5,062 research outputs found

    Semiclassical Hartree-Fock theory of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensation

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    In this paper, we investigate the thermodynamic behavior of a rotating Bose-Einstein condensation with non-zero interatomic interactions theoretically. The analysis relies on a semiclassical Hartree-Fock approximation where an integral is performed over the phase space and function of the grand canonical ensemble is derived. Subsequently, we use this result to derive several thermodynamic quantities including the condensate fraction, critical temperature, entropy and heat capacity. Thereby, we investigate the effect of the rotation rate and interactions parameter on the thermodynamic behavior. The role of finite size is discussed. Our approach can be extended to consider the rotating condensate in optical potential

    Is Low Alveolar Type II Cell SOD3 in the Lungs of Elderly Linked to the Observed Severity of COVID-19?

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    Human lungs single cell RNA sequencing data from healthy donors (elderly and young; GEO accession number GSE122960) were analyzed to isolate and specifically study gene expression in alveolar type II cells. Co-localization of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 enables SARS-CoV 2 to enter the cells. Expression of these genes in the alveolar type II cells of elderly and young patients were comparable and therefore do not seem to be responsible for worse outcomes observed in COVID-19 affected elderly. In cells from the elderly, 263 genes were downregulated and 95 upregulated. SOD3 was identified as the top-ranked gene that was most down-regulated in the elderly. Other redox-active genes that were also downregulated in cells from the elderly included ATF4 and M2TA. ATF4, an ER stress sensor that defends lungs via induction of heme oxygenase 1. The study of downstream factors known to be induced by ATF4, according to Ingenuity Pathway AnalysisTM, identified 24 candidates. Twenty-one of these were significantly downregulated in the cells from the elderly. These downregulated candidates were subjected to enrichment using the Reactome Database identifying that in the elderly, the ability to respond to heme deficiency and the ATF4-dependent ability to respond to endoplasmic reticulum stress is significantly compromised. SOD3-based therapeutic strategies have provided beneficial results in treating lung disorders including fibrosis. The findings of this work propose the hypotheses that lung-specific delivery of SOD3/ATF4 related antioxidants may work in synergy with promising anti-viral drugs such as remdesivir to further improve COVID-19 outcomes in the elderly

    Mapping SysML to modelica to validate wireless sensor networks non-functional requirements

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    International audienceWireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have registered a large success in the scientific and industrial communities for their broad application domains. Furthermore, the WSN specification is a complex task considering to their distributed and embedded nature and the strong interactions between their hardware and software parts. Moreover, most of approaches use semi-formal methods to design systems and generally simulation to validate their properties in order to produce models without errors and conform to the system specifications. In this context, we propose a Model Driven Architecture (MDA) approach to improve the verification of the WSN properties. This approach combines the advantages of the System Modeling Language (SysML) and the Modelica language which promote the reusability and improve the development process. In this work, we specify a model transformation from SysML static, dynamic and requirement diagrams to their corresponding elements in Modelica. Thanks to the SysML requirement diagram which is transformed into Modelica properties (constraints), we propose a technique using dynamic tests to verify WSN properties. We have used the Topcased platform to implement our approach 1 and chosen a crossroads monitoring system which is based on wireless sensors to illustrate it. Besides, we have verified and validated some wireless sensors properties of the studied system

    Performance comparison of different control strategies for the regulation of DC-DC negative output super-lift luo-converter

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    In last years, dc-dc converters solve the most issues in the industrial application in the area of power electronics, especially renewable energy, military applications and affiliated engineering developments. They are used to convert the DC input that unregulated to regulated output perhaps larger or smaller than input according to the type of converters. This paper presents three primary control method used for negative output Super lift Luo DC-DC converter. These methods include a Voltage mode control (VMC), Current mode control (CMC), and Sliding mode control (SMC). The goal of this article is to study and selected an appropriate and superior control scheme for negative DC-DC converters. The simulation results show the effectiveness of Sliding mode control for enhancing the performance of the negative dc-dc converter. Also, this method can keep the output voltage constant under load conditions. simulation results obtained by the MATLAB/Simulink environment

    Effect of Increasing Population Density on Air Temperature for Baghdad City

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    Air temperature is considered one of the important atmosphere elements because of its wide effects on the climate variables and climate system, besides its effects on the human life. This research aims at estimating increasing of air temperature in both of city center and rural side based on increasing of population in city center and more less than rural side. The sources of data come from two stations; the Baghdad International Airport station of the General Authority for Meteorology and Seismic Monitoring, and the station of the Department of Atmospheric Sciences affiliated to the Faculty of Science, University of Mustansiriyah. Supported data are monthly average for mean air temperature.  Results showed that there was a strong tendency for a temperature increasing during July and October. The effect of population density on the temperature was clear and significance. Where the difference between the two stations after the addition of the impact for October was 7.4oC

    Influence of Sugar Cane Mechanical Harvest on Clear Juice Quality at Elguneid Sugar Factory

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    This study aimed to investigate the influence of mechanical harvest on juice clarification in Elguneid sugar factory. Elguneid factory was designed to treat a hand cut cane more than a mechanical cut cane. So, the clarification system was tuned to meet this purpose. Color, turbidity, reducing sugar, sugar content, purity, pH, brix, temperature and phosphate content were determined. The results showed: the color has increased from 3910 to 13921 ICUMSA, turbidity from 3242 to 8496 and reducing sugar increased to 0.928%. Sucrose content decreased from 14.39 to 11.69% and purity from 88 to 83%. The results of Pol% and Purity% were taken at the beginning of crushing season, where the mechanical harvest was higher than hand cut. A comparative study between hand cut and mechanical harvest was made at the middle of the crushing season. The optimum brix in the clarifiers matched the turbidity decreased at brix 12%, 13% respectively. Also from the tests carried out it was shown that the flocculant and phosphoric acid, which were used by the factory personnel was lower than the standard values, phosphoric acid was 183ppm and the polymer was 1,6ppm. These low values affected the precipitation process. There is a relationship between the amount of mud and type of harvest. It was noticed that there is a relationship between sugar yield and type of harvest


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    Objective: This research aims to evaluate the histopathological changes after pretreatment with resatorvid against methotrexate induced-liver injury.Methods: 28 male albino-wistar rats divided into random 4 groups (7 rats in each). Control group: Rats left untreated. Vehicle pre-treated group: Rats were administered dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) followed by methotrexate (MTX). Methotrexate treated group: Rats left untreated then administered MTX. Resatorvid pre-treated group: Rats were administered resatorvid followed by MTX. 24 h after the end of treatment, the animals were sacrificed. Liver tissue samples dissected out immediately and fixed in 10% formalin. The traditional procedures (paraffin-embedded method) was used to prepare liver tissue for microscopic evaluation by none alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Activity Score Components.Results: Liver tissue sections of MTX-treated group show moderate-to-severe steatosis of hepatic cells and micro- and macro- hepatocellular fatty degeneration and giant fatty cysts with chronic inflammatory cells infiltration. While liver tissue sections of the resatorvid pre-treated group show moderate hepatic cellular fatty degeneration, with a decreased number of fatty cysts chains and the inflammation disappeared.Conclusion: Resatorvid hepatoprotective effect against MTX-induced injury was promising throughout resolving the accompanying inflammation and partial restoring histopathological fatty alterations

    Fabrication of PVC Enrofloxacin-Selective Electrodes for Estimating Enrofloxacin in Pure Form and as Preparation Formula:

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    أوجدت هذه الدراسة تطورا" لخصائص الاستجابة الكهروكيميائية للأقطاب الكهربائية الانتقائية للإينروفلوكساسين باستخدام الراسب والمعتمد على إنتاج الفوسفوتونجستيك ,بعد أستخدام مزيج من البولي فاينيل هيدروكلورايد (PVC) وداي بيوتيل فثاليت أوداي بيوتيل فوسفيت كمواد ملدنة. كانت أغشية المتحسسات الناتجة عبارة عن قطب كهربائي إنروفلوكساسين-فوسفوتونجستيك (متحسس1) ENR-DBPH-PTAوالقطب (متحسس2) .ENR-DOP-PTA  الاستجابات الخطية لأقطاب (ENR-DBPH-PTA)  و(ENR-DOP-PTA)  كانت ضمن المديات التركيزية 2.1×10-6- 10-1 و3.0×10-6- 10-2مول .لتر-1على التوالي, والتي تم ملاحظتها لكلا المتحسسين. الانحدارات كانت 0.24±51.61 و39.40±0.16  ملي فولت/حقبة.  ومديات الدالة الحامضية مساوية الى   8.5-2.5و2.0-9.0 التي لوحظت للمتحسسات 1و2 ,على التوالي. أظهرت أجهزة الاستشعار التي تم إنشاؤها معاملات انتقائية هائلة لعقار ENR.كما أظهرت أجهزة الاستشعار المقترحة خصائص علمية مفيدة لتقدير ENR في جرعة الدواء والشكل النقي.This study explored the development and qualities of the response of electrochemical properties of enrofloxacin-selective electrodes using precipitation based on producing phosphotungstic, after utilizing a matrix of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and dibutyl phthalate or dibutyl phosphate as a plasticizer. The resulting membrane sensors were an enrofloxacin-phosphotungstic electrode (sensors 1) and an ENR-DOP-PTA electrode (sensors 2). Linear responses of (ENR-DBPH-PTA) and (ENR-DOP-PTA) within the concentration ranges of 2.1×10-6-10-1 and 3.0×10-6-10-2 mol. L-1, respectively, for both sensors were observed. Slopes of 51.61±0.24 and 39.40± 0.16 mV/decade and pH ranges equal to 2.5-8.5 and 2.0-9.0 were observed for sensors 1 and 2, respectively. The coefficients of selectivity of the created sensors demonstrated phenomenal selectivity for ENR. The proposed sensors showed useful scientific properties for the assurance of ENR in drug dosage and pure form