26 research outputs found


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    Purpose of the study: This study comparatively explores Islam-related visual elements in selected online newspapers from Nigeria and Malaysia. Methodology: A total of 425 photos and 23 videos published alongside Islam-related news collected from selected online newspapers between November 2015 and September 2016 were analyzed via content analysis. Main Findings: The findings reveal that 43 out of the total number of photos reproduced violence while no violent videos were found in the select newspapers. It was also found that some of the photos used in the selected newspapers were either unrelated to the event being reported or used in different reports. Applications: This study could be valuable for practicing journalists in the process of carrying out their jobs. It is also intended to influence the newspaper management decisions on how to disseminate information that is free of bias and maintain accountability for their news. Novelty/Originality: This study provided evidence on the visual framing of Islam in online newspapers, particularly within Muslim-majority states


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    The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) started in 1865 when Tsarist Russia managed gradually to conquer the western part of Turkestan. Subsequently, The region Western Turkestan was established. Western Turkestan was divided into five republics with the establishment of the Soviet Union in 1924: Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. In 1949, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) won the election against Kuomintang (KMT), The region's name was changed to Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang. The race of Xinjiang (New Borders) can be separated into two groups: non-Turkic people (Han Chinese, Russians, Indians, and Manchurians) and Turkic people (Xinjiang indigenous). Uyghur, Kazakh, Uzbek Kirghiz, and Tajik are all Turkic languages, with the Uyghurs having the biggest community. Based on this description, this study examines the history of the Uyghur Autonomous Region of Xinjiang and its existence within the framework of international relations as well as the human rights conditions of Uyghurs.  A Região Autônoma Uigur de Xinjiang (XUAR) começou em 1865 quando a Rússia czarista conseguiu gradualmente conquistar a parte ocidental do Turquestão. Posteriormente, a região do Turquestão Ocidental foi estabelecida. O Turquestão Ocidental foi dividido em cinco repúblicas com o estabelecimento da União Soviética em 1924: Cazaquistão, Uzbequistão, Turcomenistão, Quirguistão e Tadjiquistão. Em 1949, quando o Partido Comunista Chinês (PCC) venceu a eleição contra o Kuomintang (KMT), o nome da região foi mudado para Região Autônoma Uigur de Xinjiang. A raça de Xinjiang (novas fronteiras) pode ser dividida em dois grupos: povos não turcos (chineses han, russos, indianos e manchus) e turcos (indígenas de Xinjiang). Uyghur, Kazakh, Uzbek Kirghiz e Tajik são todas línguas turcas, com os uigures tendo a maior comunidade. Com base nessa descrição, este estudo examina a história da Região Autônoma Uigur de Xinjiang e sua existência no contexto das relações internacionais, bem como as condições de direitos humanos dos Uigures


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    The world population increases rapidly, and hence food supply, proportional to the need of the teeming population, remains a critical challenge confronting stakeholders. Thus, there is a need to develop strategies to boost agriculture, and this course must be planned, arranged, tested, evaluated, and implemented. In this context, good governance and the use of social networks are proven to make a tremendous contribution in boosting agricultural outputs. Nigeria was an agro-based nation until oil products were discovered in the middle of the 1950s. This discovery led to the country’s over-dependence on oil products, which negatively altered its level of food production. However, the current administration is determined to “diversify the country’s oil-denominated economy by investing more in agriculture and encouraging farming. Thus, this paper discusses how good governance and the use of social networks can help promote agribusiness in the Nigerian context. Discussion of this kind is crucial as good governance determines the success or failure of a given nation, and society depends, to a certain extent, on the media for information about various aspects of life, including agriculture. The outcomes of this study are expected to advance our knowledge and suggest further evidence-based research on good governance and the use of social media for agribusiness promotion.    A população mundial aumenta rapidamente e, portanto, o abastecimento de alimentos, proporcional à necessidade da população abundante, continua sendo um desafio crítico para as partes interessadas. Assim, é necessário desenvolver estratégias para impulsionar a agricultura, e este curso deve ser planejado, organizado, testado, avaliado e implementado. Nesse contexto, está comprovado que a boa governança e o uso de redes sociais têm uma enorme contribuição para o aumento da produção agrícola. A Nigéria era uma nação de base agrícola até que produtos petrolíferos foram descobertos em meados da década de 1950. Esta descoberta levou à dependência excessiva do país de derivados de petróleo, o que alterou negativamente seu nível de produção de alimentos. No entanto, a administração atual está determinada a “diversificar a economia do país denominada em petróleo, investindo mais na agricultura e incentivando a agricultura. Assim, este artigo discute como a boa governança e o uso de redes sociais podem ajudar a promover o agronegócio no contexto nigeriano. Discussões desse tipo são cruciais, pois a boa governança determina o sucesso ou o fracasso de uma dada nação, e a sociedade depende, até certo ponto, da mídia para obter informações sobre vários aspectos da vida, incluindo a agricultura. Espera-se que os resultados deste estudo aumentem nosso conhecimento e sugiram mais pesquisas baseadas em evidências sobre boa governança e o uso de mídias sociais para a promoção do agronegócio


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to specifically examine reading interest among English as a Second Language (ESL) learners and determine its relationship with their performance in ESL classrooms. Methodology: This study is based on cross-sectional survey design, comprising a randomly selected sample of 351 ESL learners from the state of Terengganu. The questionnaire was used as a data-gathering instrument, consisting of pre-test and post-test items using Know Want Learn (KWL) reading method. Main Findings: The findings revealed that most of the ESL learners read English materials for academic purposes rather than news and entertainment. Also, there is a significant relationship between ESL learners’ reading interests and their performance in ESL classrooms. Applications: This study consists of empirical evidence regarding students’ reading interests and their correlation with their performance in the ESL classroom. This could help ESL teachers to rectify the students’ problems in reading English materials. Novelty/Originality: This study provides valuable information on the importance of reading interests in determining students’ performance, particularly in ESL classrooms


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    Background and Purpose: A good and fulfilling relationship among individuals from distinct cultural backgrounds depends on effective communication. This research examined the perceived relationship between communication styles and interpersonal conflict resolution among international students in Malaysian universities.   Methodology: The study employed a cross-sectional survey in which self-developed structured questionnaires were used to gather data from a random sample of 324 international students in 15 higher institutions across Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis.   Findings: The findings of this study revealed a significant positive relationship between communication styles and interpersonal conflict resolution among international students. Specifically, passive, passive-aggressive, and assertive communication styles have a significant positive relationship with conflict resolution. However, the aggressive communication style exerts an insignificant effect on conflict resolution with a t-value of 0.734 and a P-value of 0.463. Thus, the students generally believe this style does not help to resolve interpersonal conflict. These outcomes suggest the students’ readiness for cultivating a peaceful learning environment.   Contributions: This study provides relevant information that can help educational decision-makers to strengthen cross-cultural collaboration among international students in the Malaysian context. This valuable information can also facilitate successful academic, professional, and social cooperation.   Keywords: Cross-cultural relationship, interpersonal conflict resolution, communication styles, international students, Malaysia.   Cite as: Mohammed, S., Nasidi, Q. Y., Muhammed, M. U., Umar, M. M., & Hassan, I. (2023). Perceived correlation between communication styles and interpersonal conflict resolution among international students in Malaysia. Journal of Nusantara Studies, 8(2), 352-372. http://dx.doi.org/10.24200/jonus.vol8iss2pp352-37


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    The role of the Tariqa in Islam propagation is highly significant, particularly in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Sufism teaching is also known as tariqa teachings in Lombok Island. Hizib Tariqa is the largest Tariqa in the Sasak tribe Lombok. The role of the Hizib tariqa is gigantic in religious and social changes. This research aims to fathom the ritual experience gained by Hizib Tariqa followers and the motivation driven the Tariqa to stay afloat until today. The research method employed is qualitative, using phenomenological and ethnographical approaches. This study's result obtains Hizib tariqa ritual experience for the followers to feel a peaceful heart and mind, strengthen kinship and fraternity ties among the Lombok community in general, and as a forum or media to explore religious knowledge through congregation or lectures by Ustaz or Tuan Guru. Also, the most important motivation is getting closer to Allah SWT and increasing faith and piety. Therefore, this combination of experience and motivation has continued the Hizib tariqa rituals

    Community-Based Corporate Social Responsibility: a Series of Confirmatory Factor Analyses

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    Purpose: Using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), this study sought to develop and evaluate a new model of CSR activities from a community perspective.   Theoretical Framework: The levels of CSR activities are evaluated by the four dimensions summarized by Carroll (1991): ETH (Ethical dimension), PHil (Philanthropic dimension), Eco (Economic dimension), and Law (Legal dimension). Items in every dimension were validated using CFA. The ethical, philanthropic, economic, and legal frameworks also provided evidence of validity and reliability.   Design/methodology/approach: The study employed a cross-sectional survey method in which structured questionnaires were used to gather data from a randomly selected sample of 317 residents from three selected villages in the State of Malacca, Malaysia. The statistical analysis was performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).   Findings: The CSR model approaches were validated and demonstrated to be effective. Four constructs' results demonstrated the validity and reliability of the measurement methodology for CSR practice components. The results showed that the fitness index is satisfactory. Additionally, all correlations were found to be less than 0.85, suggesting that the construct correlations are satisfied. Thus, the model is proven to be valid.   Research, Practical &  Social Implications: This research provides valuable information concerning community-based CSR practices that could supplement organizations’ efforts toward offering positive social contributions. This research could also help organizations to adopt a more creative approach to profit maximization.   Originality/value: This research developed a new model for community-based CSR. This new perspective can offer insights into the development of CSR in the Malaysian context

    News Reporting of Injury Prevalence in Football: A Study of Selected Nigerian Online Newspapers

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    Despite the importance of football as an effective means of developing physical activity and fitness, routine data of football-related injuries are either inadequate or underreported, particularly in Nigeria. To develop an understanding of the football-related injuries and determine the prospects for prevention, logical and useful information specifying the occurrence of these incidents is necessary. Using a content analysis of 94 football-related news articles, this study identified the most commonly reported football-related injuries in Nigerian newspapers and determined their extent of coverage from agenda-setting perspectives. Altogether, five national newspapers with the highest readership and online popularity were selected using purposive sampling. Only football-related news articles were collected from the respective websites of the newspapers using internet-based searches between January 2015 and September 2019.The findings showed that knee, ankle, and hamstring are the most commonly affected locations in football-related injuries according to the news reports.This study shows that media-based analysis of football-related injuries could supplement other methods, such as prospective and retrospective analyses, particularly in the Nigerian context

    "News Reporting of Injury Prevalence in Football: A Study of Selected Nigerian Online Newspapers"

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    Despite the importance of football as an effective means of developing physical activity and fitness, routine data of football-related injuries are either inadequate or underreported, particularly in Nigeria. To develop an understanding of the football-related injuries and determine the prospects for prevention, logical and useful information specifying the occurrence of these incidents is necessary. Using a content analysis of 94 football-related news articles, this study identified the most commonly reported football-related injuries in Nigerian newspapers and determined their extent of coverage from agenda-setting perspectives. Altogether, five national newspapers with the highest readership and online popularity were selected using purposive sampling. Only football-related news articles were collected from the respective websites of the newspapers using internet-based searches between January 2015 and September 2019.The findings showed thatknee, ankle, and hamstring are the most commonly affected locations in football-related injuries according to the news reports.This study shows that media-based analysis of footballrelated injuries could supplement other methods, such as prospective and retrospective analyses, particularly in the Nigerian context

    Surveillance of injury types, locations, and intensities in male and female tennis players: A content analysis of online newspaper reports

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    The popularity of modern tennis has contributed to the increasing number of participants at both recreational and competitive levels. The influx of numerous tennis participants has resulted in a wave of injury occurrences of different types and magnitudes across both male and female players. Since tennis injury harms both players’ economic and career development, a better understanding of its epidemiology could potentially curtail its prevalence and occurrences. We used online-based tennis-related injury reports to study the prevalence, location types, and injury intensities in both male and female tennis players for the past five years. It is demonstrated from the chi-square analysis that injury occurrences are significantly associated with a specific gender (χ2(18) = 50.773; p = 0.001), with male players having a higher risk of injury manifestation (68.10%) as compared with female players (31.90%). Nonetheless, knee, hip, ankle, and shoulder injuries are highly prevalent in both male and female players. Moreover, the injury intensities are distributed across gender (χ2(2) = 0.398; p = 0.820), with major injuries being dominant, followed by minor injuries, whilst a few cases of career-threatening injuries were also reported. It was similarly observed that male players recorded a higher degree of both major, minor, and career-threatening injuries than female players. In addition, male players sustained more elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, and thigh injuries than female players. Whereas, female players mostly suffered from Achilles and back injuries, ankle and hamstring injuries affected both genders. The usage of online newspaper reports is pivotal in characterizing the epidemiology of tennis-related injuries based on locations and gender to better understand the pattern and localization of injuries, which could be used to address the problem of modern tennis-related injuries