180 research outputs found

    The role of the educational supervisor and the subjects committees in the professional development of secondary school teachers in the southern governorates

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    The study aimed to identify the role of the educational supervisor and the Subjects committees in the professional development of secondary teachers in the southern governorates, and to reveal that there are differences between the averages of the estimates of the sample members for this role, and to achieve this, the descriptive analytical approach was used, and it designed a questionnaire of (23) items Distributed over three areas, where it was applied to a random sample of (94) secondary teachers in public schools in the Gaza Strip. One of the most important findings of the study was: that the study sample estimated the degree of practice of the educational supervisor and the detective committees for their role in the professional development of teachers; he got a relative weight (66.84), i.e. an average degree, and the fields of study got an average degree ranging between (68.58% - 65.50%).arranged in descending order as follows: (the skill of implementation of lessons - planning skill - evaluation skill), and it also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the estimates of the study sample members of the role of the educational supervisor and the detective committees in Professional Development of Secondary teachers in the southern governorates of Palestine attributed to the variable of gender, years of service and specialization, the study reached a set of ways to develop the role of the educational supervisor and detective committees in the professional development of teachers.The study aimed to identify the role of the educational supervisor and the Subjects committees in the professional development of secondary teachers in the southern governorates, and to reveal that there are differences between the averages of the estimates of the sample members for this role, and to achieve this, the descriptive analytical approach was used, and it designed a questionnaire of (23) items Distributed over three areas, where it was applied to a random sample of (94) secondary teachers in public schools in the Gaza Strip. One of the most important findings of the study was: that the study sample estimated the degree of practice of the educational supervisor and the detective committees for their role in the professional development of teachers; he got a relative weight (66.84), i.e. an average degree, and the fields of study got an average degree ranging between (68.58% - 65.50%).arranged in descending order as follows: (the skill of implementation of lessons - planning skill - evaluation skill), and it also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the averages of the estimates of the study sample members of the role of the educational supervisor and the detective committees in Professional Development of Secondary teachers in the southern governorates of Palestine attributed to the variable of gender, years of service and specialization, the study reached a set of ways to develop the role of the educational supervisor and detective committees in the professional development of teachers.   .L'Ă©tude visait Ă  identifier le rĂŽle du superviseur pĂ©dagogique et des comitĂ©s de matiĂšres dans le dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants du secondaire dans les gouvernorats du sud, et Ă  rĂ©vĂ©ler qu'il existe des diffĂ©rences entre les moyennes des estimations des membres de l'Ă©chantillon pour ce rĂŽle, et Ă  Pour y parvenir, l'approche analytique descriptive a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e et a conçu un questionnaire de (23) Ă©lĂ©ments rĂ©partis sur trois zones, oĂč il a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ© Ă  un Ă©chantillon alĂ©atoire de (94) enseignants du secondaire dans les Ă©coles publiques de la bande de Gaza. L'une des conclusions les plus importantes de l'Ă©tude Ă©tait : que l'Ă©chantillon de l'Ă©tude a estimĂ© le degrĂ© de pratique du superviseur pĂ©dagogique et des comitĂ©s de dĂ©tectives pour leur rĂŽle dans le dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants ; il a obtenu un poids relatif (66,84), c'est-Ă -dire un diplĂŽme moyen, et les domaines d'Ă©tudes ont obtenu un diplĂŽme moyen compris entre (68,58 % - 65,50 %). - compĂ©tence d'Ă©valuation), et il a Ă©galement montrĂ© qu'il n'y avait pas de diffĂ©rences statistiquement significatives entre les moyennes des estimations des membres de l'Ă©chantillon d'Ă©tude du rĂŽle du superviseur pĂ©dagogique et des comitĂ©s de dĂ©tectives dans le dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants du secondaire dans les gouvernorats du sud de la Palestine attribuĂ©e Ă  la variable du sexe, des annĂ©es de service et de la spĂ©cialisation, l'Ă©tude a abouti Ă  un ensemble de moyens de dĂ©velopper le rĂŽle du superviseur pĂ©dagogique et des comitĂ©s de dĂ©tective dans le dĂ©veloppement professionnel des enseignants.

    Reduction of pain intensity for patients undergoing arterial sheath removal after coronary artery angioplasty: An interventional program

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    Background: Coronary artery disease is one of the most prominent forms of cardiovascular illness, which is a condition that affects people from all over the world. It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that this disease is the primary reason for death in both industrialized nations and undeveloped nations (Yousefi, Rezaei and Hoseini, 2015). Objectives: To assess pain severity scores and vital signs before interventional program for patients undergoing arterial sheath removal after coronary angioplasty. To determine the effect of the interventional program on severity of pain through measuring vital signs and pain severity scores for patients undergoing arterial Sheath Removal after coronary angioplasty. Methodology: A quasi-experimental design of the study has been used in the present study to assess reduction of pain intensity for patients undergoing Arterial Sheath Removal after coronary artery angioplasty: an interventional program in Al Hussain Teaching Hospital during the period from January 21st, 2023 to April 13th 2023. Those patients are divided into two groups 30 patients for the study group was exposed to the interventional program and 30 patients have been assigned to the control group who are not exposed to the interventional program. Results: Descriptive analysis of studied sample pain intensity for study and control groups before and after applying the interventional program. It can be seen that mean score of pain for both study and control groups before applying interventional program have nearly the same mean score (5.50±2029 vs. 5.73±2.196) respectively. In contrast after applying interventional program the mean score of pain for study group is much lesser than control group as follows respectively (0.66±0.802 vs.5.40±1.830). Conclusion: There are highly significant differences regarding pain intensity between the study and control groups of the current study after applying the interventional program. There are highly significant differences regarding following vital signs readings between the study and control groups of the current study after applying the interventional program. Recommendations: Adopt the interventional program to be used and applied in other hospitals nationally. Train nurses to apply the program in relevant situation to achieve a benefits of the patients and to improve nursing care


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    A theoretical study of a three-dimensional natural convection heat transfer from an isothermal horizontal square plate, with upper and lower heated surfaces is present. The transient Navier–Stokes and energy equations were solved by using finite deference method (F.D.M). The complete Navier–Stokes equations are transformed and expressed in terms of vorticity–vector potential and solved using an Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method for the parabolic portion of the problem, and Successive Over–Relaxation (SOR) method for the elliptic portion .A computer program in (FORTRAN 77) was built to carry out the solution. The numerical results were obtained for laminar flow range of Grashof number up to (105) in up ward–facing and downward–facing with Prandtl number of (0.72). The results of local Nusselt number have maximum values at the outer edge of plate for two cases upward and downward facing heating. The comparison of the results of average Nusselt number with numerical data for downward facing and experimental data for upward facing shows acceptable agreement. It may be noted that the present data are generally different with experimental data, since the available data are extrapolated to high Grashof number. Thus the deviation may be large with present data

    Empirical Equations for Analysis of Two-Way Reinforced Concrete Slabs

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    There are many different methods for analysis of two-way reinforced concrete slabs. The most efficient methods depend on using certain factors given in different codes of reinforced concrete design. The other ways of analysis of two-way slabs are the direct design method and the equivalent frame method. But these methods usually need a long time for analysis of the slabs.In this paper, a new simple method has been developed to analyze the two-way slabs by using simple empirical formulae, and the results of final analysis of some examples have been compared with other different methods given in different codes of practice.The comparison proof that this simple proposed method gives good results and it can be used in analysis of two-way slabs instead of other methods

    Intention to Use Mobile Learning in Higher Education Institutions: Review Paper

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    Mobile learning is presently taking part in associate degree more and more important role within the instructional method, additionally as within the development of teaching and learning ways for higher education. The power to find out ‘on the go– anytime, anywhere, is changing into more and more fashionable. The advantages offered by mobile learning are important. On the opposite hand, the implementation of mobile learning in educational activity relies on users’ acceptance of technology. Acceptance and intention to use mobile learning may be a topic of growing interest within the field of education. The model of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) is planned and developed by researchers via a mixture of eight major theories in activity prediction. UTAUT is among the foremost fashionable and up to date model in information technology acceptance. This is review paper aiming to review UTAUT’s previous studies of intention to use mobile learning. In conclusion, this research provides insight regarding the necessary factors for planning and designing an intention to use mobile learning model in higher education institutions

    Linking Urban Regeneration to Sustainable Urban Development of Smart Cities

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    Urban regeneration involves the revitalisation of distressed urban areas, through actions such as rehabilitation of historic areas, improvement of living conditions in residential districts, redevelopment of public spaces, and modernisation of urban infrastructure (Alpopi & Manole, 2013). The label 'smart city' has an impact on urban strategies in both large and small towns. It helps to face the increasing problems of urban areas, local public government, companies, non-profit organisations, and the citizens themselves. They all embraced the idea of a smarter city, using more technologies, creating better life conditions and safeguarding the environment for a better quality of life (Dameri & Rosenthal-Sabroux, 2014). This research focuses on adopting an inductive methodology of sustainable urban development in smart cities through a specific framework to be applied on the urban regeneration of city centres in cities with historical background. This will be carried out through the analysis of the interrelationship between the key principles of both urban regeneration and smart cities with the aim to compile a comprehensive list ofprinciples. This inductive methodology will be validated through a comparative study of selected relevant examples. After that the development framework will be used to apply the compiled ideas and principles, and to verify its potential to formulate multiple scenarios of urban regeneration of city centres. After that, the scenarios of development will be tested on a case study of the city of Alexandria in Egypt, by using multiple research methods such as focused interviews, structured questionnaires, personal observation and assessment. This study aims to conclude with a set of guidelines for intervention in similar urbancontexts in general, as well as in the specific case of Alexandria with its particular conditions

    Particle swarm optimization based proportional-derivative parameters for unmanned tilt-rotor flight control and trajectory tracking

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    This paper presents the dynamic modelling and control technique for a tilt-rotor aerial vehicle operating in bi-rotor mode. This kind of aircraft combines two flight envelopes, making it ideal for scenarios that require hovering, vertical take-off/landing and fixed-wing capabilities. In this work, a detailed mathematical model is derived using Newton–Euler formalism. Based on the obtained model, a new control scheme that incorporates six Proportional-Derivative (PD) controllers is proposed for the attitudes (roll (φ), pitch (Ξ), yaw (ψ)) and the positions (x, y, z) of the aircraft. Then, intelligent Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and conventional Reference Model (RM) techniques are applied for optimal tuning of the controllers\u27 parameters. The stability analysis is developed using the Lyapunov approach and its application to the tilt-rotor system in the case of intelligent and conventional PD controllers. Numerical results of two scenarios prove the efficiency of the controllers tuned using the PSO method. Indeed, its ability to track the desired trajectories is demonstrated through 3D path tracking simulations, even in the presence of wind disturbances. Finally, experimental tests of stabilization and trajectory tracking are carried out on our prototype. These testing showed that our tilt-rotor was stable and suitably follows the imposed trajectories

    Helicopter gearbox vibration fault classification using order tracking method and genetic algorithm

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    In this paper, we implemented a diagnostic system for vibration faults that occur on the PUMA helicopter gearbox. We used an approach based on the joint use of the Order Tracking signal analysis and the Genetic Algorithm. To achieve this goal, we first collected a database of vibration signals measured during periodic inspections. The available vibration signals are acquired under a time-varying operating conditions. Therefore, we used the Order Tracking method, which is more accurate in extracting faults features. This technique was performed by resampling the vibration data and then applying the Short Time Fourier Transform. To enable efficient and continuous monitoring of gearbox vibration faults from features, we used Genetic Algorithm to build a rules-based diagnostic model. Genetic operators have been adapted to the specificity of the problem to optimize the parameters of this model. This approach is successfully applied to the diagnosis of vibration defects of helicopter gearboxes. The results have been validated effectively with test data. The diagnostic model can therefore be implemented on helicopter computers to detect faults in flight or on the ground. This approach has been used for the first time in the field of helicopter gearbox vibration fault diagnosis

    A stand-alone hydrogen photovoltaic fuel cell hybrid system for efficient renewable energy generation

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    Today the main concern for World is energy and power age. By and by, out of around 7 billion populaces, just 65-69% approaches power. Essentially to carry the populaces into the office of power access however much as could be expected inside the restricted assets, we have used the regular assets like sun oriented and wind to satisfy this assumption. Utilizing sun based and wind energy in relationship with the power gadgets, we can supply the power to the buyers inside their capacity and we will want to limit the power issue as could really be expected. Hydrogen Photovoltaic Fuel (HPF) cell is the mix of force gadgets which lessens the major sun oriented emergency of expenses, where expenses are the enormous issue for non-industrial nations. Presently a-days, the coordinated circuits (IC) are entirely solid and modest, to the point that make the conveying and reversing or changing over components simplest than the massive and expensive instruments utilized in the traditional power supply framework. The examination expects that the lattice joining of the environmentally friendly power assets utilizing HPF inverter might cause a colossal comment in satisfying the absence of force use across the world. Solar energy is a rapidly growing resource, already providing 4.5% of electricity in the World and projected to supply up to 35% by 2050. On the other hand, the default model’s predictions were far from the actual metered HPF data. For renewability, the simulated renewable energy consumption with modified inputs is 3.9% below of actual metered renewable data while the default model’s prediction was more than 52% below actual renewable use. Using PV-HPF hybrid model indices to represent how well a simulated model describes the variability in the measured data; the modified model has achieved accurate renewability results; with a Solar of 10.99 % and Wind of 9.90%, while the hybrid model has a solar of 57.16% and a Wind of 57.20% in renewable energy comparison being performed in MATLAB

    A novel improved elephant herding optimization for path planning of a mobile robot

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    Swarm intelligence algorithms have been in recent years one of the most used tools for planning the trajectory of a mobile robot. Researchers are applying those algorithms to find the optimal path, which reduces the time required to perform a task by the mobile robot. In this paper, we propose a new method based on the grey wolf optimizer algorithm (GWO) and the improved elephant herding optimization algorithm (IEHO) for planning the optimal trajectory of a mobile robot. The proposed solution consists of developing an IEHO algorithm by improving the basic EHO algorithm and then hybridizing it with the GWO algorithm to take advantage of the exploration and exploitation capabilities of both algorithms. The comparison of the IEHO-GWO hybrid proposed in this work with the GWO, EHO, and cuckoo-search (CS) algorithms via simulation shows its effectiveness in finding an optimal trajectory by avoiding obstacles around the mobile robot
