicated by the accumulation of malondialdehyde (MDA), a reliable oxidative stress marker ¿accompanied by increases in the levels of total phenolic compounds and antioxidant fla- vonoids and in the specific activities of ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and glutathione reduc- tase (GR). High salinity, in addition, induced accumulation of Na + and Cl - in roots and leaves and the activation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities. Apart from anatomical adaptations that protect oleander from leaf dehydration at moderate levels of stress, our results indicate that tolerance of this species to salinity and water deficit is based on the constitutive accumulation in leaves of high concentratio ns of soluble carbohydrates and, to a lesser extent, of glycine betaine, and in the activation of the aforementioned antiox- idant systems. Moreover, regarding specifically salt stress, mechanisms efficiently blocking transport of toxic ions from the roots to the aerial parts of the plant appear to contribute to a large extent to tolerance in Nerium oleanderThis work was financed by internal funds of the Polytechnic University of Valencia to Monica Boscaiu and Oscar Vicente. Dinesh Kumar’s stay in Valencia was financed by a NAMASTE fellowship from the European Union, and Mohamad Al Hassan was a recipient of an Erasmus Mundus pre-doctoral scholarship financed by the European Commission (Welcome Consortium).Kumar, D.; Al Hassan, M.; Naranjo Olivero, MA.; Agrawal, V.; Boscaiu, M.; Vicente, O. (2017). Effects of salinity and drought on growth, ionic relations, compatible solutes and activation of antioxidant systems in oleander (Nerium oleander L.). PLoS ONE. 12(9). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0185017Se018501712

    Pleistocene and Holocene peopling of Jerada province, eastern Morocco: introducing a research project

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    The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained

    Le peuplement humain pendant le Pléistocène et l’Holocène dans la province de Jerada, Maroc oriental : introduction d’un projet de recherche

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    [EN] The Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) region in Eastern Morocco is the object of an archaeological, palaeontological, geological and geochronological research project, led by an international team since 2006. The research in this former fluvio-lacustrine basin, roughly 2000 km2, has revealed a significant number of Pleistocene and Holocene sites. Here we introduce the research project, that we conduct in the region, the main issues it aims to address, and the results already obtained.[FR] Depuis 2006, la région de Aïn Beni Mathar – Guefaït (ABM-GFT) au Maroc Oriental, fait l’objet d’un projet de recherche en archéologie, paléontologie, géologie et géochronologie, mené par une équipe internationale. Ces recherches ont permis la découverte d’un nombre significatif de gisements d’âge Pléistocène et Holocène, dans un ancien bassin fluvio-lacustre, qui s’étend sur une surface de 2000 km2. Notre objectif ici est de présenter le projet de recherche, que nous entamons dans la région, la problématique qu’il traite et les premiers résultats déjà obtenus.Funding for this research was provided by: Palarq Foundation, Spanish Ministry of Culture and Sport (Ref: 42-T002018N0000042853 & 170-T002019N0000038589), Direction of Cultural Heritage (Ministry of Culture and Communication, Morocco), Faculty of Sciences (Mohamed 1r University of Oujda, Morocco), INSAP (Institut National des Sciences de l’Archéologie et du Patrimoine), Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref: CGL2016-80975-P, CGL2016-80000-P, PGC2018-095489-B-I00 and PGC2018-093925-B-C31) and Research Groups Support of the Catalonia Government (2017 SGR 836 and 2017 SGR 859). R.S-R, M.G.CH., J.I.M., A.C., F.R., A.R.-H., E.A., I.E., F.B., J.A., HA.B., P.S., P.P., D.L., I.R. y E.M. research is funded by CERCA Programme/ Generalitat de Catalunya. J.I.M. and A.R.-H research is funded by the Spanish Minitry of Science and Innovation under the “María de Maeztu” Program for Unities of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M). M.S. has been granted by the Research Program UAM Tomás y Valiente 2019. C.T. is funded by the Ramón y Cajal Program. M.F. and M.E.A. received a fellowship under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency in the Master in Quaternary and Prehistory at URV. The research of M.D. is funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Future Fellowship Grant FT150100215 and the Ramón y Cajal Program (RYC2018-025221-I). P.P. has been granted a post-doctoral post under the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” Program (Ref. IJC2020-044108-I). E.M-R. is beneficiary of a PTA Ref. PTA201714619-I. G.G.-A. has been granted a “Ford - Apadrina la Ciencia” contract. C.D.-C has been granted a Fundación Atapuerca fellowship. A.C.A. was funded by Junta de Castilla y León (project BU235P18) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES-CERCA) has received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the ‘María de Maeztu’ program for Units of Excellence (CEX2019-000945-M).Peer reviewe